Operation timed out: installing and running app - simulator

I'm getting the following error message when I try different operations such as installing an application to a Firefox OS simulator:
Operation timed out: installing and running app
I've tried versions 1.3, 1.4, 2.0 of the simulator - all have the same error.
The application does get deployed to the simulator and runs. However, console.log() output does not get displayed in the WebIDE Console.
For the location of the error message, see the screenshot below
My Firefox Version is - 42.0a1 (2015-07-16)
This is running on Ubuntu 14.04 x64.
When I click on the Troubleshooting link, I can't find any tips for troubleshooting a simulator.
Any ideas?
The steps I followed were:
Open WebIDE. Terminal output:
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Start Firefox OS 2.0 simulator, simulator displays. Terminal output:
console.log: Connection status changed: connecting
console.log: Connection status changed: connected
Project >> Open Packaged App, and select my application. No Terminal output.
Project >> Install and Run. Application displays on simulator. Terminal output:
console.log: Installing app from /home/snowch/tmp/Scratch/myapp/hw_chs
console.log: Starting bulk upload
console.log: File size: 14253
console.log: Bulk upload done
After about 10 seconds the error message is shown as per the screenshot.
The jconsole error messages:
Simulating large screen devices (Operation timed out: installing and running app)
Simulating small screen devices, after clicking on the spanner (Operation timed out: opening toolbox)

It looks like you've run into several bugs with older simulator versions.
For the issue with app install when the screen is set to Via Vixen, I filed bug 1186929. For myself, it only reproduced on 2.0, but please comment in that bug if you have more specifics.
For the "opening toolbox" issue, I believe that is a compatibility problem that needs to be resolved with older simulators, which is bug 1161131.
I tried asking several times in the comments above if you ever actually see the toolbox appear, or if you just get error messages. It would still help to know the answer here.
As a workaround, you should be able to use Simulator 2.2 or later to avoid these issues until they are resolved.


Set up rstudio-server on macOS

I want to set up rstudio-server on an iMac with support for multiple users and remote login. I followed the steps in the INSTALL tutorial: I built the source, set up the configuration files and the launchd daemon. At first, it works fine, but after some time, I get these warnings/errors when I plot:
2022-06-09 08:02:29.438 rsession[3050:139329] XType: failed to connect - Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named com.apple.fonts was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named com.apple.fonts was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process.}
2022-06-09 08:02:29.438 rsession[3050:139329] Font server protocol version mismatch (expected:5 got:0), falling back to local fonts
2022-06-09 08:02:29.438 rsession[3050:139329] XType: unable to make a connection to the font daemon!
2022-06-09 08:02:29.438 rsession[3050:139329] XType: XTFontStaticRegistry is enabled as fontd is not available.
Then I can't plot any more unless I restart R and re-run my code. Do you know what could be the issue? I could not get any help when opening an issue on the rstudio-server github since MacOS is not officially supported.
I was also looking at running rstudio-server via docker, but I couldn't find a good way to map the user namespace from macOS to the container.
Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: It seems I was able to solve the issue by launching the fontd daemon with:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.fontd.useragent.plist
This seems like an issue with the MacOS font daemon, not with RStudio itself.
Someone reported a similar issue on PhantomJS. Rebooting resolved it for them.
This answer reported the same error for a different build, and they were able to resolve it by installing the correct "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority" in Keychain:
The one I had had an expiration date of February 2023. I deleted that one and went here, downloaded the one called "Worldwide Developer Relations - G3 (Expiring 02/20/2030 00:00:00 UTC)", then retried the build and it worked.

Telepresence Connection Error - Traffic Manager version unsupported, must be 2.4.5 or higher while it is 2.6.5

I have started to face this problem. While trying to connect, I am facing an error stating that my traffic-manager version is 2.1.5 and it should be at least 2.4.5.
"telepresence connect" command checks for new versions and modifies it if there is any new version exists. So I am thinking that started to create a problem. Because I was using it as normal.
When I check the connector.log file these two lines create the problem.
connector/session : Existing Traffic Manager 2.6.5 not owned by cli or does not need upgrade, will not modify
connector/session : failed to connect to root daemon: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unsupported traffic-manager version 2.1.5. Minimum supported version is 2.4.5
So somehow I have two versions now while checking for the update it hits 2.6.5 but while trying to run it tries with 2.1.5. Trying to uninstall telepresence but it also faces the same problem and I couldn't locate and delete traffic-manager 2.1.5. My OS is Windows 11.
Because of that, I am kind of blocked with my tests. Any help will be well appreciated. Thanks!
After asking the question, a new version arrived, if anyone encountered this problem, please update telepresence to 2.6.6. It is fixed now.

TVMLKitErrorDomain error 3 Message

I have a TVML app working quite nicely now in the simulator. I've started with a menuBar template, and have used a stackTemplate as well as productTemplate. Everything is working just dandy in the simulator. However, when I hook my Apple TV up and try to run it on there, the application loads, but then I get the following error:
TVMLKitErrorDomain error 3
I have been trying to find out what this is for a few days , but I have not found any information pertaining to the error code. The simulator version is running on the localhost 9001 like Apple recommends and that is flawless. I just can't get the app to run properly on the device though. Does anyone know what that error is, and how I can fix it? As always I appreciate your help!
You need to run this command from the same directory as your TVMLKit JS file:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9001
I had same error in my TV app. Solved by editing Info.plist. This error indicates that URL user trying to visit is not reachable.
You need to allow http:// from Info.plist for your app.
If you are running on device, you should change this line from localhost to your IP address:
static let TVBaseURL = "http://localhost:9001/"
static let TVBaseURL = "http://MY.IP.ADDRESS.HERE:9001/"
Just open a new terminal at your app folder and run the following command before running the simulator:
ruby -run -ehttpd . -p9001

inconsistent behavior in RSelenium

On Linux, the RSelenium/Selenium seems to be behaving erratically. I start the server manually and it seems to start up fine. Sometimes I am able to connect to it from my R session and other times I get an error. I cannot yet pinpoint the cause: the same script seems to work sometimes and not other times. Any ideas?
Here is the output from starting the server:
12:41:25.811 INFO - Launching a standalone server
12:41:26.102 INFO - Java: Sun Microsystems Inc. 11.0-b16
12:41:26.102 INFO - OS: Linux 2.6.32-431.17.1.el6.x86_64 amd64
12:41:26.157 INFO - v2.44.0, with Core v2.44.0. Built from revision 76d78cf
12:41:26.492 INFO - Default driver org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver registration is skipped: registration capabilities Capabilities [{platform=WINDOWS, ensureCleanSession=true, browserName=internet explorer, version=}] does not match with current platform: LINUX
12:41:26.589 INFO - RemoteWebDriver instances should connect to:
12:41:26.589 INFO - Version Jetty/5.1.x
12:41:26.590 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server/driver,/selenium-server/driver]
12:41:26.590 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server,/selenium-server]
12:41:26.590 INFO - Started HttpContext[/,/]
12:41:36.597 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler#2993a66f
12:41:36.598 INFO - Started HttpContext[/wd,/wd]
12:41:36.601 INFO - Started SocketListener on
12:41:36.601 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.Server#6f507fb2
The error I receive in my R session:
Couldnt connect to host on http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.
Please ensure a Selenium server is running.Error in queryRD(paste0(serverURL, "/session"), "POST", qdata = toJSON(serverOpts))
Other times, running the exact same script everything proceeds successfully. It could be a difference of what computer node actually executes the script but I cannot tell what the problem is when it will not connect.
# running selenium
system("java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar")
I faced same issue and try to run above code. Finally know that there only support 1.7 but not 1.8 as time being. You might try to download jre7 and jdk7.
I faced the same error in Mac, but I noticed that due to security settings the system does not let me to run the file with that piece of code. I downloaded the selenium standalone file and using control key I single-clicked the file and then from the menu I chose the open. Then the problem get solved.

xinit Clutter application not working

I've built a simple test app with clutter: A stage with two ClutterText actors to display two words. It works OK when I run it from within gnome but running it from the tty (not gnome-terminal or xterm) with xinit my_app_binary I get an error:
failed to create drawable
Unable to initialize Clutter: Unable to select the newly created GLX context
Window manager error: Unable to initialize Clutter
If I run xinit gnome-terminal from the same tty everything works, gnome-terminal shows up in a black screen. That's the same I want to do with my app.
Is there anything I can do to overcome this error?
All the above are tested in Linux Mint 12. After normal boot I switch to a tty (ALT-F1) and stop lightdm (sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop).
EDIT: running as root everything works, so the question is: how to run it as a regular user?
Be sure to set the DISPLAY-var - add it in front of your command
DISPLAY=:0.0 /path/to/myapp
Sometimes this is an access-rights problem - the app should be started with the user who started the X-server
su user-started-x -c 'DISPLAY=:0.0 /path/to/myapp'
