When I running DDL using flyway it break if Object already exist because some one executed script already.
Do we have a way in FlyWayDB while running DDL that can check if object exist or not.
to avoid error.
You can query the information schema of your database and decide accordingly. But in practice this will rarely (probably never) be needed if you stick to a clean Flyway workflow where are schema changes are applied through Flyway migrations.
I use flyway 8.5.0 and I want that my beforeMigrate or my afterMigrate sql is reported in the history table. Is this feaseable? or is there any config to setup this?
Then an other question: my repetable only runs when they change (checksum) but for my understanding the repetible sql should run every time. not so?
The beforeMigrate and afterMigrate SQL wont appear in your history table. If you look at the tutorial example for callbacks you can see that beforeMigrate can be called before the schema history table is created which would cause issues if it was trying to add itself to it. Additionally, I'm assuming these will be mostly static executions and would not really be part of the version history.
For repeatable, no they are only applied when the checksum has changed.
Repeatable migrations are very useful for managing database objects whose definition can then simply be maintained in a single file in version control. Instead of being run just once, they are (re-)applied every time their checksum changes.
I'm investigating how Flyaway works to see if it's suitable for our upgrade and migration needs.
Can somebody tell me if Flyaway automatically handles precedence so that for example, if a table has a trigger, it creates the table before attempting to create the trigger, or is the user responsible to manually creating and ordering the actual SQL Statements required in each schema update?
The latter - Flyway does not keep knowledge of the dependencies between database objects (as it's a very large and gnarly problem, and it's highly db-dependent). Which database do you use? A tool like Redgate Schema Compare will generate the script with all the correct dependency orderings for you.
I have delivered a Product to the customer. Now I have upgraded the Product, which includes changes to the database.
Customer wants to upgrade the Product. Now will Flyway help in the migration of Customer data from older version to newer version. Please let me know, if this is a valid use case. The flyway documentation talks about its use during development only.
Flyway allows you to change your database by running a set of scripts in a defined order. These scripts are called 'migrations' as they allow you to 'migrate' your database from one version to another.
The idea is you can start with an an empty database and each migration script will successively bring that database up from empty up to the current version. However, it's also possible to start with an existing database by creating a 'baseline' migration.
As SudhirR said, Flyway's primary use case is to define schema changes. However, it's perfectly possible to change data also. Since Flyway is just running plain SQL, in principle almost anything you can do in a SQL script you can also do in a Flyway migration.
In the case you described it should be possible to use Flyway to migrate the customer database. The steps you could take are:
Generate a sql script that includes the entire DDL (including indexes, triggers, procedures, ...) of the production database. To do this you will need to add insert statements for all the reference data present in the database.
Save this script in your Flyway project as something like 'V1__base_version.sql'
Run the flyway baseline command against your production database
This will set up your production database for use with Flyway
Add a new migration script to migrate your customer's data to the new version
e.g. create new table, copy data from old table to new table, delete old table
Run flyway migrate to upgrade production
These steps are adapted from the Flyway documentation page here.
Of course you should read the Flyway docs and manually test on a throwaway DB before you run anything against production. However I think in principle Flyway could be a good fit for your use case.
Flyway should be used for schema migrations and any reference data (basic data that is required by the system/application in order to function properly).
Putting client specific data migrations would not be a use case. However, if you can represent the data migration "generically" by not using IDs and instead use names or types than it could be a candidate. Meaning if you could write a migration in a way that could be applied to all clients, then that would be the use case to put it in as a flyway migration.
Otherwise data migrations would be applied in some other way outside of the process like requesting special access to the database or having some team that manages the database to apply the scripts.
If you are doing custom data modifications quite often then I'd say something is wrong in some other area of the SDLC and you may need to increase testing so that bugs don't mess up the data in the first place.
I am working with Symfony and Doctrine. In the middle of the project I need to implement the Doctrine migrations, because the DB changes were too much and I need a better way to handle it.
How is the best way to start with the migrations, when there is already data on prod and it need to stay there and not to be touched?
My plan will be:
On my test system
drop all tables
run php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
The new automatic migration file, which I become holds all the table structures of my current state
go live to the table "migration_versions" and add the ID of this migration, so it will be skipped by the first run of the
run the migration php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
In this way, I have all the structures from my entities, but I will not destroy my live data.
What do you thing?
If there is already some data on production, then your best take is to do a make:migration or doc:mig:diff from the current schema state. That will generate only the necessary sql that will update the new changes, but nothing else. Your first migration version will countain only the sql to update from the current state, and not from the beginning of times.
And also, once you have adopted this, you have to do every database modification under migrations. For example, if you need to add a non-nullable field, you usually add the new field with not null, then fill all the rows of that field with a default or calculated one, and then alter the table to make the field not nullable. Migrations will generate some boilerplate code to make your life easier, but it also requires a lot of care from the development team. Always test them first in a database that you can get rid of. And you will run into FK constraints and lots of other issues, but basically you have to solve them doing SQL.
Old thread here, but what I do in cases like this:
Backup dev database (structure and data, but with table create statements protected with checking so they are only created if they don’t already exist)
Drop all tables so the database is empty
Generate migration (since database is empty, the generated migration will constitute all commands necessary to generate your entire schema)
Run migration you just generated to build schema
Import test data from your dump
That puts you right back where you started but with an initial migration that can build your schema from nothing.
I looked at the Flyway samples and documentation and tried to understand if it is useful in my environment.
The following conceptual detail is unclear to me: How does Flyway manage the changes between database versions? It obviously does NOT compare database life-instances (see answer here:Can Flyway find out and generate migration files from datamodel?)
In detail my setup looks like this:
I create SQL create and insert scripts when coding (automatically and manually). This means every version of my database is represented by a number of insert/create statements.
In my world I execute these scripts through a database tool (sqlplus from Oracle). Each run would setup the database _from_scratch_ (!).
Can I put these very same scripts 1 to 1 inside the "migration" path of Flyway? What happens if the target database is way older than the last "migration step" I did (or flyway did not yet exist when it was installed)?
I got some input from another Flyway user:
It seems like each "migration" (version of the database) has to be hand-written SQL/Java code and contains only "updates" from the previous "migration" of database.
If this is true, I wonder how this can be used with traditional coding technics: in my world SQL statements are generated automatically and contain all database init/create statements, not just "updates" to some previous version. If my SQL code generator could do that, then I wouldn't even need a tool like Flyway :-).
Your question about "how to handle a DB that has a longer history than there are migration scripts?" You need to create a V1_ migration/sql script that matches/recreates your latest DB schema. Something that can take a blank DB to what you have today. Create/generate that sql script using your existing DB tools and then put it in flyways migration directory. (And test V1 by using flyway against a clean DB and see if you get what you expect.) http://flywaydb.org/documentation/existing.html
After that point in time, all later versions must be added in as you work. When you decide you need a new table, in your dev environment, write a new V*_.sql that modifies your schema to the way you need it.
This blog goes over this situation for a Spring/SQL application. https://blog.synyx.de/2012/10/database-migration-using-flyway-and-spring-and-existing-data/