Merge two page type in SilverStripe - silverstripe

$page1 = PageType1::get();
$page2 = PageType2::get();
Is there any way in to fetch latest 5 post from combination of two page type.
Any help is accepted.

Assuming PageType1 and PageType2 are both children of Page class you can do:
$myPages = Page::get()->filter(['ClassName' => ['PageType1', 'PageType2']]);
or any other parent class of both page types.
You can sort by Date created (which is saved in SiteTree table), and limit, e.g.
$sortedAndLimited = $myPages->sort('Created')->limit(5);
Downside: you cannot easily search, filter or sort for individual fields that are not shared with the parent class Page, for doing this you need to make the joins manually.


Use sonata_type_collection multiple times in admin

In my sonata admin, i need the same entity collection multiple times, because i filter the collection with criterias
$criteria = Criteria::create()->where(Criteria::expr()->gte('size', 3))->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->eq('type', 'dt'));
$data = $this->getSubject()->getData()->matching($criteria);
and adding it in configureFormFields by passing it through the data field with
$formMapper->add('data', 'sonata_type_collection', ['data' => $data] ...
That works fine.
But now i want another data from the same collection and display it later to another tab, so i tried
$criteria2 = Criteria::create()->where(Criteria::expr()->gte('size', 4))->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->eq('type', 'du'));
$data2 = $this->getSubject()->getData()->matching($criteria2);
$formMapper->add('data', 'sonata_type_collection', ['data' => $data2] ...
That doesn't work!
I got no error but it feels like, the last $formmapper->add() call overrides the first one.
Why? How can i spread data filtered from one collection to several tabs?
I must use the sonata_type_collection class because it should be editable inline and shown as list.
If I understand you correct, you do not need to persist it, afterwards, right?
You are feeling right, that it overwrites each other.
Could you rename the second one to data_foo an make it a non mapped field?
Best, Oskar

Drupal Views Entity Reference Context

I'm running Drupal 7 with Entity Reference and Organic Groups. I have two content types, one of which is a group and the other is group content. I have an Entity Reference field (Select List) that references group content associated with the group.
I want to create a View that ONLY shows the value of the field that is selected from this Entity Reference field in the group content type.
For instance:
Team: Red Sox
Location: Fenway
Location is a content type (group content) and Team is the group. There are many teams and many locations but when I'm looking at the group page I want a View that ONLY shows a single location (the one SELECTED in the group content type).
After much research I realized that Views and context can't handle this on their own. I ended up using View PHP to construct a filter that effectively filtered out all OTHER results than the one that I wanted:
$node = menu_get_object();
$item = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_name');
$loc = $item[0]['target_id'];
$refnode = node_load($loc);
$primary = $refnode->title;
if ($primary != $row->title) {
return TRUE;
You're welcome for this one :) If anybody has any better suggestions on how to code this feel free to comment or post alternate solutions.

Drupal 7 - Using Views Relationships With Filters

In Views, I have an exposed filter that looks at the UID (User ID / Author), but is there a way to limit this to "ONLY" the users who have posted in this content type?
I tried adding a "Content: Author" relationship and hit Apply. I'm not exactly sure why, but it wasn't until this point that I could go back into the relationships and see MORE options, like: "User: Content authored" (which must then be dependent on the first relationship?) so I selected that one too and set it up like so:
Now I was able to go to the exposed filter and select the relationship:
But this didn't work-- the exposed filter continues to show all the registered users.
I also tried putting in a User Reference field (to this content type) and attaching that to a relationship, but it didn't allow anything to show and gave this SQL warning:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'field_data_field_hidden_name.uid' in 'on clause'
How can I limit this author exposed filter to "ONLY" the users who have posted in this content type?
There are a few drupal modules that may help you out. Such as Corresponding node references
However, if you are good with php code, you can create the logic to query the database and return the desired results (which would be the columns of the table). Create a contextual filter, then select a field (any field should work, but best select something in either content type). Then edit it, WHEN THE FILTER VALUE IS NOT AVAILABLE -> Provide default value -> PHP Code
$nid = arg(1);// current node id
$query = "SELECT <desired_field_column_name> FROM {<field_data_table_name>} c
WHERE c.<column_that_is_same_as_nid> = :nid";
$result = db_query($query, array(':nid' =>$nid));
$id = array();
while ($row = $result->fetch())
array_push($id, $row->field_curator_target_id);//put each node id that's referenced in array
$separated = implode("+", $id); // separate them by + for AND , for OR
return $separated; //eg.32 + 30 would represent nodes that you want.
In Linked theme there is answer about Views Selective Filters (aka "Views Selective Exposed Filters", aka views_filters_selective, aka views_selective_filters).
This module adds filters that have suffix "(selective)" in their names – add one you need instead of filter w/o the suffix.

Drupal - Views. Setting a filter programmatically

I hope this is not a stupid question I have been searching for most of the day!
I have a Content Type (Documents) which simply contains a title, file and a category. The category value is required and is 'powered' by Taxonomy.
I now wish to create a view which will display these documents grouped and titled by the taxonomy term.
Using my limited Drupal knowledge I intent to iterate through the relevant terms IDs (using taxonomy_get_tree($vid)) and then render each view accordingly.
To do this I have been hoping to use this snippet.
view = views_get_view('documents');
$filter = $view->get_item($display_id, 'filter', 'field_dl_category');
$filter['value']['value'] = $filter_value;
$view->set_item($display_id, 'filter', 'field_dl_category', $filter);
$viewsoutput = $view->render();
But this is not working; when I query the value of the $filter ($view->get_item($display_id, 'filter', 'field_dl_category')) I get null returned.
Might this be that my filter name is not the same as the CCK field name?
I am using Drupal 7.
Any help much appreciated, I am running out of ideas (and time).
I finally managed to get this working but I took a slightly different approach.
I changed my view and added the relevant contextual filter and then used this function views_embed_view to get at my required results.
If this helps! this is my solution:
$display_id = 'default';
$vid = 7;
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid);
foreach($terms As $term){
$content = views_embed_view('documents', $display_id, $term->tid);
//now we see if any content has been provided
if(trim($content) != ''){
print "<h3>" . $term->name . "</h3>";
print $content;
In my case the trim($content) returns '' with no data as the view template has been edited, this might not be the case for all.
I am a very new Drupal developer so I'm sure there are much better ways of doing this, if so please do post.
I am going to go ahead and assume that you want to show, using Views, a list of document nodes grouped by the category that they have been tagged with.
There are two (of maybe more) ways by which you can do this in Views 3:
(a) Choose a display style that allows you to select a Grouping field. (You could try the table style that ships with Views by default). Suppose you have properly related the node table to the taxonomy_term_data table through a Views relationship, you could choose as the grouping field.
Note that this grouping is done before the view is just rendered. So, your query would just have to select a flat list of (content, tag) pairs.
(b) You could also make use of the Attachment display type to achieve something similar. Show the used categories first in a list view clicking on which will show a page (attachment) with all documents tagged in that chosen category.
To understand how to do (a) or (b), turn on the advanced_help module (which is not a Views requisite but is recommended) first.
For (a), read the section on Grouping in styles i.e. views/help/style-grouping.html and
For (b), read the section on Attachment display i.e. views/help/display-attachment.html
A couple of things about your approach:
(a) It will show all terms from that vocabulary irrespective of whether or not they were used to tag at least one document.
(b) views_embed_view() will return NULL even if the currently viewing user does not have access to the view. So, ensure that you catch that case.
Here's an alternative:
$view = views_get_view('view_machine_name');
$view->display_handler->display->display_options['filters']['your_filter_name']['default_value'] = 'your_value';
$view->is_cacheable = FALSE;
print $view->render();
I know you can probably set this using some convoluted method and obviously that would be better. But if you just want a quick and dirty straight access without messing around this will get you there.

Views 1: Filter by custom table/field (or using Argument Hand. Code)

I have a page which should list nodes. The views is called from a locality page (a taxonomy term page). What I need is almost the same as using the Taxonomy: tid in arguments and passing the tid.
I can't use the term_node table, as (for other reasons) we have a custom table term_node_hierarchy (with nid and tid only). The table term_node_hierarchy is like term_node but also saves the tid of the parents (from an "external" code)
I've been looking for options but still no joy.
Currently I'm building an array of the nid's that should be displayed on the current page, and passing them like print views_build_view('embed', $view, $matching_nids); but the Argument Node: ID states This argument is a single Node ID. As said, only the first node is displayed when printing the views. It would be great if it could filter on more than one nid.
I'm open to any kind of suggestions on how to do this.
You could create your own module for this. You could populate the $page_content variable with the results of your own custom query where you allow the user to sort against multiple nids. You could do this a number of different ways. You could display a list of the existing nids with corresponding checkboxes, so that, when the user clicks submit, all the nids that match the selected checkboxes get used in the query. Then you just display the result of that query. That's the easiest way I can think of to offer that degree of flexibility.
