how to enable registrations after admin approval in C#? -

I have three types of Registrations
1.Doctor Registration
2.Patient Registration
3.Agent Registration
Now the admin has to approve & enable the Doctor & Agent registrations...
After approval of Admin only the the user can login into his profiles

I am assuming you have created an User Table having login details of Doctor and Agent users.
So in same table have a column of type bit field and its name can be IsApproved.
In admin section provide form where admin can see the details and change the status of IsApproved.
In login form check whether username and password are matching with the record and if yes then its IsApproved columns's value shouold be true.If not then show appropriate message.


WooCommerce custom email based on user role

I am using WooCommerce and there are two different user roles: customers and agencies. By default WooCommerce only takes the customer role into account.
I need to send different information to the user depending on if the registered user is a customer or an agency. The registration is manual, so I don't want the user to receive any email until he is approved. In case of disapproval, he would also receive an email.
Currently when an user as agency is registered, the admin receives the email. When I approve the agency, the receptor doesn't receive anything because WooCommerce only sends email to "admin" or "customer".
What can I do to resolve this issue?

How can i change the login component so that it uses a new field in the registration form instead the username or email (i.e account number)?

So basically, the title. How can i change the login component so that it uses a new field in the registration form instead the username or email, my client wants to use an account number that the users type in the registration form. So the login would be Account Number/password.
Thank you in advance
You can use "Wp membership plugin" and in registration page username field, you can customize and add new field like Account No.

Creating WordPress account based on email only submit

Is it possible to create a WordPress account for users who submit an email (no password or username) through an email collection form?
I am looking at sending the user a link to their email to set a password and setup the account in full. The use case is content locking to signed up/logged in users without requiring them to go through the full sign up process. Thanks
I would recommend one of two options: 1) search for a frontend user registration form that may allow you to customize the password options or 2) simply use a generic form or subscription plugin to collect user info, create the new user on the backend manually and then send them an email with a link to change their password

Is it possible to get login history of user in Drupal 8

i have a user login panel in drupal 8 where i need to print a banner when user has been logged after 3 months, but when i access user last login iam getting current login, how is it possible in drupal 8?
You can check this module
This module adds a new table which stores information about individual user logins, including a timestamp, IP address, user agent information, and whether or not the login was via a reset password link.

How to change user registration form fields for different type of user roles in drupal 6

I have a two user roles named
Job seeker
I need to display different registration form fields for each role.
for employer - registration fields are
company name
Contact Person
for job seeker - registration fields are
email address
I have used profile role module, user selectable role module. But I am not able to perform this process.
Please help me to complete this.
I found my result here
It is useful.
