scaled triple Venn diagram in R with VennDiagram - r

Do you know why the following code cannot creat scaled Venn Diagram?
Do you have any other choice to get scale triple Venn Diagram for such situation?

I was able to generate the graph removing ind=FALSE from your same code.
Also, ind is used for that as it reads in the ?draw.triple.venn help page
Boolean indicating whether the function is to automatically draw the
diagram before returning the gList object or not
Also, you should check your code. It reads "cale=T" instead of "scale=T". It happens to me that I miss a letter or a comma somewhere very often.
The problem with scale it's not solved by the correct spelling. I was looking for the answer and found that this question has been already asked here


How to Change X-Axis Label in ChromoMap?

I am new to R and I have been using chromoMap library in R to visualize annotation plots and visualizing the feature-associated data. It's a great library and produces great charts. However, I was not able to find any option for changing the x-axis label from length (bp) to anything else. Because of this, I am not able to use any of the produced charts. It sounds like a small issue, but it totally affects the usability of this great package. I followed this tutorial link and produced the below chart. In my chart and all the samples, the x-axis label is fixed and this is my problem and I am looking for a way to just change it.
chr_file_1 = "chr_file_without_centromere.txt"
anno_file_1 = "annotation_pos.txt"
I am wondering if anybody has the same experience ?? This package produces output as a htmlwidget object and therefore I could not change the x-axis lable. Is there any way to modify a htmlwidget object? or Any way to change this bp to something else??

R: Untangle graph plot

I have the following graph plot with 131 vertices made by using plot with an object of the igraph class. My question is whether there is any way to present this in a cleaner way so that nodes at least don't overlap each other and edges are more visible.
I'm not too familiar with these types of graphs, so I can't provide a specific answer. But this sounds like a good time to use the jitter() function which adds random noise between the data points, thus separating them out.

Incorrect label representation with gvisTimeline in the R googleVis

I am using gvisTimeline for performing Gantt charts, and think that this library is brilliant.
But when the barlabel parameter in gvisTimeline function is set to dataframe column name, which contains Russian words, they comes into ��������, when plotting this timeline.
I've tried changing encoding to UTF-8, but as a result I receive the same question marks and also something like <ce><f2><e1><ee><f0> <ef><f0><ee><e1>.
So I guess the problem is with encoding, but I have no idea how to fix it.
The same names in plotly or ggplot2 diagrams are displayed correctly.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Manually Drawing Curves on R like Paint

I was trying to allow the user to give a curve as input for some analysis. Is there a package that can be used in this regard? Basically, a GUI like paint wherein the user can draw a simple curve and which would be stored in R as a set of data points or as an equation if its a simple curve.
Reading mouse input
Below is a list of sample approaches to first the problem, from the most complex to simplest (IMHO).
I would recommend that you have a look at the
Less laborious solution may involve looking at the way interactive
plots in Shiny are handled. Using the click option would
enable you to get the mouse cursor position. Together with the Shiny
framework this would provide a convenient wrapper to get mouse input
from a user.
Finally, third approach could rely on making use of the locator function available in the graphics package. Depending on what you intend to do, this may be the simplest solution as you could then use read values to inform generation of your graphic.
Generating graphics
Assuming that you got your values via the locator functionality you could attempt to draw your line using segments. It would be a little fiddly as you would have to translate your coordinates to some placement of the dot in your desired chart but this wouldn't computationally too taxing, just a matter of bring mouse pointer values to some x/y values on the chart.
If you care to update your post with a sample code and reproducible attempts of your previous work, I bet the question will receive more replies. You may find this discussion on making a reproducible example in R helpful.

scaling Venn diagram in R

I am trying to plot the Venn Diagram of intersection of 3 sets with the following function:
In the Quartz window I receive 3 identical circles (all of the same size). Where did the scaling go? After several hours of trying, I am wondering if it is a bug or if maybe the previous settings of my plotting area are not allowing it ( i closed and reopened the Quartz window several times). The output value is:
(polygon[GRID.polygon.1498], polygon[GRID.polygon.1499], polygon[GRID.polygon.1500], polygon[GRID.polygon.1501], polygon[GRID.polygon.1502], polygon[GRID.polygon.1503], text[GRID.text.1504], text[GRID.text.1505], text[GRID.text.1506], text[GRID.text.1507], text[GRID.text.1508], text[GRID.text.1509], text[GRID.text.1510], text[GRID.text.1511], text[GRID.text.1512])
Any help or tip would be appreciated. All the examples I see online are depicted already scaled.
According to the manual, scaling only happens for some configurations. One example would be
On the other hand, looking at the source code of that function, there appears to be no relevant use of that parameter at all. And indeed, passing scale=FALSE to the above command still results in scaled circles.
So it looks like with the current source code, you have no control over scaling, one way or the other.
The scale parameter is being ignored in many cases.
Here is another example that is also not plotted to scale
venn.plot <- draw.triple.venn(1883,598,2151,218,221,611,95, c("AL", "RL", "R"),scale=TRUE)
I used this .jar instead:
