Styling of Buttons is being overwritten - css

this is my first post.
I searched for the problem but I couldn't find any solution.
I work with JavaFX, Scenebuilder and CSS files, where I have 2 Buttons and Textfields and other stuff, that are given style classes.
However, when displaying the view, the button styles are being overwritten.
Everything else gets displayed properly but not the buttons.
I can't explain that to myself, however, I have added random buttons and they get overwritten aswell. So I know that somewhere is said that all buttons receive this certain style.
This is a group project, so not all of the code is written by me.
Is there a method in JavaFX that sets styles for certain element types i.e. buttons without styling a specific button? I suspect that this is being done somewhere or maybe the view is inheriting said styling from some other view, because in our project we load stages into each other.
Say I can't fix the occasions where style overriding happens. Is there a way to protect these two specific buttons or buttons in general from getting their style classes overwritten?
OT: why is "hello there" in the beginning of the post being cut out.


Styling issues with react-native-gesture-handler

New to react native and stackoverflow. I am restyling a project that lets you take notes as you read the bible. I am trying to use react-native-gesture-handler so I can get rid of these ugly delete and edit buttons that I have smashed together on each note.
My problem is that since my note components are transparent, using the swiping gesture to render a delete button causes the delete button to jarringly pop into existence, instead of giving the effect of peeking out from behind the note component as you swipe. If I made my note component background opaque this wouldn't be an issue, but I do like the thematic direction I'm taking and I don't tear it up and rethink the theme if I don't have to.
I'm not allowed to add screenshots yet for some reason, so check the link below to see what I mean.
Any recommendations on how I can get this delete button to slide in from the right as you swipe? Or maybe a clever way to restyle the note component or delete button to make this look nice without sacrificing the cool theme? Thank you!
See Screenshot

React component takes css from previous page

I have a react component in a project that I'm working on, and this component is on 2 different pages, and I gave it different css proprieties for each of these 2 pages.
Now, the behaviour that I expect is : when I switch the pages, the component will load the css that I gave for it for that specific page.
What actually happens is that if I switch between the pages, the component keeps some classes from the previous page, and messes up my component. If I manualy refresh the page, it loads only the css I expect, but If I just use my app buttons to switch between pages, without refresh, it does the unexpected behaviour.
Does anyone know why this happens ? Or how can I manage it ? I tried many css solutions, but none worked...

How to change the size of the header part of the liferay?

i want to change the size of the header of the Liferay portal page through css.How do i achieve this? i also want to change the color of the menu.
Nowadays every browser has some Firebug-style developer tools. E.g. on Firefox, hit F12 and the tool will open at the bottom of the page. Choose the "Inspector" (labels might vary, I'm looking at the german UI), find the "choose an element of the page" button, then point your mouse to the area of the page that you want to explore the CSS. You'll see how the appropriate part of the DOM is selected in the inspector and even the actual CSS rules that apply. You can temporarily change the CSS there and try out what values you actually want.
Next, learn how to build a theme in Liferay. You'll add the required CSS, identified in the step above, in your theme's custom.css.
Yes, this isn't the actual CSS that you need (probably you just wanted to know that single line), but your next question would be on how to change a different aspect of the default theme - this is how you can find it out and even solve other theme-related problems that you didn't even think of yet.

Why is span-number not applied in blueprint?

I have some textfields with the class span-4 and they are nicely styled and aligned. When I try to apply the same classes to upload fields it seems as they have no effect. I also tried other span number, but still nothing happens.
How do we handle upload field styling with blueprint?
An upload field is not handled in the same way as normal fields, there's a helpful guide on how to custumize upload inputs - This article should take you through what is possible and what's not.

How do I style the button in a 'file' element with jQueryUI Button?

I'm using the jQuery UI Button widget to style all the buttons on my pages, but the button on a 'file' type input remains elusive. How do I style this button in general, and can I somehow apply the Button widget to it?
Here is a write up about styling the "browse" button (and problems therein)
File input elements are notoriously difficult to style.
There's a workaround described on quirksmode - check it out. I find it horribly hacky but it seems to work.
If you need more styling possibilities, you may have to look at a Flash-based uploader like SWFUpload. They work in a different way however - Flash uploads the file data directly - so you may have to change the way your forms work.
