I have fetched records from database using this query which works fine.
var SelectEmpInfo = "SELECT * FROM emp_info WHERE emp_id ='"+empID+"'";
var SelectedEmpInfo = db.QuerySingle(SelectEmpInfo);
After that I want to update this record by applying the snap of code
if(SelectedEmpInfo != null)
status = SelectedEmpInfo.status;
var updateStatus = "UPDATE emp_info SET status='"+status+"' WHERE emp_id='"+empID+"'";
<h1>Successfully Updated</h1>
If I remove the query from if block and put outside it than it works when page gets loaded but I don't want to do so.
The reason to place this code inside an if is that, query should only perform when button is pressed.
Please someone help me out here.
Kind regard
Thanks everyone for your time and concerns.
It was actually SQL injection problem and i found the answer of it here at mikes site
I am trying to insert some records into a BusComp once an applet that's using a different Buscomp has finished loaded. Below is my code
var boContact = this.BusObject("Contact");
var bcContact = boContact.GetBusComp("Contact");
var newBC = boContact.GetBusComp("New BC");
with (newBC) {
this.ActivateField("Test Field");
this.SetFieldValue("Test Field","0010000005");
Currently this code is giving me this error 'This operation is not available for read only field 'Test Field'.(SBL-DAT-00402) '. I have checked and confirmed that the said field or any other fields in the BusComp and the table are not set to read-only.
Please share your thoughts with me, thank you so much !
I have three models:
I am looking for all timesheets that need to be approved by a manager (many timesheets per employee, one manager per employee).
I have tried creating datasources and prefetching both Employee and Employee.Manager, but I so far no success as of yet.
Is there a trick to this? Do I need to load the query and then do another load? Or create an intermediary datasource that holds both the Timesheet and Employee data or something else?
You can do it by applying a query filter to the datasource onDataLoad event or another event. For example, you could bind the value of a dropdown with Managers to:
- assuming that the datasource of the widget is set to Timesheets.
If you are linking to the page from another page, you could also call a script instead of using a preset action. On the link click, invoke the script below, passing it the desired manager object from the linking page.
function loadPageTimesheets(manager){
app.pages.Timesheets.datasource.query.filters.Employee.Manager._equals = manager;
I would recommend to redesign your app a little bit to use full power of App Maker. You can go with Directory Model (Manager -> Employees) plus one table with data (Timesheets). In this case your timesheets query can look similar to this:
// Server side script
function getTimesheets(query) {
var managerEmail = query.parameters.ManagerEmail;
var dirQuery = app.models.Directory.newQuery();
dirQuery.filters.PrimaryEmail._equals = managerEmail;
var people = dirQuery.run();
if (people.length === 0) {
return [];
var manager = people[0];
// Subordinates lookup can look fancier if you need recursively
// include everybody down the hierarchy chart. In this case
// it also will make sense to update prefetch above to include
// reports of reports of reports...
var subortinatesEmails = manager.DirectReports.map(function(employee) {
return employee.PrimaryEmail;
var tsQuery = app.models.Timesheet.newQuery();
tsQuery.filters.EmployeeEmail._in = subortinatesEmails;
return tsQuery.run();
I promise I have read through the Query information page, but obviously I am missing/misunderstanding something.
I have a Table that has the statuses for multiple departments (the fields are Strings). When a user loads that table I want App Maker to hide jobs that have been finished.
The way we categorize a job as finishes is when:
The Inventory Status = Complete and when the The Delivery Status = Delivered.
Both these conditions need to be met.
Inventory (Complete) + Delivery (Delivered) = hide
Inventory (In Progress) + Delivery (Delivered) = don't hide
Inventory (Complete) + Delivery (Scheduled) = don't hide
I tried the following, however it hides all the example listed above, not just the first one.
var datasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders;
var inventory = ['Complete'];
var delivery = ['Delivered'];
datasource.query.filters.InventoryStatus._notIn = inventory;
datasource.query.filters.DeliveryStatus._notIn = delivery;
I have also tried this:
var datasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders;
datasource.query.filters.InventoryStatus._notIn = 'Complete';
datasource.query.filters.DeliveryStatus._notIn = 'Delivered';
But I get this error:
Type mismatch: Cannot set type String for property _notIn. Type List is expected. at SystemOrders.ToolBar.Button2.onClick:2:46
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Filters are using AND operator. Please consider switching the Datasource Query Builder and applying the following query:
"InventoryStatus != :CompleteStatus OR DeliveryStatus != :DeliveredStatus"
Set CompleteStatus variable to Complete
Set DeliveredStatus variable to Delivered
Filter you want to apply is "NOT(InventoryStatus = Complete AND DeliveryStatus = Delivered)" which is equivalent to "InventoryStatus != Complete OR DeliveryStatus != Delivered".
Vasyl answer my question perfectly, but I wanted to add a few details in case anyone needs to do the same thing and aren't familiar with using the Datasource Query Builder.
All I did was click the Database I was using and then clicked the Datasources section at the top.
I clicked Add Datasource, named it a new name and pasted Vasyl's code into the Query Builder Expression box.
Two new boxes appear below it allowing me to enter the desired statuses that I wanted to filter out.
Lastly I went back to my Table and changed its datasource to my newly created datasource.
Since you are changing your datasource, if you have any extra code on there it may need to be updated to point to the new datasource.
I had some buttons that would filter entries for the various departments.
So this:
var datasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders;
var statuses = ['Complete'];
datasource.query.filters.WarehouseStatus._notIn = statuses;
had to change to this:
var datasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders_HideComplete;
var statuses = ['Complete'];
datasource.query.filters.WarehouseStatus._notIn = statuses;
You can use multiple run and then concatenate their results something like following
* Retrieves records for ActionItems datasource.
* #param {RecordQuery} query - query object of the datasource;
* #return {Array<ActionItems>} user's rating as an array.
function getActionItemsForUser_(query) {
var userRoles = app.getActiveUserRoles();
query.filters.Owner._contains = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var ownerRecords = query.run();
query.filters.AddedBy._contains = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var addedByRecords = query.run();
return addedByRecords.concat(ownerRecords);
I have been trying for a long time to fix the bugs I'm encountering with my dropdownlists in my project. I'm getting data this with at the moment and it's working fine:
using (InfoEntities ie = new InfoEntities())
var sqlddl = (from query in ie.Table_Customers
from q in ie.Accounting_PriceType
where query.TypeID == 1 && q.ID == 1
orderby query.Customers
select query).Distinct().ToList();
DropDownListCust.DataTextField = "Customers";
DropDownListCust.DataValueField = "ID";
DropDownListCust.DataSource = sqlddl;
Now when the user saves the data and opens the website again I need the saved value that was chosen on the dropdownlist earlier retreived. This also works fine but the problem is I'm getting duplicates. Anyways I'm doing it like this and I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong:
On the page load i load my dropdownlist to get all the items plus the following to get the saved value:
DropDownListCust.SelectedItem.Text = sql.Customers;
This makes my DDL very buggy, some items dissapear and also sometimes dupicated values. Can anyone please help? I'm using LINQ but I can use some other methods as long as it's fixed.
I solved my problem like this:
DropDownList1.Items.FindByText(sql.Customer).Selected = true;
I have an ASP.NET page that needs to push a little data to an MS Access 2003 database. The process requires a Select on one record, Inserting one new record and Updating one record. I am connecting to the Access database via an OleDbConnection connection. So far, the Select and Insert functions are working exactly as expected (so I know my connection is good). The Update, however, fails to update any rows. The function to update the record looks like this:
public static int UpdateDeviceDates(int deviceId, DateTime nextTestDate)
var conn = DbConnect.AccessConnection();
var sqlString = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UpdateDeviceDates"];
using (var cmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlString, conn))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DeviceID", deviceId);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NextTestDate", nextTestDate);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
var result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return result;
The sqlString pulled back from the web.config file looks like this:
UPDATE tblDevice
SET tblDevice.NextTestDate = #nextTestDate,
tblDevice.FirstNoticeDate = Null,
tblDevice.SecondNoticeDate = Null
WHERE DeviceID=#deviceId;
This query works fine if you paste it into a new Access query window and hit run, so I know the syntax is correct. I have done quite a bit of testing and figured out that it is the #nextTestDate field that is causing it to fail. When I took that out of the SQL string, it updated the record as expected. This is disconcerting, because the date I pass through to the Insert function works just fine.
I have looked around quite a bit and the closest I found to an answer was "Can't update date in aspx to a MS-ACCESS table". The main answer there was to change the parameter to a ShortDateString. I tried that to no effect. It was also suggested to bracket the date in #, since that is what Access does in its own queries. Unfortunately, that didn't work either.
I don't know why either of these should have been necessary, because the date comes through in exactly the same format as in the Insert statement and that works fine. I'm at my wits end here because the only thing I've found to make that query work is to remove the date parameter (which would defeat the main purpose of the query).
In your query, the parameters are in a different order, the order must match:
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NextTestDate", nextTestDate);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DeviceID", deviceId);
To match:
UPDATE tblDevice
SET tblDevice.NextTestDate = #nextTestDate, <--- Param 1
tblDevice.FirstNoticeDate = Null,
tblDevice.SecondNoticeDate = Null
WHERE DeviceID=#deviceId; <--- Param 2