Publishing different data for different users - meteor

I'm trying to publish all users to admins only but ommitting certain data (In this case an API key which is supposed to be "private" to each user, I realize that the admin can most likely check the database but let's ignore the security implications for now).
So the basic idea is that a user can see his own profile completely and no one else. An admin can see his own complete profile and a censored version of all other user's profiles. For this I have the following publish code:
Meteor.publish('currentUser', function() {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId}, {fields: {'profile.apiKey': true}});
Meteor.publish('allUsers', function() {
var currentUser = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId);
return currentUser && currentUser.profile.admin ?
Meteor.users.find({}, {sort: ['username', 'asc'], fields: {'profile.apiKey': false}}) : null;
The problem is that the apiKey field doesn't get published after logging in. Ie. if I simply login as an admin the admin's apiKey won't be available until the page is reloaded. Removing the restriction from the 'allUsers' publish function solves the issue so it must have something to do with this. Is there any way to force Meteor to reload the subscriptions after a login?


Testing Meteor application with Chimp/Mocha - automatic login to test authenticated routes

I'm testing some forms in a Meteor application using Mocha. The routes in the application are authenticated, so only logged in users or users who have a role of 'administrator' can view them.
When the test opens the browser to view the url and fill the form in, it gets redirected to the login page as expected.
Is there a way to automatically log the user in before doing the test so I don't have to remove the route authentication?
Here's the test code so far
describe( 'Create a Client', function() {
it( 'should create a new client #watch', function() {
use this:
function login(user) {
browser.executeAsync(function(user, done) {
Meteor.loginWithPassword(user.username, user.password, done)
}, user)
// now you can do this:
username: 'someone',
password: 'aSecret'
Note that you need to make sure the user exists first, and for that you can use fixtures.
See here for more info:

Meteor: publish some user data

I want to publish some limited user information about my users, the idea is that the admin role of my web app can view the emailaddress and username (last one is in the profile data).
Meteor.publish("usersSpecificDataforAdmin", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {
'profile': 1,
'emails': 1,
'roles': 1
I'm then subscribing to this in my router:
adminRoutes.route('/users', {
name: 'adminUsersList',
subscriptions: function (params, queryParams) {
this.register('adminUsersList', Meteor.subscribe('usersSpecificDataforAdmin'));
action: function (params, queryParams) {
BlazeLayout.render('layout_frontend', {
top: 'menu',
main: 'adminUsersList',
footer: 'footer'
In the template, I'm using the following to display the email address of the user: '{{emails.address}}', but that doesn't work. I can display all other info.
I have following questions:
how can I display the email address of the user in the template
even when I don't add the password or services fields in the publishing, it is send to the client (doing Meteor.user()) is revealing all the info, including passwords etc, which is a security issue in my opinion. How can I disable the publication of this?
Several things:
You don't need to include _id in the list of fields to be published, it is always included
You're publishing allUserData but your router code is subscribing to usersAllforAdmin which you're not showing code for. I suspect that publication is including services
Passwords are not stored anywhere in Meteor, only the bcrypt hash of the password is stored in services
emails is an array, you can't access it with {{emails.address}} in spacebars, instead use {{emails.[0].address}} (reference)

Meteor & account-base - how to get data for different users

I have basic project in Meteor created from Meteor-admin stub: (
I need to display avatars for all users, not only current one.
For displaying user's avatar I need his email address. (I am using utilities:avatar
Question: what adjustments to project should I make to be able to access other users' data?
It probably has something to do with publishing users.
At the moment I have:
{{> avatar user=getAuthor shape="circle" size="small"}}
getAuthor: ->
console.log 'Owner:'
console.log #owner
user = Meteor.users.findOne(#owner)
console.log user
This correctly prints Owner: #owner (id) for all users, but user object is only populated for current user.
I also have this code in server-side:
Meteor.publishComposite 'user', ->
find: ->
Meteor.users.find _id: #userId
children: [
find: (user) ->
_id = user.profile?.picture or null
ProfilePictures.find _id: _id
(children / ProfilePicture are irrelevent)
I think account-base library turns publishing off or something? Thanks for help!
Bonus question: I would like to access only some info about an user (email address).
If you remove the package autopublish, you need to specify explicitly what the server sends to the client. You can do this via Meteor.publish and Meteor.subscribe.
For instance, to publish the email addresses of all users you could do:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish('emailAddresses', function() {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {
fields: {
'email': 1
After that, you need to subscribe to the publication on the client:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Read more about Meteor's publish and subscribe functionality.
Having collection: Meteor.users
To access other users data just publish it on the server-side:
Meteor.publish 'userData', ->
On client side you don't have to use any userData reference. Just access it:
To allow access to only specific information, publish it with fields parameter:
Meteor.publish 'userData', ->
Meteor.users.find({},{fields: {'_id', 'emails', 'username'}})

Meteor.. accounts- password-- Create account on client without login

I'm using accounts-password package - Meteor.
I code interface for admin.
Admin will create accounts for other user.
email: "",
password : "abc123",
profile: { name: register_name }
But after this code executed, my application automatic login with account, wich i don't want it
How to create accounts without automatic login?
I read accounts-password source but i dont know how to remove automatic login
I also tried to use Meteor.users.insert function but Accounts.setPassword didn't work..
This is a normal behavior using accounts package, to avoid messing with the source code use a Meteor.method/
This is a simple example,also you can use the default username filed and not a profile:{name:register_name}.
}else if(Meteor.isClient){{
'click #createAccount':function(){'createUserFromAdmin',email,password,username,function(err,result){
console.log("a new user just got created")
console.log("something goes wrong with the following error message " +err.reason )
With this you can create multiple accounts on the admin template, and keep the autologin behavior on the sign-up template (if you have one)

How do you delete user accounts in Meteor?

The only way I have found to delete user accounts in meteor (other than emptying the database with mrt reset), is by actually logging into that specific user account, and deleting the account from the console, using:
Meteor.users.remove('the user id');
But like I said, I need to be logged in as that specific user, and have not been able to find a solution which enables me to delete any user from the db. I'm sure it has something to do with permissions or roles, but I am not sure how to proceed / what is the best solution / how to set an administrative role for a particular user, so that I can delete different user accounts.
You could do
meteor mongo
meteor mongo for a deployed app
db.users.remove({_id:<user id>});
I wouldn't recommend it but if you want to delete any user without being logged in from meteor you would need to modify the allow rules. But deleting a user is a very unlikely event hence the above might be the best way to do it.
Anyway if you do want, modify the Meteor.users.allow({remove:function() { return true }); property. See You could add in some custom logic there so it'll only let you do so if you're the admin
I was having trouble doing this on because I couldn't open both Meteor and Mongo. I put:
Meteor.users.remove(' the _id of the user ');
in the isServer section to remove the user.
If anyone is still looking for an answer to this question, I have outlined my solution below.
When I create a new user, I add a field called role in my user document. If I want a user to be able to remove other users from the Meteor.users collection, I give him a role of administrator. If not, I give him a role of member. So, my user document looks something like this -
"_id" : ...,
"createdAt" : ...,
"services" : {...},
"username" : "test",
"profile" : {
"name" : "Test Name",
"role" : "administrator"
On the client, I have a list of users (added using a #each template tag) with a remove button next to each user. A user has to login to see this list. I defined an event handler for the remove button -
'click #remove-user-btn': function () {
Meteor.users.remove({ _id: this._id }, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log("Error removing user: ", error);
} else {
console.log("Number of users removed: " + result);
However, Meteor.users does not allow remove operations from the client by default. So, you have to edit the Meteor.users.allow callback in the server as shown below to allow the users to be removed from the client side. But we need to make sure that only a user with an administrator role is allowed this privilege.
remove: function (userId, doc) {
var currentUser, userRole;
currentUser = Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: userId }, { fields: { 'profile.role': 1 } });
userRole = currentUser.profile && currentUser.profile.role;
if (userRole === "administrator" && userId !== doc._id) {
console.log("Access granted. You are an administrator and you are not trying to delete your own document.");
return true;
} else {
console.log("Access denied. You are not an administrator or you are trying to delete your own document.");
return false;
fetch: []
This is the general idea. You can build upon this to suit your needs.
Here are the steps to delete user from mongo through console:
step 1: open new console
step 2: change diretory to your app such as (cd myapp)
step 3 : enter command meteor mongo
step 4: make sure there exists a table called users, db.users.find({});
step 5: find the userid of the user you wish to delete and type :
db.users.remove({_id:"nRXJCC9wTx5x6wSP2"}); // id should be within quotes
