Suppose f(k) = exp(k/200) - 1 and we want to minimize ( f(a) + f(b) + f(c) + f(d) - pi )^2. The solution should be a = 6, b = 75, c = 89, d = 226. The sum of squares for this solution is ~ 8e-17.
sumsq <- function(theta, n=200) {
f <- function(k) exp(k/n) - 1
(f(theta[1]) + f(theta[2]) + f(theta[3]) + f(theta[4]) - pi)^2
theta <- optim(par=c(10, 90, 70, 300), fn=sumsq)
# theta$par = 62.97 106.89, 78.64, 189.82
# theta$value = 6.32e-10
# sumsq(c(6,75,89,226)) = 8.20e-17
So clearly, the solution of a = 6, b = 75, c = 89, d = 226 is better than the one the optim function gave by comparing the sum of squares. I would to know how to make R more accurate with its optimization technique. I have also tried the nlm() function, without success.
The value of pi used is 3.1415926535897931 - I think that the accuracy of pi is not the reason why the optim function isn't producing an optimal solution
As the commenters say, this isn't a problem with the accuracy of optim, but rather that the algorithm used by optim may not be suitable for your particular problem. There are very many optimization packages and interfaces available in R; I have had good results using the rgenoud package to improve maximum likelihood-based parameter estimates with the fitdist packages (which I believe uses optim by default).
The other question, of course, is whether the problem your are posing actually has a global minimum that is distinguishable from other local minimums within the numerical tolerance you can specify/R can detect. 6.32e-10 and 8.20e-17 are both pretty small and far beyond the numerical tolerances I consider acceptable in my work... but I don't know about your field.
This is not a well-posed minimization problem. There is an infinite amount of possible solutions. One of them is
which numerically is approximately
The residual sumsq in this case is zero (within the numerical accuracy) if you insert the numbers.
The problem would probably be far more complex to solve if one would impose, e.g., the restriction that only natural or only integer numbers are allowed. In that case, your combination (and permutations thereof) might be the best, but at the moment I wouldn't know how to verify this. A minimization in the presence of such a constraint would be a qualitatively different problem, which might be interesting for mathematicians. In any case, the usual numerical optimization algorithms won't allow to introduce such a constraint.
I used the "BFGS" method:
sumsq <- function(theta, n=200) {
f <- function(k) exp(k/n) - 1
(f(theta[1]) + f(theta[2]) + f(theta[3]) + f(theta[4]) - pi)^2
theta <- optim(par=c(10, 90, 70, 300), fn=sumsq, method="BFGS")
Look at the result:
> theta
[1] -2.629695 71.159586 52.952260 246.174513
[1] 4.009243e-22
function gradient
19 8
[1] 0
I'm implementing a Maximum-Likelihood estimation in R for a three parameter reverse Weibull model and have some troubles to get plausible results, which include:
Bad optimization results, unwanted optimx behaviour. Beside these I wonder, how I could make use of parscale in this model.
Here is my implementation attempt:
To generate data I use the probabilty integral transform:
#Generate N sigma*RWei(alph)-mu distributed points
gen.wei <- function(N, theta) {
alph <- theta[1]
mu <- theta[2]
sigma <- theta[3]
mu - sigma * (- log (runif(N)))**(1/alph)
Now I define the Log-Likelihood and negative Log-Likelihood to use optimx optimization:
ll.wei <- function(theta,x) {
N <- length(x)
alph <- theta[1]
mu <- theta[2]
sigma <- theta[3]
val <- sum(ifelse(
x <= mu,
log(alph/sigma) + (alph-1) * log( (mu-x)/sigma) - ( (mu-x)/sigma)**(alph-1),
#Negative LL----
nll.wei <- function(theta,x) {
return(-ll.wei(theta=theta, x=x))
Afterwards I define the analytical gradient of the negative LL. Remark: There are points at which the negative LL isn't differentiable (the upper end-point mu)
gradnll.wei <- function(theta,x) {
N <- length(x)
alph <- theta[1]
mu <- theta[2]
sigma <- theta[3]
argn <- (mu-x)/sigma
del.alph <- sum(ifelse(x <= mu,
1/alph + log(argn) - log(argn) * argn**(alph-1),
)) <- sum(ifelse(x <= mu,
(alph-1)/(mu-x) - (alph-1)/sigma * argn**(alph-2),
del.sigma <- sum(ifelse(x <= mu,
return (-c(del.alph,, del.sigma))
Finally I try to optimize using the optimx package and the methods Nelder-Mead (derivative free) and BFGS (my LL is kinda smooth, there's just one point, which is problematic).
#MLE for Weibull
mle.wei <- function(start,sample) {
fn = nll.wei,
gr = gradnll.wei,
method = c("BFGS"),
x = sample
theta.s <- c(4,1,1/2) #test for parameters
sample <- gen.wei(100, theta.s) #generate 100 data points distributed like theta.s
mle.wei(start=c(8,4, 2), sample) #MLE Estimation
To my surprise I get the following error:
Error in optimx.check(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower, :
Cannot evaluate function at initial parameters
I checked manually: Both nll and gradnll are finite at the initial parameters...
If i switch to optim instead of optimx I get a result, but a pretty bad one:
[1] 8.178674e-01 9.115766e-01 1.745724e-06
[1] -1072.786
function gradient
574 100
[1] 1
So it doesn't converge. If I don't supply the gradient to BFGS, there isn't a result. If I use Nelder-Mead instead:
[1] 1.026393e+00 9.649121e-01 9.865624e-18
[1] -3745.039
function gradient
502 NA
[1] 1
So it is also very bad...
My questions are:
Should I instead of defining the ll outside of the support as -Inf give it a very high negative value like -1e20 to circumvent -Inf errors or does it not matter?
Like the first one but for the gradient: technically the ll isn't defined outside of the support but since the likelihood is 0 albeit constant outside of the support, is it smart to define the gradnll as 0 outside?
3.I checked the implementation of the MLE estimator fgev from the evd package and saw that they use the BFGS method but don't supply the gradient even though the gradient does exist. Therefore my question is, whether there are situations where it is contraproductive to supply the gradient since it isn't defined everywhere (like my and the evd case)?
I got an error of "argument x matches multiple formal arguments" type in optimx but not in optim, which surprised me. What am I doing wrong in supplying my functions and data to the optimx function?
Thank you very much in advance!
Re 3: That's kind of a bug in optimx, but one that's hard to avoid. It uses x as a variable name when calculating a numerical gradient; you also use it as an "additional parameter" to your functions. You can work around that by renaming your argument, e.g. call it xdata in your functions.
Re 1 & 2: There are several techniques to handle boundary problems in optimization. Setting to a big constant value tends not to work: if the optimizer goes out of bounds, it finds the objective function really flat. If the exact boundary is legal, then pushing the parameter to the boundary and adding a penalty sometimes works. If the exact boundary is illegal, you might be able to reflect: e.g. if mu > 0 is a requirement, sometimes replacing mu by abs(mu) in the objective function gets things to work. Sometimes the best solution is to get rid of the boundary by transforming the parameters.
Edited to add some more details:
For this problem, it looks to me as though transformations of the parameters might work. I think alpha and sigma must both be positive. Setting alpha <- exp(theta[1]) and sigma <- exp(theta[3]) will guarantee that. Limits on mu are harder, but I think mu > max(xdata) is needed, so mu <- max(xdata) + exp(theta[2]) should keep it in bounds. Of course, making these changes messes up your gradient formula and starting values.
As to resources: I'm afraid I don't know any. This advice is based on years of painful experience. has a version of the package that deals with at least some variable clashes in the dot args.
There are some separate cleanups to be done before this goes on CRAN, but
the package should be more or less robust at the moment.
I'm reading Deep Learning by Goodfellow et al. and am trying to implement gradient descent as shown in Section 4.5 Example: Linear Least Squares. This is page 92 in the hard copy of the book.
The algorithm can be viewed in detail at with R implementation of linear least squares on page 94.
I've tried implementing in R, and the algorithm as implemented converges on a vector, but this vector does not seem to minimize the least squares function as required. Adding epsilon to the vector in question frequently produces a "minimum" less than the minimum outputted by my program.
options(digits = 15)
dim_square = 2 ### set dimension of square matrix
# Generate random vector, random matrix, and
A = matrix(nrow = dim_square, ncol = dim_square, byrow = T, rlnorm(dim_square ^ 2)/10)
b = rep(rnorm(1), dim_square)
# having fixed A & B, select X randomly
x = rnorm(dim_square) # vector length of dim_square--supposed to be arbitrary
f = function(x, A, b){
total_vector = A %*% x + b # this is the function that we want to minimize
total = 0.5 * sum(abs(total_vector) ^ 2) # L2 norm squared
# how close do we want to get?
epsilon = 0.1
delta = 0.01
value = (t(A) %*% A) %*% x - t(A) %*% b
L2_norm = (sum(abs(value) ^ 2)) ^ 0.5
steps = vector()
while(L2_norm > delta){
x = x - epsilon * value
value = (t(A) %*% A) %*% x - t(A) %*% b
L2_norm = (sum(abs(value) ^ 2)) ^ 0.5
minimum = f(x, A, b)
minimum_minus = f(x - 0.5*epsilon, A, b)
minimum_minus # less than the minimum found by gradient descent! Why?
On page 94 of the pdf appearing at
I am trying to find the values of the vector x such that f(x) is minimized. However, as demonstrated by the minimum in my code, and minimum_minus, minimum is not the actual minimum, as it exceeds minimum minus.
Any idea what the problem might be?
Original Problem
Finding the value of x such that the quantity Ax - b is minimized is equivalent to finding the value of x such that Ax - b = 0, or x = (A^-1)*b. This is because the L2 norm is the euclidean norm, more commonly known as the distance formula. By definition, distance cannot be negative, making its minimum identically zero.
This algorithm, as implemented, actually comes quite close to estimating x. However, because of recursive subtraction and rounding one quickly runs into the problem of underflow, resulting in massive oscillation, below:
Value of L2 Norm as a function of step size
Above algorithm vs. solve function in R
Above we have the results of A %% x followed by A %% min_x, with x estimated by the implemented algorithm and min_x estimated by the solve function in R.
The problem of underflow, well known to those familiar with numerical analysis, is probably best tackled by the programmers of lower-level libraries best equipped to tackle it.
To summarize, the algorithm appears to work as implemented. Important to note, however, is that not every function will have a minimum (think of a straight line), and also be aware that this algorithm should only be able to find a local, as opposed to a global minimum.
I am trying to calculate the turning point of a a few functions where I have estimated the coefficient and constant from a regression. I'm using the optimize function for this as my curves are all linear.
My function looks like:
F<- function(x){
beta* x + alpha
mind: beta and alpha are both vectors here. When running the optimisation with optimize, I'm getting the following error:
Error in optimize(F, interval = c(10, 20), lower = (10), :
invalid function value in 'optimize'
Is this because optimize is running the optimisation mathematically, so the beta and alphas need to be single parameters? If anyone knows a better way of doing this please do contribute!
Thank you in advance :)
If the functions are linear, then they will be at a minimum at the lower end of the range where beta>=0, and at the upper end of the range if beta<=0 - no need to use optimize().
It's not entirely clear what you're expecting the code to do - if you want it to return an x for each set of parameters, look at optim() instead and have F return the sum, or run optimize on each set of parameters in turn using an apply() function or loop.
One other thing is that your syntax is a bit wonky - I imagine that you mean:
> F<- function(x){
+ beta* x + alpha
+ }
> alpha <- 1
> beta <- 2
> optimize(F,c(10,20))
[1] 10.00006
[1] 21.00011
I have a functional like this :
(LaTex formula: $v[y]=\int_0^2 (y'^2+23yy'+12y^2+3ye^{2t})dt$)
with given start and end conditions y(0)=-1, y(2)=18.
How can I find extreme values of this functional in R? I realize how it can be done for example in Excel but didn't find appropriate solution in R.
Before trying to solve such a task in a numerical setting, it might be better to lean back and think about it for a moment.
This is a problem typically treated in the mathematical discipline of "variational calculus". A necessary condition for a function y(t) to be an extremum of the functional (ie. the integral) is the so-called Euler-Lagrange equation, see
Calculus of Variations at Wolfram Mathworld.
Applying it to f(t, y, y') as the integrand in your request, I get (please check, I can easily have made a mistake)
y'' - 12*y + 3/2*exp(2*t) = 0
You can go now and find a symbolic solution for this differential equation (with the help of a textbook, or some CAS), or solve it numerically with the help of an R package such as 'deSolve'.
PS: Solving this as an optimization problem based on discretization is possible, but may lead you on a long and stony road. I remember solving the "brachistochrone problem" to a satisfactory accuracy only by applying several hundred variables (not in R).
Here is a numerical solution in R. First the functional:
Now the function that does the actual optimization. The best results I got were using the BFGS optimization method, and parametrizing using dy rather than y:
findMinY<-function(points=100, ## number of points of evaluation
boundary=c(-1,18), ## boundary values
y0=NULL, ## optional initial value
method="Nelder-Mead", ## optimization method
dff=T) ## if TRUE, optimizes based on dy rather than y
if(is.null(y0) || length(y0)!=points)
With 500 points of evaluation, it only takes a few seconds with BFGS:
> system.time(yy<-findMinY(500,method="BFGS"))
Iterations: 90 18
user system elapsed
2.696 0.000 2.703
The resulting function looks like this:
And now a solution that numerically integrates the Euler equation.
As #HansWerner pointed out, this problem boils down to applying the Euler-Lagrange equation to the integrand in OP's question, and then solving that differential equation, either analytically or numerically. In this case the relevant ODE is
y'' - 12*y = 3/2*exp(2*t)
subject to:
y(0) = -1
y(2) = 18
So this is a boundary value problem, best approached using bvpcol(...) in package bvpSolve.
F <- function(t,, pars){
dy <-[2]
d2y <- 12*[1] + 1.5*exp(2*t)
init <- c(-1,NA)
end <- c(18,NA)
t <- seq(0, 2, by = 0.01)
sol <- bvpcol(yini = init, yend = end, x = t, func = F)
y = function(t){ # analytic solution...
b <- sqrt(12)
a <- 1.5/(4-b*b)
u <- exp(2*b)
C1 <- ((18*u + 1) - a*(exp(4)*u-1))/(u*u - 1)
C2 <- -1 - a - C1
return(a*exp(2*t) + C1*exp(b*t) + C2*exp(-b*t))
plot(t,y(t), type="l", xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(-1,18), col="red", main="Analytical Solution")
plot(sol[,1],sol[,2], type="l", xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(-1,18), xlab="t", ylab="y(t)", main="Numerical Solution")
It turns out that in this very simple example, there is an analytical solution:
y(t) = a * exp(2*t) + C1 * exp(sqrt(12)*t) + C2 * exp(-sqrt(12)*t)
where a = -3/16 and C1 and C2 are determined to satisfy the boundary conditions. As the plots show, the numerical and analytic solution agree completely, and also agree with the solution provided by #mrip
I have been using the Excel solver to handle the following problem
solve for a b and c in the equation:
y = a*b*c*x/((1 - c*x)(1 - c*x + b*c*x))
subject to the constraints
0 < a < 100
0 < b < 100
0 < c < 100
f(x[1]) < 10
f(x[2]) > 20
f(x[3]) < 40
where I have about 10 (x,y) value pairs. I minimize the sum of abs(y - f(x)). And I can constrain both the coefficients and the range of values for the result of my function at each x.
I tried nls (without trying to impose the constraints) and while Excel provided estimates for almost any starting values I cared to provide, nls almost never returned an answer.
I switched to using optim, but I'm having trouble applying the constraints.
This is where I have gotten so far-
best = function(p,x,y){sum(abs(y - p[1]*p[2]*p[3]*x/((1 - p[3]*x)*(1 - p[3]*x + p[2]*p[3]*x))))}
p = c(1,1,1)
x = c(.1,.5,.9)
y = c(5,26,35)
I did this to add the first set of constraints-
and end up with a higher value of the error ($value). So it seems like I am doing something wrong. I couldn't figure out how to apply my other set of constraints at all.
Could someone provide me a basic idea how to solve this problem that a non-statistician can understand? I looked at a lot of posts and looked in a few R books. The R books stopped at the simplest use of optim.
The absolute value introduces a singularity:
you may want to use a square instead,
especially for gradient-based methods (such as L-BFGS).
The denominator of your function can be zero.
The fact that the parameters appear in products
and that you allow them to be (arbitrarily close to) zero
can also cause problems.
You can try with other optimizers
(complete list on the optimization task view),
until you find one for which the optimization converges.
x0 <- c(.1,.5,.9)
y0 <- c(5,26,35)
p <- c(1,1,1)
lower <- 0*p
upper <- 100 + lower
f <- function(p,x=x0,y=y0) sum(
y - p[1]*p[2]*p[3]*x / ( (1 - p[3]*x)*(1 - p[3]*x + p[2]*p[3]*x) )
nmkb(p, f, lower=lower, upper=upper) # Converges
Rvmmin(p, f, lower=lower, upper=upper) # Does not converge
DEoptim(f, lower, upper) # Does not converge
PSopt(f, list(min=lower, max=upper))[c("xbest", "OFvalue")] # Does not really converge
DEopt(f, list(min=lower, max=upper))[c("xbest", "OFvalue")] # Does not really converge
bobyqa(p, f, lower, upper) # Does not really converge
As a last resort, you can always use a grid search.
r <- gridSearch( f,
lapply(seq_along(p), function(i) seq(lower[i],upper[i],length=200))