Where Should Meteor Subscriptions Be Located in My Application? - meteor

I currently have my publications stored in /server/publications.js. I would like to store my client-side subscriptions in a central file too, like in /client/subscriptions.js. Is this a good design decision or are there more cons than pros? Thanks

There are three main places you can subscribe to a Meteor collection.
In this approach, you create subscriptions in a file somewhere on the client. Like your example, subscriptions.js is what most people name it. As long as it's in the client folder, it's fine.
Good candidates for this are collections that you will play around with on all or most of your templates. A friends list similar to Facebook, a feed of some kind.
If you're using something like iron-router or flow-router, you can subscribe to collections based on the URL. I prefer this approach the most. It's flexible, but not too taxing on performance. For example:
// Inside lib/router.js
FlowRouter.route('/blog/:postId', {
subscriptions: function(params) {
this.register('myPost', Meteor.subscribe('blogPost', params.postId));
Now you can access the data you need using myPost. Very neat, and you can subscribe to as many things as you need.
This is the most flexible of all and the most taxing if you have multiple templates. Honestly, just avoid this approach because it's way too much work. 90% of the time I find myself using Router subscriptions.
Template.posts.onCreated(function () {
// will re-run when the "limit" reactive variables changes
instance.autorun(function () {
// get the limit
var limit = instance.limit.get();
console.log("Asking for "+limit+" posts…")
// subscribe to the posts publication
var subscription = instance.subscribe('posts', limit);
// if subscription is ready, set limit to newLimit
if (subscription.ready()) {
console.log("> Received "+limit+" posts. \n\n")
} else {
console.log("> Subscription is not ready yet. \n\n");

I suppose you could if you only want global, automatically-activated subscriptions. For some small apps that makes sense. As your code grows in complexity you may want more fine-grained control over your subscriptions. Generally speaking, you have three patters for placing subscriptions in your app (in order of granularity and control):
Globally (as suggested in your question)
In the router - assuming you use iron router
In the template. Also see this post for additional template subscription examples.
While the community has recently fallen in love with template subscriptions, I'm not prepared to make a general recommendation that they are always they way to go. As you move up the subscription hierarchy, you lose some control but also gain reusability.
Let's take a simple example - imagine you have a social app and you have a list of friends. Let's say the majority of routes and templates assume the existence of your fiends' user data. If each template or route made the same subscription for this list, you'd end up with a lot of duplication and, potentially, a lot of unnecessary starting and stopping (this translates to server load and network bandwidth). On the other hand, had you made your friends a global subscription, those performance pitfalls could have been avoided.

Try to use template based subscriptions if possible. In that case, if you have /client/templates/home.html, you would put subscriptions related to that template in /client/templates/home.js for example.
Template.home.onCreated(function() {

In my experience, the better way to manage the subscriptions is using the template subscription pattern pattern
Snippet taken from the reference:
Template.posts.onCreated(function () {
// 1. Initialization
var instance = this;
// initialize the reactive variables
instance.loaded = new ReactiveVar(0);
instance.limit = new ReactiveVar(5);
// 2. Autorun
// will re-run when the "limit" reactive variables changes
instance.autorun(function () {
// get the limit
var limit = instance.limit.get();
console.log("Asking for "+limit+" posts…")
// subscribe to the posts publication
var subscription = instance.subscribe('posts', limit);
// if subscription is ready, set limit to newLimit
if (subscription.ready()) {
console.log("> Received "+limit+" posts. \n\n")
} else {
console.log("> Subscription is not ready yet. \n\n");
// 3. Cursor
instance.posts = function() {
return Posts.find({}, {limit: instance.loaded.get()});


Reactively show number of unread comments in a thread?

I'm making a forum type app with Threads and Comments within a Thread. I'm trying to figure out how to show the total number of unread comments within a thread to each user.
I considered publishing all the Comments for every Thread, but this seems like excessive data to be publishing to the client when all I want is a single number showing the unread Comments. But if I start adding metadata to the Thread collection (such as numComments, numCommentsUnread...), this adds extra moving parts to the app (i.e. I have to track every time a different user adds a Comment to a Thread, etc...).
What are some of the best practices for dealing with this?
I would recommend using the Publish-Counts package (https://github.com/percolatestudio/publish-counts) if all you need is the count. If you need the actual related comments take a look at the meteor-composite-publish (https://github.com/englue/meteor-publish-composite) package.
This sounds like a database design problem.
You will have to keep a collection of UserThreads, which tracks when the last time the user checked the thread. It has the userId, the threadId, and the lastViewed date(or whatever sensible alternatives you might use).
IF the user has never checked the thread then do not have an object in the UserThreads then the unread count would be the comment count.
WHEN the user views the thread for the first time, create a UserThread object for him.
UPDATE the lastViewed on the UserThread whenever he views the thread.
The UnreadCommentCount will be calculated reactively. It is the sum of comments on the thread where the comment's createdAt is newer than the lastViewed on the UserThread. This can be a template helper function that is executed in the view on an as needed basis. For example, when listing Threads in a subforum view, then it would only calculate for the Threads being viewed in that list at that time.
Alternatively, you could keep an unreadCommentCount attribute on the UserThread. Every time a comment is posted to the thread, then you would iterate through that Thread's UserThreads, updating the unreadCommentCount. When the user later visits that thread, you then reset the unreadCommentCount to zero and updated the lastViewed. The user would then subscribe to a publication of his own UserThreads, which would update reactively.
It seems that in building a forum type site that UserThread object would be indispensable for tracking how a User interacts with Threads. If he had viewed it, ignored it, has commented in it, wants to subscribe to it but has not commented yet, etc.
Based on #datacarl answer, you can modify your thread publication to integrate additional data, such as a count of your unread comments. Here is how you can achieve it, using Cursor.observe().
var self = this;
// Modify the document we are sending to the client.
function filter(doc) {
var length = doc.item.length;
// White list the fields you want to publish.
var docToPublish = _.pick(doc, [
// Add your custom fields.
docToPublish.itemLength = length;
return docToPublish;
var handle = myCollection.find({}, {fields: {item:1, someOtherField:1}})
// Use observe since it gives us the the old and new document when something is changing.
// If this becomes a performance issue then consider using observeChanges,
// but its usually a lot simpler to use observe in cases like this.
added: function(doc) {
self.added("myCollection", doc._id, filter(doc));
changed: function(newDocument, oldDocument)
// When the item count is changing, send update to client.
if (newDocument.item.length !== oldDocument.item.length)
self.changed("myCollection", newDocument._id, filter(newDocument));
removed: function(doc) {
self.removed("myCollection", doc._id);
self.onStop(function () {
I guess you can adapt this example to your case. You can remove the white list part if you need to. The count part will be covered using a request such as post.find({"unread":true, "thread_id": doc._id}).count()
Another way to achieve that is to use collection hooks. Each time you insert a comment, you hook on after the insert and you update a dedicated field "unread comments count" in your related thread document. Each time, the user read a post, you update the value.

Meteor publication with calculations

I have 2 collections: Meteor.users and Projecs.
Users collection have field "projects" which contains array of user's project's ids.
"projects" : [
Also I have a publication for user's projects:
Meteor.publish('projects', function() {
var userProjects = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId).projects;
return Projects.find({_id: {$in: userProjects}});
Everything works fine, but when I add new project (and update users ("projects" field) who are in this project) reactive publication doesn't works. Projects page doesn't contains recently added project. It works only when I refresh page.
Subscription made in router:
waitOn: function() {
return [
What should I do with this publication? Thanks a lot.
This is happening because Meteor.users is not reactive. I don't know what the reason behind but I saw many developers, specially developers who try to get famous by publish really cool articles about their awesome application, exposing the tokens.
So if some idiot publish the Meteor.users to the browser, it's a security flaw. It would be even worst if it was reactive because the token would be updated in realtime. Maybe this a block to newbie who don't really know that they're doing. Just my opinion about this decision.
This collection is design to be used for managing users and after the login, it makes no sense to use to store data, as it is designed.
Yea, this is a known "problem". Publish functions aren't reactive, so Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId).projects will only be evaluated when the client subscribes. You'll find a lot of information about this if you search for "meteor reactive joins", for example https://www.discovermeteor.com/blog/reactive-joins-in-meteor/
In your case, the clients will always have access to their array of project ids, right? Then the simplest solution would probably be to do something like this on the client:
var user = Meteor.user()
So, when the client notices that the array of project ids has changed, it renews the subscription (I'm unsure if passing user.projects to the subscribe call is necessary, but I'm a bit afraid that the subscription isn't is renewed if it's called with the same arguments as before).
Using the reactive-publish package (I am one of authors) you can do:
Meteor.publish('projects', function () {
this.autorun(function (computation) {
var userProjects = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId, {fields: {projects: 1}}).projects;
return Projects.find({_id: {$in: userProjects}});
Just be careful to limit the first query only to projects so that autorun is not rerun for changes in other fields.

Meteor, get all users on a specific page

We are building a chat application and are currently working on a system to see all the users in a given room.
We have a Mongo Document set up with an array of active_users where we will push and pull user names to in order to keep track of the online users. We have come to the conclusion that realizing a user has connected to a given room is fairly simple. All we need to do is in the router, when a user accesses the page, we push that user's name into the document.
Now the tricky part is realizing when that user has left that given page? Obviously jQuery isn't a reliable option, so how do we know when a user's connection to a specific page is broken?
You could do this:
Meteor.publish("page", function() {
this._session.socket.on("close", function() {
//Change your active users here
and for your page that you track
I use this in the analytics package on atmosphere
There's an Atmosphere package called Presence that does exactly what you need.
Some extra details from the README about keeping track of custom states...
State functions
If you want to track more than just users' online state, you can set a custom state function. (The default state function returns just 'online'):
// Setup the state function on the client
Presence.state = function() {
return {
online: true,
currentRoomId: Session.get('currentRoomId')
Now we can simply query the collection to find all other users that share the same currentRoomId
Presences.find({ state: { online: true, currentRoomId: Session.get('currentRoomId') } })
Of course, presence will call your function reactively, so everyone will know as soon as things change.
Meteor has connection hooks so you can run a function when the user disconnects from the server. Setting the onClose() callback inside a method called by the client will allow you to close the userId in the function.
Code on the server could be like this:
joinRoom: function( roomId ){
var self = this;
Rooms.update( {roomId: roomId}, {$push:{userId: self.userId}});
self.connection.onClose( function(){
Rooms.update( {roomId: roomId}, {$pull:{userId: self.userId}})

Meteor Collection advanced selector

I have a Project collection and a Task collection.
Each project has a user_id field, this holds the owner of the project.
Each task has a project_id field. So the structure is something like this:
User 1
Project 1
Task 1
Task 2
Project 2
Task 3
User 2
Project 3
Task 4
Task 5
For security purposes I only want to publish the projects belonging to a certain logged in user. For the project itself that's quite easy:
Meteor.publish('projects', function(){
return Projects.find({user_id: this.userId});
But how do I do this in a clean way for the Task collection? And why does the Collection.Allow doesn't have a 'view' option?
Something like:
view: function (userId, doc) {
return Projects.findOne(doc.project_id).user_id == userId;
would be nice, is there a reason it's not there?
First, some recommended reading:
Reactive joins in meteor
A similar question on SO
Joins in meteor are currently tricky. It's easy to just join the collections in a publish function, but it isn't always straightforward to make them reactive (run again when things change).
Non-Reactive Options
You could publish both collections at the same time with:
Meteor.publish('projectsAndTasks', function() {
var projectsCursor = Projects.find({user_id: this.userId});
var projectIds = projectsCursor.map(function(p) { return p._id });
return [
Tasks.find({project_id: {$in: projectIds}});
The potential problem is that if tasks were added to a new project, they would not be published (see "The Naive Approach" from the first article above). Depending on how your application starts and stops its subscriptions, this may not matter. If you find that it does, keep reading.
Reactive Options
A simple option is just to denormalize the data. If you also added user_id to your tasks, then no joins are necessary, and the publish function looks like:
Meteor.publish('projectsAndTasks', function() {
var projectsCursor = Projects.find({user_id: this.userId});
var tasksCursor = Tasks.find({user_id: this.userId});
return [projectsCursor, tasksCursor];
If that doesn't appeal to you and you are using iron-router, you can do a client-side join in your routes (see "Joining On The Client" from the first article above). It's a bit slower because you need a second round trip but it's clean in that no data needs to be modified and no external packages need to be added.
Finally, you can do a reactive join on the server, either manually using observeChanges (not recommended), or by using a package. I have used publish-with-relations in the past, but it has some issues as pointed out in the articles). For a more complete list of package options, you can see this thread.
Not being a core developer on meteor, I don't have a precise answer for why allow/deny doesn't have a "read" option, but I'll take an educated guess. Depending on how the allow/deny function was written, the publisher would potentially have to run an expensive callback for every single document or partial update. The allow/deny callbacks are easy to tolerate when a single document is being modified, but if you suddenly need to publish several hundred documents and each one needs to be separately evaluated before being transmitted, I don't think that would be practical. I'm pretty sure that's why publishers can act alone as the arbiter of document read authorization.
You can do this for the tasks:
Meteor.publish('tasks', function(){
var projects = Projects.find({user_id: this.userId}, {fields: {_id: 1}});
var projectIdList = projects.map(function(project) { return project._id;});
return Tasks.find({project_id: {$in: projectIdList}});
First we get all the projects belonging to the user. We will only need the _id field so we filter the other fields
Then we map the _id's of the projects to a new array.
Then we publish a tasks.find that includes all the project ids in the mapped array.
The allow construction you mentionend is by my knowledge only ment to be used with updates and inserts

How to know when user document loaded in Meteor Accounts

I understand that when writing code that depends on the collection being loaded into the client minimongo, that you should explicitly subscribe to the collection and pass in the appropriate callback for when it is finished loading.
My problem is that I store a lot of important subdocuments that my page needs to access in the users collection. I am using Meteor Accounts, and am trying to figure out a similar way to wait until the entire logged in user document is available. When using this to test:
the logged in case, it seems like it first registers an object with just the _id, and then sends the other fields later (I know I have to explicitly add other fields to publish from the server beyond email, etc.).
Is there a way for me to wait for the logged in user document to load completely before executing my code?
Deps.autorun (previously Meteor.autorun) reruns when something reactive changes, which might fit your use case:
Client js
Deps.autorun(function () {
if(Meteor.user() {
//Collection available
If you're using a subscription you can also use its callback. Have a read about it on the docs as you might have to customize it a bit, and remove the autopublish package as well as get your other collections set up to subscriptions
Server js:
Meteor.publish("userdata", function () {
//You might want to alter this depending on what you want to send down
return Meteor.users.find({}, {}});
Client js
Meteor.subscribe("userdata", function() {
//Collection available
