Find element that is causing the showing of horizontal scrollbar in Google Chrome - css

When I size my Chrome window to 328 x 455 pixels I still see a horizontal scrollbar.
How can I find out which element is causing this? I've been looking at elements via the developer console, but can't find the element.
I then tried the script I found here, but nothing is logged.
I tried it on element body, section1 and a bunch of others but don't know what else to do.
$(function () {
var f = $('body'); //document.getElementById("body");
var contentHeight = f.scrollHeight;
var declaredHeight = $(f).height();
var contentWidth = f.scrollWidth;
var declaredWidth = $(f).width();
if (contentHeight > declaredHeight) {
console.log("invalid height");
if (contentWidth > declaredWidth) {
console.log("invalid width");

.slide-content .scroller {
width: 1024px;
"fastestest" way: added this in inspector:
* {
outline: 1px solid #f00 !important;
and the culprit appeared

An excellent article by Chris Coyier explains everything you need to know about this problem.
after reading this article, I used this code in my console to find the element responsible for vertical scrolling:
press F12 in your Browser then choose console and paste the below code there and press enter:
var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*"), i = 0, rect, docWidth = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
for (; i < all.length; i++) {
rect = all[i].getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.right > docWidth || rect.left < 0){
all[i].style.borderTop = '1px solid red';
if the above code didn't work, it might be an element inside an iframe that makes the page scroll vertically.
in this scenario you can search through the iframes using this code:
var frames = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
for(var i=0; i < frames.length; i++){
var frame = frames[i];
frame = (frame.contentWindow || frame.contentDocument);
var all = frame.document.getElementsByTagName("*"),rect,
docWidth = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
for (var j =0; j < all.length; j++) {
rect = all[j].getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.right > docWidth || rect.left < 0){
all[j].style.borderTop = '1px solid red';

Find the culprit by copy paste the below js code in your URL address bar.
javascript:(function(d){var w=d.documentElement.offsetWidth,t=d.createTreeWalker(d.body,NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT),b;while(t.nextNode()){b=t.currentNode.getBoundingClientRect();if(b.right>w||b.left<0){'outline','1px dotted red','important');console.log(t.currentNode);}};}(document));

Add this to your css file:
* {
outline: 1px solid #f00 !important;
opacity: 1 !important;
visibility: visible !important;
It's making sure everything is visible while debugging with the red border.

My quick solution with jQuery,
stijn de ryck's createXPathFromElement and the console:
* Show information about overflowing elements in the browser console.
* #author Nabil Kadimi
var overflowing = [];
jQuery(':not(script)').filter(function() {
return jQuery(this).width() > jQuery(window).width();
'xpath' : createXPathFromElement(jQuery(this).get(0)),
'width' : jQuery(this).width(),
'overflow' : jQuery(this).width() - jQuery(window).width()
* Gets the Xpath of an HTML node
* #link
function createXPathFromElement(e){for(var t=document.getElementsByTagName("*"),a=[];e&&1==e.nodeType;e=e.parentNode)if(e.hasAttribute("id")){for(var s=0,l=0;l<t.length&&(t[l].hasAttribute("id")&&t[l],!(s>1));l++);if(1==s)return a.unshift('id("'+e.getAttribute("id")+'")'),a.join("/");a.unshift(e.localName.toLowerCase()+'[#id="'+e.getAttribute("id")+'"]')}else if(e.hasAttribute("class"))a.unshift(e.localName.toLowerCase()+'[#class="'+e.getAttribute("class")+'"]');else{for(i=1,sib=e.previousSibling;sib;sib=sib.previousSibling)sib.localName==e.localName&&i++;a.unshift(e.localName.toLowerCase()+"["+i+"]")}return a.length?"/"+a.join("/"):null}

Adding a border to everything made the problem go away for me. The culprit was a drop-down menu hidden with opacity: 0.
I actually found it by process of elimination - delete elements in the DevTools one by one, starting with parent elements and moving down the tree.
This would have done it for me:
* {
opacity: 1 !important;
visibility: visible !important;

Actually what worked for me is deleting elements one by one. I tried some of the scripts / css here and they didn't work.
You can easily do a kind of tree search by hand that is quite efficient: Start at the children of the body tag, delete them one by one until the problem is fixed. Once you have the culprit, you restore it (reload page) and delete its children one by one until you find which of them is at fault. Repeat with its children and their children and so on.

add your chrome snippets >>> by inspect > sources > snippets > new snippet > add
code $("*").css("border","2px solid #f00") >> click ctrl+enter
and the culprit appeared
In addition, it will be saved on the browser and used easily afterward

style="white-space:pre-wrap; word-break:break-word"

in Nextjs, adding overflow-x:hidden to *{} in global.css solves the issue.


Is there a way to position page content UNDERNEATH or ON TOP OF a scrollbar?

I'm trying to emulate the CTRL+F functionality from Chrome that highlights matches on the page in the scrollbar, but for certain fields in a form. Using page offsets and percentages, I have blocks of color which correspond to the relative locations of those fields on the page.
In my prototype, the blocks of color sit to the left of the scrollbar. Ideally, they'd sit UNDERNEATH the scrollbar, and the scrollbar's track would be transparent so that it looks like they're part of the scrollbar track.
Can the default scrollbar be set to allow for overflow content to show underneath it (or allow page content to go over it)? I know this could be accomplished if I just rolled my own scroll, but I'd like to use the default ones provided by the browser if at all possible.
It's clearest if you just look at this Prototype.
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 14px;
height: 18px;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
height: 6px;
border: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
background-clip: padding-box;
-webkit-border-radius: 7px;
background-color: #333
::-webkit-scrollbar-button {
width: 0;
height: 0;
display: none;
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
background-color: transparent;
I thought of rendering the matches on the trackbar similarly to what browsers do today before. The idea is simple by using linear-gradient background for the ::-webkit-scrollbar-track. However I did not try implementing this. Right after reading your question, I've tried it and looks like it's not such easy.
You can use the linear-gradient background OK, but if you try rendering more than 1 match (a line), it sometimes can't be rendered (especially when the window's size is changed) and the line is not rendered smoothly. Such as this seems to be OK:
//render 2 lines, one is at 50px and the other is at 100px
background: linear-gradient(transparent 50px, red 50px, red 51px, transparent 51px,
transparent 100px, red 100px, red 101px, transparent 101px);
but it's not stable, as I said when you try resizing the window, at some size, some line won't be rendered (at least I tried on Opera). When the window's height is large, the line even becomes blurred (not sharp) and thicker. I don't really understand this, because the color stops are set fixedly (by px, not by %). This issue is even worse when the number of lines is larger. You have a linear-gradient with many corresponding color stops. That seems to be a neat way to solve the problem. Just because of the undesired issue, we can't use that approach.
The new approach: So I tried using multi-backgrounds feature instead. Each background just renders 1 line, the background-size is the same for all the background is just about 2px height and the background-position should be different. Here is the equivalent code (to the above clean code) using this approach:
background: linear-gradient(red, red), linear-gradient(red, red);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 2px;
background-position: 0 50px, 0 100px;
The new approach of course requires that the browser has to support multi-backgrounds features (looks like just IE8- do not support this cool feature).
So that's almost what you need to solve this problem. Now we need to find how to apply that style using script. We can't select a pseudo-element (or something like that) via script. We can just use the window.getComputedStyle() method to get the read-only style of a pseudo-element. However we always have a way to modify the CSS directly. That's is by using pure JS with the help of document.styleSheets and cssRules. They allow us to insert/remove/modify a rule.
That looks great. But there is still another issue. When changing the style using that method, the style is not applied right (at least it happens to the ::-webkit-scrollbar-track, it may not happen to other elements). Only when you move the mouse over the scrollbar, the new style is applied. I've just found a simple way to invalidate that scrollbar by setting the overflow of document.documentElement (the html) to hidden and set it back to auto. That works almost well.
Here is the code:
var requiredTb = $(".required input");
var invalids = requiredTb;
var offsets = [];
//init offsets to highlight on the trackbar later
requiredTb.each(function() {
offsets.push(($(this).offset().top)/document.body.scrollHeight * 100);
//find the rule styling the -webkit-scrollbar-track
//we added in the CSS stylesheet, this is done just 1 time
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
var trackRule;
for(var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++){
var rules = sheets[i].cssRules || sheets[i].rules;
for(var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++){
var rule = rules[j];
if(rule.selectorText == "::-webkit-scrollbar-track:vertical"){
trackRule = rule; break;
//define an invalidate() method, we need to use this method
//to refresh the scrollbars, otherwise the newly applied style is not affected
window.invalidate = function(){
//this is the main function to set style for the scrollbar track.
function setTrackHighlights(positions, color){
positions.sort();//ensure that the input array should be ascendingly sorted. = "";
var gradient = "background: ", backPos = "background-position: ";
var winHeight = $(window).height();
$.each(positions, function(i,pos){
gradient += "linear-gradient(" + color + ", " + color + "),";
backPos += "0 " + pos + "%,"
gradient = gradient.substr(0,gradient.length-1) + ";";
backPos = backPos.substr(0,backPos.length -1) + ";"; += gradient + backPos + "background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100% 2px";
//initially set the highlights on the trackbar
//handle the oninput event to update the highlights accordingly
requiredTb.on('input', function(e){
var required = $(this).closest('.required');
var refreshHighlights = false;
if(this.value && !'.ok')) {
refreshHighlights = true;
invalids = invalids.not(this);
if(!this.value &&'.ok')) {
refreshHighlights = true;
invalids = invalids.add(this);
invalids.each(function() {
offsets.push(($(this).offset().top)/document.body.scrollHeight * 100);
You have to add an empty ::-webkit-scrollbar-track:vertical rule (we need to deal only with the vertical scrollbar) in the CSS code, it should be appended at the last to override any similar rule before. We can in fact use the insertRule() method (of a CSSRuleList which can be accessed via cssRules property) to add a new rule instead of looping through the styleSheets, and through the cssRules (of each sheet) to find the empty rule ::-webkit-scrollbar-track:vertical.
The code I posted here can be improved, such as you can add another method setTrackHighlights to allow to add more lines (instead of rendering all the lines each time we need to add/remove just 1 line)...
Note that by using the term line, I mean the rendering representation of a match on the trackbar.

text div with bookmark-like bar

I wrote jsfiddle example for better explanation, so, how to make red bars fill the whole height of .frame? And may be there are any absolutely different better way to make things like this?
Positioned elements are no longer part of the layout, so they have no idea what the dimensions of the parent element are. You need to use JavaScript to do this.
I solve it myself. JSfiddle demo.
var move_bookmark = function(){
var sh = parseInt($(this).css('height').replace('px',''));
var ph = parseInt($(this).parent().css('height').replace('px',''));
if (sh%2==0)//this is for solving [this problem] -
var sw = ph;
var offset = parseInt(ph-sw/2-sh/2)+'px'
$(this).parent().css('padding','0px 0px 0px '+sh+'px');

Codemirror cursor position offset

I'm using code mirror to display, highlight and edit xml in a web page but I am having a problem with the cursor position being offset from the insert position so that if you delete a character from where the blinking cursor is, a character before the one you would expect gets deleted instead. I am assuming its a css clash with my current page because it works well outside my page, but cant find the clash anywhere. Has anyone had similar issues or know what to do?
Further investigation shows that the page had padding set on all divs embedded in fieldsets which was the cause of the problem.
The following lines fixed the issue for me:
.CodeMirror pre {
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-break: break-all;
word-wrap: break-word;
I'm using lineWrapping: true in my CodeMirror configuration. Setting that to false works as well.
Be careful using zoom in your CSS with CodeMirror.
I used zoom in body and removing that worked for me.
This issue often happened to me after resizing a parent container. What helped was:
editor.setSize("100%", "100%");
in the end of a resize event handler.
Sometimes, also, below italic or bold -containing lines (depending on your OS and browser), cursor has a wrong vertical position up to 90% of a line. It can be easily fixed by setting, e.g.
.CodeMirror pre {
anywhere in your CSS stylesheets. This also provides you with a way to control line height, if you find lines of code showing too close to each other.
For some reason the white spaces when indention is enabled were not treated correctly when calculating the line size. Replacing measureLine function with the following in codemirror.js did the trick for me:
function measureLine(cm, line) {
// First look in the cache
var cached = findCachedMeasurement(cm, line);
if (cached) return cached.measure;
// Failing that, recompute and store result in cache
var measure = measureLineInner(cm, line);
var origL;
var origR;
var lastR ="";
for (var mes in measure) {
origL = measure[mes].left;
origR = measure[mes].right;
if (lastR != "") {
measure[mes].left = lastR;
measure[mes].right = lastR + (origR - origL);
if (origL == origR) {
measure[mes].right = measure[mes].right + 8;
lastR = measure[mes].right;
var cache = cm.display.measureLineCache;
var memo = {
text: line.text,
width: cm.display.scroller.clientWidth,
markedSpans: line.markedSpans,
measure: measure,
classes: line.textClass + "|" + line.bgClass + "|" + line.wrapClass
if (cache.length == 16) cache[++cm.display.measureLineCachePos % 16] = memo;
else cache.push(memo);
return measure;

Large background images using css

How can I load images to cover the whole background like some websites, using CSS. Not the usual background-image property but I want to load the images quickly.
background-image is the only way to place images in CSS. If you want it to be vary large put it on the body element or a container div that fills the entire viewport.
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
background-image: url('my_big_image.jpg') norepeat;
If you use a container div you can set position:fixed; top:0; left:0 and the image will remain stationary when the page scrolls.
There's no magic to it. As far as getting it to load quickly I don't think there's much you can do if it doesn't repeat. If it does repeat then make sure your image is the size of one module. This can be as little as one pixel tall or wide depending on the content.
There is no magic to making a background image load quickly, you just:
Have a fast server.
Compress the image as much as possible.
Make your page HTML small so that the rest can start loading as soon as possible.
Don't have many other images that also has to load.
Don't have a lot of scripts and other external files that has to load.
I found this tutorial helpful. ->
Bing is loading a normal background image with a fixed size. It´s not particularly fast (for me...), but perhaps it seems fast because the image is cached after the first time you load it.
You can set the style inline so that the image can start downloading without waiting for any css file to be ready.
If you set an image let's say a picture as a background you need to make it large enough to accommodate large screen sizes. You don't want the experience on your site to be, that your picture repeats multiple times on the screen. Probably at the least width should be 1260px. If background is just a simple gradient, you can cut a small part of it in photoshop and apply it on the body like this:
body {
background:#fff url(your/image/location.jpg) repeat-x scroll 0 0;
This method could be applied to divs too, Good luck.
In your second example site,, if you took a second to look at the JS they use, you would have seen the following:
// backgrounds --------------------------------------------------------------//
var Backgrounds = {};
Backgrounds.init = function()
var imgsrc = $(this).css('background-image');
if(imgsrc != 'none')
imgsrc = imgsrc.slice( imgsrc.indexOf('(') + 1 , -1);
$(this).css('background-image', 'none');
// ie 7 is the slow kid and we have to strip out quote marks ffs!
$(this).find(' img').attr('src', imgsrc.split('"').join(''));
$(this).find(' img').attr('src', imgsrc);
$(' img').load(Backgrounds.resizeHandler);
Backgrounds.resizeHandler = function()
var w = $(window).width();
var h = $(window).height();
$(' img').each
var wr = w / $(this).width();
var hr = h / $(this).height();
var r = Math.max(wr, hr);
var imgw = Math.round($(this).width() * r);
var imgh = Math.round($(this).height() * r);
$(this).width( imgw );
$(this).height( imgh );
var l = Math.round((w/2) - (imgw/2));
$(this).css('margin-left', l+'px');
As well as the HTML on the page:
<body style="background-image: none; ">
If you dig into their scripts a bit more, you can see what they did. But I guarantee you it's nothing faster than just setting the background-image property.
<img id="foo" src="bar" alt=""> with #foo { width: 100%; height: 100%; }(use position: absolute; / position: relative; & z-index for layering as desired)
Here's an old example.

Floated image to left of a ul is ignoring margin/padding

I have a paragraph followed by an unordered list, with several list items. I also have an image floated to the left of that. The problem I am having is that the list item margin/padding is being overlapped by that image.
I want the bullets that are next to the image to indent like it should.
Here is a test I wrote up for debugging, where you can see my issue in action.
All of this is inside of a CMS, so the image dimensions are variable, as well as the paragraphs and possible lists in the text.
Any solutions?
(See my first comment for pictures.)
ul {
overflow: auto;
I'll have the added advantage of not having the list items wrapping around the image.
Add this:
ul{ list-style-position: inside}
That's it!
Another option would be to shift the list to the right with relative positioning:
img+p+ul {
position: relative;
left: 1em;
top: 0;
li style="margin-left: 135px;" Worked best for me.
The overflow: auto; looked ok up front but wound up messing with other elements in my HTML.
You can give your list items an overflow property:
li {
overflow: hidden;
That will cause the list item to sort of behave correctly: They will display as a square block, continuing where the image ends as well, they don´t flow nicely to the left. The next list item will.
If you don't bother about adding javascript, here is a jQuery script that will add a margin to the ul that overlaps the image so all the list items remain aligned, and then assigns a negative margin to the li's that doesn't overlap.
//Define a context so we only move lists inside a specified parent
var context = $("#test_div");
//Build a list of images position a size
var imgRects = [];
var imgs = $("img.left", context);
var pos = $(this).position();
pos.right = pos.left + $(this).outerWidth(true);
pos.bottom = + $(this).outerHeight(true);
//Process each li to see if it is at the same height of an image
var lis = $("li", context);
var li = $(this);
if(li.parent().css('marginLeft') != "0px"){
return; //Already moved
var top = li.position().top;
for(var j in imgRects){
var rect = imgRects[j];
if(top > && top < rect.bottom){
li.parent().css('marginLeft', rect.right);
} else if(li.parent().css('marginLeft') != "0px"){
li.css('marginLeft', -1 * rect.right);
I've tested with your demo page and jQuery 1.3.2 and it works on FF3.5 and IE8 because the image is on top of the document. If the image appears in the middle of a ul, the firsts li's will remain padded. If you need to correct this issue leave a comment and will try to update the script.
