Repositories and Entity Framework -

I am building a web api for my application and right now i am looking for ways to design my data access layer.
At the end, the application should be able to support a very large number of client and a very large number of queries.
I have heard about entity framework but i have two concerns with it:
I have been told by many that entity framework is not the best when it comes to performance, and performance is something that i can't afford to neglect.
I am only starting to build the application and i'm still looking for developers to join me, if i start with entity framework now, i might want/need to change an orm/library (because of the reason above or any other reason) or even a database technology in the future.
Repositories are a great way to abstract the data access layer and make it invisible to the business layer, so if one day i want to change the DAL/Database technology, i won't have to touch the business, only change the repositories.
Still, i have read a lot about how combining entity framework with the repository pattern is a bad practice.
I am really confused... and i have few questions.
Should i use entity framework? Performances is an important thing to me.
Should i combine it with repository pattern? If not, what do i do when i want to change the database technology/orm?
I have practice with using the repository pattern with native sql client (running native sql queries) but i don't have any practice with using orm's, at least not in .net
Is it really a bad thing for big application to use native sql queries and wrap them with repositories?
It is really important for me to begin writing my application in best way possible (applying all the best practices) so i won't have much struggle in the future.

Ad.1) Yes, Entity Framework is dead slow - BUT - when used out of the box, if the developers has deep knowledge of Entity Framework, what it does behind the scenes, how to optimize the queries - it can be as fast as your more low-lewel own implementation of data access.
Ad.2) If you want to change the ORM or the Database technology - that is not a matter whetever you use EF or not, it's a matter of the architecture you will design for the software.
Ad.1) see former Add.1, if performance is really important, I personally would go with low-level SqlDataReader, altough as I sad, it's possible to use EF in a performant way.
Ad.2) I don't see nothing bad in combining the repository pattern with EF, in small applications it may be an overhead, because the EF is basically an implementation of an repository pattern, so you would get a "double repository pattern", but it allows you to abstract away the coupling with EF
Ad.3) I don't think it's a bad way - but it depends obviously on the application.

I think that using a repository pattern is a good idea and a sort of wayout if you have some performance issues.
About Dapper the question is why Dapper is more performant than EF and NHibernate. No Lazy Load, no DML, easy mapper and so on. If you want DML (I do) and sometimes Lazy Load you could have a mixed approach. Repository Pattern + EF + Dapper.
My approach actually is Repository Pattern + EF + very few query (massive update and delete and few select - EF writes huge SQL statements also for simple queries - ). To map the select you can include Dapper (I don't), do it by hand (manually mapping or use the features inside EF - but there are some limitations - or write something generic). Usually I map it manually but I wrote also a mapper based on EF Mapping
Entity framework Code First - configure mapping for SqlQuery
I used it for few times and actually I don't use it anymore.


Stored procedure vs Scaffolding [closed]

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I m using ASP.NET Core 1.0 and website will be big (expecting about 5,000 visitors per hour). I have read many times that stored procedures are very fast and safe (in terms of SQL injection etc). But the code first EF if so easy that I want to use it, but the CRUD methods are hidden.
What will be the disadvantages (if any) to use Scaffolding with EF over SP's in terms of performance and security?
As long as you are using parameterized SQL you should be okay in terms of SQL injection. Never use user input to directly "build" SQL queries via string concatenation. So, as long as you use Entity Framework, stored procedures, or other tools correctly you shouldn't have to worry about SQL injection.
In terms of performance Entity Framework and other similar tools do perform worse overall. I'm not sure that alone is enough to keep you from using it though unless your program expects to have very heavy usage.
Stack Exchange has a nice open source tool Dapper is more lightweight than Entity but still has some nice features. It allows you to write raw SQL. See the section on performance in the Dapper readme. It performs very well, much better than other frameworks.
Staying away from stored procedures can help improve your architecture. Stored procedures may encourage you to encode lots of business logic in the database where unit and integration testing is more difficult to do. Also, deploying new apps becomes more difficult due to having to keep your application, stored procedures, and schema in sync.
So, in short Entity Framework is a great tool but can decrease performance. There are alternatives to stored procedures that are still high performing. Security shouldn't be an issue with whatever mature tool you use (correctly).
Edit to answer additional questions
Isn't Dapper susceptible to SQL injection?
Sure, but just about any tool is if used incorrectly. Here is the proper way to use Dapper example from their documentation. This query is parameterized.
connection.Execute(#"insert MyTable(colA, colB) values (#a, #b)",
new[] { new { a=1, b=1 }, new { a=2, b=2 }, new { a=3, b=3 } }
Now, here is a bad example that is susceptible to SQL injection:
connection.Execute(#"insert MyTable(colA, colB) values ('" + a + "', '" + b + "')")
Is Entity Framework always safe?
No, if you concatenate variables like the previous section and use ExecuteQuery you run into issues as well.
Are stored procedures always safe?
No, you can still run into SQL injection issues if you use dynamic SQL without parameterization.
Here is a link that discusses how ORMs and stored procedures are susceptible to SQL injection:
What will be the disadvantages (if any) to use Scaffolding with EF over SP's in terms of performance and security?
No security issues if used properly like discussed above. Scaffolding is great if you're doing CRUD pages.
If you need to do advanced reporting you may need custom SQL which can still be done with Entity Framework. There is nothing wrong with using scaffolding for as much of your app as it makes sense to use it for and then use parameterized SQL via Entity for everything else. You can always even use scaffolding and then modify the generated classes to do what you want. For CRUD pages use scaffolding and for advanced queries write your own.
The performance hit from using Entity Framework for simple queries probably won't hurt you for basic queries - it should be minimal. You need to worry more about proper indexing and database schema most likely. A bad schema or incorrect indexing will cause performance issues in a hurry.
I like to think of choice between writing stored procedures and writing queries in EF as similar (in some way) to difference between programming in assembler and writing programs that are being runned in managed environment (like .NET and Java). Applications written for managed environments are always slower than those written in assembly language, but on the other hand it is usually much easier (and thus cheaper) to write complex applications using managed languages. With use of EF linq you will write your queries much faster and they will be usually simpler than their sql equivalents and thus easier to maintain. Other important factor is that applications changes rapidly, new functionalities are being added, old are being rewritten and along with this process tables and other db structures changes. When this happen your SP can no longer work correctly. When do you know that they should be fixed? Only when you run them. When do you know that you need to fix EF query because table changes? During compilation. And performance lost? Generally nowadays we have fast and quite cheap machines so we do not care that much. I examined once execution time of EF query and its sql equivalent - plain sql gained me decrease in execution time like 5% - this is nothing for me. And as sql queries are much more complex there is high probability of writing your query in wrong way so that it will be unnecessary slower. And finally, if you need in your app really great performance for some complex query - write it as SP and execute it easily with EF.
When it comes to security EF query generators always use sql parameters so they are as safe to sql injections as SP.
You can use scaffolding to create DB and views and replace the calls to inbuilt methods by your own methods.

Is there an EntityFramework "Light"?

we started a new ASP.NET MVC Project with EF and .Net 4.5. Original plan was to use code first to create the database, but that seemed a bit too complicated, probably mostly because all of us were familiar with DB-designs and it seemed just much easier and faster to do everything in SQL.
So for now we use EF to simply create mappers for our tables, views and functions. Stored Procedures don't really want to work for us automatically, so we are calling those manually with SqlCommand. Now a problem sometimes emerges with the complex connection string and all the XML-files which need to be referred in it. (At least which are referred when we use the automatically created connection string).
Long story short - EF has many features, of which we probably use only a hand full. We would be probably much happier with Linq2Sql. But that one is obsolete, and few months ago I read some scary posts, that when you want to launch your application in Azure, DB connections can break, and EF (from version 5 or 6) is so awesome and renews them automatically.
Is this true and EF the only usable ORM mapper for azure? Can we somehow deactivate all those features we don't use to have something as simple as Linq2Sql, should we use directly Linq2Sql even though it is obsolete, or just learn to deal with all those features? Or is the answer to use NHibernate (which seems to have a much more straight forward XML-configuration file, but no simple integration with Visual Studio to create all necessary classes)?
Another reason we gave up on code first and reverse engineered code first was, that we were missing an easy way to create wrapper functions for our SQL Server - stored functions. This feature is provided with the DB-first use of EF (as we use it)

using linq and entity framework to iterate over database data

I read that in some books they use linq to sql and entity framework..
Whats so good about them?!!?
They are slow.. especially linq to sql. Does entity framework have any benefit that make it worth learning?!?
I strive to make the site as fast as I can, and I dont use disconnected data access much
consider that my goal is to make the site run as fast as it can
ORM frameworks like Linq-to-Sql and Entity Framework will almost always implement an abstraction layer between the program code and database SQL statement. This layer's job is to parse the code's syntax into a SQL statement.
So, if your ultimate goal is increased speed, it would be smart to avoid that layer.

What is better for my ASP.NET project using (Server explorer) or DBconnect class?

I have ASP.NET project and I want to know what is better to use.
ODBC connection and with Server Explorer (drag and drop make DataSet and modify it) or do some DBconnect class with connection to database, queries and use it for GridView?
When I use server explorer, I don't have good feeling because all logic is on aspx page and I do not separate from the application layer logic layer.
It will be a lagre application, databese(PostreSQL) have 18 tables and difficult constraints and application have to generate some documents etc. .
"Better" depends entirely on your situation. Is the purpose to get something done as quickly as possible for internal users at your company, or is this going to be a commercial site that will need to be highly extensible and needs to be as easy as possible to maintain? Will you need to integrate with other platforms possibly built using other languages at some point? The answers to all of these questions should affect your decision.
If you're looking to separate your project into distinct layers, then I would recommend an ORM such as NHibernate or Entity Framework (there are other commercially available ORM products out there, but these are the ones I'm familiar with and which you can easily get help with on this site).
Create a DataSource with LINQ to Entity. It let you the liberty of LINQ with the peace of mind of when you change something il will break your build so you will be able to debug more efficiently.
Well if you have total flexibility, I would recommend using C# ASP.NET 4 with MVC3 razor for the UI and application code. Use Entity Framework 4.1 code first for the data access layer.
This way you will always work with real objects that you create, and with List<realtype> instead of the total mess that exists with datasets.

Entity Framework 4.0 Scaling and Security

I want to use an ORM, and have been looking at EF 4. Is this platform scalable. I see a lot of stuff on the web, but everything looks very biased in one way or the other. Anyone know of benchmarks or non-subjective information.
On that point, does EF prevent SQL injection or XSS. I know that it used parametrized queries, but is that enough?
Any help is appreciated.
Okay so i see two questions here.
Is EF Scalable
Very difficult (and subjective) to answer, but IMO yes.
Here's a few reasons why:
Utilizes a common querying language (LINQ)
Allows for multiple providers (SqlServer, Oracle, etc)
Allows bi-directional mapping (code first, model first, database first)
Includes "classic ADO.NET" support (stored procedures, Entity-SQL)
The main real benefit in scalability is how the framework is built on LINQ-to-Entities. When you write queries, you are not writing against SQL Server or Oracle, you are writing against the Model. Depending on what Provider you have setup (in web.config), EF will translate these model queries into the appropriate T-SQL (or P-SQL).
Therefore (theoretically), you could write code against SQL Server, then change the web.config provider to Oracle, and your code should work. Obviously this isn't the case for Entity-SQL though (as you are writing T-SQL, not LINQ).
Does EF prevent SQL injection or XSS
No ORM tool can really "prevent" SQL Injection attacks - they can only provide the developer with the tools to prevent it.
As with classic ADO.NET where you use parameterized queries, Entity Framework has Entity-SQL, which allows to to execute pre-generated SQL, stored procedures, etc.
In this scenario, you need to use parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection. For most EF work, you will be writing queries with LINQ, which is a lot safer because it gets hydrated through a lot of stages before it becomes SQL.
XSS is exploited on the client-side via things like injected JavaScript, dodgy emails, etc. Has nothing to do with Entity Framework. Prevention of XSS is done on the client-side with things like HTML encoding.
No. ORMs are not a panacea for scalability. There is such a things called the impedance mismatch of objects and databases which has been around for many years. ORMS try to solve this by providing magic code generation/mapping solutions that give the appearance of just working with objects.
In a multi-tier environment with many client programs and a single/many server scenario, for every change that has to be committed to the database, checks need to be performed to make sure that your not over writing someone elses change on the data, or trying to update data that has been removed. This is not a new problem introduced by ORMs but one which appears many many times throughout the ages of updating databases in N-Tier environments. ORMS do not solve this problem. In some cases, if the ORM is the single entry to the Database, the ORM becomes a bottle neck. This means that to create a scalable architecture using an ORM becomes problematic as having DB checks performed on the ORM means that the update anomaly checks could be by passed if your using an N-Tier ORM solution where you have duplicate ORM tiers.
For the reasons above, this is why we use stored procedures. But if your using stored procedures, which naturally obfuscate the underlying data structures of the database then this increases the impedance mismatch of objects and database entities. One thing about using stored procedures and relying on table locking/row rocking, some of the update scenarios are solved, as we shift the bottle neck to the performance of the underlying database design.
So whats the answer. Don't use objects for databases. Object are great for analysis, bad for code design when interacting with RDBMS databases.
If your really thinking SQL and RDBMS data solutions are a problem, which in some scenarios they are, take a look at some of the NOSQL solutions out there. Still not a panacea for all problems, but in some cases they provide a better solution than a straight SQL solution.
Objects are not the answer to all problems. Step back from your code, take a look at what your trying to do, and think if an object is the right approach.
As for security, no ORMS do not aid security. Although they do help prevent some forms of injection attacks.
