Internal Kinds Returned When Retrieving All Entities Belonging to a Particular Namespace - google-cloud-datastore

I am trying to retrieve all entities belonging to a particular namespace. The query is quite simple
query = datastore.Query(namespace=<namespace>)
Running this however returns keys belonging to internal kinds which aren’t part of the data I am storing, for example I get entities belonging to this kind:
Do you know how I can prevent this? Can I refine my query to exclude these?


Can entity tracking be turned off?

I've got multiple entities set up with their respective repositories, all working properly. However, Doctrine seems to populate proxies where I don't want them to be populated.
I've got an entity called Item, which references a Category, both by having a $category_id and a $category field. The latter has the relationship set up with #ORM\ManyToOne() and #ORM\JoinColumn(), working correctly.
In my controller, when I'm querying Items, I receive a list of items with proxies to the related categories, which I can strip out from my response, identifying them as being proxies. However, if for whatever reason, I also query Categories in an unrelated query, the item-related query return with not proxies but actual hydrated Category instances, which I don't want.
$items = $this->itemRepository->findBy(...);
return $this->respond($items);
Here, $items[0]->category will have been populated by the framework by the time the execution reaches the return statement.
Is it possible to turn this behaviour off?
You can specify the fetch policy on a relationship to be EXTRA_LAZY, this will fetch the least amount of date on execution as possible. Per the docs:
With Doctrine 2.1 a feature called Extra Lazy is introduced for associations. Associations are marked as Lazy by default, which means the whole collection object for an association is populated the first time its accessed.
So in your #ORM\ManyToOne() annotation, add a parameter: fetch="EXTRA_LAZY" to the others.

How to store only node specific off-ledger custom data in corda?

I created custom table in corda using QueryableState. e.g. IOUStates table.
I can able to see the custom information getting stored in this kind of table.
but i observed that if party A and Party B is doing the transaction then this
custom information gets stored at both the places , e.g. IOUStates
table getting created at nodeA ledger as well as nodeB's ledger.
and custom information is stored in partyA's and PartyB's ledger.
My Question is :-
If some Transaction is getting processed from PartyA's node , then
I want to store part of the transaction's data i.e. custom data ONLY at partyA's Ledger.* level . i.e. off-Ledger of partA only.
It should not be shared with partyB.
In simple case , how to store Only node specific off ledger custom data ?
Awaiting for some reply...
There's a number of ways to achieve this:
Don't use Corda at all! If the data is truly off-ledger then why are you using Corda? Instead, store it in a separate database. Of course you can "JOIN" it with on-ledger data if required, as the on-ledger data is stored in a SQL database.
Similar to point one except you can use the jdbcSession() functionality of the ServiceHub to create a custom table in the node's database. This table can easily be accessed from within your flows.
Create a ContractState object that only has one participant: the node that wants to store the data. I call this a "unilateral" state, i.e. a state that only one party ever stores.
Most importantly, if you don't want to share some data with a counter-party then it should never be disclosed inside a corda state object or attachment that another party might see. Instead:
inside your flows, you can use the data encapsulated within the shared state object (e.g. the IOU) to derive the private data
alternatively if the data is supplied when the flow begins then store the private data locally using one of the methods above

Symfony2 dynamic relationship with a field

I am building a social website and I am laying out how the feed will work. I want to use the answer here: How to implement the activity stream in a social network and implement the database design mentioned:
user_id (int)
activity_type (tinyint)
source_id (int)
parent_id (int)
parent_type (tinyint)
time (datetime but a smaller type like int would be better)
The problem is I don't know how I would map the source_id based off activity_type. If a user registers, I want the source_id to be the user that registered. If someone creates a group the source_id will be the group. I know I can just use simple IDs without keys I just wanted to know if Symfony had some sort of way to do this built in.
If I fetch the feed and the activity_type is user_register I would like to be able to do this to get the source (user) without running an additional query:
$feedEntity->getSource()->getUsername(); //getSource() being the User entity
And if the source_typeis "user_post":
$feedEntity->getSource()->getMessage(); //getSource() being the UserPost entity
I basically just want to find the best way to store this data and make it the fastest.
Not easy to deal with doctrine and i think it cannot achieved 100% automatically
However, the keyword is table inheritance
I think you could achieve your goal by doing something like this :
You create a discriminator map by the type column of the table which tells doctrine to load this entity a UserSource (for example)
This UserSource can be an own entity (can be inherited from a base class if you want) where you can decide to map the source_id column to the real User Entity
You can use instanceof matching against the namespace of the different entities mapped inside your discriminator map to define different behaviours for the different sources

Entities associations across different managers

I have a small question about doctrine and Symfony 2:
Is it possible to declare a relation (OneToMany) between two entities which are managed by two different entity managers (and two different DB connections) ?
To be more precise, I have two bundles :
FpnABundle -> Mapped with A_database (and A_entitymanager)
FpnBBundle -> Mapped with B_database (and B_entitymanager)
And I need to define an association between FpnABundle:User and FpnBBundle:Post
If I try to do that, when I perform a DB schema update, I have the following error :
The class 'Fpn\ABundle\Entity\User' was not found in the chain configured namespaces Fpn\BBundle\Entity
Thanks for your help!
Basically, the answer is no.
You will probably need to do this:
Even with this it will only work if the two databases are on the same server. And at some point you will probably need to add the schema name to the the table name. Somewhat painful.

How to handle duplicates in disconnected object graph?

I'm having a problem updating a disconnected POCO model in an ASP.NET application.
Lets say we have the following model:
A user can be responsible for 0 or more districts, an order belongs to a district and a user can be the owner of an order.
When the user logs in the user and the related districts are loaded. Later the user loads an order, and sets himself as the owner of the order. The user(and related districts) and order(and related district) are loaded in two different calls with two different dbcontexts. When I save the order after the user has assigned himself to it. I get an exception that saying that acceptchanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object.
Which is not strange, since the same district can appear both in the list of districts the user is responsible and on the order.
I've searched high and low for a solution to this problem, but the answers I have found seems to be either:
Don't load the related entities of one of the objects in my case that would be the districts of the user.
Don't assign the user to the order by using the objects, just set the foreign key id on the order object.
Use nHibernate since it apparently handles it.
I tried 1 and that works, but I feel this is wrong because I then either have to load the user without it's districts before relating it to the order, or do a shallow clone. This is fine for this simple case here, but the problem is that in my case district might appear several more times in the graph. Also it seems pointless since I have the objects so why not let me connected them and update the graph. The reason I need the entire graph for the order, is that I need to display all the information to the user. So since I got all the objects why should I need to either reload or shallow clone it to get this to work?
I tried using STE but I ran in to the same problem, since I cannot attach an object to a graph loaded by another context. So I am back at square 1.
I would assume that this is a common problem in anything but tutorial code. Yet, I cannot seem to find any good solution to this. Which makes me think that either I do not under any circumstance understand using POCOs/EF or I suck at using google to find an answer to this problem.
I've bought both of the "Programming Entity Framework" books from O'Reilly by Julia Lerman but cannot seem to find anything to solve my problem in those books either.
Is there anyone out there who can shed some light on how to handle graphs where some objects might be repeated and not necessarily loaded from the same context.
The reason why EF does not allow to have two entities with the same key being attached to a context is that EF cannot know which one is "valid". For example: You could have two District objects in your object graph, both with a key Id = 1, but the two have different Name property values. Which one represents the data that have to be saved to the database?
Now, you could say that it doesn't matter if both objects haven't changed, you just want to attach them to a context in state Unchanged, maybe to establish a relationship to another entity. It is true in this special case that duplicates might not be a problem. But I think, it is simply too complex to deal with all situations and different states the objects could have to decide if duplicate objects are causing ambiguities or not.
Anyway, EF implements a strict identity mapping between object reference identity and key property values and just doesn't allow to have more than one entity with a given key attached to a context.
I don't think there is a general solution for this kind of problem. I can only add a few more ideas in addition to the solutions in your question:
Attach the User to the context you are loading the order in:
context.Users.Attach(user); // attaches user AND user.Districts
var order = context.Orders.Include("Districts")
.Single(o => o.Id == someOrderId);
// because the user's Districts are attached, no District with the same key
// will be loaded again, EF will use the already attached Districts to
// populate the order.Districts collection, thus avoiding duplicate Districts
order.Owner = user;
// it should work without exception
Attach only the entities to the context you need in order to perform a special update:
using (var context = new MyContext())
var order = new Order { Id = order.Id };
var user = new User { Id = user.Id };
order.Owner = user;
This would be enough to update the Owner relationship. You would not need the whole object graph for this procedure, you only need the correct primary key values of the entities the relationship has to be created for. It doesn't work that easy of course if you have more changes to save or don't know what exactly could have been changed.
Don't attach the object graph to the context at all. Instead load new entities from the database that represent the object graph currently stored in the database. Then update the loaded graph with your detached object graph and save the changes applied to the loaded (=attached) graph. An example of this procedure is shown here. It is safe and a very general pattern (but not generic) but it can be very complex for complex object graphs.
Traverse the object graph and replace the duplicate objects by a unique one, for example just the first one with type and key you have found. You could build a dictionary of unique objects that you lookup to replace the duplicates. An example is here.
