How to change members per page in BuddyPress members directory - wordpress

In BuddyPress, it shows 20 members per members directory page. I want to list 24 members per page with a pagination and sorting must work perfectly. I tried:
It works but pagination and sorting are not working correctly.

For those like me wondering how to do this nowadays and ending here after searching with their fav engine, the proper way is to use a filter in bp-custom.php or the functions.php of your theme.
For the member loop it would be something like :
function my_bp_members_per_page( $retval ) {
$retval['per_page'] = 24;
return $retval;
add_filter( 'bp_after_has_members_parse_args', 'my_bp_members_per_page' );
Bonus : this will still work if you use cache like WP Rocket.
Former method doesn't work with cache and logged in user.

You need an '&' for each additional argument.

To modify this file, you make a copy of it and put it into your child-theme


WooCommerce - How To Update 'Net Sales' Only When Payment is Complete

I have a WooCommerce set up, whereby all orders are added manually.
When I add a (pending) order, the WooCommerce order status hook registers the sale (for reporting).
I wish the switch this process to the hook called only when the order is (again manually) set to 'complete'.
There are a couple plugins ( eg. / etc ), but these are either overkill or simply don't provide this functionality..
I've also found a couple related posts, essentially describing overriding the woocommerce hooks to this end ( Getting order data after successful checkout hook etc, but unfortunately whilst the solutions correspond ( ie adapting the correct hooks - the context differs ).
I'm reluctant to prevent functionality in these hooks when attempting to overwrite/reorder the actions so any pointers which hooks I can use to achieve this would be really helpful.
Many thanks!
maybe you can try to use the ... filter, something like (untested):
add_filter( 'woocommerce_reports_order_statuses', 'fc_order_status_reports', 20, 1 );
function fc_order_status_reports( $statuses ) {
$statuses = array('completed');
return $statuses;
The code snippet is to add to your active theme's functions.php file.
Let me know if it does the job ;)

How can I exploit the wordpress template hierarchy to render a different post template depending on category name/slug?

Apologies if this appears simple to some, but I have scaled high and low and I'm not finding a solution here to my problem, which is:
I have a website set up with Wordpress in which posts can fall under one of three categories: reviews, views, news - the slugs associated with each of these category names are the same.
Currently, calling up the web page of any individual post classified under any of these categories will see it rendered by the file single.php.
However, I want to make a slight adaption to the rendering of the post when it falls within the 'reviews' category. I have copied and renamed the original single.php file to single-post-reviews.php (no custom posts here, I will just confirm and I would like, if possible, to avoid child-theming here - not good practice, I know), but I am not seeing the new rendering from my new file.
I've also tried renaming to single-reviews.php which hasn't worked either - so could someone tell me what exactly I'm missing here?
WordPress Template Hierarchy for Single Posts doesn't factor in the current post category (likely due to the fact you can have multiple categories). Due to this, you have 2 viable options to your problem.
1) You can modify single.php to check for the post category, and if it's categorized under reviews, do something. This makes sense if you're just adding a small amount of markup in one or two places, or even hiding a few lines conditionally.
2) You can override the page template that's loaded based on the post's category using the single_template filter. Because I don't know exactly what you're doing, I'm going to elaborate more on this method. Take the following function:
add_filter( 'single_template', 'so51913799_review_template' );
function so51913799_review_template( $single_template ){
global $post;
if( has_category( 'reviews' ) ){
$single_template = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/single-post-reviews.php';
return $single_template;
If you put it in your functions.php file, it will make use of the has_category() function (I prefer this to in_category() since in_category just returns has_category anyways) and if it matches, it will update the $single_template variable to single-post-reviews.php. This assumes that the file is inside your /wp-content/themes/ACTIVE-THEME/ directory.

how to change form action url for contact form 7?

I'm using Contact Form 7 in a wordpress site with multiple forms.
I need to direct one form to a different form action url than the others.
I found the reply below for a previous thread but I'm not sure how to go about it.
Can someone specify what exact code needs to be included in "additional settings"
and what the code in functions.php would look like?
Thanks for your help!
reply from diff. thread, which I don't completely understand...
*Yes, you have to change the "action" attribute in the form using this Filter Hook wpcf7_form_action_url. (what would be the code?) You could add the hook into your theme's functions.php and then just process the form data in your ASP page.(code?) *
Since you're not familiar with PHP code at all, I'll give you a bit of a crash course in coding within the Wordpress API.
First off, you need to know the difference between functions and variables. A variable is a single entity that is meant to represent an arbitrary value. The value can be anything. A number, somebody's name, or complex data.
A function is something that executes a series of actions to either send back - or return - a variable, or alter a given variable.
$a = 1; //Number
$b = 'b'; //String *note the quotes around it*
$c = my_function(); //Call to a function called my_function
echo $a; //1
echo $b; //b
echo $c; //oh, hello
function my_function()
return 'oh, hello';
Wordpress utilizes its own action and filter system loosely based on the Event-Driven Programming style.
What this means is that Wordpress is "listening" for a certain event to happen, and when it does, it executes a function attached to that event (also known as a callback). These are the "Actions" and "Filters". So what's the difference?
Actions are functions that do stuff
Filters are functions that return stuff
So how does this all fit in to your problem?
Contact Form 7 has its own filter that returns the URL of where information is to be sent by its forms.
So lets look at the basics of a Filter Hook
add_filter('hook_name', 'your_filter');
add_filter is the function that tells Wordpress it needs to listen
for a particular event.
'hook_name' is the event Wordpress is listening for.
'your_filter' is the function - or callback - that is called when the 'hook_name' event is fired.
The link to the previous thread states that the hook name you need to be using is 'wpcf7_form_action_url'. That means that all you have to do is make a call to add_filter, set the 'hook_name' to 'wpcf7_form_action_url', and then set 'your_filter' to the name of the function you'll be setting up as your callback.
Once that's done, you just need to define a function with a name that matches whatever you put in place of 'your_filter', and just make sure that it returns a URL to modify the form action.
Now here comes the problem: This is going to alter ALL of your forms. But first thing's first: See if you can get some working code going on your own. Just write your code in functions.php and let us know how it turns out.
The fact that you were able to get it so quickly is wonderful, and shows the amount of research effort you're putting into this.
Put all of this in functions.php
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url()
return 'wheretopost.asp';
As mentioned before, that will affect ALL of your forms. If this is only supposed to affect a form on a given page, you can do something like this:
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url($url)
global $post;
$id_to_change = 1;
if($post->ID === $id_to_change)
return 'wheretopost.asp';
return $url;
All you would need to do is change the value of $id_to_change to a number that represents the ID of the Post/Page you're trying to affect. So if - for example - you have an About Page that you would like to change the Action URL, you can find the ID number of your About Page in the Admin Dashboard (just go to the Page editor and look in your URL for the ID number) and change the 1 to whatever the ID number is.
Hope this helps you out, and best of luck to you.
Great answer #maiorano84 but I think you should check form ID instead of Post. Here is my version.
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url($url)
$wpcf7 = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
$wpcf7_id = $wpcf7->id();
$form_id = 123;
return $wpcf7_id == $form_id? '/action.php' : $url;
Another thing you might need to disable WPCF7 AJAX. That can be disabled by placing the following code in your theme functions.php
apply_filters( 'wpcf7_load_js', '__return_false' );
You can add actions after a successful submission like the documentation says
Adding a filter will work in the sense that it will change the action on the form but unfortunately it will also break the functionality of the plugin. If you add the filter like other answers suggest the form will keep the spinner state after submission.
You can make the form do something else on submit by using advanced settings such as:
on_submit: "alert('submit');"
more details about advanced settings here.
According to #abbas-arif, his solution works great, but have a limitation. This solution change the form's action on all forms present in post with that ID.
A better solution should be to use directly the form's ID. To get it, whit wordpress >5.2, you can use:
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url($url)
$cf7forms = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
$Form = $cf7forms -> id;
case 1:
return 'destination like salesforce url 1...';
case 2:
return 'destination like salesforce url 2...';
case 3:
return 'destination like salesforce url 3...';
return $url;

Set PHP Variables for Drupal 7 Theme Files

I want to set custom php variables that can be used throughout my drupal theme (html.tpl.php, page.tpl.php etc.) I need the variables set based on the $title of the node. I'm not an expert on how Drupal works, the moduling and hooks, and I just need to know the simplest/easiest way to accomplish this. I keep reading about implementing some sort of hook in the template.php file where you can set variables, but I've been unsuccesful with everything I've tried.
So, basically, how would you accomplish this:
Get $title of Node
Set variables that will be passed along into theme files (for example, to do basic things like: if($title == 'news_page') { $siteSection = "news"; } )
Have $siteSection be available to use in theme files
Any help would be great.. thanks!
Before Drupal builds the HTML for a page from a theme's template (.tpl.php file), it runs preprocess "hooks". Hooks are basically a naming convention for functions that let modules and themes override or "hook" onto Drupal core processes.
E.g., if you want to display a message to a user when they log in, you can use hook_user_login.
function MODULENAME_user_login(&$edit, $account) {
drupal_set_message("Welcome, ". $account->name);
When a user logs in, Drupal looks for all loaded functions that end in "_user_login" and it runs them. If this function is in an enabled module, it has been loaded, so it will get run as well.
If you want to make a variable named $site_section available in your page.tpl.php file, you can hook into template_preprocess_page. This is a theme hook, so the name is a little different, but it functions pretty much the same way. To call this hook from your theme, you need to create a file called template.php in your theme's directory. Inside template.php, we'll add:
function THEMENAME_preprocess_page(&$vars){
switch (drupal_strtolower($vars['node']->title)) {
case "about page":
$site_section = "about";
case "news page":
case "news page1":
case "news page2":
$site_section = "news";
$site_section = "none";
$vars['site_section'] = $site_section;
The <?php is used to tell the server the treat all of the proceeding code as PHP. We then declare our hook function with the intention of loading Drupal's array of page variables into a local variable called $vars. By adding the & before $vars, we'll be allowed to modify the values for use outside of this function.
The switch statement will let us efficiently test the page title for multiple values. The value of the node's title may contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and symbols, so to avoid a case-sensitive mismatch, we're going to convert the title to lowercase and only test that (symbols will still be in the title, though). After the switch statement, we set the value of our $site_section local value into the referenced $vars array for use in page.tpl.php.
However, if it's just your intention to break the site up into sections for theming purposes, there are other ways of accomplishing that. My answer to a similar situation a few months ago might be helpful.

How do you use a view with arguments as the site front page in Drupal?

I have a Drupal site and I have setup a view to power the front page.
My goal is to be able to pass 0-2 arguments to the home page, that get passed into the view. However, I still need the normal Drupal pages to work. The list of arguments is known.
For example: would pass in "berlin" as the first argument and "birds" as the second argument to the view that powers the front page. would just pass in one argument, "berlin" would load the normal admin pages in Drupal
I'm not clear on how to achieve this. Is there a hook I can use? I can't find one or think of one. Is there a way to specify this in the argument for the view itself? Perhaps I can write a hook that interjects when the URL is being loaded, and rewrite in the background?
The solution I currently have is to add these paths (since my arguments are known) to the menu system. This works, except that when I the pages they aren't the front page, so the pages don't use the node themes I want (they use the node details theme).
I don't think you can really do this without custom code. The View needs a path before it starts taking arguments, and your URLs start with the arguments. What you can do is fake it with custom code. I've used something like this:
* Implements hook_init().
function mymodule_custom_init() {
$item = menu_get_item(); // Matching Drupal path
if (!$item) { // There is no matching Drupal path.
$_GET['q'] = 'view_path/' . $_GET['q']; // Fake path path.
} // if
} // mymodule_custom_init
Then you give the view a path of "view_path" and it responds to everything that doesn't match anything else in Drupal's paths.
There is a spot in the views UI for "Argument handling code" that takes a small snippet of php -
You could run some code there that checks to see if you are on the front page (or arguments are not present or whatever)and insert the arguments you want.
Another way is to set arguments via a hook_views_pre_view or hook_views_pre_build. Is better because you are sure you don't break other stuff (like another view block).
function MYMODULE_views_pre_view(&$view){
if ($view->name == 'your_view_name' && drupal_is_front_page()) {
