webview images are not loading in lollipop versions when i give target sdk version has 21 in manifest file - android-image

I am developing an android Web view App. Its working fine when I set target S D K version is below 21,but if I set version as 21 Web view image tags (images) are not loading in lollipop devices.
I searched for the answer but I didn't find any where.Please help me to fix this problem. its working fine for all other previous versions

You need to allow mixed content since default behaviour changed in API21 as described here:


CSS issue in 2 difference android versions.(4.1.2 and 4.4.2)

i am facing issue like one of my samsung device display correct css and another samsung device does not.
in right side of images(android version 4.1.2) and left side (android version 4.4.2) the problem in 4.1.2 device.
any solution for this or any BUG in android version.
i apply ( .platform-android4_1{} ) css also but can't effect.
example(Header and buttons are smaller,badges are small)
help me please .
thank you
Most of ionic android developers face this issue because of different verions of web-views environment on different devices. Solution of this is to add crosswalk plugin to your project.This makes your Cordova / Ionic application use the Crosswalk WebView instead of the System WebView. It patches own browser with application so it runs in that having same specific environment on each device. So application behavior will be same on each device.
add this plugin using following command:
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
More about Crosswalk, see link : https://crosswalk-project.org
Read this blog post by ionic to understand how it helps you stablize and improve behavior of hybrid applications across all versions of android.

GWT application not working in IE11

I have an application that is using GWT 2.0.4 and running fine on IE8 browser. When opened in IE11, it is giving blank page with error message given below.
com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException : (TypeError) : Object doesn’t support property or method ‘attachEvent’
The exception was thrown because “attachEvent” is a deprecated function used in older versions of Internet Explorer. IE11 uses “addEventListener” method instead of “attachEvent”.
The user.agent value was set to "ie6" so i changed it to "gecko1_8". After changing user agent it opens the application but the data in table(GWT-ext GridPanel) is getting overlapped over one another, scrollbars are missing and the alignment of menu bar is changed.
It is working fine after enabling the compatibility mode. What is the proper workaround to run my app in IE11 ? Do i need to upgrade GWT and if yes then to which version supports IE11? I don't have to use "X-UA-Compatible=IE8" meta tag....Please help
As with anything on the Web, you should always try to run the latest version, because everything changes around your application. 2.0.4 is 5 years old already!
So yes, upgrade to the latest version of GWT (2.7.0 as of today), and when the next version will come (2.8, in a few weeks) try to upgrade as well.
As a workaround, because it works in IE8, you could probably ask IE11 to emulate it using an X-UA-Compatible with value IE=EmulateIE8. But that's only a temporary workaround, as the next version (Edge, coming in Windows 10 to replace IE) will no longer support X-UA-Compatible (except in the Intranet zone). See the warning at the top of the X-UA-Compatible doc and this announcement by Mirosoft. The real solution is to stay up-to-date with GWT versions, just like you stay up-to-date with browser versions.

Visual Studio Apache Cordova - IOS build rotation issue

I'm a starter in writing app code in Visual Studio 2013 Community Apache Cordova and have managed to connect VS2013 with my Mac. Once I have gone through the process of building the app in VS and on my Mac and installing in on my iPhone, I open it up and it won't rotate. It doesn't rotate for a number of basic apps that I've written nor does it rotate if I build the default new project "Hello, your application is ready!" app.
I have done some research and tried changing the config.xml "Orientation" preference to "both", through the code window and also in the designer window but that doesn't change anything. I've also noticed that adding in a "BackgroundColor" preference doesn't work either.
Does anyone know if I may have configured something incorrectly or perhaps need to add something to my code?
All the HTML, JS and CSS that I've written seems to work okay (with the exception of trying to link URLs to the Safari Browser but that's another issue).
I have noticed the same issues. I tried finding some settings to fix that in the config.xml, but was not successful. I have resolved myself to just opening the iOS project in XCode and changing a few things:
Device Orientation: no matter the config.xml setting, its always only Portrait. I click-check the other 3 orientations.
Team: I have multiple developer profiles, and I need to choose correct one here.
Bundle Identifier. I screwed up one project, and have different case for iOS and Android. I leave the VS one as the Android one, so I can build completely correct for Android. Since I know I have to go to XCode for iOS anyway, I change the bundle identifier here.
You can find the project using Finder at ~/remote-builds/builds/9999/cordovaApp/platforms/ios/*.xcodeproj, where 9999 is the build number, though not necessarily the latest, largest number, but the latest datetime of the folder.
You can also refer to Greg's answer in this related post as an alternative solution.

FlexVersion compatibility has already been read - _NOT_ Flex 3 to Flex 4 issue

To be clear, this code was working for many years using Flex 4.5.1. As such, this is not answered by; Error migrating Flex 3 to Flex 4
I am bulk generating Font CSS SWF in Flash Builder. There are nearly 700 of them, so I cannot do it in my main project, but have a related project to do so. Both projects are compiled using the same SDK (I have tried 4.6.0 (Adobe), 4.12.0 (Apache Flex), 4.13.0 (Apache Flex)).
However, since upgrading to 4.6+ from 4.5.1, I can no longer import fonts on demand as they immediately trigger Error: Compatibility version has already been read. error on load.
Can anybody direct me to a workaround for this? Or explain what causes compatibility version to be written on load of SWF?
See my comment above. This was resolved to inconsistent SDK in a complex build environment. Once everything matched (exactly) the issue disappeared.

Font and icons not appearing on Windows phones only

I'm using phonegap 3.0 for create a application on android, iOS, and Windows phone. I use a custom font-face for my text and for icons. But when viewed in Windows Phone 8, the font and the icons won't appear on the application.
I have tried loading the fonts after the device ready event; using a .woff font; loading from an external source - nothing works. How could I solve this?
I heard about this problem before, apparently there is an issue present in Windows Phone 8 that prevents custom font-faces from working when html/css are hosted locally. Could you try and host the html/css files externally? Just to see if it makes a difference. I think this is a bug in the current WebBrowser control that's used on WP8
EDIT: See this StackOverflow questions and answers about a similar problem
you can transform the file to base64, using one of the services around (e.g. this one,
and add url like this:
src: url(data:application/x-font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64, AAEAAAALAIAAAwAwT1MvMg6SAy8AAAC8AAAAYGNtYXAa.....)
