I have a little doubt in deploying package.
I have attached my solution by making it zip and add this in Pkgfolder.
Now after build my package, I am adding that .dll where PackageDeployer.exe resides, and then tried to run PackageDeployer.exe
all done successfully
but in last this PackageDeployer.log generated.
Can you please help me?
Due to recent experience with several bugs created by updating packages, I wonder what the best approach is for the following problem:
I currently provide a stand alone version so to say of my shiny App (just the script files to run it locally) and run a long list of require() functions to load / install the needed packages. However, in the end I would like to use fixed package versions to avoid bugs created by changes in packages.
Is there a way to ensure that the user, who may have older or newer versions of packages on their computer, is using the right version of all the packages my app needs?
You can consider using packrat: https://rstudio.github.io/packrat/.
Unfortunately, private libraries don’t travel well; like all R
libraries, their contents are compiled for your specific machine
architecture, operating system, and R version. Packrat lets you
snapshot the state of your private library, which saves to your
project directory whatever information packrat needs to be able to
recreate that same private library on another machine.
Short tutorial:
RStudio - File - New Project - New Directory - New Project - "Do: use Path" - Create Project
Enter in the R(Studio) console:
.libPaths() # test if libpath has changed
install.packages("reshape2") # installs within one of the packrat libpaths
Installing package into ‘C:/R/packRatTest/packrat/lib/x86_64-w64-mingw32/3.4.3’
Assumption would be that you can use and share RStudio Projects, but i think it would be hard to work without them anyway ;).
Try writing your shiny app as a package. You can, somewhat, control that through the description file.
Since you said you're using script take a look at: https://github.com/chasemc/electricShine
Even of you don't use it, hopefully looking at the code will help for things like setting the download repo to be a specific MRAN date.
I have recently experienced a serious problem with Rstudio when developing a package. Whenever, I open an existing project with Rstudio where versions are controlled with Git, it takes so long for it to respond to any command. It is also impossible to type something in the console (e.g. 1+1) and obtain the result. Even quitting the Rstudio, should be done with task manager. There is no problem when I create a new project / package or when I open directly a R script.
This problem appears both when the project is saved on a dropbox or on a local repository.
To overcome this issue everytime I need to modify my code, I create a new project, and then I move toward the new repository all my current R scripts and the folder ".git".
I would appreciate if anybody could help me with this issue.
I had a similar problem to yours. Changing the attribute of my .git folder into hidden solved my problem.
We recently discovered an issue where projects using git for version control could become laggy / unusable on Windows if the .git folder within the project had become a non-hidden directory.
After having a 4-month break from my .NET project I suddenly run into this error:
Could not find a part of the path c:\Users\...myusername...\.nuget\packages\.tools\Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools
Can anybody explain why I should suddenly get this kind of error? I have checked that Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools is not found in the path listed here. I will try to install the SecretManager (although I installed it one year ago), but I'm still confused why I get the error now.
Take a look if you have the package folder in your local machine, maybe when you added the new packages to a project the TFS marked them as pending to check-in and then later you removed them manually from your hard drive, at that moment the tfs has a package pending to upload that is not physically present on the hard drive and that is the error you are getting
When I work on a project in R, there are many packages that may be updated or changed overtime. When I finish a project, I wish to save all of the packages at that time point. This way I can reproduce the result on my previous project if I can "restore" all of the packages in R used to produce the previous result. Is there a way to do this "save" and "restore" all of the R packages locally (without updating them to the most recent version)? Thank you
One option: you can do an install into a specific directory, then in your R code load the library from that location. For example, to snapshot the forecast library you can use:
install.packages('forecast', lib='~/R/library_1')
followed by
library('forecast', lib='~/R/library_1')
of course, you code would need access to the library directory if you were to share it
You just installed a meteor package, and for some reason it isn't working. You suspect that it's the package itself that has a bug. You want to investigate that. How do you do that?
Optimally, you'd be able to run a command that forks the original package repository with the right version and replaces the original in your meteor application, ready for you to debug it and, once fixed, possibly generate a pull request.
I don't expect something like this to exist as a single command, but is there a workflow that you follow to do exactly that? Or do you approach the problem in a different way?
Do a git clone of the package into your local packages folder. Fix any bugs you need to. Commit them. And make a pull request. Once the pull request is accepted, you can remove the local package and use the regular package.
From when I've asked in the past, there isn't really an easier way to do this it seems. But to be honest, this approach isn't too much work.
Also, if you just want to debug, you can step through the package code while it's running without cloning the repo locally. (Assuming it's running in development mode and hasn't been minified by Meteor).