How does http security hasRole() method work - http

I have developed a RESTful API in Spring which retrieves user info from a database (MongoDB) and returns that data to a client that consumes this REST API. But before the data is retrieved the REST API checks to see if the user is an admin or not. Only the admin can perform GET operations to retrieve user info
So in my class I have this:
.antMatchers("/users/get/**", "/users/get/**").hasRole("ADMIN");
Now, the users all have their roles and everything is working as expected in the sense that when I call curl adminusername:adminpassword#localhost:8080/users/get/AllUsers
I am able to retrieve all the users because the user with the username of adminusername is an admin and he has permission. But if I replace adminusername with a non-admin username, I get an access denied error.
My question is, is the adminusername:adminpassword part before the #localhost:8080.... the header of the HTTP request?
The reason I ask is because I need to create a client that is able to log in, have his credentials (username and password) verified, and have the username and password used as the session id, so that any time the client makes HTTP request calls after being logged in, the username and password is appended to the header and is processed by the REST API.
The hasRole() of the
.antMatchers("/users/get/**", "/users/get/**").hasRole("ADMIN");
in the security config is dependent on the username:password before the #localhost:8080.... is this the same thing as #RequestHeader of the spring rest API?

First of all, Http Basic is a way, to send user credentials through header -
var header = {'Authorization': 'Basic '+btoa(username+':'+password)} //javascript
Second thing are authorities for a user. You in your system have to create user, and add them priviliges, for example:
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
.withUser("mati").password("qwerty").roles("ADMIN", "USER").and()
These users became later objects from class Principal which has their granted Authorities (like "ROLE_USER" or "ROLE_ADMIN").
When you are calling for example
curl adminusername:adminpassword#localhost:8080/users/get/AllUsers
Spring Security will check for proper Principal (with given username and will check if password matches), load it to the SecurityContext and will check if Principal has authority "ROLE_ADMIN" (by hasRole("ADMIN")). I must add that this was tricky, and I don't remember exactly, if you it washasRole("ADMIN") or hasRole("ROLE_ADMIN").
I hope this will answer your question(s).


Spring oauth2 retains user credentials after authorization_Code

In our application we have below flow:
First request is of grant_type authorization_code.
On success of above request user is redirected to login page to enter credentials.
New token is generated and User is logged in.
Now, if we keep the server up and repeat the above steps,then user is not redirected to login page. Instead credentials entered in above iteration are taken and new token is generated. It seems user data is being retained by spring.
Can someone pls help to identify the root cause? Do we have to invalidate the session manually? how?
That is default behavior it will keep the user authenticated.
But if you want to change that. You add this in your Authorization Server Config
public void configureAuthorizationEndpoint(AuthorizationEndpoint authorizationEndpoint) {
DefaultRedirectResolver redirectResolver = new DefaultRedirectResolver() {
public String resolveRedirect(String requestedRedirect, ClientDetails client) {
return super.resolveRedirect(requestedRedirect, client);
It will basically reset the authentication right before it sends the authorization_code to the relying party. So if you add this, the user will always be redirect to login page for each request.

C#/OWIN/ASP.NET: can I *manually* generate and get a valid bearer token string in my API code?

I am using the OWIN OAuthAuthorizationServer library in an OWIN ASP.NET C# web API to generate and process bearer tokens.
Right now, I have a single endpoint (which you set in the OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions struct) that accepts the grant_type, username and password fields from the frontend. I created a provider class that performs the validation, and then calls context.Validated() or context.SetError() accordingly. The middleware then handles generating the token and returning it to the user, and also "takes over" the login endpoint, doing all the work internally.
Now, I am adding a new feature to my API where the user can change their "role" (e.g. an admin can set themselves as a regular user to view the results of their work, a user can select among multiple roles, etc.) Since I already handle this through the bearer token (I store the user's role there and all my endpoints use the bearer token to determine the current role), I now have a reason to update the contents of the bearer token from the API backend.
What I'm looking to do is to allow the frontend to call an endpoint (e.g. api/set_role) that will accept a parameter. The user requests a certain role, and their current bearer token would accompany the request. The server then would check if the user in question is allowed to use that specific role and, if so, would generate a new token and return it to the user in the response body. The frontend would then update its token in local storage. Or, of course, if the user is not permitted to switch to that role, the backend would return an appropriate error and the frontend would react accordingly.
To do this I basically want to be able to manually generate a token. Similar to how I use identity.AddClaim() in my login provider, I'd like to be able to do that at any arbitrary position within the API's code. The method would take responsibility for transferring over any necessary existing information (e.g. the user's username) into the new token, since it already has the existing one.
Pseudocode for what I want:
if (!userCanUseRole(requestedRoleId)) return Request.CreateErrorResponse(...);
// we have a struct containing parsed information for the current token in the variable cToken
bearerToken newToken = new bearerToken();
newToken.AddClaim(new Claim("user", cToken.user));
newToken.AddClaim(new Claim("role", requestedRoleId));
string tokenToReturnToFrontend = newToken.getTokenString(); // string suitable for using in Authorization Bearer header
return Request.CreateResponse(new StringContent(tokenToReturnToFrontend));
I am not too familiar with "refresh" tokens, but the only way I am using them right now is extending token expiration. To that end the frontend explicitly requests a refresh token and provides its own, which the backend simply copies to a new token and edits the expiry time. The problem with this is that there's a single method for getting a refresh token, and since I have now at least one other reason to refresh a token (and possibly, future developments could add even more reasons to change token contents at various times), I'd then have to deal with storing transient data somewhere (E.g. "when requesting a refresh token, what is the thing the user wanted to do? has it been too long since they requested to do that? etc.) It'd be much easier if I could simply generate a bearer token on demand in the same way that the OAuthAuthorizationServer itself does. (I know it uses the MachineKey to do this, but I don't know exactly how it does it, nor how I would go about doing what I'm trying to do.)
Of note: In another project I provided internal access to the OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions class that is passed to the authorization server instance, and was able to use that to decode a bearer token inside of a test. I haven't seen anything obvious thought that would let me encode a bearer token this way.
EDIT: I explored the (extremely tersely, almost uselessly documented) OWIN namespace and found the AccessTokenFormat class which appears that it should do what I want. I wrote this code:
Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket at = new Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket(new ClaimsIdentity
, new Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationProperties
at.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("hello", "world"));
string token = Startup.oabao.AccessTokenFormat.Protect(at);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new StringContent(token, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, "text/plain"));
which seems like it should work. (I again allow access to the OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions class passed to the OAuthAuthorizationServer instance.) However, this code throws an ArgumentNull exception. The stacktrace indicates that it is writing to a BinaryWriter but the OWIN code is passing a null value to the Write method on the BinaryWriter.
Still have no solution.
I did figure out the code to make this work. One could argue I'm "not using OAuth right", but strictly, this code WILL accomplish what I want - to generate a token in code at any arbitrary point and get the string.
First, as I said, I have to provide access to the OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions class instance. When the OAuth server initializes I'm guessing it populates this class with all of the various objects used for tokens. The key is that we do have access to Protect and Unprotect which can both encode and decode bearer tokens directly.
This code will generate a token assuming that oabao is the OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions class that has been passed to the OAuthAuthorizationServer instance:
Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket at = new Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket(new ClaimsIdentity("Bearer", "", ""),
new Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationProperties
AllowRefresh = true,
IsPersistent = true,
IssuedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1) // whenever you want your new token's expiration to happen
// add any claims you want here like this:
at.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("userRole", role));
// and so on
string token = oabao.AccessTokenFormat.Protect(at);
// You now have the token string in the token variable.

Authorization by Role/Group in ASP.NET using Auth0

Thanks in advance for your help in this matter!
I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to authorize API access by Group assigned in the Auth0 Authorization extension.
I currently am using the [Authorize] attribute in the web api perfectly - it allows an api call if they have signed in successfully and blocks it if not.
However, if I try [Authorize(Roles = "myGroupName")] authorization fails. Same occurs if I add it to the users app_metadata manually in the Users dashboard on the Auth0 website instead of assigning through the extension.
My project is set up by following the Angular Quick Start and Asp.Net Quick Start. My webapiconfig where I validate the token server side is:
class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration configuration)
var clientID = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["auth0:ClientId"];
var clientSecret = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["auth0:ClientSecret"];
configuration.MessageHandlers.Add(new JsonWebTokenValidationHandler()
Audience = clientID,
SymmetricKey = clientSecret
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute("API Default", "api/{controller}/{id}",
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
The Auth0 Authorization extension currently supports authorization decisions through the concept of groups. You can create a group, assign users to that group and that configure an application to only be accessible to user within a specific group. All of this would be handled automatically and any user outside of the application expected groups would be denied complete access.
Your use case is a bit different, but valid nonetheless. You want the groups configured with the extension to be sent along the generated token so that the application itself makes authorization decisions based on those values.
In order for the groups configured within the extension to be sent along in the token, the first thing you need to do is request them. For this, you need to include the groups scope when performing the authentication requests.
Add the user's group membership to the outgoing token (which can be requested via the OpenID groups scope);
(emphasis is mine, source: Authorization Extension Docs, section Rule Behavior)
If you request a token using that scope and then decode it in, you would get something similar to this (the actual groups would vary by user):
"groups": [
"iss": "https://[tenant]"
Now, for the validation of this information on the ASP .NET API side. Assuming the sample you're using is this one (ASP.NET Web API), the group information contained within the token would be mapped to the following claims:
Type: groups | Value: GROUP-1
Type: groups | Value: GROUP-2
This happens because of the logic that exists in the JsonWebToken class which handles arrays coming from the JWT payload by creating per-value claim that share the same type.
The final part is making sure the AuthorizeAttribute checks these claims of type groups instead of trying to lookup role claims. You should be able to accomplish this, by changing the RoleClaimType constant in the JsonWebToken class to have the value "groups" instead of "".
Like you certrainly know, the Authorize attribute works using what is in the principal: something that inherits IPrincipal.
In web api, it is even more specific; it is something that inherits ClaimsPrincipal (this implements himself IPrincipal).
As you certainly know already, a claim is like a key-value pair.
The ClaimsPrincipal contains a serie of key-value pairs that are directly taken from the authentication token. This authentication token is issued by the authentication server most of time as JWT (Json Web Token). Most of time as well, the authentication server is using OAuth, like is your case.
If the user group, that you expect to be the role in your application doesn't work by using the out-of-the-box Authorize attribute, it's because it is not mapped correctly: Auhtorize checks the claim with claim type: (the "claim type" is the "key" of the key-value pair). That means that if you want your Authorize to work, this claim must be valued with the group.
You can do several things to have a clean authorization in your application.
Make a custom Authorize attribute. This Authorize attribute would check the role using a different claim type. The claim type that refers to the user group depends on your authentication server. If you don't find what claim type is used for groups in the doc of your authentication server, run your application in debug, and check every claim that is contained in the property User of your controller. You will certainly find what the claim type you are interested in.
Change the setup of your authorization server by redefining the mapping between user information and claims of the token that is produced (in your case, map groups of the user to the claim that has the type Generally, this can be setup per client application or even globally. For example this is the way that must be done if you use an ADFS authentication, AzureAD or WSO2 authentication server (
Add an owin middleware to modify the current principal. It will change the current principal by copying the value of the claim that contains groups into the claim type This middleware must be inserted in the flow after the authentication middleware
I have no rights to comment so I'm going to inquire from here. Why are you doing this
[Authorize(Roles = "myGroupName")]
as far as I remember when I was implementing group based authorization I was still typing
[Authorize(Roles = "myRoleName")]
Not other way around.

HttpServletResponse: Keep, Save or Persist the response for later use...?

I am using Spring to create my webapp. I have a scenario like:
An ExternalService sends a GET request to my Controller that has a mapping /DoOperation with some user info as param. I get the param check the user if he is logged into my system or not if NOT i send him to OpenId verification with returnUrl, which is in same webapp say /Authenticated.
The ExternalService does not provide a returnUrl (Not related to OpenId returnUrl) and forces to respond the same request it made at /DoOperation.
Now, How could I keep the very HttpServletResponse (if there is a way, apparently there is not) so that I can write a response once I have gone somewhere else e.g. at OpenID page to verify user and then /Authenticate in this case... so that ExternalService could read it.
Could Servlet Filter help here?

Cache database results in WebAPI authentication

I am creating a RESTful web service using ASP.NET WebApi. I am requiring that all incoming requests go over SSL because I will be using Basic HTTP Authentication. The client is responsible for including the credentials in the request header and the web service will authenticate the client on each request.
The actual authentication requires making a database call. Is there a way to cache the database results (the username and password) so that I don't have to make a database call for every incoming request that occurs in a short period of time?
So when a request comes in the web service will look for the username/password combo in the cache. If it is found it will process the request. If it isn't found, it will make the database call to authenticate and then add the username/password to the cache.
The easiest cache that I can think of to use would be using System.Web.Caching. Below is an extremely simplified version of adding a value to the current cache and then retrieving it for processing. I would not recommend using this code as is.
// GET api/values/5
public string GetValue(int id)
HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("2", "test1");
var value = Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get(id.ToString()));
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? value : "nothing found";
