How to convert .net 4.6 project to 5.0 -

Based on this question, I now know how to create a new project using the 5.0 framework (and have successfully done so), however is there an upgrade path to converting a 4.6 project (or earlier) to a 5.0?
I know there are a lot of changes in between the two frameworks, so maybe it has not yet been documented/developed - but I am not sure (and was unable to find the info), so figured I'd ask.
When going into project properties I am presented with:
Project Properties
Right click menu on project
Which are the two areas I would expect such a conversion be possible. Am I looking in the wrong place, or does the upgrade not yet exist (or even will it?)

.NET 5 doesn't exist yet. It is .NET 4.6 which was just released. The latest version of ASP.NET is version 5.0, which uses up to .NET 4.6. .NET Core 5 is a totally different thing, and there aren't predefined migration paths to it.
You can't just convert a regular ASP.NET 4 project to a ASP.NET 5 project since the introduction of the entirely new Core framework. You have to do it by hand yourself.

Generally speaking, you need to create an ASP.NET 5 project and then copy-paste useful code around.
The designs (MVC, Web API and SignalR) are different, so you could not easily migrate yet. Compared to those changes, the .NET Framework vs. .NET Core/DNX changes are subtle.


Microsoft.xrm.Sdk referenced in .Net core and .Net standards

My project is completely designed with. NetCore 2.2 and. Netstandards2.0. I need to refer
Microsoft.Xrm.SDK. But Microsoft.Xrm.SDK supported by full framework. I have tried to. NetCore 3.1 also no luck. I have gone through many articles, every one saying now only they start releasing the alpha version. There is only a roadmap so far.
As you already found, the .NET Core version is in Alpha release.
This is an update article to the right packages to use:
Regarding your project, you can eventually include all the calls to Dynamics 365 to a separate project/assembly so the rest of the project can be compatible with .NET Core and only that specific project/assembly to the full .NET

Future plans to consider for mvc 5.2 web application, with releasing mvc6 (vnext)

I need to get any ideas of how i should be managing our previous MVC 5.2 web application.. now i am using mvc-5.2 with entity framework 6.0. and i want to start phase-2 for some of these projects. so should i consider upgrading my mvc 5.2 to be using mvc6 (vnext) first ? and will there be any migration plans ?
second question , when is it expected for vnext to be released? or it is has been officially released ?
third question, will i be able to create a vnext project inside VS 2012 ?
I would simply recommend following the standard best practice of n-tier architecture and keeping logic related to things like querying a database in class libraries. MVC 6 is drastically different from previous versions, so there's no easy migration. You'll basically need to start a brand new project and move over relevant code where you can and spend a good bit of time converting code. For example, child actions are gone and have been replaced with view components. You'll need to go through any child actions you're using currently and create view components out of them. As I said, making sure your current MVC project is as thin as possible (by factoring out code into class libraries and such) will go a long way in reducing the amount of code you need to move/change.
As far as I'm aware, no release date has been set, but at least in the alpha and beta phases of Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET 5/MVC 6, Windows 10 has been required, so there won't be an official release likely until Windows 10 is public. However, Visual Studio 2015 has reached release cadidate stage, so I'd say it's definitely close, either launching alongside Windows 10 or shortly after.
Kind of answered this in point 2, but ASP.NET 5/MVC 6 will require VS2015. As far as I'm aware, there's no plans to add support to lesser versions. A lot of that has to do with Rosyln, the new .NET compiler. Trying to bootstrap previous versions of VS with support for an entirely new compiler/syntax engine would be a monstrous task. However, VS has been on an MSDN subscription model for many versions now and as long as you're a current subscriber you can always download the latest version for free. If you're not an MSDN subscriber, you can still download the community edition of VS 2015 for free. It's missing a lot of the more advanced VS features, but it's still totally sufficient for web development work.

ASP.NET: 1.1 to 2.0 upgrade

what are some things i should be aware of before i begin this project? i've notice a few differences between this 1.1 site and our 2.0 sites: i noticed that every code behind file has a "Web Form Designer Generated Code" region which i'm guessing i won't need to transfer over to the 2.0 site.(?) There's also a "sitename".dll file in the bin folder which i was told is also a 1.1 thing and that dll file won't need to be transferred over to the 2.0 site.(?) at this -LINK-, the second answer mentions that my new 2.0 site should be created as a Web Application Project and not a Web Site project - does this apply to all 1.1 to 2.0 upgrades and should i consider doing this?
i would appreciate any advice at all on a 1.1 to 2.0 upgrade that you have. i should also mention that i am not allowed to upgrade to either 3.5 or 4.0 - it has to be 2.0. thanks.
2.0 brought a new project type for websites which, in the simplest terms, does not produce a dll for the website like 1.1 projects would. There was a patch released that supported the 'older' project type if you really hated the new website project (which I did).
To be honest I did not have that much trouble converting my sites over to 2.0 way back when it came out. Visual studio automatically converted my projects and I only had a few bugs to work out to be honest.
Try using the automatic upgrade (simply open the project in visual studio 2005 after you install 2.0) and see if you have any issues.
Be sure to install the latest service packs and be sure to test, test, test. .NET 2.0 added some fixes that amount to breaking changes in .NET 1.1. You may run into them especially in the area of XML processing in general, and XML Serialization in particular.
Note also that .NET 3.5 is nothing more than .NET 2.0 plus some additional assemblies that your code does not use. There is no good reason to not upgrade to .NET 3.5 SP1.
There are potential reasons to not upgrade to .NET 4.0, though not very many.

Web Site Upgrade from ASP .NET 2.0 to 3.5

We have a web application that runs on IIS using .NET 2.0 developed and built with Visual Studio 2005.
We're going to upgrade to .NET 3.5 and begin using Visual Studio 2008. Here are my questions:
I note the runtime is still 2.0-based.
When I loaded the solution in Visual Studio 2008, I was asked to convert, and I did. I then checked the target framework for the default project, and it was set to 3.5. However, all of the other target frameworks for the other projects are set to 2.0.
Do I need to manually set the target frameworks from 2.0 to 3.5 for each of the projects in the solution?
Are there any "gotcha's" anyone can think of to be concerned with a web-application conversion?
As I understand it, the 1.1 to 2.0 migration was a much more difficult issue due to the massive runtime and web-page design changes. However, 2.0 to 3.5 isn't such a big change.
I was not at my current job for that upgrade, but I understand there was a problem with some textarea tags using a deprecated attribute that failed to function correctly after the upgrade.
Can anyone think of any similar issues I might encounter?
Any other issues or thoughts anyone has after having done such a conversion themselves?
Thanks, I appreciate the input.
Do I need to manually set the target
frameworks from 2.0 to 3.5 for each of
the projects in the solution?
Not necessary, but I would recommend you to do so. Visual Studio actually filters the assemblies you can reference based on the target framework version.
Are there any "gotcha's" anyone can
think of to be concerned with a
web-application conversion?
Not any that I am aware of when migrating from 2.0 to 3.5. You don't even need to modify the CLR version of the host application pool. When you need to migrate to 4.0 there might be more issues.
If you're also upgrading your own target server, from my own experiences, be patient with the installer.
It does quite a lot including uninstalling the existing .NET 2.0 and 3.0 frameworks and replacing it pretty much wholesale.
It can look as if the installer is stuck. On one of our production servers it ran for nearly 20 minutes. I was almost ready to pull the plug then it magically jumped into life.

Should I support ASP.NET 1.1?

I've just started working on an ASP.NET project which I hope to open source once it gets to a suitable stage. It's basically going to be a library that can be used by existing websites. My preference is to support ASP.NET 2.0 through 3.5, but I wondered how many people I would be leaving out by not supporting ASP.NET 1.1? More specifically, how many people are there still using ASP.NET 1.1 for whom ASP.NET 2.0/3.5 is not an option? If upgrading your server is not an option for you, why not?
Increasingly I think not.
The kind of large rigid organisation currently still clinging to 1.1 (probably because they're only just upgraded to it) is also the kind that's highly unlikely to look at open source solutions.
If I were starting a new ASP.Net project right now I'd stick with .Net 3.5 and probably the new MVC previews.
Remember that .NET 1.1 is going out of general support in October of this year (and that includes ASP.NET 1.1).
I think you would be perfectly fine with targeting just 2.0 and above, someone who would use your library would most likely be doing new development and using at least ASP.NET 2.0. I think it would be a very small group of people doing new development in 1.1.
