using weights in the simulate() function in R - r

I want to generate predicted values of a GLM function including stochastic uncertainty. I use 2 approaches and compare them to make sure its correct.
n <- 1500
d <- mvrnorm(n=n, mu=c(0,0,0,0),Sigma=matrix(.7, nrow=4, ncol=4) + diag(4)*.3)
d[,1] <- qgamma(p=pnorm(q=d[,1]), shape=2, rate=2) * 1000
m <- glm(formula=d[,1] ~ d[,2] + d[,3] + d[,4], family=gaussian(link="sqrt"))
p_lin <- m$coef[1] + m$coef[2]*d[,2] + m$coef[3]*d[,3] + m$coef[4]*d[,4]
p1 <- rnorm(n=n, mean=p_lin^2, sd=sd(p_lin^2 - d[,1]))
p2 <- simulate(m)$sim_1
par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(4,2,2,1), pch=16, cex=0.8, pty="s")
xylim <- c(min(c(d[,1], p1, p2)), max(c(d[,1], p1, p2)))
plot(x=d[,1], y=p1, xlab="predicted values", ylab="original data", xlim=xylim, ylim=xylim, col=rgb(0,0,0,alpha=0.1))
points(x=d[,1], y=simulate(m)$sim_1, col=rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.1))
abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")
The predictions differ. Looking at the source code of the simulate() function
(this can be done by using:
getS3method(c("predict"), class = "glm")
I see that the simulate() function applies a weighted-based sd:
if (!is.null(object$weights))
vars <- vars/object$weights ftd + rnorm(ntot, sd = sqrt(vars)) # this is the prediction including stochastic uncertainty; ftd is defined as fitted(object)
Looking at the help function I read that "The methods for linear models fitted by lm or glm(family = "gaussian") assume that any weights which have been supplied are inversely proportional to the error variance." However, I assume this is about the prior weights, which I did not apply and are NULL (m$prior.weights). However, the simulate function seems to use the m$weights, which seems identical to 4*m$fitted.values. I googled a lot but can't get to the bottom of this. Why does the simulate() function apply these weights in the sd? Is this correct? How are these weights calculated?
(its related to the post: microsimulation GLM including stochastic part; hopefully I'm not wrong in starting a new one)


Using optim to choose initial values for nls

One method I have seen in the literature is the use of optim() to choose initial values for nonlinear models in the package nls or nlme, however, I am puzzled by the actual implementation.
Take an example using COVID data from Alachua, FL:
dat=data.frame(x=seq(1,10,1), y=c(27.9,23.1,24.6,33.0,48.0,136.4,243.4,396.7,519.9,602.8))
x are time points and y is the number of people infected per 10,000 people
Now, if I wanted to fit a four-parameter logistic model in nls, I could use
n1 <- nls(y ~ SSfpl(x, A, B, M, S), data = dat)
But now imagine that parameter estimation is highly sensitive to the initial values so I want to optimize my approach. How would this be achieved?
The way I have thought to try is as follows
fun_to_optim <- function(data, guess){
x = data$x
y = data$y
A = guess[1]
B = guess[2]
M = guess[3]
S = guess[4]
y = A + (B-A)/(1+exp((M-x)/S))
return(-sum(y)) }
optim(fn=fun_to_optim, data=dat,
The result from optim() is wrong but I cannot see my error. Thank you for any assistance.
The main issue is that you're not computing/returning the sum of squares from your objective function. However: I think you really have it backwards. Using nls() with SSfpl is about the best you're going to do in terms of optimization: it has sensible heuristics for picking starting values (SS stands for "self-starting"), and it provides a gradient function for the optimizer. It's not impossible that, with a considerable amount of work, you could find better heuristics for picking starting values for a particular system, but in general switching from nls to optim + Nelder-Mead will leave you worse off than when you started (illustration below).
fun_to_optim <- function(data, guess){
x = data$x
y = data$y
A = guess[1]
B = guess[2]
M = guess[3]
S = guess[4]
y_pred = A + (B-A)/(1+exp((M-x)/S))
Fit optim() with (1) your suggested starting values; (2) better starting values that are somewhere nearer the correct values (you could get most of these values by knowing the geometry of the function — e.g. A is the left asymptote, B is the right asymptote, M is the midpoint, S is the scale); (3) same as #2 but using BFGS rather than Nelder-Mead.
opt1 <- optim(fn=fun_to_optim, data=dat,
opt2 <- optim(fn=fun_to_optim, data=dat,
method = "Nelder-Mead")
opt3 <- optim(fn=fun_to_optim, data=dat,
method = "BFGS")
xvec <- seq(1,10,length=101)
plot(y~x, data=dat)
lines(xvec, predict(n1, newdata=data.frame(x=xvec)))
p1 <- with(as.list(opt1$par), A + (B-A)/(1+exp((M-xvec)/S)))
lines(xvec, p1, col=2)
p2 <- with(as.list(opt2$par), A + (B-A)/(1+exp((M-xvec)/S)))
lines(xvec, p2, col=4)
p3 <- with(as.list(opt3$par), A + (B-A)/(1+exp((M-xvec)/S)))
lines(xvec, p3, col=6)
legend("topleft", col=c(1,2,4,6), lty=1,
legend=c("nls","NM (bad start)", "NM", "BFGS"))
nls and good starting values + BFGS overlap, and provide a good fit
optim/Nelder-Mead from bad starting values is absolutely terrible — converges on a constant line
optim/N-M from good starting values gets a reasonable fit, but obviously worse; I haven't analyzed why it gets stuck there.

How to do an exponential regression model?

I have a small data base (txt file).
I want to obtain an exponential regression in R.
The commands that I am using are:
regression <- read.delim("C:/Users/david/OneDrive/Desktop/regression.txt")
source('~/.active-rstudio-document', echo=TRUE)
m <- nls(DelSqRho ~ (1-exp(-a*(d-b)**2)), data=regression, start=list(a=1, b=1))
But, when I run it, I get an error:
Error in nls(DelSqRho ~ (1 - exp(-a * (d - b)^2)), data = regression, :
step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562
and I do not know how to solve it, how to obtain the exponwential regression, please, any hint?
nls is quite sensitive to the values of the starting parameters and so you want to choose values that give a reasonable fit to the data (minpack.lm::nlsLM can be a bit more forgiving).
You can plot the curve at your starting values of a=1 and b=1 and see that it doesn't do a great job of capturing the curve.
regression <- read.delim("regression.txt")
with(regression, plot(d, DelSqRho, ylim=c(-3, 1)))
xs <- seq(min(regression$d), max(regression$d), length=100)
a <- 1; b <- 1; ys <- 1 - exp(-a* (xs - b)**2)
lines(xs, ys)
One way to get starting values is by rearranging the objective function.
y = 1 - exp(-a*(x-b)**2) can be rearranged as log(1/(1-y)) = ab^2 - 2abx + ax^2 (here y must be less than one). Linear regression can then be used to get an estimate of a and b.
start_m <- lm(log(1/(1-DelSqRho)) ~ poly(d, 2, raw=TRUE), regression)
unname(a <- coef(start_m)[3]) # as `a` is aligned with the quadratic term
# [1] -0.2345953
unname(b <- sqrt(coef(start_m)[1]/coef(start_m)[3]))
# [1] 2.933345
(Sometimes it is not possible to rearrange the data in this way and you can try to get a rough idea of the parameters by plotting the curves at various starting parameters. nls2 can also do a brute force search or grid search over starting parameters.)
We can now try to estimate the nls model at these parameters:
m <- nls(DelSqRho ~ 1-exp(-a*(d-b)**2), data=regression, start=list(a=a, b=b))
# a b
# -0.2379078 2.8868374
And plot the results:
# note that `newdata` must be a named list or data frame
# in which to look for variables with which to predict.
y_est <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(d=xs))
with(regression, plot(d, DelSqRho))
lines(xs, y_est, col="red", lwd=2)
The fit isn't great and is perhaps suggestive that a more flexible model is required.

How to run monte carlo simulation from a custom distribution in R

I would like to pull 1000 samples from a custom distribution in R
I have the following custom distribution
mu <- 1
sigma <- 2
tau <- 3
kappa <- 3
rate <- 1
Rmax <- 20
x <- seq(1, 2e1, 0.01)
points <- Rmax * dexGAUS(x, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = tau) * pgamma(x, shape = kappa, rate = rate)
plot(points ~ x)
How can I randomly sample via Monte Carlo simulation from this distribution?
My first attempt was the following code which produced a histogram shape I did not expect.
hist(sample(points, 1000), breaks = 51)
This is not what I was looking for as it does not follow the same distribution as the pdf.
If you want a Monte Carlo simulation, you'll need to sample from the distribution a large number of times, not take a large sample one time.
Your object, points, has values that increases as the index increases to a threshold around 400, levels off, and then decreases. That's what plot(points ~ x) shows. It may describe a distribution, but the actual distribution of values in points is different. That shows how often values are within a certain range. You'll notice your x axis for the histogram is similar to the y axis for the plot(points ~ x) plot. The actual distribution of values in the points object is easy enough to see, and it is similar to what you're seeing when sampling 1000 values at random, without replacement from an object with 1900 values in it. Here's the distribution of values in points (no simulation required):
hist(points, 100)
I used 100 breaks on purpose so you could see some of the fine details.
Notice the little bump in the tail at the top, that you may not be expecting if you want the histogram to look like the plot of the values vs. the index (or some increasing x). That means that there are more values in points that are around 2 then there are around 1. See if you can look at how the curve of plot(points ~ x) flattens when the value is around 2, and how it's very steep between 0.5 and 1.5. Notice also the large hump at the low end of the histogram, and look at the plot(points ~ x) curve again. Do you see how most of the values (whether they're at the low end or the high end of that curve) are close to 0, or at least less than 0.25. If you look at those details, you may be able to convince yourself that the histogram is, in fact, exactly what you should expect :)
If you want a Monte Carlo simulation of a sample from this object, you might try something like:
samples <- replicate(1000, sample(points, 100, replace = TRUE))
If you want to generate data using points as a probability density function, that question has been asked and answered here
Let's define your (not normalized) probability density function as a function:
fun <- function(x, mu = 1, sigma = 2, tau = 3, kappa = 3, rate = 1, Rmax = 20)
Rmax * dexGAUS(x, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = tau) *
pgamma(x, shape = kappa, rate = rate)
Now one approach is to use some MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) method. For instance,
simMCMC <- function(N, init, fun, ...) {
out <- numeric(N)
out[1] <- init
for(i in 2:N) {
pr <- out[i - 1] + rnorm(1, ...)
r <- fun(pr) / fun(out[i - 1])
out[i] <- ifelse(runif(1) < r, pr, out[i - 1])
It starts from point init and gives N draws. The approach can be improved in many ways, but I'm simply only going to start form init = 5, include a burnin period of 20000 and to select every second draw to reduce the number of repetitions:
d <- tail(simMCMC(20000 + 2000, init = 5, fun = fun), 2000)[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
You invert the ECDF of the distribution:
ecd.points <- ecdf(points)
invecdfpts <- with( environment(ecd.points), approxfun(y,x) )
samp.inv.ecd <- function(n=100) invecdfpts( runif(n) )
plot(density (samp.inv.ecd(100) ) )
plot(density(points) )
png(); layout(matrix(1:2,1)); plot(density (samp.inv.ecd(100) ),main="The Sample" )
plot(density(points) , main="The Original");
Here's another way to do it that draws from R: Generate data from a probability density distribution and How to create a distribution function in R?:
x <- seq(1, 2e1, 0.01)
points <- 20*dexGAUS(x,mu=1,sigma=2,nu=3)*pgamma(x,shape=3,rate=1)
f <- function (x) (20*dexGAUS(x,mu=1,sigma=2,nu=3)*pgamma(x,shape=3,rate=1))
C <- integrate(f,-Inf,Inf)
> C$value
[1] 11.50361
# normalize by C$value
f <- function (x)
random.points <- approx(cumsum(pdf$y)/sum(pdf$y),pdf$x,runif(10000))$y
hist((random.points*40),1000) will get the scaling like your original function.

Central Limit Theorem in R

I wish to simulate the central limit theorem in order to demonstrate it, and I am not sure how to do it in R. I want to create 10,000 samples with a sample size of n (can be numeric or a parameter), from a distribution I will choose (uniform, exponential, etc...). Then I want to graph in one plot (using the par and mfrow commands) the original distribution (histogram), the distribution of the means of all samples, a Q-Q plot of the means, and in the 4th graph (there are four, 2X2), I am not sure what to plot. Can you please assist me in starting to program it in R ? I think once I have the simulated data I should be fine. Thank you.
My initial attempt is below, it is too simple and I am not sure even correct.
r = 10000;
n = 20;
M = matrix(0,n,r);
Xbar = rep(0,r);
for (i in 1:r)
M[,i] = runif(n,0,1);
for (i in 1:r)
Xbar[i] = mean(M[,i]);
The CLT states that given i.i.d. samples from a distribution with mean and variance, the sample mean (as a random variable) has a distribution that converges to a Gaussian as the number of samples n increase. Here, I will assume that you want to generate r sample sets containing n samples each to create r samples of the sample mean. Some code to do that is as follows:
set.seed(123) ## set the seed for reproducibility
r <- 10000
n <- 200 ## I use 200 instead of 20 to enhance convergence to Gaussian
## this function computes the r samples of the sample mean from the
## r*n original samples
sample.means <- function(samps, r, n) {
For generating the plots, we use ggplot2 and Aaron's function from here. We also use gridExtra to plot multiple plots in one frame.
library(gridExtra) <- function (vec) {
# following four lines from base R's qqline()
y <- quantile(vec[!], c(0.25, 0.75))
x <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
slope <- diff(y)/diff(x)
int <- y[1L] - slope * x[1L]
d <- data.frame(resids = vec)
ggplot(d, aes(sample = resids)) + stat_qq() + geom_abline(slope = slope, intercept = int, colour="red") + ggtitle("Q-Q plot")
generate.plots <- function(samps, samp.means) {
p1 <- qplot(samps, geom="histogram", bins=30, main="Sample Histogram")
p2 <- qplot(samp.means, geom="histogram", bins=30, main="Sample Mean Histogram")
p3 <-
Then we can use these functions with the uniform distribution:
samps <- runif(r*n) ## uniform distribution [0,1]
# compute sample means
samp.means <- sample.means(samps, r, n))
# generate plots
generate.plots(samps, samp.means)
We get:
Or, with the poisson distribution with mean = 3:
samps <- rpois(r*n,lambda=3)
# compute sample means
samp.means <- sample.means(samps, r, n))
# generate plots
generate.plots(samps, samp.means)
We get:
Or, with the exponential distribution with mean = 1/1:
samps <- rexp(r*n,rate=1)
# compute sample means
samp.means <- sample.means(samps, r, n))
# generate plots
generate.plots(samps, samp.means)
We get:
Note that the mean of the sample mean histograms all look like Gaussians with mean that is very similar to the mean of the original generating distribution, whether this is uniform, poisson, or exponential, as predicted by the CLT (also its variance will be 1/(n=200) the variance of the original generating distribution).
Maybe this can help you get started. I have hard-coded the normal distribution and only shown two of your suggested plots: a the histogram of a randomly selected sample, and a histogram of all sample means.
I guess my main suggestion is using a list to store the samples instead of a matrix.
r <- 10000
my.n <- 20
simulation <- list()
for (i in 1:r) {
simulation[[i]] <- rnorm(my.n)
sample.means <- sapply(simulation, mean)
selected.sample <- runif(1, min = 1, max = r)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))

nls peak fitting with a mixed normal and lognormal dataset (R)

I'm trying to use nls() to to curve-fit a dataset consisting of a mixture of normally and lognormally distributed values. However, the normally distributed subset contains negative values that the lognormal function cannot tolerate. Using nls(), is there a way to constrain the values which a PORTION of the fitted curve evaluate? (e.g. let the normal function evaluate across 0 and force the lognormal function to evaluate only x>0)
here's the test case I've been playing with:
test <- rnorm(5000, 2, 2)
test2 <- rlnorm(10000,2,2)
test3 <- append(test, test2)
bins <- seq(min(test3),100, .1)
tops <- data.frame(bin=bins, count=NA)
for (i in 1:nrow(tops)) { tops[i,2] <- length(test3[which(test3>=tops[i,1] &
test3<tops[i+1,1])]) }
fit <- nls(count ~ exp(-(^2/(2*^2))/(sqrt(2*pi)**C1 +
data=tops, start=list(,, C1=500,,, C2=1000),
algorithm="port", trace=T)
topsfit <- data.frame(bin=seq(-3, 100, 0.1))
topsfit$fit <- predict(fit, newdata=topsfit)
ggplot() + geom_point(data=tops, aes(x=(bins), y=count), shape=1, size=4) +
geom_path(data=topsfit, aes(x=(bin), y=fit), colour="red", size=1.5)
Very simply, I'm fitting a normal PDF + lognormal PDF. The problem is that log(bin) in the lognormal PDF does not play nice with negative numbers... but I don't want to crop negative values because that affects the calculations for the underlying, normally distributed values. I just want the lognormal half of my curve to ignore them.
alternatively, is there a different approach to accomplishing this task that doesn't rely on nls()?
Seems like NO ONE wants to touch this topic, so I'll post a solution that I figured out with the help of a non-internet comrade-- the linchpin of my problem was in generating the functions that would comprise my curve. Writing the lognormal function separately allows conditional evaluation of x values, which is what I needed. Once I figured out that the nls() function operates on vectors and wrote my function to match, things shaped up quite nicely.
normal <- function(x, mu, sd, C) {
ans <- vector(length = length(x), mode = "numeric")
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
value <- exp(-(x[i]-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/(sqrt(2*pi)*sd)*C
ans[i] <- value
}; return(ans) }
lognormal <- function(x, mu, sd, C) {
ans <- vector(length = length(x), mode = "numeric")
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
if (x[i]>0) {
value <- exp(-(log10(x[i])-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/(sqrt(2*pi)*sd*x[i])*C
ans[i] <- value
} else { ans[i] <- 0 } }; return(ans) }
fit <- nls(count ~ normal(bin,,, C1) + lognormal(bin,,, C2),
data=tops, start=list(,, C1=5000,,, C2=5000), algorithm="port", trace=T)
...and just like that, you can solve for mixed normal and lognormal distributions.
