How to make double MouseArea take effect? - qt

Here is my QML code :
....height and width is smaller than parent
id: mouseArea2
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
console.log("enter 2")
id: mouseArea1
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
console.log("enter 1")
Only mouseArea1 takes effect. If I remove mouseArea1 then mouseArea2 takes effect. So I think the mouse event must be handled by mouseArea1 and let it couldn't be passed to mouseArea2.
I search the document to find out which attr can prevent such behavior but nothing found. So how to let the mouseArea1 and mouseArea2 take effect at the same time?

For "composed" mouse events -- clicked, doubleClicked and pressAndHold -- you can achieve this using the propagateComposedEvents property. But that won't work here because hover events are not composed events.
So what you need to do instead is to change the order in which the MouseAreas are evaluated.
One simple trick is to swap the order of the two MouseAreas in the QML source itself. By placing the smaller one after the larger one, the smaller one takes precedence:
id: mouseArea1
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
console.log("enter 1")
//....height and width is smaller than parent
id: mouseArea2
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
console.log("enter 2")
A second method that achieves the same thing is to add a z index to the topmost MouseArea that's greater than the lower one. By default every element has a z index of 0, so just adding z: 1 to the smaller MouseArea will do the trick:
//....height and width is smaller than parent
z: 1 // <-----------------
id: mouseArea2
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
console.log("enter 2")
id: mouseArea1
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
console.log("enter 1")

I have found the solution in the documentation. Take for instance the following QML code:
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
color: "yellow"
width: 100; height: 100
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: console.log("clicked yellow")
Rectangle {
color: "blue"
width: 50; height: 50
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
propagateComposedEvents: true
onClicked: {
console.log("clicked blue")
mouse.accepted = false
Here the yellow Rectangle contains a blue Rectangle. The latter is the top-most item in the hierarchy of the visual stacking order; it will visually rendered above the former.
Since the blue Rectangle sets propagateComposedEvents to true, and also sets MouseEvent::accepted to false for all received clicked events, any clicked events it receives are propagated to the MouseArea of the yellow rectangle beneath it.
Clicking on the blue Rectangle will cause the onClicked handler of its child MouseArea to be invoked; the event will then be propagated to the MouseArea of the yellow Rectangle, causing its own onClicked handler to be invoked.


Loading a Rectangle upon mouse hover in QML

I have an item that consists of an image:
Item {
/* other stuff */
Image {
id: img
anchors.fill: parent
source: mySource
asynchronous: true
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
I want to overlay a (transparent) rectangle of the same size on the image when one hovers over it, so that I can do stuff like provide captions for the image etc.
How would one go about doing this?
My first try below: (I used console statements to verify that hovering on an image itself works)
import QtQuick 2.6
Item {
Image {
id: img
anchors.fill: parent
source: mySource
asynchronous: true
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
MouseArea {
enabled: img.status == Image.Ready
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: {
console.log("Entering: ")
onExited: {
console.log("Exiting: ")
Rectangle {
id : overlay
anchors.fill: parent
color: "transparent"
Text {
id: imgcaption
text: "Caption"
anchors.bottom: overlay.bottom; anchors.verticalCenter: overlay.verticalCenter
font.pointSize : 14
When I do this I get something like this at all times, regardless of if I'm hovering over the image or not.
I also tried to put the Rectangle inside the onEntered handler itself, but when I do this the image doesn't display at all, and neither do the console statements so I'm not sure if this is valid QML.
It should be fairly obvious that I'm new to QML and don't really know what I'm doing, so I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.
Try toggling the visibility based on the containsMouse property, like this:
Item {
Image {
id: img
anchors.fill: parent
source: mySource
asynchronous: true
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
enabled: img.status == Image.Ready
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
Item {
id : overlay
anchors.fill: parent
visible: mouseArea.containsMouse
Text {
id: imgcaption
text: "Caption"
anchors.bottom: overlay.bottom; anchors.verticalCenter: overlay.verticalCenter
font.pointSize : 14
HoverHandler might be better. It's born to deal with hover events so you don't have to set hoverEnabled or anchors.
More importantly, it's transparent for mouse movement. This would be useful in more tricky scenarios, such as dealing with hover events for an item that already contains interactive controls (Button, Flickable, MouseArea, etc).
If you still use MouseArea in such cases, it may interrupt how these controls deal with hover events while HoverHandler won't. (MouseArea has a propagateComposedEvents property, which only controls whether clicked, doubleClicked, and pressAndHold would be propagated or not.)

QML: Mouse wheel event propagation in ListView

Have strange situation with ListView scrolling on mouse wheel. Have Items structure similar to this:
MainAppWindow {
// Some zoomable map item
Map {
anchors.fill: parent
PopupMenu { // Simple Rectangle item
width: 200
height: parent.height / 2
z: parent.z + 1
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
delegate: Item {
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClick: {
ListView with vertical scroll works and scrolls just fine until it stops at bounds (top or bottom - whatever) and after this mouse event starts to propagate to underlying layer and ZoomableMap starts to zoom which is not we want: should be propagated there only if PopupMenu is not visible. Adding
onWheel: wheel.accepted = true
into MouseArea inside ListView delegate could partially solve the problem - it disables wheel and allows scrolling only by dragging the content. However better allow scrolling by the wheel as well. MouseArea in PopupMenu blocks wheel and dragging in the ListView completely as well - not helps also.
So what is problem here, how to fix? Or we doing something wrong here?
Need to add another MouseArea into PopupMenu which blocks all mouse events and is disabled by default and enable it only if popup is visible (optional):
enabled: popupMenu.visible
MainAppWindow {
// Some zoomable map item
Map {
id: map
anchors.fill: parent
PopupMenu { // Simple Rectangle item
id: popupMenu
width: 200
height: parent.height / 2
z: parent.z + 1
MouseArea {
id: mapMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: popupMenu.visible
hoverEnabled: true
onWheel: { wheel.accepted = true; }
onPressed: { mouse.accepted = true; }
onReleased: { mouse.accepted = true; }
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
delegate: Item {
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClick: {
Note: however this solution does not work if ListView (or any other control) is a Map descendant item: item dragging causes map panning. To make it work need to make it at least sibling.

TreeView Delegate with MouseArea: propagate mouse

I have a TreeView with a custom delegate. The delegate uses a ToolTip, which will be shown if the delegates mouseArea is hovered. However, this mouseArea breaks selecting a row in my TreeView. I suppose that a click is not propagated to the TreeView's mouseArea. I tried propagateComposedEvents and mouse.accepted=false but selection does still not work.
TreeView {
id: view
anchors.fill: parent
sortIndicatorVisible: true
model: fileSystemModel
rootIndex: rootPathIndex
selection: sel
selectionMode: 2
Component {
id: mycomp
Item {
id: myitm
id: myrow
id: cbox
anchors.baseline: ctext.baseline
id: ctext
text: styleData.value
color: styleData.textColor
width: namecolumn.width-cbox.width-myrow.x
elide: Text.ElideRight
NC.ToolTip {
id: ttip
parent: ctext
text: qsTr(styleData.value)
delay: 500
visible: mouseArea.containsMouse
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
propagateComposedEvents: true
onClicked: {
mouse.accepted = false
Just set the acceptedButtons property of the MouseArea to Qt.NoButton. This property determined the buttons the area will handle. NoButton causes the area to report hover events but it will not handle any clicks.
See the full documentation for the property here:

in Qt How to enable ListView and its item all receive MouseArea events?

I'm using Qt 5.6
I want ListView and its items all receive MouseArea onEntered, onClicked signals.
I tried the examples and changed:
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: searchModel
delegate: Component {
Row {
spacing: 5
Marker { height: parent.height }
Column {
Text { text: title; font.bold: true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: console.log("eeee");
Text { text: place.location.address.text }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: console.log("entered");
Only ListView can accept onEntered signal, there is no response from its items.
How to enable items receive MouseArea events ?
To propagate clicked events, you should set propagateComposedEvent to true to the outermost MouseArea.
Guess if the same applies to the entered event.

Combine 2 MouseAreas on GridView

I have code like this:
GridView {
// ... declarations ...
model: theModel
delegate: MouseArea {
id: cellMouseArea
onClicked: // open the cell
MouseArea {
id: gridViewMouseArea
// here process horizontal mouse press/release actions
with a MouseArea defined in each delegate and an overall MouseArea covering my GridView. In the cellMouseArea I want to perform an open item action whereas in the gridViewMouseArea I want to implement mouseX handle to open/close a sidebar. However, the two MouseAreas do not work together. How can I carry it out?
You can exploit propagateComposedEvents:
If propagateComposedEvents is set to true, then composed events will
be automatically propagated to other MouseAreas in the same location
in the scene. Each event is propagated to the next enabled MouseArea
beneath it in the stacking order, propagating down this visual
hierarchy until a MouseArea accepts the event. Unlike pressed events,
composed events will not be automatically accepted if no handler is
You can set the property to true on the GridView MouseArea. In this way click events are propagated to the MouseAreas in the delegates whereas the outer MouseArea can implement other behaviours such as drag or hoven.
Here is an example in which outer MouseArea defines drag property to slide in/out a Rectangle ( simulating your sidebar) and thanks to the propagateComposedEvents clicks are managed by the single delegates.
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
ApplicationWindow {
width: 300; height: 400
color: "white"
Component {
id: appDelegate
Item {
width: 100; height: 100
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: index
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
parent.GridView.view.currentIndex = index"Index clicked: " + index)
Component {
id: appHighlight
Rectangle { width: 80; height: 80; color: "lightsteelblue" }
GridView {
anchors.fill: parent
cellWidth: 100; cellHeight: 100
highlight: appHighlight
focus: true
model: 12
delegate: appDelegate
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
propagateComposedEvents: true // the key property! dragged
drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
drag.minimumX: - parent.width
drag.maximumX: parent.width / 2
id: dragged
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
color: "steelblue"
x: -parent.width
