Know when child templates have been rendered - meteor

<template name="FrameItems">
<div class="frame-items">
{{#each frames}}
{{> FrameItem}}
In the above example, I want to know when all FrameItem templates inside FrameItems template have been rendered. I thought onRendered of the parent would be invoked when all the child templates have been rendered, but it was just called right away. What's the conventional way of making sure all the child templates are rendered?

One way to do it is to use a counter and increment it until it reaches a certain value.
Here the counter would in Session and incremented until it reaches the length of your Frames iterable thing:
Template.FrameItems.onRendered(function() {
Session.set('frameCounter', 0);
Template.FrameItem.onRendered(function() {
Session.set('frameCounter', Session.get('frameCounter') + 1);
Then you simply use a tracker:
//Where template is your template instance, for example 'this' in an onCreated callback
template.autorun(function doStuffWhenFramesRendered(computation) {
if(Session.get('frameCounter') === template.frames.length) {
//Stop observing
Note that it takes into account the fact that FrameItem may render at weird times (avoiding race conditions if any), but it doesn't take into account new frames. To take those into account you would not stop the computation.

Here is how I would proceed:
You create a pageSession reactive variable or reactive dictionary entry. Let's call it lastRendered.
You update it in the onRendered function of your FrameItem template using the _id of the related frames item. This way, each time a FrameItem template is rendered, you now which one it is.
You create an helper in your parent template watching your lastRendered reactive variable and checking if it matches your last frames item. It could look like that (untested code):
lastFrameIsRendered: function() {
var lastId = frames.find().limit(1).sort({$natural:-1}).fetch()._id;
return pageSession.get ("lastRendered") === lastId;
Alternatively, if you need to get a feedback in your parent template onRendered function, you can wrap this code into a this.autorun(function() { (tracker) like this:
var lastId = frames.find().limit(1).sort({$natural:-1}).fetch()._id;
this.autorun(function() {
if (pageSession.get ("lastRendered") === lastId) {
//do your stuff
It will be executed each time there is a change in your parent template.


How can I access DOM Elements declared within a template outside, Template.myTemplate.rendered etc

I have a template with few elements (input, radioButton etc). If I want to access to these DOM elements within mytemplate I can either access them within events{
'click #submitButton' : function (event, template) {
//template variable here gives me access to the
//current template instance, so I can get to any
//DOM element within this template.
OR within
Template.myForm.rendered = function () {
//within this function I have access to "this" which points to template instance
I was wondering if there is a way to access the DOM Elements that a declared within a template outside of these event functions and rendered callback?
Thanks in advance
You can but you need to reference the template instance.
The reason for this is a single template can be used multiple times. In this case a single easy to use way to access the template would not know which instance it would belong to. This is why you need to use a reference, such as done in the example below.
You have to store the instance somewhere when it is rendered:
TheTemplateInstance = null;
Template.myForm.rendered = function() {
TheTemplateInstance = this;
Then you can use TheTemplateInstance anywhere you want, provided the template is on the DOM.
If you use myForm many times then it will only have access to the one created last.
Also You did not give a use case for your intentions. But there are several better ways to do most things with a template:
JQuery modding something when some variable changes (the most common use case where helpers aren't useful)
Template.myForm.rendered = function() {
var self = this;
this.autorun(function() {
var xx = something.findOne();
self.$("something").autoform() //Some jquery call
and helpers:
someName: function() {
return Session.get("name");
You can then use {{someName}} in your template's html where it can change when you use Session.set("name", "a new value");

Is there are more elegant way to walk template nesting?

I'm trying to access a parents data context
To get to it, I have a line that looks like :-
Which in terms of UI, I have
template[dataIwant] renders another template with a modal dialog which uses autoform
I then use an autoform hook to get a before save event, which I want to use to add an extra value to the document being saved.
I then walk the template that's passed in the hook back to the top template. Seems like I should be able to do this in a more elegant way?
Came up with this code today because I needed it also :
closest: function(searchedViewName){
currentView = this;
while (currentView && != searchedViewName){
currentView = currentView.parentView;
return currentView;
<template name="parent">
{{> child}}
Template.parent.created = function(){
this.reactiveVar = new ReactiveVar(false);
<template name="child">
return Template.instance().view.closest("parent").name;
return Template.instance().view.closest("parent")._templateInstance.reactiveVar.get();
So far so good, but I've already spotted use cases where this won't work (using Template.contentBlock in your template definition is breaking the whole thing for some unknown reason).

Can I pass the this._id value from one template helper to another with Meteor?

I have the following templates (.html) with their respected managers (.js files):
Consider the following:
<template name="adminManageCategories">
{{#each category}}
<div class="clickme">{{title}}</div>
{{> adminUpdateCategory}}
Notice the {{> adminUpdateCategory}} is outside of the iteration. This is also a form, and I want to keep it on the same page.
And admin_manage_categories.js{
"click .clickme": function(event) {
Notice the console.log() function, which works, as the template manager is smart enough to know the ID of the item that was clicked.
What I want to do is load this items values into the form when clicked. My example above is slim, but in my real data I have a title, sort order, among other things.
So my question is, what is the proper way to pass the _id from the adminManageCategories template to the adminUpdateCategory template, which is the form?
I can hack at this with JavaScript and make things happen, but I think I'm missing a "Meteor way" of doing things.
You need to use a ReactiveVar to store the currently clicked item.
First you need to run meteor add reactive-var, as it's not a package added by default in a standard meteor web app.
// instantiate the reactive-var in the created callback
// we store it as a property of the template instance
this.currentItemId=new ReactiveVar(null);
// this helper reactively returns the currently clicked item
// retrieve the reactive-var from the template instance...
var currentItemId=Template.instance().currentItemId.get();
// fetch the correct collection document
return Items.findOne(currentItemId);
"click .clickme": function(event,template) {
// assign the correct item id to the reactive-var attached to this template instance
<template name="adminManageCategories">
{{#each category}}
<div class="clickme">{{title}}</div>
<p>Current item title is : {{currentItem.title}}</p>
{{! pass the currentItem as a parameter to your child template this will be
accessible as {{item}} in the HTML and "this.item" in JS helpers or
"" in created/rendered/destroyed callbacks}}
{{> adminUpdateCategory item=currentItem}}
When I initialize the reactive-var in the created callback, I set it to null, this means that until one item is clicked, the helper will return null too and when you'll try to access this.item._id in the adminUpdateCategory this will fail.
The simplest way to solve this issue is maybe to not initialize the variable to null but to the first item in the collection.
var firstItem=Items.findOne({},{
this.currentItemId=new ReactiveVar(firstItem && firstItem._id);
There may still be a case when you have 0 items in the collection, so you'll probably end up having to guard against the existence of the item in the JS.
return this.item &&;

How to change the value of a variable on click in meteor

In my meteor app I need to load an array of items corresponding to the item clicked.As I'm new to meteor, I'm held up here.Here is my code.{
'click .showdiv' : function()
Template.templatename.vname = function () {
return Db.find();
Can I set the variable vname dynamically by this code ? This is not working for me.
I think you're misunderstanding the notion of reactivity. A reactive data source will cause any functions which depend on it (including helpers) to rerun when its value is changed, which seems to be the behavior you're looking for here. Instead, you're rewriting the helper function itself every time an item is clicked, which kind of defeats the object of Meteor's reactive data model. Session variables could help:{
'click .showdiv' : function() {
Session.set('vname', Db.find());
Template.templatename.vname = function () {
return Session.get('vname');
If you use an {{#each vname}} block in the templatename template, it will automatically update with the results of the Db.find() query when a .showdiv is clicked. If all you want to do is show the result of that query regardless of whether a click has been registered it would be as simple as:
Template.templatename.vname = function () {
return Db.find();
Note that it's still not clear exactly what data you're trying to populate here since the query will return a cursor (which is fine, but you need to loop through it using {{#each ...}} - use findOne if you only want one item), and its contents aren't going to depend on anything intrinsic to the click event (like which .showdiv you clicked). In the former example it will however fail to show anything until the first click (after which you would have to reset with Session.set('vname', null) to stop it showing anything again).

Re-rendering of a template doesn't allow me to permanently change an element's class?

I have a sortable list.
<template name="the_playlist">
{{#each main_list}}
<li id="{{index}}" class="list_element">
<div class="next_song">...</div>
<div class="destroy">...</div>
<div class="element_style">{{song_title}}</div>
And this is the main_list that it prints from.
Template.the_playlist.main_list = function(){
//if ret is valid, it will have a songs member
var ret = Links.find().fetch()[0];
if (typeof ret == 'undefined'){
ret = []
else {
ret = Links.find().fetch()[0].songs;
return ret;
And I am using the sortable plugin and more importantly its update callback which updates everytime the user changes a position the list or an element is added to the list.
$(function() {
$( "#playlist" ).sortable({
update: function(){
$( "#playlist" ).disableSelection();
*The problem: * If a page already has list elements when it's loaded, for one time only, I would like to add a class that hides (.addClass("hide")) each of the next_song elements that are on the page at that time. This *will work only until main_list changes* by a call to Template.list.updateList above, after which automagically, the added class will disappear - most likely due to the re-rendering that is occuring since the main_list depends on the db changes.
The following in the JQuery snippet I use to try and accomplish this.
$("#playlist li .next_song").each(function(){
Here is a demo. Try plugging in the above JQUery code into the console. and then move the list elements around to see the problem.
Can you not just determine whether that will be the case in a helper function?
'list_elements_exist': function() {
return (!!$('#playlist li').length);
Then you can just insert the logic straight into the template:
<div class="next_song{{#if list_elements_exist}} hide_song{{/if}}">...</div>
To be honest, I'm not 100% sure that this will float with reactivity depending on the structure of your app. If it doesn't work properly, I'd introduce a new session boolean, list_elements, the value of which is returned by the helper function above. It should be fairly easy to update its value in event handlers or created callbacks to keep it tracking whether there are any items in the list or not, and this will guarantee the list renders as required regardless of other dependencies changing.
