Images/div's overlap each other randomly on load - css

I've got a 3x3 grid built with Zurb's Foundations framework and on load sometimes these boxes overlap each other. The number of image that load normally and the number that does not is completely random. Sometimes it's just one image, sometimes all of them, etc. It also happens more often when you view the website from http:// instead of locally. Just take a look at the image below.
The boxes are responsive, in such way they decrease in size when the browser gets smaller dan 1200px in width. Therefor a static height of each box isn't an option. They do remain the same ratio (4:3).
How do I make them not overlap each other?
I think the issue is the browser renders the boxes quicker than it can render each image- and therefor doesn't take the height into account.
My code for this part looks like this
<div class="row">
<div class="large-12 large-centered columns">
<div id="grid" class="row">
<figure class="small-6 medium-4 columns item" data-groups='["all", "app"]'>
<img src="images/portfolio/nos/sp-item.jpg" alt="img01"/>
<p>5 maanden werken aan een nieuwe NOS app</p>
<!-- 8 more figures like the one above, each is one box -->

I think this is a classic case for a Foundation block-grid. Just change the class from large-3 to large-block-grid-3.
So your code will look like this:
<div class="row">
<div class="large-block-grid-12 large-centered columns">
<div id="grid" class="row">
<figure class="small-block-grid-6 medium-block-grid-4 columns item" data-groups='["all", "app"]'>
<img src="images/portfolio/nos/sp-item.jpg" alt="img01"/>
<p>5 maanden werken aan een nieuwe NOS app</p>
<!-- 8 more figures like the one above, each is one box -->
You can learn more about Foundation block grid here

I added the .imageLoaded() jQuery plugin and configured it so that only when all images are loaded in the #grid then shuffle.js could load; a plugin that I use for shuffling/filtering the items.
Now, both on reload and clear-cache-full-reload, it works- and is showing correctly.
The problem was that if the plugin is fired before all/any of the image has been loaded, it just gives it a 10px height. Now, by firing the plugin after all images have been loaded, they get shown at their full height.
Strangely though, I applied this suggestion before I changed my grid to a block-grid, as suggested by #Asaf David, it didn't work. Now it does.
++ Credits to #Asaf David, for suggesting the block-grid, although I either can't confirm nor deny this helped. But at least it improved my code, imho.


How can I align text across Bootstrap 5 columns?

I have bootstrap columns set up with photos and a brief description underneath. Because the photos are different heights the text isn't aligned across the columns and it looks pretty bad. I'm sure this is a simple fix but I just can't seem to find it! Thanks in advance
<div class="row colabs">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-12">
<h2>Megan Reitz</h2>
<img class="collab-pics" src="C:\Users\donal\OneDrive\Desktop\John Higgins Website\Images\megan-reitz.jpg" alt="">
<p class="collab-texts">Long standing research partner into 'speaking truth to power' and 'workplace activism'</p>
<a class="collab-links" href=""></a>
<div class="col-lg-6 col-12">
<h2>Mark Cole</h2>
<img class="collab-pics" src="C:\Users\donal\OneDrive\Desktop\John Higgins Website\Images\Mark-Cole.jpg" alt="">
<p class="collab-texts">Fellow explorer into the intellectual headwaters of current organizational and management practice</p>
<a class="collab-links" href=""></a>
enter image description here
In this you can go for any one below described solution
try to use bootstrap-5 inbuilt classes like "img-fluid"..etc
reference link :-
either you can set your images to one div as background and use properties like background-position, background-size .. etc
you can set apply common height/width for all image elements with this you can control images & after that texts of it..

Image causing other objects to move

After inserting an image into my template, a set of boxes further down the page seem to have drifted out of sync with the rest of the template and I'm baffled as to why. I have tried messing with certain padding and margins and can't seem to keep the image along with the correct alignment.
The Code
<div id="SuperContentsWrapper">
<div id="SuperContents">
<div id="SuperContentsSub">
<div align="center">
<font color="#A35E41"><em><font color="#000000">Batman Vs Superman Boys' T-Shirt</font></em></strong></font>
<div align="center"> <img src="" height="100%" width="100%">
<div align="center">
<font size="3">Great for all occasions, this Batman Boys T-Shirt will receive a great reception anywhere. This T-Shirt looks and feels great and is made with 100% innovative SofSpun Cotton and has a longer-line for a more fashionable looking T-Shirt.</font>
<p> </p>
<div align="center">Brand: Fruit Of The Loom </div>
The image causing the issue is: <div align="center"> <img src="" height="100%" width="100%">
Please let me know if there is anymore code needed to understand why this is happening!
To expand my answer in the comments, the lack of a closing </div> tag after the image meant that the browser engine would render everything following that unclosed <div> as being inside that <div> until a matching closing tag was found, which will cause damage to the entire visual layout thereon downwards.

What would cause the responsive features on this site not work on mobile?

I am using a Bootstrap Template, that you can see the live version here -
If you view it on a mobile device, you will see how the responsiveness of Bootstrap kicks in.
But when I applied it to my Rails app, the mobile version does not look the same.
Any ideas what may be causing the discrepancy?
You can see the differences especially in both the main 'content' area with the story (notice on my version you see multiple stories in the main view, but on the original you only see 1 story and you can read the content more easily). You can also see it when you press the buttons.
Press the 'blue' button to the right top of the original and you will notice that the sidepanel comes out at the top like it should. But on my version it still comes to the side and everything is small.
What am I missing?
Add this to your application.html.erb:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
You have made too many changes while you are implementing the html in your rails view.
Like original header have following content :
<header class="header">
<hgroup class="pull-left">
<h1 class="site-title">
<a href="index.html" title="Von" rel="home">
<i class="fa fa-lemon-o"></i> Von
<div class="btn btn-primary pull-right" id="togglesidebar">
<i class="fa fa-bars"></i>
But in your view instead of <hgroup class="pull-left"> you have <hgroup class="pull-left col-xs-3 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3"> and for <div class="btn btn-primary pull-right" id="togglesidebar"> you have <div class="col-xs-3 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3 masthead-group-3"> also You added two more element in between these two element that destroyed your all header view.
You haven't used middle section from html design it seems you write your own. In your <header class="entry-header"> You created div instead of image tag. So every thing started distorted here. You include header footer section for each main section. But it's not big issue. Try remove div for confirmed and unconfirmed and use image instead. SO you will have proper view. Also remove row class from view that you added so view look more symmetric.
In your about section. When you try to see on mobile view. width of main container <div style="display: inline-block;" class="col-sm-3 sidebar" id="secondary"> is calculated on the basis of it's child element like <div class="about">. As your child element is form and it's having width less than the width displayed on form so remaining section not having proper background color #1c171e. So try increase width of you form control or <h4>Submit Report</h4> like <h4>Submit Report </h4> (kind of hack)under about section You will get proper view for this also.
Judging by your css file, you have loaded similar css multiple times. Consider the fact that, if everything else suggested by the people above has been corrected, the placement of the css files in the application scss file could overwrite your correct code.
I would also check the viewport meta tag as suggested above
If you try calling the CSS and JS being used as individual standalone files, instead of minified, do you still have this issue? Order of these files will matter too. I've seen lots of quirky issues when one JS gets loaded before another, same goes for CSS.
P.S. I would leave this information as a 'Comment' vs. Answer but I don't have enough stack overflow credit yet to do so ;-)
Make sure that if you have using rails g scaffold that you remove the scaffold.css file.

Twitter Bootstrap Responsive issue with span4 tags

I have a demo site which is located here to give you an idea of what's going on. If you scroll to the bottom where you see the 9 individual posts they are all laid out properly. How ever if you shrink the screen to anything less then 1232px's youll see that the 7th post breaks away from the others and shifts down.
Now I am using default styles to align them as such, using row and then span4. Can any one explain why this happens? And any way to fix it?
Your span totals should add up to 12. Your example site however adds up to more than 40! I don't think there is any defined behaviour for what should happen if you don't use it as intended.
From Bootstrap homepage
"The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns"
So the total of your spans must add to 12 per row. ie.
<div class="row">
<div class="span4">...</div>
<div class="span8">...</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="span3">...</div>
<div class="span3">...</div>
<div class="span3">...</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="span7">...</div>
<div class="span3 offset2">...</div>

css problems w/ ie 8 and below

I've put together this small little piece but I'm having problems with the renderings below IE9.
I've been going over a bunch of tutorials and have even tried a version of the "html shiv" technique, but to no avail.
I'm not sure what the problem is. I cross tested it and it works in pretty much every browser minus IE8 and below. I'm just curious if I'm going to have to rework an entire style sheet for the IE8 and less bunch or if I'm just missing something.
In IE8/IE7/IE6 the hover states for the buttons work, but it's as though all of the boundaries disappear.
is a live working version.
Here's the HTML (I would include the CSS but it's long, but you can view it in developer tools sorry for the inconvenience).
<section id="tile">
<button id="toggle_button"></button>
<section id="tile_content">
<figure id="tile_content_figure" class="clearfix">
<img src="imgs/tile_pic.png">
“Siri's Default Settings Leave
Your iPhone 4S Exposed”
<div id="tile_content_link">
<p id="from_in">
From in arab spring
<div id="tile_content_comment" class="clearfix">
<img src="imgs/user_img.png">
"This is the basic version of the tile"
<footer id="tile_foot">
<div id="foot_wrap" class="clearfix">
<figure class="like_view">
<img src="imgs/like.png">
<figure class="like_view">
<img src="imgs/view.png">
<article id="social" class="clearfix">
<button id="facebook"></button>
<button id="tumblr"></button>
Just looking to get pointed in the right direction. I know that the CSS has features that IE8 and below won't pick up, but the head scratcher for me is that it's as though the style sheet in its entirety is broken.
please help, and thank you
< ie9 doesn't understand your html5 elements: article, footer, section, figure; offhand i'd just go ahead add html5.js and then turn them on in your css:
i think that should fix what you are talking about
You have lots of duplicate id's. id's must be unique per element or a browser may ignore subsequent instances of the id. You should also declare a document encoding, among other HTML Validation errors...
Your site is more likely to work as expected, in all browsers, when its HTML code is fully compliant.
