Invalid verify algorithm sha256 error - google-identity-toolkit

Hi I have configured the node.js app and in most part it is working fine.
But at the last step after logging in I am getting this error : Invalid token: Unable to verify the ID Token: Invalid verify algorithm sha256
I can see the gtoken being set.
But I am running out of ideas about where from the algorithm is getting set. I havn't configured it anywhere , so how am I passing an invalid algorithm ?
Any suggestions ?

Have you converted the downloaded .p12 key into .pem file, and pass the .pem file when building the GitkitClient?


httr::oauth1.0_token returns HTTP 403

I tried to use httr::oauth1.0_token to authenticate against Twitter, but I got an error:
oauth_app("tw", key = Sys.getenv("Twitter_API"),
secret = Sys.getenv("Twitter_Key")))
# Error in init_oauth1.0(self$endpoint, self$app, permission = self$params$permission, :
# Forbidden (HTTP 403).
As I am new to OAuth authentication, I started reading the Twitter Docs and built the authentication dance from scratch.
After a lot of trial and error, I was eventually successful, so I can rule out that something on the twitter app setting end is wrong (that is the endpoint is set up correctly and especially the callback URL is defined properly, furthermore key and secret are the correct ones).
Before filing a bug report, I wanted to double check that I am using oauth1.0_token correctly. Thus, is this a bug or am I the bug?

Google Pay decryption error: Could not verify intermediate signing key signature

I am trying to decrypt a google payment token using Python google-pay-token-decryption package following this link Currently I keep getting errors such as Could not verify message signature and Could not verify intermediate signing key signature. I tried changing all "\u003d" and "\u003d" in my token to "=" and still getting the same results. However, if I ignore the verification it will successfully decrypt. Does anyone know what these errors mean?
signingKey = [{"keyValue":"MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEIsFro6K+IUxRr4yFTOTO+kFCCEvHo7B9IOMLxah6c977oFzX\/beObH4a9OfosMHmft3JJZ6B3xpjIb8kduK4\/A==","protocolVersion":"ECv1"},{"keyValue":"MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEGnJ7Yo1sX9b4kr4Aa5uq58JRQfzD8bIJXw7WXaap\/hVE+PnFxvjx4nVxt79SdRuUVeu++HZD0cGAv4IOznc96w==","protocolVersion":"ECv2","keyExpiration":"2154841200000"},{"keyValue":"MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEGnJ7Yo1sX9b4kr4Aa5uq58JRQfzD8bIJXw7WXaap\/hVE+PnFxvjx4nVxt79SdRuUVeu++HZD0cGAv4IOznc96w==","protocolVersion":"ECv2SigningOnly","keyExpiration":"2154841200000"}]
recipient_id = "merchant:12345678901234567890"
private_key = "string"
decryptor = GooglePayTokenDecryptor(signingKey, recipient_id, private_key)
decrypted_token = decryptor.decrypt_token(token, False)
I've also tried the Tink library in Java and also getting Exceptions related to verifying signature.
Exception in thread "main" cannot verify signature
at org.example.AeadExample.main(

Lumen Encrypted Key Decrypt in Node JS

I have a session cookie which is encrypted in Lumen Framework.
I am trying to decrypt cookie in Node Js using crypto-js but I get an error message Error: Malformed UTF-8 data at Object.stringify
I have been stuck on this for a day not sure what I am doing wrong !!
Any Help would be appreciated.

Decryption is not happening in soap ui

Encryption is happening successfully in soap ui it is reaching server and server is replying with proper response without any issue. However while upon receiving in soap the encrypted response is not getting decrypted and in error log I'm getting the following error. General security
error (No certificates were found for decryption (KeyId)) General security error (No
certificates were found for decryption (KeyId))
In incoming configuration , I configured the jks file which consists my keypair and server public key.
( the same jks file is working fine when using in java client code , So I assume this is a problem in soap ui configuration. )
Any help would be appreciated

Unable to connect R with Youtube API

I am trying to connect with the youtube API using yt_oauth function but getting error as follows :
Error in readRDS(token) : error reading from connection.
I have checked my application several times. First I got the API Key and then the Client ID and Client Secret. I am using the Client ID and Client Secret for app_id and app_secret below. I have enabled all the 3 youtube APIs(Data,Analytics,Reporting)So where can I be going wrong? Any help appreciated.
Below is the code I am using
app_id <- "XYZ"
Seems that you called yt_oauth previously with some invalid parameter. A file called .httr-oauth may exists at your current path (in my case it was on My Documents folder). One can remove that file or alternatively do this:
yt_oauth(app_id, app_secret, token = '')
It will force tuber to refresh the token state.
