Mvn Connection Timeout Error because of proxy Setting in Redhat 7 while connecting via Bamboo - networking

My Bamboo agent is trying to get a Mvn pom file from the repo on a virtual machine and I am getting Connection Timeout. The OS I am using is RedHat7.
I have my proxy settings as follows
~/.bashrc - both for user and root
export proxy=
export http_proxy=$proxy
export https_proxy=$proxy
export HTTP_PROXY=$proxy
export HTTPS_PROXY=$proxy
The Maven settings file settings.xml:
In my yum.conf I have also added the proxy settings, although it is not reuired
Also my in my /etc/sysconfig/network
I can do wget and but when the bamboo tries to download a pom.xml it gives the following error:
https\:// not transfer artifact io.spring.platform\:platform-bom\:pom\:1.0.2.RELEASE from/to central (https\://\: Connect to\:443 [] failed\: Connection timed out
What am I missing? Is there another configuration that needs to be set ?

So the issue was with the repository. It required to be pointed to the Nexus repository


Gitlab CI: Access private repository from CI pipeline fails

I try to set up a Gitlab CI configuration, which executes the unit tests of a symfony project. The same configuration works for an old project, but in my new one the command composer update fails. The error message says that it isn’t possible to clone our own bundle out of our Gitlab.
$ composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
In Git.php line 471:
Failed to execute git clone --mirror -- ‘https://glp...XXX:private-token#gi’ ‘/tmp/cache/vcs/https---gitla’
Cloning into bare repository ‘/tmp/cache/vcs/’...
fatal: unable to access ‘
.git/’: Failed to connect to port 443 after 0 ms: Conn
ection refused
At first I tried to use a personal access token in my .gitlab-ci.yaml but get the previous mentioned error.
image: composer:latest
stage: test
- composer config $PERSONAL_CI_TOKEN
After that I tried the access by username/password.
echo "{\"http-basic\":{\"\":{\"username\":\"user\",\"password\":\"password\"}}}” > $HOME/.composer/auth.json
All the possibilities worked in my composer docker container and in my other project the access is still possible. I don't know how to solve this error.
Please check if you have added your self-hosted gitlab domain in your config in the composer.json file.
It should look like this:
"config": { "gitlab-domains": [""] }

How to configure Spring Cloud Configuration Server without the git profile?

I'm attempting to run Spring Cloud Configuration Server, working through the examples in a book (Manning's Spring Microservices in Action), but updating to the latest versions: Java 17, spring-boot-starter-parent 2.6.1, with Spring Cloud 2021.0.0-RC1.
Each time I try to start the server, I get this error:
Invalid config server configuration.
If you are using the git profile, you need to set a Git URI in your configuration. If you have set, you need to use a composite configuration.
I am not using the git profile. I have tried two different profiles: native (with config files on the classpath) and vault (with a Hashicorp Vault server running locally). My latest /src/resources/bootstrap.yml contains the following:
name: config-server
active: vault
port: 8200
kvVersion: 2
port: 8071
My best guess is that the bootstrap.yml file isn't getting picked up at server startup, and perhaps the git profile is a default. How can I remedy this?
OK, it looks like the problem here is that newer versions of Spring Cloud Configuration Server don't look for the bootstrap.yml file by default. There are a few different ways to solve it. The easiest is just to move all the properties to an application.yml/ instead.
Another alternative is (found at NEWBEDEV here) is to include a dependency that implements the "legacy" bootstrap behavior:
add the following into file.
server.port= ${port:8888}
Please go through the link below:
Spring Cloud Config File System Backend Issue (not reading properties from the file)

on JBOSS EAP 7.3 unable to load mariadb JDBC driver on managed domain on full profile

i'm having problem on adding mariadb jdbc driver on managed domain with profile=full--> following error
my current configuration
module defined for mariadb
This is the file jar i've used
When you want to configure the data source in domain mode then make sure you install the JDBC Driver as a module on each Host Controller.
As there are no management instruments available on the Host Controllers, you need to execute the module add command on each Host Controller in disconnected mode:
disconnected /] module add --name=org.mariadb --resources=mariadb-java-client-2.7.1.jar --dependencies=javax.api,javax.transaction.api

SBT not passing credentials when publishing to Artifactory

I am coding a Java project and I'm automating the build and the publishing to JFrog Artifactory using SBT.
Whenever it's time to publish to Artifactory I want to do it using the Ivy directory layout and obviously publish the Ivy XML file along with the jar. I managed to achieve this by using the following lines in the build.sbt file:
crossPaths := false
publishTo := Some("Artifactory Realm" at "http://<Artifactory IP>:<Artifactory Port>/artifactory/")
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials")
publishMavenStyle := false
However it only works when anonymous users are allowed to deploy into Artifactory. I realized that sbt is not really passing my credentials to Artifactory but, instead, logging in as anonymous.
My $HOME/.ivy2/.credentials file looks like this:
realm=Artifactory Realm
host=http://<Artifactory IP>:<Artifactory Port>/artifactory/
user=<my user name>
password=<my user name>
However, if I change the Artifactory configuration in order to prevent anonymous users from deploying new Artifacts, when I run "sbt publish" I get the following output:
[error] Unable to find credentials for [Artifactory Realm # <Artifactory IP>]. Access to URL http://<Artifactory IP>:<Artifactory Port>/artifactory// was refused by the server: Unauthorized
The Artifactory request.log file then contains:
I have also tried passing the credentials manually instead of using a file:
credentials += Credentials("Artifactory Realm", "localhost", "<USERNAME>", "<PASS>")
But I am getting the same result.
Any idea what I might be missing?
host=<Artifactory IP>
old answer (doesn't work):
host=<Artifactory IP>:<Artifactory port>
I had a different problem: I had the wrong realm set on my .credentials file.
Looking at the error output from sbt, I was able to figure out that I should use:
realm=Artifactory Realm
Error shows the expected values for realm and host:
[error] Unable to find credentials for [Artifactory Realm # myhost].

Springfuse - Failed to execute goal: generate

I try to generate an Eclipse Project with Springfuse code generator, based on a MySql database. I have filled up the form at, and it generated following Maven command:
mvn -U archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.springfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=3.0.108 -DartifactId=myproject -Dversion=1.0.0 -DfrontEnd=jsf2Spring -Dpassword=none -DjdbcGroupId=mysql -DjdbcArtifactId=mysql-connector-java -DjdbcVersion=5.1.25 -DjdbcDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -DjdbcUser=root -DjdbcPassword=qwe123 -DjdbcUrl=jdbc:mysql://localhost/test -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeRepository=
I opened a command window, copied the command as it is, and run it, but got following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) on project standalone-pom: The desired archetype does not exist (com.springfuse.archetypes:quickstart:3.0.108) -> [Help 1]
My environment details:
Apache Maven 3.2.1 (ea8b2b07643dbb1b84b6d16e1f08391b666bc1e9; 2014-02-14T18:37:52+01:00)
Maven home: c:\Prog\Maven\Maven.3.2.1
Java version: 1.7.0_51, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1250
OS name: "windows 7", version: "6.1", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"
Does anybody has an idea, what the problem is?
Please check the settings of proxy / firewall springfuse. Also check the Apache Maven, because it needs to download the dependencies on the Internet. And if it fails, then its usually you need to tell him about the http proxy you need to use.
