Ruby on Rails styling conflict with bootstrap - css

I'm having what I assume is a simple syntax problem in haml using ruby on rails and bootstrap.
Currently whenever I want to use a link_to inside a bootstrap element such as a button or a navbar li, the styling of the link_to overrides the one used by the element itself. It results in blue underligned links, which severely clashes with some layouts.
Things like :
= link_to t(:button_root), '/'
= link_to t(:button_something), something_path
= link_to something_path, class: 'btn btn-default' do
= t(:button_something)
will produce this behavior. I've come up with a few impractical solutions like overriding the css directly in application.css but this is hardly something I'd like to have to do everytime. What am I doing wrong in this syntax ?
The inclusion of bootstrap is done through importing through application.css.scss
#import "bootstrap-sprockets";
#import "bootstrap";
The rest of the stylesheets are empty apart from Active Admin's
#import "active_admin/mixins";
#import "active_admin/base";
The inclusion of active admin's css in the application stylesheet is the cause of the issue. With a clearer idea of the cause of the issue I could find this answer that explains the issue.
I opted to displace active admin's css sheet in the vendor folder as it seemed to me the more sensible choice.

You're doing nothin wrong with the link_to syntax.
link_to only renders a <a href></a> element, it does no styling at all (unless you provide an explicite style attribute).
The appearence is totaly defined by your CSS.
So use your browser's developer tools to check the CSS styles, that are used on your link and show the resuts here for advise.
Maybe Active Admin styles are overriding the bootstrap styles.

The application.css (or .sass or .scss for whatever your file extension is) is used as a master sheet, and if I am not mistaken, is typically loaded last and any of the imports you include on the application.css file will override any of the stylesheets for different controllers (such as post.css.scss would be overridden by application.css, for e.g.).
Matt Boldt's article has a great description of that and how to understand it.
I wanted to elaborate on this a bit more, but I was being called into a meeting so I'll do that now since it's over.
In your application.css file, at the very bottom of the list of require lines you should see:
*= require_tree . //The "tree" of all other stylesheets gets compiled first.
*= require_self //Then this page (the application.css page) gets loaded after the tree
#import stuff... //Then this overrides all that stuff
I'm not sure if possibly switching the require_tree . and require_self lines would do the trick, but it doesn't feel like good practice, and I'm typically not comfortable modifying certain hierarchies in Rails apps, so although that might work, I personally don't suggest it.
I usually write my CSS in the application.css. Even though I am told this is bad practice, it has worked every time for me and never really give me any complications and has actually increased my productivity for a few reasons:
All my CSS is in one file, not scattered over several which may cause styling inconsistencies.
I don't need to forcefully override Bootstrap styling by using !important everywhere.
And that's pretty much the only two reasons I need. Honestly, use whatever works best for you that doesn't make future development on it a pain.


How to optimise bootstrap to avoid rendering unused css code

We are working on an MVP in vue.js and we decided to use bootstrap to have the element styled in a consistent way.
Now we are starting to add the skin/theme to our single-page app, and we found an issue with the css rendered on the page.
We successfully managed to override the styles by using higher specificity css selectors, but we would like to optimise the output code rendered in the browser by removing the unused "base" bootstrap css code.
The question:
How can we setup our environment to make the bootstrap sass code to output clean and non-redundant css code?
Bootstrap loads its own _buttons.scss file
We are loading our own "theme" _buttons.scss file after bootstrap's one and we managed to have our css with higher specificity.
We run the sass code compiler (on node-sass)
The output css contains BOTH the bootstrap style and our own themed style for the buttons.
(As an example, see the following screenshot)
As you can see our own button style is applied as intended but we still carry over the bootstrap original style.
We would like to have OUR STYLE ONLY rendered in the browser.
The UI I'm working on uses some classes straight from bootstrap, and obviously some classes specific of our own app.
Sometimes these classes are necessary to override the bootstrap default styles.
We need to override not only the colours (which are customisable through the _variables.scss), but also some other css attributes.
We find ourselves struggling with duplicated css code rendered in the browser, where there is our own style applied and also the default bootstrap generated style which will never be applied as it's low in specificity.
I wonder if there is a way to avoid to compile sass code that doesn't need to be rendered in the browser, and at the same time avoid to "touch" the bootstrap code in ./node_modules/.
Here's how you override Bootstrap (4.x) defaults.
Examine the source
First, look inside bootstrap.scss where you can see how the framework is built, component by component. You could, if you like, comment out optional components you don't need, to downsize Boostrap. But don't do that right now.
Next, look inside _variables.scss. Skim through this file and it should be clear that all customisable Bootstrap styles are defined here, including colors. Thus you can have your custom colors apply not just for buttons but throughout the whole framework. Again, you could start changing the variables you want here right now... but don't, for there is a Best Practice.
Create customisation file
Instead of editing the original source, create a new source file we'll call myproject.scss, somewhere other than the Bootstrap source folder. By keeping all changes separate, we make any future Bootstrap upgrades easy.
Add variable overrides
Now you can start copying variables you want to change. Note that variables in _variables.scss have the !default flag, which means they can be overridden elsewhere. For example if you want a different secondary color, you'll find it defined as $secondary, and so add it to myproject.scss with a new value:
$secondary: #dd5679;
Add as many variable overrides as you want.
Import Bootstrap
After that, import Bootstrap into the file. EITHER take bootstrap.scss wholesale:
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/bootstrap";
OR copy-paste the contents of bootstrap.scss, update the pathnames, and comment out the components you don't want:
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/functions";
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/variables";
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/mixins";
// #import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/popover";
// #import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/carousel";
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/utilities";
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/print";
The first 3 imports, "functions", "variables" and "mixins" are core and not optional components; don't exclude them.
Add project styles
After that, add your own styles. If you have a significant amount, organise them into their own partial files e.g. _mybuttons.scss (start names of partial files with an underscore), and import them.
#import "mybuttons";
Your custom Bootstrap source file is now ready.
Compile to CSS
The resulting myproject.css file is what you want to load instead of the original Bootstrap CSS file.

Is there anyway I can prefix over 1000 lines of CSS at once?

I have some h1, h2, h3 and a lot of bootstrap snippets that I want to apply only to a specific part of my site, I added a unique class, say .unique but it would take hours to prefix over 1000 of CSS lines
I use sublime text
Thanks in advance
You could use a CSS-preprocessor like LESS or SASS (there are more). Both can do what you want, by just doing this:
.unique {
// Old CSS goes here
The have many other advantages over normal CSS.
common I would like to give you some ideas, cause i think your question has something to do with control css overriding.
the Jost's LESS or SASS solution is very good actually to prefix cause can use nested css features, but it requires a compile process, their eventually compiled files are still css. cause the .less or .sass files can not be recognized for html to render styling.
Another thinking To avoid css conflicts and wrong overriding,
Instead of including global styling, see if you can embed them in part of the specific section/page where they can get higher priorities than the rest global styles.
even the same css, generally, !important > inline css > internal css > external css
or javascript can trigger css override after previous css finished rendering on the page.
Instead of using css priorities or script running priorities to override styles, making two external mobile.css, destop.css for example, then using javascript to reload page to include different stylesheet when device width are detected to have been changed in browser resizing behavior.(This is one pop way used in responsive view)
using IDE to locate css patterns and replace them with your prefix if it's simple to match all the patterns.

Zurb Foundation 5 'silent' placeholder classes?

So I know you can extend Foundation classes once you have the Foundation scss/css included and I know you can include the classes to the dom (OOCSS style) but here's my use-case:
I have style sheet, menus.scss. This is compiled into app.css along with Foundation.scss.
I can use the #extend here because I'm including Foundation before it.
#menu {
#extend .top-bar;
Now, say I want to compile a separate sheet (because maybe it's only included on some pages)
Now if I #import Foundation into this stylesheet I will end up with the framework included twice (which is crazy of course.)
So... maybe a solution would be to have a version of the Framework that works on silent classes EG: %top-bar so I can include Foundation everywhere without fear of duplicating lots of code. I know there are some base components that will need to be included globally so that the sub-classes will work but how else can I do it?
To my knowledge silent frameworks don't exist so I'm looking for alternatives..
It will be perfect if you can isolate css critical to the initial page layout like grid, type, visibility components and inline them in to the page head or, if you have a ton of pages, in css file with the final size under 1-1.5k(really hard to do).
Then you can just defer auxiliary css and their size wont matter much.
Or You can use some css cleaner tool to remove selector duplicates or just make your own, it's pretty simple since the entire blocks of css will match.

Customizing Bootstrap CSS template

I am just getting started with Bootstrap from Twitter and am wondering what the ‘best practices’ is for customization. I want to develop a system that will take advantage of all the power of a css template (Bootstrap or other), be completely (and easily) modifiable, be sustainable (ie – when the next version of Bootstrap is released from Twitter I don’t have to start over.
For example, I want to add background images to the top navigation. It looks like there are 3 ways to go about this:
Modify the .topbar classes in bootstrap.css . I don’t particularly like this because I will have lots of .topbar items and I don’t necessarily want to modify them all the same way.
Create new classes with my background images and apply both styles (the new and the bootstrap to my element). This may create style conflicts, which could be avoided by stripping the .topbar class into separate classes and then only using the pieces that are not stepped on by my custom class. Again this requires more work than I think should be necessary and while it is flexible, it won’t allow me to easily update bootstrap.css when Twitter releases the next installment.
Use variables in .LESS to achieve the customization. Offhand this seems like a good approach but having not used .LESS I have concerns about compiling css on the client and about code sustainability.
Though I am using Bootstrap, this question can be generalized to any css template.
The best thing to do is.
1. fork twitter-bootstrap from github and clone locally.
they are changing really quickly the library/framework (they diverge internally. Some prefer library, i'd say that it's a framework, because change your layout from the time you load it on your page). Well... forking/cloning will let you fetch the new upcoming versions easily.
2. Do not modify the bootstrap.css file
It's gonna complicate your life when you need to upgrade bootstrap (and you will need to do it).
3. Create your own css file and overwrite whenever you want original bootstrap stuff
if they set a topbar with, let's say, color: black; but you wan it white, create a new very specific selector for this topbar and use this rule on the specific topbar. For a table for example, it would be <table class="zebra-striped mycustomclass">. If you declare your css file after bootstrap.css, this will overwrite whatever you want to.
Bootstrap 5 (update 2021)
As explained in the Bootstrap docs, modifying the existing "theme" colors is done using SASS. As with prior versions, you can also override the Bootstrap CSS by adding CSS rules that follow after the bootstrap.css and use the correct CSS specificity.
Bootstrap 5 - change theme colors
Bootstrap 4
I'm revisiting this Bootstrap customization question for 4.x, which now utilizes SASS instead of LESS. In general, there are 2 ways to customize Bootstrap...
1. Simple CSS Overrides
One way to customize is simply using CSS to override Bootstrap CSS. For maintainability, CSS customizations are put in a separate custom.css file, so that the bootstrap.css remains unmodified. The reference to the custom.css follows after the bootstrap.css for the overrides to work...
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/custom.css">
Just add whatever changes are needed in the custom CSS. For example...
/* remove rounding from cards, buttons and inputs */
.card, .btn, .form-control {
border-radius: 0;
Before (bootstrap.css)
After (with custom.css)
When making customizations, you should understand CSS Specificity. Overrides in the custom.css need to use selectors that are the same specificity as (or more specific) the bootstrap.css.
Note there is no need to use !important in the custom CSS, unless
you're overriding one of the Bootstrap Utility
classes. CSS
always works for one CSS class to override another.
2. Customize using SASS
If you're familiar with SASS (and you should be to use this method), you can customize Bootstrap with your own custom.scss. There is a section in the Bootstrap docs that explains this, however the docs don't explain how to utilize existing variables in your custom.scss. For example, let's change the body background-color to #eeeeee, and change/override the blue primary contextual color to Bootstrap's $purple variable...
/* custom.scss */
/* import the necessary Bootstrap files */
#import "bootstrap/functions";
#import "bootstrap/variables";
/* -------begin customization-------- */
/* simply assign the value */
$body-bg: #eeeeee;
/* use a variable to override primary */
$theme-colors: (
primary: $purple
/* -------end customization-------- */
/* finally, import Bootstrap to set the changes! */
#import "bootstrap";
This also works to create new custom classes. For example, here I add purple to the theme colors which creates all the CSS for btn-purple, text-purple, bg-purple, alert-purple, etc...
/* add a new purple custom color */
$theme-colors: (
purple: $purple
With SASS you must #import bootstrap after the customizations to make them work! Once the SASS is compiled to CSS (this must be done using a SASS compiler node-sass, gulp-sass, npm webpack, etc..), the resulting CSS is the customized Bootstrap. If you're not familiar with SASS, you can customize Bootstrap using a tool like this theme builder I created.
Custom Bootstrap Demo (SASS)
Note: Unlike 3.x, Bootstrap 4.x doesn't offer an official customizer tool. You can however, download the grid only CSS or use another 4.x custom build tool to re-build the Bootstrap 4 CSS as desired.
How to extend/modify (customize) Bootstrap 4 with SASS
How to change the bootstrap primary color?
How to create new set of color styles in Bootstrap 4 with sass
How to Customize Bootstrap
I think the officially preferred way is now to use Less, and either dynamically override the bootstrap.css (using less.js), or recompile bootstrap.css (using Node or the Less compiler).
From the Bootstrap docs, here's how to override bootstrap.css styles dynamically:
Download the latest Less.js and include the path to it (and Bootstrap) in the <head>.
<link rel="stylesheet/less" href="/path/to/bootstrap.less">
<script src="/path/to/less.js"></script>
To recompile the .less files, just save them and reload your page. Less.js compiles them and stores them in local storage.
Or if you prefer to statically compile a new bootstrap.css with your custom styles (for production environments):
Install the LESS command line tool via Node and run the following command:
$ lessc ./less/bootstrap.less > bootstrap.css
Since Pabluez's answer back in December, there is now a better way to customize Bootstrap.
Use: Bootswatch to generate your bootstrap.css
Bootswatch builds the normal Twitter Bootstrap from the latest version (whatever you install in the bootstrap directory), but also imports your customizations. This makes it easy to use the the latest version of Bootstrap, while maintaining custom CSS, without having to change anything about your HTML. You can simply sway boostrap.css files.
You can use the bootstrap template from
which includes all the bootstrap .less files. You can then change variables / update the less files as you want and it will automatically compile the css. When deploying compile the less file to css.
The best option in my opinion is to compile a custom LESS file including bootstrap.less, a custom variables.less file and your own rules :
Clone bootstrap in your root folder : git clone
Rename it "bootstrap"
Create a package.json file :
Create a Gruntfile.js :
Create a "less" folder
Copy bootstrap/less/variables.less into the "less" folder
Change the font path : #icon-font-path: "../bootstrap/fonts/";
Create a custom style.less file in the "less" folder which imports bootstrap.less and your custom variables.less file :
Run npm install
Run grunt watch
Now you can modify the variables any way you want, override bootstrap rules in your custom style.less file, and if some day you want to update bootstrap, you can replace the whole bootstrap folder !
EDIT: I created a Bootstrap boilerplate using this technique :
I recently wrote a post about how I've been doing it at Udacity for the last couple years. This method has meant we've been able to update Bootstrap whenever we wanted to without having merge conflicts, thrown out work, etc. etc.
The post goes more in depth with examples, but the basic idea is:
Keep a pristine copy of bootstrap and overwrite it externally.
Modify one file (bootstrap's variables.less) to include your own variables.
Make your site file #include bootstrap.less and then your overrides.
This does mean using LESS, and compiling it down to CSS before shipping it to the client (client-side LESS if finicky, and I generally avoid it) but it is EXTREMELY good for maintainability/upgradability, and getting LESS compilation is really really easy. The linked github code has an example using grunt, but there are many ways to achieve this -- even GUIs if that's your thing.
Using this solution, your example problem would look like:
Change the nav bar color with #navbar-inverse-bg in your variables.less (not bootstrap's)
Add your own nav bar styles to your bootstrap_overrides.less, overwriting anything you need to as you go.
When it comes time to upgrade your bootstrap, you just swap out the pristine bootstrap copy and everything will still work (if bootstrap makes breaking changes, you'll need to update your overrides, but you'd have to do that anyway)
Blog post with walk-through is here.
Code example on github is here.
Use LESS with Bootstrap...
Here are the Bootstrap docs for how to use LESS
(they have moved since previous answers)
you can start with this tool, , seeing how it overwrites the scss variables, you would get an idea what variable impacts what. its the simplest way I think.
example scss genearation:
#import url(,300,400,700);
#import url(,300,400,700);
$headings-font-family:Open Sans;
#import "bootstrap";

gwt - How to CSS reset a GWT app?

What I would like to do is apply a system-wide CSS reset. How can I do this?
Here's a little bit of information about what is meant by a CSS reset.
The goal of a reset stylesheet is to
reduce browser inconsistencies in
things like default line heights,
margins and font sizes of headings,
and so on.
We do this by linking a reset.css in our host html page, as you normally would. It works like you would expect. You can also link reset.css into your module file, but it seems more appropriate in the host page.
What you might not expect is that GWT's default css will be injected afterwards, even if you don't link it in, if you're inheriting the default theme in the module.xml file. You can affect that behavior. Read for more information about the details of CSS and GWT.
