Viewing number of subscribed user for each Branch link - referrals

I am using Branch SDK for track marketing and Referrals in my android app. Can i add a new column "Subscribed" in marketing section along with Total clicks and Total Installs.? If so how its possible.? if no, then how can i track number of users subscribed from each partner?

We're in the process of revamping the marketing tab to allow for custom events for each link, campaign, etc. In the mean time, you do custom conversion funnels by link by clicking on the stats button to the right of the link:
Then scroll down to the bottom of the new page that opens. You can add a custom conversion funnel for 'install' -> 'subscribed'. This will show the exact number of folks that subscribed for each link. Make sure that your date selector includes the time frame you're interested in.


how to do multiple tracking like a series of pages one after another?

I have a blog with a "demo button" with leads the user to a sign up page.
On sign up page, the user fill the general entries. Then he is brought to a payment page to enter his card details. and then from there he is taken to a confirmation page.
Now, I want to track every page. Basically, whether any user coming from a blog becomes a user or atleast how far he goes before closing the tab
Use Enhanced E-Commerce Tracking.
The EEC in Google Analytics lets you assign step numbers to the various steps in a checkout. It then creates a custom funnel report (remember that EEC must be enabled and configured not just in your code, but also in your view settings) that show how many users completed the checkout and how many dropped of at each step.

Google Analytics : Funnel what to add in Category Label and Actions

I am quite new to analytics I am product manager but I have always used GA for Websites.
My new Job demands me to create funnels for Mobile apps which have event tracking in place.
The screen names are: Home | Settings | Popovers screen | Side drawer
Now when I go in Funnel to create it I choose Events and it ask me to add
majorly two things : Category, Action, Label and Value which I have not idea what to add
Example I want to check How many users actually landed on Home and then click on Side drawer and then went to settings ..
This is the flow .. can anyone please help me.
if you want to create a funnel based on events, first you need details regarding each and every individual events. But here I think what you need to create is a funnel based on the page views (destination page).
For example, first step of your funnel would be landing on the home page. Second the second page, settings page etc. First choose your destination page and start to create a goal for that selected destination page. Then under that enable funnel option and add desired page sequence one by one.
This will create the funnel. But this won't show any click events as it based on pageviews.

Unique "clicked" at my Simplenews Newslwetter

I send newsletters from my drupal-7 website using Simplenews Newsletter module.
The newsletters consist of images that have links to my page. What I want, is to have a unique clicked measure. What I currently use is adding the following code:
and then logging into Google Analytics, at Acquisition -> Campaigns -> All Campaigns and check the value of newsletter_june_2016 as an example.
But this method doesn't provide unique click for my links. If I click twice on a link, the counter gets increased by two, and Ι can't tell how many of my site's users have actually clicked the link, only how many times were the links clicked.
Is there a way to achieve that?

tracking clicks by device/ os in tag manager/ google analytics

I have a link in the header of my website which takes users to the 'my account' page.
On a full screen desktop browser the link is is a small icon and the text 'my account' next to it (using ':)' to represent the icon btw) i.e.
:) my account.
On a mobile or tablet (smaller screen), only the icon appears and not the words. i.e.
To conserve screen space.
I want to see whether I have put the my 'account link' in a good place. And whether people notice only the icon, when on mobile or tablet.
I plan to measure this by seeing how many times the 'my account' link is clicked and split up the clicks by device/os.
For example i might find, lots of people click the 'my account' link on the desktop site, but hardly anyone clicks it in comparison on IOS or any other mobile device e.g. android.
Thus showing it perhaps isn't as noticeable or is confusing when i only display the icon without the text on small screens.
Does anyone know how i can achieve this in tag manager/ google analytics.
I previously set up tags that track page views and virtual page views(using datalayer variables) so have some experience with tag manager V2.
(as an aside is there a way to tell whether a click has come from a mobile or tablet also?)
Thanks for any input!
The easier way to do this is to set a simple GTM tag with firing rule - click on the element you want to track (by class or id or whatever you wish), send the clicks data as events in Google Analytics and review the event with secondary dimension device category (which is mobile/desktop/tablet), or even device name/model. You can create a custom report for this to be easier to access everytime.
So - 1st - set a new GTM Tag - type Universal Analytics, Event, and fill the "Event category" as "my-account clicks" (just an example).
Look at the source code of your site, and see if the link have an id to use (for example - id="my-account"). Set a firing rule on clicks - some clicks - element id equals my-account. That's all actually, the clicks will send an event to GA. You can get some more info to be sent with the event, like setting event action - "Clicked on: {{url}}", to give you information on what page the user clicked the link. You can play also with the firing rule, but that's the basic setup.
Once you are done you can test it with Real-Time, under events.
Later, when you collect enough info - just go to events in your GA, under behavior, click on the "my-account clicks" and set a secondary dimension - device category.

Google analytics to track impressions/views?

I have a site that lists business listings from a database. On each page you can do different things such as forward it to a friend, print the page etc. My question is could I use google analytics to track impressions and views for each listing? So if I showed the top 10 listings on the home page I want to track each listing as an impression since its being showed, then if they click one of the links to view the business listing it tracks it as a view. Then on the business listing details page if they do any of the actions such as forward to a friend or print the page I want to track that as well.
For tracking views/clicks Im assuming I would need to use setPageView passing something like setPageView('/listing/12345') correct? I dont know how to track it for impressions though. Then on the listing details page to track if they printed it etc Im assuming I would track it as an event? Such as trackEvent('listing', 'Print') if that is what I need to do for event how does it associate with the page tracking so that I could see how many times someone printed the listing page for /listings/12345?
No need to create fake page views. Google Analytics has a feature called Event Tracking, which is described in the Event Tracking Guide. The guide has an illustrative example;
A simple example illustrates how you might use the Event Tracking method
to record user interaction with a video Play link on your page. It
assumes that pageTracker is the name used for your tracking object.
In this scenario, the reports for Events would display Videos as the Category,
Play as the Action, and Baby's First Birthday as the Label.
In your case, you would track Views and Clicks using the Event Tracking feature. You'd have to decide on how you'd want Actions, Categories and Labels set up to match your data. You might want package types (Gold, Silver etc) as Categories or Labels, for example.
This question and its answers are similar to your scenario.
