odbcDriverConnect issue trying to connect to an Access Database in R - r

I am using R 32 bit and am having an issue trying to get the odbcDriverConnect function to work when trying to connect to an Access database. I have successfully connect to the database using odbcConnect, but am also trying to learn how to use the odbcDriverConnect function.
My code is
scallopdata<-odbcDriverConnect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};Dbq=S://adv/Scallop Central/2014 RSARR/2014 RSA Database_9_3_2014.mdb;
When I run the code, I get an error message of
ODBC Microsoft Access Driver Login Failed. Could not find file S://adv/Scallop Central/2014 RSARR/2014 RSA Database_9_3_2014.mdb.
I click the OK button which takes me to a Login box. I select the Database... button. This brings me to a Select Database box where I can select the same database that is specified in the Dbq section of code. Once I select the correct database and click OK I am connected to the database.
I am hoping to use the odbcDriverConnect function so that I do not have to set up a new odbc DSN for each database I would like to access. This may just be me not fully understanding the function.
If any one can provide so insight, it would be very helpful.


Julia ODBC connection produces pop-up in Jupyter

This is my first time using Julia and I've written a test script to connect to a database as follows:-
using ODBC
db = ODBC.DSN("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MyServer;DATABASE=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=Yes;");
However, when I execute the code in Jupyter, I get a pop-up each time as shown below. I would like to be able to login automatically using windows authentication and not have to manually enter the login details. Can someone help?
Shoudn't it be True vs Yes:
Also I think you shoud define an ODBC data source in your system and use it's name (e.g. MyDSN) in connection string:
db = ODBC.DSN("DSN=MyDSN;DATABASE=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=Yes;");
I found the answer, which is to pass the prompt parameter as follows:
using ODBC
db = ODBC.DSN("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MyServer;DATABASE=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=Yes;";prompt=false);

SQL Server 2017 ODBC via Rstudio or R on SSMS gets connected only to master database

I have been working on SQL Server 2017 via R (on Rstudio as well as R on SSMS) and i am unable to connect to a specific database. I mention the database name in the connection prompt but, it gets connected only to the master database. Is there something that I am missing while connecting?
The syntax I use for connection is:
conn = "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};server=;Uid=uid; pwd=pwd;Database = mydb"
I am trying to use both RevoscaleR as well as ODBC() package in Rstudio to connect to a specific database but, it still gets connected to master database. Using RStudio connections pane, if i try to explore the other databases, it shows only dbo schemas and no other schemas even if they exist. Can someone help me in figuring out what might have gone wrong?
Most likely the login you use (the uid) is not authorized for that particular database (it is not created as a user in that database).
Some example code you can run in SSMS as - for example - sa:
--switch over to the database in question
USE mydb
The above code creates a user in the database in question with the same name as the login.
Hope this helps!

Connecting to SAP DB using ODBC

I'd like to access a SAPDB database using ODBC so I've installed the latest ODBC driver from http://www.sapdb.org/
I'm trying to create a connection using the following connection string:
However I get the following error message:
[SAP AG][SQLOD32 DLL][SAP DB] Invalid authorization specification;-4008 POS(1) Unknown user name/password combination
I'm fairly certain that the username/password I'm using is correct (we've verified multiple times).
I also don't think it's a general network problem since if I give it a non-existing database it actually complains about the "database not running". Only with the correct database I get the invalid authorization error.
I'd very much appreciate any hints anyone might be able to give me.
Best regards,
The ODBC attributes for user id and password are UID and PWD not UID and PASSWORD.

iSeries (AS400) Output with ODBC connection

I am very new to AS400, and I am stuck. I have read documenation but cannot find what I need.
I have an odbc connection to an AS400 server. When I run this command I get an Outfile with everything I need:
Instead of the results going to an outfile I need to receive the results of this command to my script that is connecting through odbc. If I change 'OUTPUT(*OUTFILE)' to 'OUTPUT(*)' I get no results when I try to 'fetchall()'.
Is there any way to get this information through the odbc connection to my script?
EDIT: I am on a linux server, in a python script using pyodbc to connect. I can run sql queries successfully using this connection, but I can't figure out how to get the results of a command to come through as some sort of record set.
I hope I'm interpreting what you're asking correctly. it looks like you're accessing user profile data and dumping it to a file. It looks like you then want to use the contents of that file in a script or something that's running on Windows. If that's the case:
In general, when accessing data in a file from the Windows world, whether through ODBC and VBScript, or .NET, the AS/400 is treated like a database. All files in libraries are exposed via the built-in DB2 database. It's all automatic, and part of the Universal DB2 database.
So, after creating this file, you should have a file named TEST3 in library CHHFLE
You'd create a connection and execute the following SQL statement to read the contents:
Select * From CHHFLE.TEST3
This, of course, assumes that you have proper permissions to access this. You should be able to test this using the iSeries Navigator tool, which includes the ability to run SQL Scripts against the database before doing it in your script.
Added after reading comments above
There's info at this question on connecting to the DB2 from Python. I hope it's helpful.
OUTPUT(*) is not stdout, unfortunately. That means you won't be able to redirect OUTPUT(*) to an ODBC connection. Dumping to a DB2 table via OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) is a good plan. Once that's done, use a standard cursor / fetch loop as though you were working with any other DB2 table.

Connecting to DSN created by SQLite driver

How to connect to DSN created by SQlite Driver using SQL anywhere APIs from C++ code?
I am using db_string_connect() to connect to sybase adaptive server anywhere. I want to use the same function to connect to the DSN created by SQLite Driver as well but db_string_connect() API is returning sqlcode -103 ["You supplied an invalid user ID or an incorrect password."].
I have this somewhat weird requirement because I want to abstract the connection to different databases at ODBC layer. And the code to connect to sybase is already written and I want to minimize the changes in the code. Hope I am making some sense.
You will not be able to use a function from SQL Anywhere client library to connect directly to some other database. Typically, if you need to be able to connect and manipulate different types of database systems, you have to introduce a database layer that sits between the vendor specific client libraries and your code. This could be something you write yourself or use an existing one.
