How to hide an open drawer in material design lite [duplicate] - material-design-lite

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How to hide drawer upon user click
(12 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a set of links inside of a drawer. Just like the navigation example here:
The only difference is that my links don't cause a page to refresh (it's a single page app built with backbone). How do I close the drawer after clicking a link?

Looks like there is a .is-visible class on the drawer, and by removing it, the drawer hides. So (using jquery) something like this toggles the drawer:
So I need to add that to an event handler for the links, or put it in an onClick attribute.


Open ng-zorro-antd popover at current mouse position

I'm using the ng-zorro popover in an Angular 10 app.
When I click on the page, I'd like an instance of the popover to be shown at the current location of the mouse.
Any suggestions on how can this be quickly implemented? The code samples only seem to show how to display a popover when you click an existing element - button, link etc.

Is it possible to create a CSS only menu that opens and closes with a click and that closes when the mouse leaves?

I have been trying to build a CSS only menu.
This menu should be able to:
be opened by clicking it
be closed by clicking it
be closed when the mouse cursor leaves the menu.
Is it possible to do so? It seems to me that the last point can't be included successfully. Thanks in advance for any help!
Here ( you can find more information on how to create a CSS only menu.

How to add context menu Xamarin.forms

I would like to create context menu in my project. On android it's called PopupMenu. On click of button, I have to show the popup with 3 rows and it's clickable event. How I can implement this in my code? Example of this menu here:
The Xamarin.Forms way to handle this is to call DisplayActionSheet() on the Page.
It's not exactly a popup, but on the other hand it has better chances to be fully displayed and visible on screen if your view can scroll.

Flex form inside Pop up window - Tab (order) between forms not working

when user clicks on Add button, then a pop up button will be opened with certain form elements (like textinput, date field, text area).. When i used 'TAB' inside this form,it is not working. I found in couple of Questions / forums that we need to create an instance of FocusManager and then bring/activate focus for the pop up. But still i didn't see the tab working inside the form. In order to tab order working inside a pop up, what steps we need to follow.
I tried using focusmanager and property like tabfocusenabled, tabenabled and also added taborder inside each form element. But no luck.
Iam using Flash Builder 4.5 and using spark components for development.
Is there any workaround for this problem?
Thanks in Advance,
Thanks for all your responses.
Finally the issue has been solved by one of my colleague. Problem is , the form has been loaded inside Horizontal accordion (flexlib HACCORDION). So inorder to draw focus inside the accordion to child elements, we need to add 'hasFocusableChildren="true"' for the HAccordion (horizontal accordion component). Adding this property solves the tab order problem.
I have also pasted the code below:

How do I create a "closed" Flex Accordian control?

I'm trying to create a navigation panel based on the Flex Accordion control. The 2 things I'm trying to figure out are how to:
modify the Accordion so that all of the of "panels" are closed by default. (normally one of the panels is open by default)
treat some of the Accordian headers as just simple buttons (ie you click and an event is triggered instead of an accordion panel opening)
Does anyone have any pointers on implementing these 2 items or know of any existing components that could yield this behavior?
Flexlib has CanvasButtonAccordionHeader, which would help implement the button functionality.
This SO question suggests starting with flexlib's WindowShade component instead, which might make the "none-selected" case easier.
