GWTBootstrap3 / missing arrows in DateTimePicker - css

I'm using the DateTimePicker in the ui.xml as follows:
<b:Label text="{messages.gwt_ui_from}" />
< styleName="btn-block"
ui:field="dtpFrom" format="dd.MM.yyyy" minView="MONTH"
maxView="YEAR" autoClose="true" hasKeyboardNavigation="true" highlightToday="true"/>
<b:Label text="{messages.gwt_ui_to}" />
< styleName="btn-block"
ui:field="dtpTo" format="dd.MM.yyyy" minView="MONTH"
maxView="YEAR" autoClose="true" hasKeyboardNavigation="true" highlightToday="true"/>
As you can see, the style is set to "btn-block".
But the result is the following picture:
How can I keep the style and still get the arrows back?
Thanks very much for any help!

Hello everyone having the same problem I've had
The solution in my case was quite simple (after having searched for three days...)
< styleName="btn-block form-control"
b:id="dtpToId" ui:field="dtpTo" format="dd.MM.yyyy"
minView="MONTH" maxView="YEAR" autoClose="true"
hasKeyboardNavigation="true" highlightToday="true" />
Just add form-control to the styleName attribute of the DateTimePicker and enjoy the arrows.
Hope this helps someone!


cannot figure out how to control width of react-northstar Dropdown

I uploaded a sample to my github here:
Where I'm trying to control width like this:
styles={{width: '25px'}}
placeholder="Select your hero"
onAdd: item => `${item} has been selected.`,
and deployed to vercel here:
I haven't found a styling approach that works yet. Thanks in advance for looking at this!
As Alex mentioned you can add a fluent property on the Dropdown which will make the control fill the available horizontal space. So for OPs code:
placeholder="Select your hero"
onAdd: item => `${item} has been selected.`,
I think you check Class css import.
enter image description here
It works with the fluid property.

React Number Format Styling

Attempting to style a react-number-format component by adding a className does not work. How do I style this component?
.currency{ background-color: green}
In this particular case, I did not have the react engine running, so refreshing the page resulted in no changes. Early Morning rookie mistake.
From there documentation page, use the 'custom input' prop to pass your own component, which you can style just the way you like it:
You can easily extend your custom input with number format. But custom input should have all input props.
import TextField from 'material-ui/TextField';
<NumberFormat customInput={TextField} format="#### #### #### ####"/>
try this
.currency{ background-color: green}

How to change the indicator in rich InputNumberSlider?

I know that inputNumberSlider in richfaces allow you to increase values with a slider also by an indicator. Is it possible to change the indicator with an other shape, for example square or circle?.
I saw that there are many properties to change aspect, like, for example, several style properties to change colors,width, to handling input, steps and other, but I didn't find anything about this.
Here are some examples:
<rich:inputNumberSlider value="50" showInput="false" enableManualInput="false" showBoundaryValues="false" showTooltip="false"/>
Without boundary values and without manual input
<rich:inputNumberSlider maxValue="100" step="2" value="0" width="6" showArrows="true" showTooltip="false" />
A disabled inputNumberSlider example:
<rich:inputNumberSlider width="100" maxValue="200" step="1" showArrows="true" showTooltip="false" disabled="true" value="0" />
The icon is not directly customizable but you can use handleClass:
.myHandleClass {
background-image: url('my/image.gif');
<rich:inputNumberSlider handleClass="myHandleClass" … />

Using an apache wicket id with css to manipulate text

I have the following html:
<span wicket:id="votevaluenotifier">
<label name="currentVoteValue" id="currentVoteValue" wicket:id="currentVoteValue" />%
I'm trying to style the result in CSS using:
but no joy. I know I'm missing something obvious but what? I tried using votevaluenotifier instead of currentVoteValue but no dice.
Apologies - I'm a bit of CSS newbie.
I don't know wicket, but if you have
<label id="currentVoteValue">
you should style it using
#currentVoteValue {
because # begins an ID selector and . a class selector

How to make ASP CheckBoxList labels stay on same line as checkbox

This may be a common problem but I'm struggling to find a solution that will fix it
I have a modal popup I am displaying with jQuery, this popup contains a list of Checkboxes and a Button, the code looks like:
<div id="dialog" title="Notify Users" >
<div style="width:100%; height:500px; overflow:auto;">
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="chkNotify"
<asp:Button ID="btnSaveNotifications"
The popup displays correctly however the labels for each checkbox are on the line below the checkbox. I cant seem to figure out why this happens, at first I assumed that the div containing the CheckBoxList was simply too small so I gave each div a fixed width, but that didn't help anything.
I have also tried applying this CSS
.checkboxlist_nowrap tr td label
It didnt help but im unsure about if the stylesheet actually was used even though I have:
<link href="../css/HelpDesk.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
in my head tags.
Can anyone suggest anything else I can try?
UPDATE: Here is my Jquery:
$(function () {
autoOpen: false,
show: "blind",
width: 400,
hide: "explode"
And here is how I populate the CheckBoxList:
Private Sub populateCheckBoxList()
Dim notificationList As DataTable
notificationList = dbGetNotificationsList(1)
For Each dr As DataRow In notificationList.Rows
Dim li As New ListItem
li.Text = dr("FullName")
li.Value = dr("ID")
If (dr("Checked") = 1) Then
li.Selected = True
li.Selected = False
End If
End Sub
I have tried moving the CheckBoxList to just inside the form tag so that no other styles can be applied and nothing should affect it however I still get the same issue.
For me none of the above solutions worked and so i looked up the exact HTML rendered and found that the label had the display property set to block. Changing it to inline worked:
.checkboxlist_nowrap label
I'm thinking it's a CSS problem... I couldn't reproduce the whitespace wrapping with what you posted. You might want to make sure the width of your dialog is set correctly in jQuery.
Something like:
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
width: 400,
buttons: {
Update: function () {
Cancel: function () {
Also, a really great way to check CSS (and javascript) is using Google Chrome's Dev Tools. They're packaged with Chrome. All you have to do is right-click on the element you're having trouble with and hover over the HTML in the window. It'll tell you all the classes being applied to it and will show you the margins/width/everything. It has been infinitely helpful for me.
I was having a similar problem. Found an answer on another stack overflow article which I have pasted below.
You want to have display:inline applied to the element that ASP generates to hold the label text, not the control itself. So, for example:
<style type="text/css">
label { display: inline-block; }
<asp:CheckBox Text="This text appears on same line as checkbox" runat="server" />
Using an ASP.NET checkbox control, I had the same problem with an unwanted linefeed between a checkbox and its label. I believe the problem reared its ugly head because this section of code was wrapped in a class that applied a {display: block} style. I solved the problem by first adding a CssClass attribute to the checkbox:
Text='<%# Container.DataItem %>'
runat="server" />
<br />
Looking at the rendered html in the browser by viewing the source I saw that the style added a span and that the checkbox control was rendered within the span as an input tag and a label. I tried applying my style to just the span alone but it didn't work nor did applying the style to the input tag. What worked for me was applying the style to the label:
.sameLine label {
display: inline;
An article in code project says:
"The available text length for each CheckBox/RadioButton has been limited (I don’t know what’s causing the limitation), so the text will begin to wrap after 8 characters if you use multiple words. This is why the ‘white-space: nowrap’ is used in the CSS to eliminate that."
The Solution for the alignment issue is that you need to set the style property of the checkbox list tag as,
I think that should work for the plain HTML tags also.try using the same style statement in the css file too.
Here is the Link that i am sharing now Please refer to it.
Set property RepeatLayout = 'Flow' of CheckBoxList
By default, repeat layout is set to 'Table' due to that it comes to new line.
If layout is set to 'Flow' then checkboxes will be displayed on same line.
I had the same exact problem. For me, it was setting the width of the input to 100% in the css file that caused the problem. the checkbox control is made up of the input tag and the label tag. I set the input tag to take up 100% of the width and that caused the label tag to start from a new line. My advice is check your css file!
As long as this was the first link in google for this question - posting answer from another answered question Asp:CheckBox checkbox and text are not on the same line
Simple style display:inline-block; fixes issue. Of course, you'll want to keep in in CSS file, rather than in asp control properties. :)
<asp:CheckBox style="display:inline-block;" ID="CheckBoxShowParameters" runat="server" Text="Show Parameters" />
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxList1" runat="server" CssClass="checkboxlist_nowrap" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">
.checkboxlist_nowrap label
Use RepeatDirection property. This worked for me!!
Marking this as closed as I never managed to figure it out and the issue has been passed to another dev. Will post the answer here when I get it back.
I'd really appreciate people not down voting me for marking this as closed, I don't work at the company anymore, I have absolutely no way of recreating the issue or verifying any solutions people post and at the time I set this to closed none of the provided solutions fixed the problem.
