When full screen is applied in javaFx the controllers doesnt adjust to the screen - javafx

Im doing my 1st JavaFx project using scene builder 2.0. When I set the fullscreen method true, the anchor pane goes to full screen but the controllers inside the container doesn't adjust according to the adjusted pane size. It will be a great help if someone could point me out where I have messed up.
This is the code I have used in the main program.
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("FXMLDocument.fxml"));
javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D r = Screen.getPrimary().getBounds();
Scene scene = new Scene(root,r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());
String css = this.getClass().getResource("newCascadeStyleSheet.css").toExternalForm();
Ive set the sizes padding and everything using scene builder options.
Thanks in advance.

I think what you are missing is a Fit to parent setting in your view.
As you are using SceneBuilder, I suggest you to try the following: in the Hierarchy view (left side) right-click your component and select Fit to parent.
This is an example (taken from this awesome tutorial):


JavaFX - "Pointless" (CSS) Shadow Effect, Drastically decrices Graphics Performance

Hello, People [...]
🤔 Summary
Whenever i use Shadow-effect on my BorderPane or any Component/control/Element, the 3D Graphics performance (as seen, in the Preview section below) is getting way too low.
The "confusing" part is that, it even gets low performance when the effect is applied to something that really has nothing to do with my Tab, Subscene or even my moving Button, in a way [...]
I Use jdk-12.0.1.
👁️ Preview
⚠️ Recreating The Issue
Files Needed:
App.java | main.fxml | AnchorPane.css | MathUtils.java | SimpleFPSCamera.java
📝 General Code
(You can refer to Recreating The Issue Section for more Informations too)
#BorderPane1 {
-fx-effect: dropshadow(three-pass-box, rgb(26, 26, 26), 50, 0.6, 0, 0); /* Comment it*/
public class App extends Application {
public Parent root;
public TabPane TabPane1;
public BorderPane BorderPane1;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("main.fxml"));
root = loader.load();
Scene RootScene = new Scene(root, 1120, 540);
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
//Setting NewButton2
Button NewButton2 = new Button();
// Setting group
Group SubRootGroup = new Group(NewButton2);
// Setting Scene
SubScene SubScene1 = new SubScene(SubRootGroup, 0, 0, true, SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED);
// Initializing Camera
SimpleFPSCamera SimpleFPSCam = new SimpleFPSCamera();
// Setting Camera To The Scene
// Adding Scene To Stage-TabPane.Tab(0)
TabPane1.getTabs().add(new Tab("Without Shadows"));
// Loading Mouse & Keyboard Events
Things I 've Tried Until Now
javafx animation poor performance consumes all my cpu
(i have tried using it with all components without having any success [it might be my poor javaFX knowledge too , [using it in the wrong way?] ])
💛 Outro
Any Idea? Thanks In Advance, Any help will be highly appreciated, 💛 [...]
Most probably, you will have figured this out by now, but since I was also banging my head about this same issue in the past, here is your answer:
The drop shadow effect is "expensive" and drawing it is slow. If you use it on a node with many descendants and move any of the descendants, it will cause the effect to be re-calculated on the parent, so the whole animation becomes slow (regardless if the parent itself is animated or not).
I solved this by using a StackPane as the top-most container, to which I added a Pane as a first child (which has the css drop-shadow effect) and the normal top-level container for the actual controls as a second child.
This way, the "shadow" pane is not updated when something is animated down the layout tree and, voila, you have a working drop-shadow effect without a performance hit :-)

JavaFX accessing stackpane within borderpane

The center of my BorderPane has a stackpane called designView (an FXML defined stackpane). I'm trying to get a draggable pane in the designView. If I add that pane to the rootView (my BordePane) all is well. If however I try to add it to the designView like this:
// This works fine except the pnae is on the wrong place obviously
Pane p = displayField.createDraggablePane(800.0, 800.0, 400.0, 300.0);
// Now the pane is in the right place, but it's 'stuck'
Pane p = displayField.createDraggablePane(800.0, 800.0, 400.0, 300.0);
The pane appears correctly in the designView, BUT it is no longer draggable. The MouseEvents fire, but the position of the pane is not updated. I think the problem is with the fact that layoutX, getSceneX, layoutXProperty etc. have no reference to designView, but how do I get that? Can anyone help?
I found a solution. Instead of adding a StackPane to my BorderPane center, I have added a Pane and all is well :-) So my draggable Pane is added to a Pane instead of added to a StackPane.
Don't quite understand why this should change the behaviour of the draggable pane, but practice shows that it does.

JavaFx Change position or Location of a button manually?

I have a problem with changing the location of my Button i want to set a Specific location where to put it but when i use .setLayoutX and .setLayoutY i even tried using .relocate and it is still not working am i doing something wrong? here is my sample code.
Button b1 = new Button();
b1.setLayoutY(120); // this are just some randome numbers for this sample
StackPane pane = new StackPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(pane,500,500);
when i run the program the button is still in the center of the screen am doing something wrong?
Use Anchor pane or a pane to align nodes as per your layout.
StackPane, GridPane and many panes they come with inbuilt layout methods, you dont have control on locating the nodes based on x and y values.

JavaFX: How can I horizontally center an ImageView inside a ScrollPane?

viewScroll.setContent(new ImageView(bigimg));
double w = viewScroll.getContent().getBoundsInLocal().getWidth();
double vw = viewScroll.getViewportBounds().getWidth();
I set an ImageView with some Image inside the ScrollPane but the ImageView always goes to the far left corner. Here I'm trying to manually offset the difference, but it doesn't work well. The ImageView goes too far to the right plus it only updates once because it's inside the eventhandler for a button.
Here is an example using a label without the need for listeners:
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane();
Label label = new Label("Hello!");
Scene scene = new Scene(scrollPane);
I am not sure if you are familiar with properties or not, but in the code above, when I bind the translateXProperty to the formula, every time one of the dependencies changes, such as the ScrollPane's widthProperty or the Label's widthProperty, the formula is recalculated and translateXProperty is set to the result of the formula.
I am not sure, but in your previous code, it appears that the calculation code would be in a resize listener. This is not required when dealing with properties as they update whenever dependencies changed (note the bind() and not set()).

JavaFX: Menu items only shown as three dots when in BorderPane

I am trying to learn JavaFX and I've run into a problem with the Menus in my MenuBar. Here is a minimal example:
public void start(Stage mainStage) throws Exception {
BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1200, 1000, Color.WHITE);
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
Menu menuFile = new Menu("_File");
MenuItem add = new MenuItem("_New");
This application starts, but the Menu in the MenuBar is only shown as three dots (...). It does open however when I press ALT+F, so it is there.
From what I understand, a Menu item has no width or similar attribute, so that can't be set. I suspect it has something to do with my root node being a BorderPane, because in every other example I found that works, the root is either a VBox or something else. I seem to get the desired results when I place a Vbox as my root node, and then add the MenuBar and the BorderPane` to the root - but that seems like a strange and uneccesary workaround to me.
So what am I missing here? Is it true that a MenuBar will only ever look like it should in certain containers? What is the difference between a BorderPane and a VBox in this regard? If someone could explain or point me to a part of the documentation that I've missed, I would be very thankful.
You are using a BorderPane and using getChildren().add() to add MenuBar in it, which is incorrect. BorderPane unlike VBox, can't accept any number of children and is divided into 5 specific positions :
The children goes into any one of these positions. Please go through the documentation for BorderPane.
You need to add the Menubar to the top of the BorderPane using :
