Using ddply across numerous variables when calculating descriptive statistics - r

Here's my data. It shows the amount of fish I found at three different sites.
Selidor.Bay Enlades.Bay Cumphrey.Bay
1 39 29 187
2 70 370 50
3 13 44 52
4 0 65 20
5 43 110 220
6 0 30 266
What I would like to do is create a script to calculate basic statistics for each site.
If I re-arrange the data by stacking it. I.e :
values site
1 29 Selidor.Bay
2 370 Selidor.Bay
3 44 Selidor.Bay
4 65 Enlades.Bay
I'm able to use the following:
data <- ddply(df, c("site"), summarise,
N = length(values),
mean = mean(values),
sd = sd(values),
se = sd / sqrt(N),
sum = sum(values)
My question is how can I use the script without having to stack my dataframe?

A slight variation on #docendodiscimus' comment:
DF %>%
melt("site") %>%
group_by(site) %>%
summarise_each(funs( n(), mean, sd, se=sd(.)/sqrt(n()), sum ), value)
# site n mean sd se sum
# 1 Selidor.Bay 6 27.5 27.93385 11.40395 165
# 2 Enlades.Bay 6 108.0 131.84688 53.82626 648
# 3 Cumphrey.Bay 6 132.5 104.29909 42.57992 795
melt does what the OP referred to as "stacking" the data.frame. There is likely some analogous function in the tidyr package.


How to obtain conditioned results from an R dataframe

This is my first message here. I'm trying to solve an R exercise from an edX R course, and I'm stuck in it. It would be great if somebody could help me solve it. Here are the dataframe and question given:
> students
height shoesize gender population
1 181 44 male kuopio
2 160 38 female kuopio
3 174 42 female kuopio
4 170 43 male kuopio
5 172 43 male kuopio
6 165 39 female kuopio
7 161 38 female kuopio
8 167 38 female tampere
9 164 39 female tampere
10 166 38 female tampere
11 162 37 female tampere
12 158 36 female tampere
13 175 42 male tampere
14 181 44 male tampere
15 180 43 male tampere
16 177 43 male tampere
17 173 41 male tampere
Given the dataframe above, create two subsets with students whose height is equal to or below the median height (call it students.short) and students whose height is strictly above the median height (call it students.tall). What is the mean shoesize for each of the above 2 subsets by population?
I've been able to create the two subsets students.tall and students.short (both display the answers by TRUE/FALSE), but I don't know how to obtain the mean by population. The data should be displayed like this:
kuopio tampere
students.short xxxx xxxx
students.tall xxxx xxxx
Many thanks if you can give me a hand!
We can split by a logical vector based on the median height
# // median height
medHeight <- median(students$height, na.rm = TRUE)
# // split the data into a list of data.frames using the 'medHeight'
lst1 <- with(students, split(students, height > medHeight))
Then loop over the list use aggregate from base R
lapply(lst1, function(dat) aggregate(shoesize ~ population,
data = dat, FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE))
However, we don't need to create two separate datasets or a list. It can be done by grouping with both 'population' and the 'grp' created with logical vector
students %>%
group_by(grp = height > medHeight, population) %>%
summarise(shoesize = mean(shoesize))
You can try this:
students.short <- students[students$height<=median(students$height),]
students.tall <- students[students$height>median(students$height),]
[1] 38.44444
[1] 42.75
You can use pivot_wider() in tidyr and set the argument values_fn as mean.
df %>%
mutate(grp = if_else(height > median(height), "students.tall", "students.short")) %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = grp, names_from = population, values_from = height, values_fn = mean)
# # A tibble: 2 x 3
# grp kuopio tampere
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 students.tall 176. 177.
# 2 students.short 164 163.
With a base way, you can try xtabs(), which returns a table object.
xtabs(height ~ grp + population,
aggregate(height ~ grp + population, FUN = mean,
transform(df, grp = ifelse(height > median(height), "students.tall", "students.short"))))
# population
# grp kuopio tampere
# students.short 164.0000 163.4000
# students.tall 175.6667 177.2000
Note: To convert a table object into data.frame, you can use

Create a sequence of values by group between a min and max interval using dplyr

this is surely a basic question but couldn't find a way to solve.
I need to create a sequence of values for a minimum (dds_min) to maximum (dds_max) per group (fs).
This is my data:
fs <- c("early", "late")
dds_min <-as.numeric(c("47.2", "40"))
dds_max <-as.numeric(c("122", "105"))
dds_min.max <,dds_min, dds_max))
And this is what I did....
dss_levels <-dds_min.max %>%
group_by(fs) %>%
I intended to create a new variable (dds), that has to be 100 length and start and end at different values depending on "fs". My expectation was to end with another dataframe (dss_levels) with two columns (fs and dds), 200 values on it.
But I am getting this error.
Error: Column `dds` must be length 1 (the group size), not 100
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In Ops.factor(to, from) : ‘-’ not meaningful for factors
2: In Ops.factor(from, seq_len(length.out - 2L) * by) :
‘+’ not meaningful for factors
Any help would be really appreciated.
I make the sequence length 5 for illustrative purposes, you can change it to 100.
dds_min.max %>%
mutate(dds= map2(dds_min, dds_max, seq, length.out = 5)) %>%
unnest(cols = dds)
# # A tibble: 10 x 4
# fs dds_min dds_max dds
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 early 47.2 122 47.2
# 2 early 47.2 122 65.9
# 3 early 47.2 122 84.6
# 4 early 47.2 122 103.
# 5 early 47.2 122 122
# 6 late 40 105 40
# 7 late 40 105 56.2
# 8 late 40 105 72.5
# 9 late 40 105 88.8
# 10 late 40 105 105
Using this data (make sure your numeric columns are numeric! Don't use cbind!)
fs <- c("early", "late")
dds_min <-c(47.2, 40)
dds_max <-c(122, 105)
dds_min.max <-data.frame(fs,dds_min, dds_max)

Several Grubbs tests simultaneously in R

I'm new using R, I'm just starting with the outliers package. Probably this is very easy, but could anybody tell me how to run several Grubbs tests at the same time? I have 20 columns and I want to test all of them simultaneously.
Thanks in advance
Edit: Sorry for not explaining well. I'll try. I started using R today and I learned how to make Grubbs test using grubbs.test(data$S1, type=10 or 11 or 20) and it goes well. But I have a table with 20 columns, and I want to run Grubbs test for each of them simultaneously. I can do it one by one, but I think there must be a way to do it faster.
I ran the code at How to repeat the Grubbs test and flag the outliers as well, and works perfectly, but again, I would like to do it with my 20 samples.
As an example of my data:
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
96 40 99 45 12 16 48
52 49 11 49 59 77 64
18 43 11 67 6 97 91
79 19 39 28 45 44 99
9 78 88 6 25 43 78
60 12 29 32 2 68 25
18 61 60 30 26 51 70
96 98 55 74 83 17 69
19 0 17 24 0 75 45
42 70 71 7 61 82 100
39 80 71 58 6 100 94
100 5 41 18 33 98 97
Hope this helps.
You can use lapply:
df = data.frame(a=runif(20),b=runif(20),c=runif(20))
tests = lapply(df,grubbs.test)
# or with parameters:
tests = lapply(df,grubbs.test,opposite=T)
> tests
Grubbs test for one outlier
data: X[[i]]
G = 1.80680, U = 0.81914, p-value = 0.6158
alternative hypothesis: highest value 0.963759744539857 is an outlier
Grubbs test for one outlier
data: X[[i]]
G = 1.53140, U = 0.87008, p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: highest value 0.975481075001881 is an outlier
Grubbs test for one outlier
data: X[[i]]
G = 1.57910, U = 0.86186, p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: lowest value 0.0136249314527959 is an outlier
You can access the results as follows:
> tests$a$statistic
1.8067906 0.8191417
Hope this helps.
A #Florian answer can be updated a bit. For example fancy and easy-reading result can be achieved with purrr package and tidyverse. It can be useful if you are comparing loads of groups:
Load necessary packages:
Create some data - we're going to use the same from Florian's answer, but transformed to a modern tibble and long format:
df <- tibble(a = runif(20),
b = runif(20),
c = runif(20)) %>%
# transform to along format
tidyr::gather(letter, value)
Then instead of apply functions we can use map and map_dbl from purrr:
df %>%
group_by(letter) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(n = map_dbl(data, ~ nrow(.x)), # number of entries
G = map(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$value)$statistic[[1]]), # G statistic
U = map(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$value)$statistic[[2]]), # U statistic
grubbs = map(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$value)$alternative), # Alternative hypotesis
p_grubbs = map_dbl(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$value)$p.value)) %>% # p-value
# Let's make the output more fancy
mutate(G = signif(unlist(G), 3),
U = signif(unlist(U), 3),
grubbs = unlist(grubbs),
p_grubbs = signif(p_grubbs, 3)) %>%
select(-data) %>% # remove temporary column
And the desired output would be this:
# A tibble: 3 x 6
letter n G U grubbs p_grubbs
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 c 20 1.68 0.843 lowest value 0.0489965472370386 is an outlier 0.84
2 a 20 1.58 0.862 lowest value 0.0174888013862073 is an outlier 1
3 b 20 1.57 0.863 lowest value 0.0656482006888837 is an outlier 1

groups of different size randomly selected within different classes

i have such a difficult question (at least to me) that i spend 2 hours just writing it. Complete impossible to program it by my self. I try to be very clear and i´m sorry if i didn´t. I´m doing this in a very rustic way in excel, but i really need to program this.
i have a data.frame like this
id_pix id_lote clase f1 f2
45 4 Sg 2460 2401
46 4 Sg 2620 2422
47 4 Sg 2904 2627
48 5 M 2134 2044
49 5 M 2180 2104
50 5 M 2127 2069
83 11 S 2124 2062
84 11 S 2189 2336
85 11 S 2235 2162
86 11 S 2162 2153
87 11 S 2108 2124
with 17451 "id_pixel"(rows), 2080 "id_lote" and 9 "clase"
this is the "id_lote" count per "clase" (v1 is the id_lote count)
clase v1
1: S 1099
2: P 213
3: Sg 114
4: M 302
5: Alg 27
6: Az 77
7: Po 228
8: Cit 13
9: Ma 7
i need to split the "id_lote" randomly within the "clase". I mean i have 1099 "id_lote" for the "S" "clase" that are 9339 "id_pixel" (rows) and i want to randomly select 50 % of "id_lote" that are x "id_pixel"(rows). And do this for every "clase" considering that the size (number of "id_lote") of every "clase" are different. I also would like to be able to change the size of the selection (50 %, 30 %, etc). And i also want to keep the not selected set of "id_lote". I hope some one can help me with this!
here is the reproducible example
this is the data with 2 clase (S and Az), with 6 id_lote and 13 id_pixel
id_pix id_lote clase f1 f2
1 1 S 2909 2381
2 1 S 2515 2663
3 1 S 2628 3249
30 2 S 3021 2985
31 2 S 3020 2596
71 9 S 4725 4404
72 9 S 4759 4943
75 11 S 2728 2225
218 21 Az 4830 3007
219 21 Az 4574 2761
220 21 Az 5441 3092
1155 126 Az 7209 2449
1156 126 Az 7035 2932
and one result could be:
id_pix id_lote clase f1 f2
1 1 S 2909 2381
2 1 S 2515 2663
3 1 S 2628 3249
75 11 S 2728 2225
1155 126 Az 7209 2449
1156 126 Az 7035 2932
were 50% of id_lote were randomly selected in clase "S" (2 of 4 id_lote) but all the id_pixel in selected id_lote were keeped. The same for clase "Az", one id_lote was randomly selected (1 of 2 in this case) and all the id_pixel in selected id_lote were keeped.
what colemand77 proposed helped a lot. I think dplyr package is usefull for this but i think that if i do
df %>%
group_by(clase, id_lote) %>%
sample_frac(.3, replace = FALSE)
i get the 30 % of the data of each clase but not grouped by id_lote like i need! I mean 30 % of the rows (id_pixel) were selected instead of id_lote.
i hope this example help to understand what i want to do and make it usefull for everybody. I´m sorry if i wasn´t clear enough the first time.
Thanks a lot!
First glimpse I'd say the dplyr package is your friend here.
df %>%
group_by(clase, id_lote) %>%
sample_frac(.3, replace = FALSE)
so you first use group_by() and include the grouping levels you want to sample from, then you use sample_frac to sample the fraction of the results you want for each group.
As near as I can tell this is what you are asking for. If not, please consider re-stating your question to include either a reproducible example or clarify. Cheers.
to "keep" the not-selected members, I would add a column of unique ids, and use an anti-join anti_join()(also from the dplyr package) to find the id's that are not in common between the two data.frames (the results of the sampling and the original).
## Update ##
I'm understanding better now, I believe. Think about this as a two step process...
1) you want to select x% (50 in example) of the id_lote from each clase and return those id_lote #s (i'm assuming that a given id_lote does not exist for multiple clase?)
2) you want to see all of the id_pixels that correspond to each id_lote, all in one data.frame
I've broken this down into multiple steps for illustration, not because it is the fastest / prettiest.
raw data: (couldn't read your data into R.)
df<-data.frame(id_pix = c(1:200),
id_lote = sample(1:20,200, replace = TRUE),
clase = sample(letters[seq_along(1:10)], 200, replace = TRUE),
f1 = sample(1000:2000,200, replace = TRUE),
f2 = sample(2000:3000,200, replace = TRUE))
1) figure out which id_lote correspond to which clase - for this we use the dplyr summarise function and store it in a variable
summary<-df %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(clase, id_lote) %>%
Source: local data frame [125 x 2]
Groups: clase
clase id_lote
1 a 1
2 a 2
3 a 4
4 a 5
5 a 6
6 a 7
7 a 8
8 a 9
9 a 11
10 a 12
.. ... ...
then we sample to get the 30% of the id_lote for each clase..
sampled_summary <- summary %>%
group_by(clase) %>%
sample_frac(.3,replace = FALSE)
so the result of this is a data table with two columns, (clase and id_lote) with 30% of the id_lotes shown for each clase.
2) ok so now we have the id_lotes randomly selected from each class but not the id_pix that are associated with that class. To accomplish this we do a join to get the corresponding full data set including the id_pix, etc.
result <- sampled_summary %>%
The above makes a copy of the data set a bunch, so if you have a substantial data set you could just do it all at one go:
result <- df %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(clase, id_lote) %>%
summarise() %>%
group_by(clase) %>%
sample_frac(.5,replace = FALSE) %>%
if this doesn't get you what you want, let me know and we'll take another crack at it.

Custom sorting of a dataframe in R

I have a binomail dataset that looks like this:
df <- data.frame(replicate(4,sample(1:200,1000,rep=TRUE)))
addme <- data.frame(replicate(1,sample(0:1,1000,rep=TRUE)))
df <- cbind(df,addme)
df <-df[order(df$replicate.1..sample.0.1..1000..rep...TRUE..),]
The data is currently soreted in a way to show the instances belonging to 0 group then the ones belonging to the 1 group. Is there a way I can sort the data in a 0-1-0-1-0... fashion? I mean to show a row that belongs to the 0 group, the row after belonging to the 1 group then the zero group and so on...
All I can think about is complex functions. I hope there's a simple way around it.
Thank you,
Here's an attempt, which will add any extra 1's at the end:
First make some example data:
df <- data.frame(replicate(4,sample(1:200,10,rep=TRUE)),
Then order:
with(df, df[unique(as.vector(rbind(which(addme==0),which(addme==1)))),])
# X1 X2 X3 X4 addme
#2 141 48 78 33 0
#1 37 111 133 3 1
#3 115 153 168 163 0
#5 189 82 70 103 1
#4 34 37 31 174 0
#6 189 171 98 126 1
#8 167 46 72 57 0
#7 26 196 30 169 1
#9 94 89 193 134 1
#10 110 15 27 31 1
#Warning message:
#In rbind(which(addme == 0), which(addme == 1)) :
# number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
Here's another way using dplyr, which would make it suitable for within-group ordering. It's also probably pretty quick. If there's unbalanced numbers of 0's and 1's, it will leave them at the end.
df %>%
arrange(addme) %>%
mutate(n0 = sum(addme == 0),
orderme = seq_along(addme) - (n0 * addme) + (0.5 * addme)) %>%
arrange(orderme) %>%
select(-n0, -orderme)
