sending messages beteewn Two entities Doctrine2 (User and Company ) - symfony

I have two entities (user and Company). I must set up an mail system, each user can send messages to another user or to a company, and the same for the the companie.and i have to displays messages exchanged in form of conversation. can I implement this with Doctrine2 and Symfony2?

Explaining the whole structure on how to do it is a little bit to complicated...BUT
I think what you looking for is a usable data-structure... and for this you will need a manyToMany relation with extra columns, please take a look at the following links I hope this will give you an idea on how to manage your data:


Class / Single Table Inheritance or another method?

There will be an "Account" which can be a "Customer" or a "Supplier", or both. It has to be one of them at-least.
I am wanting to use Class Table Inheritance but I'm unsure whether I will be able to have an Account that can be both a Customer and a Supplier.
Can anyone confirm?
I would appreciate any help.
I don't think STI is the right choice for your problem since it's more like a many-to-many relationship.
You're question is a little too broad to give you exact answer. Depending on your need you may have a few options.
For example, if being Customer/Supplier means to have additional data, it would be better to make them a separate entities with relationship to the Account. So in your app, you would recognize if an Account is a Customer or Supplier by checking if appropriate related entity exist. So it you could explain it as
An Account can have Customer or Supplier profile
o something like this, instead of
Account can be a Customer or Supplier
Other solution would be to treat it as a simple ACL, where Account is a subject, and Customer and Supplier are roles.
I'ts hard to provide more detailed answer to your question.

FOSUserBundle proper solution for team consist with multiple users

I am using FOSUserBundle in my Symfony2 project.
My goal is to make the teams consist with multiple users. Users are invites by administrator (owner) by e-mail confirmation.
If a user belongs to one team, can't set up new accounts using the same address. Of course, each user should have the opportunity to unsubscribe from the team.
Are there any ready-made solutions? I looked for Groups With FOSUserBundle.
Or do you have any good advice?
You were right, groups can be a good ready-to-use solution to make your logic.
The association is already setup and it's also easy to extend.
The documentation (now part of Symfony's doc) contains a great guide to use groups.
Of course, you can make your own entity, take example from the FOSUB User->Group logic (association) .
You should see the Security and Roles part of the documentation to manage authorisations of your different kind of users.
You can assign roles to your different groups, and make your users directly inherit the roles of their group for manage access permissions.
For the confirmation email, see the corresponding documentation too .
And for the unsubscribing, just remove the association between the user you want remove from a Group and the Group (or Team).
This is also part of the association, see the doctrine documentation.
Good use.

Symfony2, 2 similiar types of users, best approach

i have this project where i have an issue, there are 3 relevant enteties.
has_many: Leads
has_many: Leads
has_one: User/Bot
Now, a user and a bot share a lot of the same things, but they use different firewalls, they have many different fields etc, but i want a user and a bot to be interchangeable in regards of who a lead belongs to, it can either belong to a bot or a user, never both at the same time.
And in many of my other enteties where i run stats etc, i refere to a single field, i dont check if there is a user or a bot.
Is it possible to make these 2 enteties share the same Primary key and then just somehow refer to a single entity in the Lead field ?
Or what would be the best design approach in Symfony?
If you have all fields the same in 2 entities I would recommend you to drop Bot entity at all. All you need is just one field type with available values bot and user. To optimize SQL queries I would recommend you to declare this field as ENUM type.
Also if you really need different entities you can use Single table inheritance with discriminator field type described above.

Symfony working with different entity managers

I want to create an application with some subsections like a blog and a forum for example. Now I want users to be able to create an account on my site, and with that account they can use the forum and the blog. That's easy so far. But I want to keep the tables in seperate databases to keep a nice and clean structure. Let's say I use 3 databases, one for the UserBundle, one for the BlogBundle and one for the ForumBundle. This requires 3 entity managers. But that means that I can't use relationships from entities from ForumBundle or BlogBundle to the user entity in UserBundle. Simply adding UserBundle under the mappings for the other managers will create new tables in the other databases and that's the thing I'm trying to avoid.
So, is there a way to make bundles 'aware' of entities in other bundles?
I know it technically isn't a good thing to make bundles dependent on other bundles, but how else would I acheive my idea?
One approach that has worked reasonably well for me is to query using the event system.
Assume you are in the Forum Bundle, you have retrieved a list of posts for a given thread and now you need the user information for each post. You make an array of user id's then:
$userIds = array(...list of users you need information for...);
$findUsersEvent = new FindUsersEvent($userIds);
$users = $findUsersEvent->getUsers();
So now I have a list of user information all nicely indexed by user id from which I can then pull additional information.
The only coupling between the Forum and User bundles is the FindUsersEvent class which could be in a common bundle of some sort. The forum bundles does not care how the users are loaded. The user bundle just needs a listener.
A second approach is to basically use a REST like api for grabbing user information.

Symfony2: how can I load a user taking into account its mapping entity?

Although I'm using Symfony 2.1 with FOSUserBundle and everything works perfectly, I don't know how I can resolve a problem.
Basically, I would like to know if there is a way to find (load or get) a user from the database taking into account a relationship with another entity.
This is the situation:
I have made that users can also login into my site thru a social network (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc). I besides ask them for an offline access, so I can access their social accounts any time.
As each user can have as many connections as they want (or maybe none cause they are optionals), I've decided not to save this information in the user table. I've created an abstract entity called "SocialConnection" which is extended by the real ones (Google, Facebook, ect). In this entity I store the user information that I get when the user logs in my site thru those networks (user_id, social_id, access_token, etc), so in my User class I have mapped a collection of the abstract "SocialEngine" that allows me to have all networks together.
In order to be able to add others networks like Twitter, Yahoo and so on in the future, I think it is the way it should be.
So, the problem now is that when the user logs into my site thru any of these social networks I need to load him from the database knowing his social id, but I don't know how to do it.
I've seen that the method $this->findUserBy of UserManager find a user regarding a property but I think this is not the case.
What should I do to find a nice solution?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
To achieve this, you need to get deeper into doctrine's api. The base repositories methods (find, findBy etc...) won't be enough.
You need to use doctrine's DQL. It looks like SQL but you query based on your mapping metadata and not based on the database schema directly.
If your User has a OneToMany $socialAccounts property to the SocialEngine. You will be able to do something like:
FROM Bundle:User AS u
JOIN u.socialAccounts AS sa
WHERE = 34
But you can only query on SocialEngine's properties, not on the subclasses one ... (ie: You can't query on a SocialFacebookEngine's facebookId).
You either have to put all the twitter/facebook/etc data in the base SocialEngine class, on in the User class.
Or you could create an entity for each "Social Engine", and create a OneToOne relation relation between each of theses engines and the User.
