I am using the following code to download some video files through LAN.
QString url = "" + downloadlist[downloadID];
QNetworkRequest newRequest(url);
QString concatenated = "admin:admin";
QByteArray data = concatenated.toLocal8Bit().toBase64();
QString headerData = "Basic " + data;
newRequest.setRawHeader("Authorization", headerData.toLocal8Bit());
reply = networkManager->get(newRequest);
connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(refStateChanged()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(replyDownloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
However, the downloading frequently fails, when the reply finished signal is triggered, it does not actually finished downloading the file but only part of it. What could I do to deal with this?
It seems you should get the file size first
QNetworkReply* reply = manager->head(newRequest);
every reply is part of the Bytearray,you must add this connect:
connect(reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(SlotReadyRead()));
void ClassName::SlotReadyRead()
if (_file) //you must define QFile _file........
then, you will downloading the complete file.
Good luck!
I am showing a image in qt label. Below is my code:
void MyClass::onPushButtonClicked(QString myurl)
qDebug()<<QTime::currentTime()<<"MyClass: onPushButtonClicked";
QNetworkAccessManager *qnam_push_button_clicked_show_image;
QNetworkReply *reply;
QNetworkRequest request;
request.setHeader( QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
QUrl url(myurl);
qnam_push_button_clicked_show_image = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
QObject::connect(qnam_push_button_clicked_show_image, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(onPushButtonClickedRequestCompleted(QNetworkReply*)));
reply = qnam_push_button_clicked_show_image->post(request, url.encodedQuery());
QEventLoop loop;
QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
void MyClass::onPushButtonClickedRequestCompleted(QNetworkReply *reply)
qDebug()<<QTime::currentTime()<<"MyClass: onPushButtonClickedRequestCompleted request completed";
if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError)
qDebug() << "Error in" << reply->url() << ":" << reply->errorString();
QByteArray data = reply->readAll();
QPixmap pixmap;
int width;
int height;
//application size can be changed
QRect rec = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry();
height = rec.height();
width = rec.width();
QSize *size = new QSize(width,height);
QPixmap scaledPixmap = pixmap.scaled(*size);
delete size;
size = NULL;
On clicking push button It will send a request to server and will show a different image received from server. It is working fine if it does't exceeds 500 times. If it exceeds that first this error has been shown
QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
and it doesn't show the image. Then if someone again sends a request for an image then it shows the following error:
Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
re implement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.
I am not getting what is the error in the above code. Can someone please tell me how to solve this?
The obvious leak is qnam_push_button_clicked_show_image = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);, which doesn't have a balanced delete anywhere. QNAMs should typically created once, then reused for the lifetime of the application rather than created for a single request. So by turning qnam_push_button_clicked_show_image in a class member (same as ui) you'll fix both your leak and improve the efficiency of the code.
That said, I don't think that's what causes your QPixmap error. If you're running this code on X11, then QPixmap is backed by an X Pixmap resource, which is limited by various factors (software and hardware). Even though from your code there's no obvious leak, it could be that repeatedly allocating large pixmaps slowly fragments the memory pool managed by X, up to the point where it can't allocate a block large enough for the scaled pixmap and then triggers the error. Or it could be a driver bug somewhere in the graphics stack. Have you tried if changing the scaled size increases or decreases the limit before it starts breaking? If so, switching to QImage might help relieving the pressure on X.
Aside from that, the code could use some cleanup, especially that superfluous QEventLoop usage. I'm guessing it's a way to prevent the button from being clicked several times until the new image has been loaded, but I'd much rather implement this using button.setEnabled(false) while the image is downloading, because nested event loops combined with network events is a recipe for countless reentrancy issues and hard to debug crashes/bugs.
I'm also confused about why size is allocated on the heap , especially when it's deleted right after, and these if (size) are really confusing, as they can be understood as if (size->isValid()) while what they really mean is if (size != nullptr), which is pretty much guaranteed as the chance of getting an OOM on that line is infinitesimally low. (if you did eventually run out of memory, my guess is it would likely happen in the readAll() or loadFromData() calls above).
ps: good luck pressing that button another 500 times to check if fixing the leak helped ;)
I'm considering to use QProcess to call a command line app (gpio) multiple times. Every time user clicks a button then a command is issued.
And the app output will be monitored and redirected to screeen. The code looks like the following.
void Gpio::command(QString argument)
// if(process)
// delete process;
process = new QProcess(this);
connect(process, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(onStart()));
connect(process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(onFinish(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
connect(process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readGpio()));
QString program("gpio");
QStringList list = argument.split(" ");
process->start(program, list);
Question: Should I delete process? Doing so I got:
QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.
Monitoring exitCode and exitStatus I see they are always 0.
This question concerns more about the proper use of QProcess while "QProcess and shell : Destroyed while process is still running" focus on the specific error.
as you don't want to run multiple processes concurrently (as per the comments), you don't need to create / delete the QProcess multiple times.
QProcess* m_gpioProcess;
gpio.cpp file
m_gpioProcess(new QProcess(this))
connect(m_gpioProcess, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(onStart()));
connect(m_gpioProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(onFinish(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
connect(m_gpioProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readGpio()));
void Gpio::command(const QString& args)
if (m_gpioProcess->state() != QProcess::NotRunning) {
qDebug() << "Process already running, ignoring the request";
m_gpioProcess->setArguments(args.split(" "));
if (m_gpioProcess->waitForStarted()) {
qDebug() << "Process started with arguments:" << m_gpioProcess->arguments();
if you want to prevent user clicking the button multiple times, consider enabling / disabling the button as per m_gpioProcess state.
for Qt 4.8, just remove this line
and this line
m_gpioProcess->setArguments(args.split(" "));
and change this line
m_gpioProcess->start("gpio", args.split(" "));
Well, It seems I was forgetting process->waitForFinished(); after the call to start. This seems to solve the problem.
add following code maybe helpful:
I wrote a method to send a image and some form data to a Django Rest Framework Server. The following method works fine, but I would like to know if there is a way to send the form fields together in one QHttpPart, instead of creating one for each field?
Is there a better way to do this? Maybe with less code?
void MyNetwork::sendBinaryFile() {
QNetworkAccessManager *manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(replyfinished(QNetworkReply*)));
QHttpMultiPart *multiPart = new QHttpMultiPart(QHttpMultiPart::FormDataType);
QHttpPart aluno, palavra_chave, latitude, latitude_ref, longitude, longitude_ref;
aluno.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader,QVariant("form-data; name=\"aluno\""));
aluno.setBody("some useful string");
palavra_chave.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader,QVariant("form-data; name=\"palavra_chave\""));
palavra_chave.setBody("some other useful string");
latitude.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader,QVariant("form-data; name=\"latitude\""));
longitude.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader,QVariant("form-data; name=\"longitude\""));
latitude_ref.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader,QVariant("form-data; name=\"latitude_ref\""));
longitude_ref.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader,QVariant("form-data; name=\"longitude_ref\""));
QHttpPart imagePart;
imagePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("image/png"));
imagePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; filename=\"image.png\"; name=\"file\""));
QFile *file = new QFile("/path/image.png");
QString sendPath = "http://localhost/api/images/";
QUrl url(sendPath);
QNetworkRequest request(url);
QString concatenated = "username:password";
QByteArray data = "Basic ";
request.setRawHeader("Authorization", data);
void MyNetwork::replyfinished(QNetworkReply* reply)
qDebug() << "C++ - replyUpdateJsonFinished";
qDebug() << QString(reply->readAll());
qDebug() << QString(reply->errorString());
Because of the nature of multipart/form-data, each field that is sent must be sent in a different part. This is because each part in the request represents a different field, and is identified by the field name and contains the body that should be sent (in your case, mostly text).
You may have better luck creating a helper method for the text field that takes the field name and the content of it. That method would then be able to create a new part with the correct header (containing the field name) and the body (containing the data to send), without requiring you to repeat the same lines.
I have a piece of code that worked in 4.8 but now I need to port it to Qt5 (beta2)
This is what should happen:
I want to post some data to a webserver the url should look like this "http://server/actions.php"
Then my fields (a "Action" -string and a "data" string(json)) should be sent to the server using post. Not encoded in the url
QUrl params;
// The data to post
QVariantMap map;
map["Title"]="The title";
map["Location"]="North pole";
map["Group"]="a group";
QByteArray data = Json::serialize(map); //the map is converted to json im a QByteArray
params.addQueryItem("Action", "Update");
QNetworkRequest Request(QUrl("http://server.com/actions.php"));
Request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
Now, I might not be doing this right in the first place,(It worked in 4.8) but the real problem is that addEncodedQueryItem() and addQueryItem() are now gone since Qt5 and I don't know what I should replace them with.
I have read the new docs and see the new QUrlQuery but I could not figure out on my own how to use this in my case.
I faced similar problem and used code similiar to the following in Qt5
QUrl url;
QByteArray postData;
QNetworkRequest request(url);
Qstring postKey = 'city';
QString postValue = 'Brisbane';
Hope it might be useful to rewrite your code to send http post values using Qt5
Qt5 no longer has the QUrl::encodedQuery() method. Not sure, but from the documentation it might work using QUrl::query() method instead.
Hope it helps.
QUrlQuery() helps you encode POST data.
Example in PyQt 5.4:
params = QtCore.QUrlQuery()
params.addQueryItem("username", "Вагиф Plaît")
reply = QtNetwork.QNetworkAccessManager().post(request, params.toString(QtCore.QUrl().FullyEncoded))
I'm having a bit of trouble with my function for displaying pdf's with the poppler library. The code below is the function in which the problem occurs.
const QString &file is the path to the file
int page is the page on which it has to open
When i set file to a real path (e.g. "/Users/User/Documents/xxx.pdf"), it is no problem to open it. But when i give the path to a qrc file (":/files/xxx.pdf"), it won't work. I want to use it for displaying a user manual for instance, within the application.
I've also tried first making a QFile out of it, opening it and doing readAll, then loading the QByteArray received by doingPoppler::Document::loadFromData(the qbytearray), but it errors already when opening the QFile in ReadOnly mode.
void class::setPdf(const QString &file, int page)
Poppler::Document *doc = Poppler::Document::load(file);
if (!doc) {
QMessageBox msgbox(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Open Error"), tr("Please check preferences: cannot open:\n") + file,
QMessageBox::Ok, this);
else{ /*Code for displaying the pdf, which works fine*/
I hope you can help me,
I've also tried first making a QFile
out of it, opening it and doing
readAll, then loading the QByteArray
received by
qbytearray), but it errors already
when opening the QFile in ReadOnly
QFile f;
QByteArray r=f.readAll();
Perfectly reads all data from the resource, have checked it. So i suggest you did something wrong when tried that. Maybe path errors, maybe something else...