get client ip and client location in symfony2 - symfony

I need the client IP address to find the client location so that I could list the details of that area to he client. I used this code to find the IP address.
But I'm getting the IP as
How can I get the client IP address? Can someone give me a complete working code?

It's because your server is installed on your machine (I guess).
But $request->getClientIp() is the right way to get the user ip.
For the geolocation, I suggest you to take a look at the geocoder library and his bundle.


Host command providing wrong twitter IP address

I'm building a clone of the host command. I've tried finding the host of and have received the same IP-Address both on my version and the real host command. The address is:
For some reason, when I input this IP-Address into the browser, it says that there's no webpage with that IP address. Why is this happening?
The host command uses ICMP to detect if the DNS name of the host can be resolved and host is reachable. And you can resolve and reach the IP that resolved for
However, the web server of Twitter is probably configured to answer only if asked by DNS name and when your browser sends a HTTP GET request with the IP, the server does not respond.
Twitter gets tons of requests per minute. The surely use load-balancers that redirect "" to multiple IP addresses and they don't want people to use particular IP addresses, which would mess up their load balancers.

Is it possible to get the website url from a destination IP?

I've been setting up data visualizations for my Fortigate device, and logs from the device just give the destination IP of the app the user is accessing. I want to know if it is possible to know the website url of each destination ip supplied by the raw logs of the device. Thank you
You can get the hostnames for the given IP address using the reverse IP lookup tools.
Looking up for URLS is something not supported off the shelf, however you can do further some lookups once you know the hostname.

How to determine the IP of the server to which a client is connecting to? Is it possible?

I am now just starting to understand Httpcontexts and server side logic. Total beginner.
I have understood how to read the http requests from a client and get the remote IP etc.
I came across the hostname property.
I believe hostname and domain are completely different.
My undersanding is that stackoverflow is the domain name.
Given its widespread reach, stackoverflow can have multiple servers and hence multiple ip addresses.
So is there a way to determine to which server a client is requesting to in core 2.0?
You are correct that is a domain name. A domain name points to an IP address. That's called DNS. points to one single IP address not multiple. There's probably a load balancer at that IP address which then points you to an available server, which is internal you can't see that, but that's another story.
If you ping you get:
The whole point of DNS is to not use IP address but a domain name.
I'm not sure why you would want to see the IP. Maybe this stackoverflow question can help: Resolve HostName to IP

Ip address DNS and Domains

I'm a little confused about IP addresses.
I know that every web domain has an ip address.
Does the IP address represent the physical machine / host the website files are stored on?
Therefore when DNS lookup is performed, the domain's IP address is returned to the client. The client then uses this ip to contact the server that the web files reside on.
Is my understanding correct?
Many thanks
You are correct.
It is kind of like how some companies may say Dial PIZZAHUT instead of saying, Dial 74992488. PIZZAHUT is easier to remember, but you actually are dialling the number.
You're talking about HTTP protocol. Yes, FQDN (web domain) is resolved to IP address by DNS server. Client will connect to server IP address. Since you're probably using HTTP 1.1, HTTP request will contain also FQDN. This information is used by web server to perform several checks, like SSL certificate validation or Virtualhost management (several domains on a single IP address).

How can we know our own external ip address on the client

How can we know our own EXTERNAL IP address on the CLIENT (=our computer); NOT our internal IP address, NOT through an existing web site, NOT through a new website we would fabricate for this question; JUST with pure client OS commands scripting and/or JavaScript? Is that possible? In fact, if someone as a way to do that they should collect 1 million dollars because nobody has EVER come up with an answer to that on ANY website on this planet to my knowledge, A.R.
I think somebody DID ask that already, but using C#
IPHostEntry host;
string localIP = "?";
host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
foreach (IPAddress ip in host.AddressList)
if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
localIP = ip.ToString();
return localIP;
I don't know the OS you're targeting, but you might create an console application and read the value from it
Hope it helps
As Gricha mentioned, it can be requested via external site. There is an open source project that is also hosted.
You can get your external IP info in JSON format by calling this API:
in C#, there must be a similar method to call web API.
The project info is here:
You can't find an external ip address from a simple system call. You can receive it from the router, which is probably router specific, or you need to make a call from an something out side of your lan. Typically this is done through a HTTP request or some other popular internet service.
Also, individual computers on a local network don't have an external ip. The router has one address and forwards packets to the individual device.
You can't do that without going out of your current network.
To know your IP address you need to ask your router about. It's your router that gives you the IP in his network.
To know the IP address that belongs to your router in their network - you need to ask someone in that network about your IP. Because that network gives him an IP.
Finally if you want to know your IP outside your ISP's network - you need to ask someone outside your ISP's network about it.
