Random Forest Crossvalidation in R - r

I am working on a random forest in R and I would like to add the 10- folds cross validation to my model. But I am quite stuck there.
This is sample of my code.
fit <- randomForest(as.factor(sickrabbit) ~ Feature1,..., FeatureN ,data=training1, importance=TRUE,sampsize = c(200,300),ntree=500)
I found online the function rfcv in caret but I am not sure to understand how it works. Can anyone help with this function or propose an easier way to implement cross validation. Can you do it using random forest package instead of caret?

You don't need to cross-validate a random forest model. You are getting stuck with the randomForest package because it wasn't designed to do this.
Here is a snippet from Breiman's official documentation:
In random forests, there is no need for cross-validation or a separate test set to get an unbiased estimate of the test set error. It is estimated internally, during the run, as follows:
Each tree is constructed using a different bootstrap sample from the original data. About one-third of the cases are left out of the bootstrap sample and not used in the construction of the kth tree.
Put each case left out in the construction of the kth tree down the kth tree to get a classification. In this way, a test set classification is obtained for each case in about one-third of the trees. At the end of the run, take j to be the class that got most of the votes every time case n was oob. The proportion of times that j is not equal to the true class of n averaged over all cases is the oob error estimate. This has proven to be unbiased in many tests.


Assessing LDA predictions with textmineR in R - Calculating perplexity?

I am working on a LDA model with textmineR, have calculated coherence, log-likelihood measures and optimized my model.
As a last step I would like to see how well the model predicts topics on unseen data. Thus, I am using the predict() function from the textminer package in combination with GIBBS sampling on my testset-sample.
This results in predicted "Theta" values for each document in my testset-sample.
While I have read in another post that perplexity-calculations are not available with the texminer package (See this post here: How do i measure perplexity scores on a LDA model made with the textmineR package in R?), I am now wondering what the purpose of the prediction function is then for? Especially with a large dataset of over 100.000 Documents it is hard to just visually assess whether the prediction has performed well or not.
I do not want to use perplexity for model selection (I am using coherence/log-likelihood instead), but as far as I understand, perplexity would help me to understand how well the prediction is and how "surprised" the model is with new, previously unseen data.
Since this does not seem to be available for textmineR, I am not sure how to assess the model prediction. Is there anything else that I could use to measure the prediction quality of my textminer model?
Thank you!

Machine Learning Keras accuracy model vs accuracy new data prediction

I did a deep learning model using keras. Model accuracy has 99% score.
[1] 0.03411416
[1] 0.9952607
When I do a prediction classes on my new data file using the model I have only 87% of classes well classified. My question is, why there is a difference between model accuracy and model prediction score?
Your 99% is on the Training Set, this is an indicator of own is performing your algorithm while training, you should never look at it as a reference.
You should always look at your Test Set, this is the real value that matters.
Fore more, your accuracies should always look like this (at least the style):
e.g. The training set accuracy always growing and the testing set following the same trend but below the training curve.
You will always never have the exact two same sets (training & testing/validating) so this is normal to have a difference.
The objective of the training set is to generalize your data and learn from them.
The objective of the testing set is to see if you generalized well.
If you're too far from your training set, either there a lot of difference between the two sets (mostly distribution, data types etc..), or if they are similar then your model overfits (which means your model is too close to your training data and if there is a little difference in your testing data, this will lead to wrong predictions).
The reason the model overfits is often that your model is too complicated and you must simplify it (e.g. reduce number of layers, reduce number of neurons.. etc)

random forest gets worse as number of trees increases

I am running into difficulties when using randomForest (in R) for a classification problem. My R code, an image, and data are here:
The observer is presented with either a faint image (contrast=con) buried in noise or just noise on each trial. He rates his confidence (rating) that the face is present. I have categorised rating to be a yes/no judgement (y). The face is either inverted (invert=1) or not in each block of 100 trials (one file). I use the contrast (1st column of predictor matrix x) and the pixels (the rest of the columns) to predict y.
It is critical to my application that I have an "importance image" at the end which shows how much each pixel contributes to the decision y. I have 1000 trials (length of y) and 4248 pixels+contrast=4249 predictors (ncols of x). Using glmnet (logistic ridge regression) on this problem works fine
However randomForest does not work at all,
fit <- randomForest(x=x, y=y, ntree=100)
and it gets worse as the number of trees increases. For invert=1, the classification error for randomForest is 34.3%, and for glmnet it is 8.9%.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong with randomForest, and how to fix it.
ridge regression's only parameter lambda is chosen via internal cross-validation in cv.glmnet, as pointed out by Hong Ooi. and the error rate you get out of cv.glmnet realtes to that. randomForest gives you OOB error that is akin to an error on a dedicated test set (which is what you are interested in).
randomForest requires you to calibrate it manually (i.e. have a dedicated validation set to see which parameters work best) and there are a few to consider: depth of the trees (via fixing the number of examples in each node or the number of nodes), number of randomly chosen attributes considered at each split and the number of trees. you can use tuneRF to find the optimal number of mtry.
when evaluated on the train set, the more trees you add the better your predictions get. however, you will see predictive ability on a test set starts diminishing after a certain number of trees are grown -- this is due to overfitting. randomForest determines the optimal number of trees via OOB error estimates or, if you provide it, by using the test set. if rf.mod is your fitted RF model then plot(rf.mod) will allow you to see at which point roughly it starts to overfit. when using the predict function on a fitted RF it will use the optimal number of trees.
in short, you are not comparing the two models' performances correctly (as pointed out by Hong Ooi) and also your parameters might be off and/or you might be overfitting (although unlikely with just 100 trees).

random forest package in R

I use random forest package in R for regression, it gives me two kind of information: Mean of squared residuals and % Var explained. But I wanna calculate the RMSE and R^2 of the training and test sets, can anyone help me how can I find these kind of information?
Sorry this is not a specific answer, but I do not have enough cred to leave a comment.
It is tough to say how you may get at what you want without a reproducible example. However, if you used the xtest= and ytest= arguments in the call to randomForest (assuming you are using the "randomForest" package), then what you are looking for should be a part of the resulting randomForest object. What you want to look in is the test part of the resulting random forest list.
An attempted example:
rf.results <- randomForest( whatever arguments )
rf.results$test$mse # mse (maybe you can take the square root to get rmse)
rf.results$test$rsq # pseudo-R2 for random forest
If you have the random forest package loaded you can validate this information as well as do some exploration yourself with ?randomForest. The "Value" section of the documentation details the object that results from a call to randomForest and where you can find various performance metrics.

class importance for random forest in r

I'm using randomForest pkg in R to predict the binary class based upon 11 numerical predictors. Out of the two classes, Hit or Miss, the class Hit is of more importance, i.e. I would like to know about how many times correctly predicted Hit.
Is there a way to give the Hit a higher importance in training the random forest? Currently the trained random forest predicts merely 7% of the Hit cases correctly and definitely would like an improvement.
Higher importance? I don't know how to tell any algorithm "I'm not kidding this time: I want this analysis to be accurate."
You're always fighting the variance versus bias battle. If you improve the training accuracy too much, you run the risk of overfitting.
You can adjust random forest by varying the size of the random sample of predictors. If you have m predictors, the recommendation for random forest is p = m^1/2 for the number of splits in the tree. You can also vary the number of trees. Plot the test classification error versus # trees for different values of p to see how you do.
You can also try another algorithm, like gbm (Generalized Boosted Regression Models) or support vector machines
How does your data look when you plot it? Any obvious groups jumping out at you when you look at them in scatterplots?
Regardless of algorithm, I'd advise that you do n-fold validation of your model.
