insert images buttons in tabpane and tackpane - javafx

I have created a simple tabpane which is using two tabs one has the menu the other one does have the simple game. My question or rather problem is that i am using stackPane. When I use it for my second tab it over layers the buttons. Also I cannot add a simple picture which is weird. I am using javafx
any code example would be appreciated


Is there a way to create two independent layouts in Qt Designer?

I am new to Qt Designer so this question may be stupid but I'm really stucked.
I'm creating an app using Qt Designer and PyQt5. My app contains a few screens and I want to switch between them by clicking the button.
The first screen consists of a button (button_1) and a label (label_1) placed in a vertical layout. The second screen also consist of a button (button_2) and a label (label_2), but these are different widgets with different size and content. And I want to place button_2 and label_2 in a horizontal layout.
Previously I didn't use layouts. I just created one .ui file and put button_2 and label_2 above button_1 and label_1. They were overlapping but it didn't affect the performance because I made the button_2 and label_2 invisible when button_1 and label_1 are shown and vice versa. But now I need to make the window resizable, and I need to put the widgets in a layout.
The first thought was to create two separate .ui files and set them using loadUi command when it comes to switching between screens. But I need to use just one .ui file. Is this possible? How can I create two independent layouts? Or maybe there is another way to solve my proble. Any help is very much appreciated.
I think that in this case your best option is to use a QStackedWidget as a container for your labels and buttons. To create a stacked widget in Qt Designer you can drag a Stacked Widget from the container group on the left to the parent widget. This will create a stack with two pages. Each page can then be set up independently. Whatever layout you and widgets you add to a particular page will only be visible when that page is shown. You can add additional pages if you like by right-clicking on the stacked widget and selecting Insert Page from the context menu.
To navigate between the pages in Qt Designer you can choose the correct widget in the tree in the Object Inspector, use the two black arrows in the top-right corner of the stacked widget, or use the context menu of the stacked widget. To navigate between the pages in your python script you would need to use QStackedWidget.setCurrentIndex().

Editing the navigation controller from push segue

So i have a static tableview with 4 rows, i'm connecting them to different viewcontrollers without using any code instead i'm simply dragging the cell and setting up the segue.
The issue i'm having is that when this segue is performed a navigation controller is automatically generated and embed at the top so i get the following result below.
How could i edit the text and the icon? I want to remove the settings text and use my own custom icon.
It's also worth noting that i have embed other navigation controllers throughout my app. So i'd like to target this view specifically rather than all of my views.
I suspect the accepted answer on this question may help: how to replace/customize back button image in storyboard navigationcontroller
You'll need to do it in your prepareForSegue I believe.

How do create this gmail app effect on Honeycomb

Attached is the screenshot of the UI that I would like to have in my app. When I click on the listitems on the fragment on the left side I see a arrow pointing(question mark in red) on the list item which was clicked, I would like to know how can we achieve this in UI layout. Any special settings to be set?
I was looking at the same feature.
To implement similar, I'd suggest showing an image on the selected item in the list, this would require code rather than Layout XML, It would be controlled by the list fragment when an item is selected. That way you get the visual effect that the two fragments are related via the arrow image.
Did you end up giving it a go for yourself?

Implementing Tabs and Data grid together in Flex

I have a problem in my project.I want to implement Tab bar function under a drop down selection and when once tab bar is clicked it has to be navigated to a data grid.Can any body suggest me the proper direction to implement it.
Use a tab navigator, add canvases as children to that navigator, put your datagrid on one of those children.

Trouble creating a button matrix in Interface Builder

I am trying to create a matrix of buttons in Interface Builder 3.2.1 but can not find anyway to do it. I read the question and answer posted here:
How to create a NSMatrix of NSImageCell in Interface Builder in 10.6
But following Layout > Embed Objects In, as suggested, I see only View and Scroll View as options, not Matrix. Have I missed something?
I have just tried it on IB 3.2.2: Drag the button on the window, make sure it is selected (only click it once until you can see the eight blue handles around it, not twice!). In this situation the menu Layout -> Embed Objects will have the Matrix option available.
Now you can option-click and drag the lower handle of the button to add more buttons horizontally. Similarly, you can add buttons to the left, to the right or at the top, thereby creating the desired matrix of buttons.
EDIT: This recipe only works when developing for MacOS, not for iPhoneOS. I am not aware of an equivalent of NSMatrix on the iPhone. I guess the UI is simply meant to not include such elements.
