Where to find backend of 404 page in Wordpress - wordpress

I'm trying to find the backend of the 404 page of our site: http://www.australiancriminallawyers.com.au. We are using Wordpress.
I need to trace its backend and look into changing the Google Analytics tracking code. Currently, the tracking code is the same as the code present on all pages which is implemented via the header.php file.
I already looked into the theme files but there is no 404.php file. Where can this 404 error message be originating from?
Further, how do I make it happen so that the 404 page does not make use of the same tracking code present on other valid pages (I need to modify just the tracking code on the 404 page for event tracking)?
An example of a wrong URL that prompts a 404 error message is http://www.australiancriminallawyers.com.au/web.

Not sure if this is what you looking for, But you wan to track pages creates 404 errors with Yoast SEO plugin https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/google-analytics/tracking-downloads-error-pages/


numbers after wordpress urls not showing 404

I just notice a bug in my WordPress sites when I am adding any number after a blog post or page URL it's not showing any 404 error or its just a valid page
like I have a site
https://www.gryffin.com/ so if I visiting this URL https://www.gryffin.com/features/ and adding any number after this URL https://www.gryffin.com/features/98989 like this it should show the error of page not exist but it's not giving this error I check other WordPress sites have the same issue I think its not good on SEO point of view can anybody give me solution of it.

How to fix these 404 errors in WordPress?

So, I've been looking for a way to sort out these 404 errors on a WordPress site. This log is compiled using the Redirection plugin for WP. Anyway, how would you go about sorting out these 404 errors? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
So, these mostly appear to be bots scraping the site (atleast it appears that way from the User Agent Info.) Where are they getting these URL's?
What you can do you can redirect these links to the home page best way to make it SEO friendly there are so many ways you can archive this by adding code in htaccess or this plugin can be most useful in this issue:
All 404 Redirect to Homepage
Redirect 404 Error Page to Homepage or Custom Page with Logs

Can't throw a 404 error with urls that start with a question mark

So recently I updated my site from Joomla to Wordpress. (best decision of my life...seriously)
All of my old Joomla links were formatted with a ? right after my domain name like this: www.example.com/?blah
Now when I switched to Wordpress, I'm using pretty URLs that are formatted like this : www.example.com/blah
Now googles got all the old Joomla urls still indexed so when searched for it still gives you the old URLs. In my head those Joomla URLs should throw a 404 error. But they don't! They just display the homepage.
For Example - if you go to www.example.com/blah it will throw a 404 error because that page doesn't exist, however if you go to www.example.com/?blah it will show that URL in the address bar, but display the homepage despite the fact that that page does not exist either.
So my questions are:
1) will google eventually dump those URLs in favor of my Wordpress ones? How will that hurt my SEO and page rank - does google still see that as a valid page and keep it in its index?
2) How do I force 404 errors for those URLs that don't exist anymore with a question mark.
(1) You'll have to get your sitemap redone and have GoogleBot reindex your site. Google Webmaster Tools should be the place to do that.
(2) You could redirect the invalid links to a 404 page using your .htaccess file

How to set a 404 error page on wordpress/fishpig for magento

I've done a fully integration of a Wordpress in a Magento shop with FishPig, everything is working fine except that I can't find where or how to find/edit/set a custom 404 error page.
It's my first time using Magento and my php knowledge is very limited so any help would be much appreciated.
Btw, That's the default no-route error I get: http://doshaburi.com/blog/category/xx/
This isn't possible via a configuration setting in the extension. What you could do though, is include a .phtml file in your 404 page and then display a different piece of content if the URL starts with the blog route (eg. /blog/.*) to every other request.

How do I keep Google from indexing my custom 404 error page?

I use ASP.Net and I have a custom 404 page. When user pastes url that is not found it will redirected to the custom 404 page. However google indexes my custom 404 page. Search 404(page not found).
Anyone have solution?
You can make your errors directory or each file off-limits to google by adding it to your robots.txt file in the root of your site. This actually applies to any directories/files that you don't want google to index.
More information on robots.txt can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robots.txt or http://www.robotstxt.org/.
You may want to make sure your "404 page" is actually sending an HTTP 404 response code, rather than just a page that says 404 but actually responds with HTTP 200. I don't believe Google (or other major search engines) will index pages resulting from requests that respond with 404.
The bigger question is how a spider is getting to your 404 page.
You can use a robots meta tag to stop Google from indexing the 404 page.
The Google webmaster blog indicates that they won't index pages with this meta tag.
You will always see a log entry for Google hitting your 404 page. Because Google needs to request the page in order to know that it has a status of 404. However you should never see this page in the search results, if that is what you are asking?
