Setting up equivalent of SQLMembershipProvider for ASP.NET vNext -

How do I go about setting up an equivalent of a SQLMembershipProvider for individual account authentication for a web app built using ASP.NET vNext. Based on what I am reading, the authentication framework has changed. I would appreciate if you can point me to some reading material on this.

Never mind my question. My SQL Server Explorer in VS 2015 RC had some refresh issues and so I was unable to see the new database right away. In any event, the following link describes how to do it:
Using Identity in ASP.NET vNext


Asp.NET and Asp.NET Core Identity model over the same database

I have two applications, one in and the other in core. I want to share a common database, as well as the same login. Ie, a user can register via application, and then their identity will be shared with core application.
Is this possible? I notice that each have their own identity models, and I am looking for a way of sharing this, ie. some documentation to resolve this.
Looking for:
- Is this possible?
- Documentation and more information on implementation (how to)
I am resolving by use of Identity Server, which both applications will hook into. Will just take a bit of re-jigging.

Using ASP.NET Forms Authentication and PostgreSQL

I have an ASP.NET C# WebForms application built using the following:
OS Linux
Because those platforms are used a custom user/role management system was written for the application login.
One of the features we need is to redirect a visitor if they try to access a page if they have not logged in to the application.
I have been researching the Forms Authentication
As expected almost everything I find is using the ASP.NET built-in tools that are prominently used in Windows environments. (Which is not necessarily the case I have in my application)
My question is can Forms Authentication be used in my scenario? Or is there another approach I could take to accomplish the same result.
PLEASE NOTE: Before marking this as a possible duplicate question notice my environment is not the normal ASP.NET stack.
Using [Sessions] is my solution.
This StackoverFlow question gives a really good explanation.

How to setup RIA Services to use an existing ASP.Net membership base

I'd like to make an OOB Silverlight app based on the Silverlight Business Application template in Visual Studio. The template uses the default ASP.Net membership provider. I understand how to use that to add users and roles, etc. I've found plenty of tutorials on that. What I'd like to be able to do, is configure the Silverlight template so that it uses an existing ASP.Net membership base. We'd like this app to have a companion website (ASP.Net based).
To clarify: We've been able to setup an ASP.Net website and have created a SQL database with the required tables (aspnet_Users, aspnet_Membership, etc.). I'd like to configure a Silverlight app to access the same users and roles that are in those tables.
Can anyone help me out in terms of what I'd need to put in the Web.config? Do I just need a connection string? I'm new to ASP.Net authentication, but I'd rather use what ASP.Net gives me out of the box than have to write my own authentication service. I feel like this should be really easy, and is just a matter of pointing the Silverlight app in the right direction.
I'd like to use Silverlight 5 and .Net 4.5 if I can but I don't mind using an older version of either if it makes things easier.
You can just point the connection string to the existing database.
From this answer:
You can point your connection string for authentication to a database that all application can access.
So if you have the default database that .NET creates, you can point your other application to that as well for authentication.

Accessing ASP.Net Membership in a Console Application?

I'm writing a simple utility console app to add new users, etc, to an SQL Server Membership Store.
The issue I'm running into is that I can't seem to add a reference to System.Web, so I can't access the Membership stuff. How does one go about doing this?
NOTE: I've found a few questions on stackoverflow that seem similar, but the answers revolved around MVC, and after attempting the suggested answers, the problem still remains.
Oded helped lead me to the answer. By default it was filtering by the "client profile", which doesn't have System.Web available. I had to retarget to .Net 4 instead of .Net 4 client profile as described in the following MSDN article.
Make sure you are targeting the full framework in your project (right click on the project node and select Properties) - In the Application tab there is a drop down for Target Framework.
Make sure this does not use a client profile.
What exactly prevents to you to add reference to System.Web in a console application? Just add appropriate reference via references management in VS. After that you should configure your application with App.config and work with Membership services as in web applcation

Creating an equivalent HTML web application to an existing LightSwitch application

I have a LightSwitch customer-order management application. The customers can login and only view their orders. I'm trying to create a similar web app but not sure what route to take - since not all my clients have Silverlight installed. If I did this in ASP.NET with Visual Web Developer, how would I go about the authentication based on the customer record in the db? It wasn't as big of a deal in LightSwitch.
There is an article on Codeproject about sharing the authentication between a .NET app and LightSwitch. Basically it comes down to 2 things in the web.config; MachineKey, and Forms Cookie. These have to be the same in all web.config files, and it automatically works.
Also, Team Foundation Server has a web front end, and it exactly represents what is in the application.... Team Foundation Server uses the exact same way of describing the UI as LightSwitch ... so you might find something there.
