Finding the difference in an arithmetic progression in Lisp - math

I am totally new to Lisp.
How to find the difference between elements in an arithmetic progression series?
(counted-by-N '(20 10 0))
Return -10
(counted-by-N '(20 10 5))
(counted-by-N '(2))
(counted-by-N '())
Returns Nil
In Python/C and other languages, it is very straightforward... Kinda stuck here in Lisp.
My pseudo algorithm would be something like this:
function counted-by-N(L):
if len(L) <= 1:
return Nil
diff = L[second] - L[first]
for (i = second; i < len(L) - 1; i++):
if L[i+1] - L[i] != diff
return Nil
return diff
Current work:
(defun count-by-N (L)
(if (<= (length L) 1) Nil
(defvar diff (- (second L) (first L)))
; How to do the loop part?

(flet ((by-n (list &aux
(e1 (first list))
(e2 (second list))
(difference (and e1 e2 (- e2 e1))))
(and difference
(loop for (one two) on list
while (and one two)
when (/= (- two one) difference)
do (return-from by-n nil)))
(by-n '(20 10 0)))
(flet ((by-n (list &aux
(e1 (first list))
(e2 (second list))
(difference (and e1 e2 (- e2 e1))))
(when difference
(loop for (one two) on list
while (and one two)
when (/= (- two one) difference)
do (return-from by-n nil))
(by-n '(20 10 0)))

As far as you said on the second answer the best choice you have to do this example is implement it recursively.
Example Using List Processing (good manners)
That way, you have some ways to do this example on the recursively and simple way:
(defun count-by-N-1 (lst)
(if (equal NIL lst)
(- (car (cdr lst)) (car lst))
(count-by-N-1 (cdr lst))
On this first approach of the function count-by-N-1 I am using the simple car and cdr instructions to simplify the basics of Common Lisp List transformations.
Example Using List Processing Shortcuts (best implementation)
However you can resume by using some shortcuts of the car and cdr instructions like when you want to do a a car of a cdr, like I did on this example:
(defun count-by-N-2 (lst)
(if (equal NIL lst)
(- (cadr lst) (car lst))
(count-by-N-2 (cdr lst))
If you have some problems to understand this kind of questions using basic instructions of Common Lisp List transformation as well as car and cdr, you still can choose the first, second and rest approach. However I recommend you to see some of this basic instructions first:
Example Using Accessors (best for understand)
(defun count-by-N-3 (lst)
(if (equal NIL lst)
(- (first (rest lst)) (first lst))
(count-by-N-3 (rest lst))
This last one, the one that I will explain more clearly since it is the most understandable, you will do a recursion list manipulation (as in the others examples), and like the others, until the list is not NIL it will get the first element of the rest of the list and subtract the first element of the same list. The program will do this for every element till the list is "clean". And at last returns the list with the subtracted values.
That way if you read and study the similarities between using first, second and rest approach against using car and cdr, you easily will understand the both two first examples that I did put here.

Here is my final answer of this question which uses recursion:
(defun diff (N)
(- (second N) (first N))
(defun count-by-N (L)
((null L) nil)
((= (length L) 1) nil)
((= (length L) 2) (diff L))
((= (diff L) (diff (rest L))) (count-by-N (rest L)))
(T nil)


Rewriting a common function using tail-end recursion

I've been trying to tinker with this code to rewrite a "repeat" function using tail-end recursion but have gotten a bit stuck in my attempts.
(define (repeat n x)
(if (= n 0)
(cons x (repeat (- n 1) x))))
This is the original "repeat" function. It traverses through 'n - 1' levels of recursion then appends 'x' into a list in 'n' additional recursive calls. Instead of that, the recursive call should be made and the 'x' should be appended to a list at the same time.
(define (repeat-tco n x)
(trace-let rec ([i 0]
[acc '()])
(if (= i n)
(rec (+ i 1) (cons x acc)))))
This is the closest rewritten version that I've come up with which I believe follows tail-call recursion but I'm not completely sure.
Your repeat-tco function is indeed tail recursive: it is so because the recursive call to rec is in 'tail position': at the point where it's called, the function that is calling it has nothing left to do but return the value of that call.
[The following is just some perhaps useful things: the answer is above, but an answer which was essentially 'yes' seemed too short.]
This trick of taking a procedure p which accumulates some result via, say (cons ... (p ...)) and turning it into a procedure with an extra 'accumulator' argument which is then tail recursive is very common. A result of using this technique is that the results come out backwards: this doesn't matter for you because all the elements of your list are the same, but imagine this:
(define (evens/backwards l)
(let loop ([lt l]
[es '()])
(if (null? lt)
(loop (rest lt)
(if (even? (first lt))
(cons (first lt) es)
This will return the even elements of its arguments, but backwards. If you want them the right way around, a terrible answer is
(define (evens/terrible l)
(let loop ([lt l]
[es '()])
(if (null? lt)
(loop (rest lt)
(if (even? (first lt))
(append es (list (first lt)))
(Why is it a terrible answer?) The proper answer is
(define (evens l)
(let loop ([lt l]
[es '()])
(if (null? lt)
(reverse es)
(loop (rest lt)
(if (even? (first lt))
(cons (first lt) es)

How can I make my average function tail recursive in Lisp

I am simply trying to make this average function to be tail recursive. I have managed to get my function to work and that took some considerable effort. Afterwards I went to ask my professor if my work was satisfactory and he informed me that
my avg function was not tail recursive
avg did not produce the correct output for lists with more than one element
I have been playing around with this code for the past 2 hours and have hit a bit of a wall. Can anyone help me to identify what I am not understanding here.
Spoke to my professor he was != helpful
(defun avg (aList)
(defun sumup (aList)
(if (equal aList nil) 0
; if aList equals nil nothing to sum
(+ (car aList) (sumup (cdr aList)) )
(equal aList nil) 0
; if aList equals nil length dosent matter
(/ (sumup aList) (list-length aList) )
(print (avg '(2 4 6 8 19))) ;39/5
my expected results for my test are commented right after it 39/5
So this is what I have now
(defun avg (aList &optional (sum 0) (length 0))
(if aList
(avg (cdr aList) (+ sum (car aList))
(+ length 1))
(/ sum length)))
(print (avg '(2 4 6 8 19))) ;39/5
(defun avg (list &optional (sum 0) (n 0))
(cond ((null list) (/ sum n))
(t (avg (cdr list)
(+ sum (car list))
(+ 1 n)))))
which is the same like:
(defun avg (list &optional (sum 0) (n 0))
(if (null list)
(/ sum n)
(avg (cdr list)
(+ sum (car list))
(+ 1 n))))
or more similar for your writing:
(defun avg (list &optional (sum 0) (n 0))
(if list
(avg (cdr list)
(+ sum (car list))
(+ 1 n))
(/ sum n)))
(defun avg (lst &optional (sum 0) (len 0))
(if (null lst)
(/ sum len)
(avg (cdr lst) (incf sum (car lst)) (1+ len))))
You could improve your indentation here by putting the entire if-then/if-else statement on the same line, because in your code when you call the avg function recursively the indentation bleeds into the next line. In the first function you could say that if the list if null (which is the base case of the recursive function) you can divide the sum by the length of the list. If it is not null, you can obviously pass the cdr of the list, the sum so far by incrementing it by the car of the list, and then increment the length of the list by one. Normally it would not be wise to use the incf or 1+ functions because they are destructive, but in this case they will only have a localized effect because they only impact the optional sum and len parameters for this particular function, and not the structure of the original list (or else I would have passed a copy of the list).
Another option would be to use a recursive local function, and avoid the optional parameters and not have to compute the length of the list on each recursive call. In your original code it looks like you were attempting to use a local function within the context of your avg function, but you should use the "labels" Special operator to do that, and not "defun":
(defun avg (lst)
(if (null lst)
(labels ((find-avg (lst sum len)
(if (null lst)
(/ sum len)
(find-avg (cdr lst) (incf sum (car lst)) len))))
(find-avg lst 0 (length lst))))
I'm not 100% sure if your professor would want the local function to be tail-recursive or if he was referring to the global function (avg), but that is how you could also make the local function tail-recursive if that is an acceptable remedy as well. It's actually more efficient in some ways, although it requires more lines of code. In this case a lambda expression could also work, BUT since they do not have a name tail-recursion is not possibly, which makes the labels Special operator is useful for local functions if tail-recursion is mandatory.

Common lisp recursive macro in matrix addition

I have to write a recursive macro for list addition in Common Lisp (homework). What I have so far is :
(defmacro matrix-add-row (r1 r2 sum_row)
(if (not (and r1 r2)) `sum_row
`(matrix-add-row (cdr r1) (cdr r2) (cons sum_row (+ (car r1) (car r2))))
(reverse sum_row)
I call this function with
(matrix-add-row `(1 2) `(3 4) ())
and as an output I get unvaluated code instead of numbers (which leads going to infinite loop).
How to put , ` properly (or call the macro properly)?
Firstly, to me this seems a rather bizarre thing to do with a macro. I assume the point is that you use the macro to transform (matrix-add-row '(1 2) '(3 4)) to an explicit list of sums like (list (+ 1 3) (+ 2 4)).
Also, what you have written has several problems which look like you don't quite understand how the backtick works. So I think the easiest way to help is to solve an example for you.
Since this is homework, I'm going to solve a different (but similar) question. You should be able to take the answer and use it for your example. Suppose I want to solve the following:
Write a macro, diffs, which computes all differences of pairs of successive elements in a list. For example,
(diffs '(1 2 3)) should expand to (list (- 2 1) (- 3 2)), which will then evaluate to (1 1).
Note that my macro won't do the actual subtraction, so I can use it even if I don't know some of the numbers until runtime. (The reason I think this sort of question is a bit weird is that it does need to know the length of the list at compile time).
My solution is going to be used as a macro with one argument but if I want to use recursion I'll need to pass in an accumulator too, which I can start with nil. So I write something like this:
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
Now what do I do with lst? If lst is nil, I want to bottom out and just return the accumulator, with a call to list at the front, which will be code to make my list. Something like this:
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
((null lst)
;; You could write `(list ,#accumulator) instead, but that seems
;; unnecessarily obfuscated.
(cons 'list accumulator))
(error "Aargh. Unhandled"))))
Let's try it!
CL-USER> (diffs nil)
Not hugely exciting, but it looks plausible. Now use macroexpand, which just does the expansion without the evaluation:
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(diffs nil))
And what if we'd already got some stuff from a recursion?
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(diffs nil ((- a b) (- b c))))
(LIST (- A B) (- B C))
Looks good! Now we need to deal with the case when there's an actual list there. The test you want is consp and (for my example) it only makes sense when there's at least two elements.
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
;; A list of at least two elements
((and (consp lst) (consp (cdr lst)))
(list 'diffs (cdr lst)
(cons (list '- (cadr lst) (car lst)) accumulator)))
;; A list with at most one element
((listp lst)
(cons 'list accumulator))
(error "Aargh. Unhandled"))))
This seems almost to work:
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(diffs (3 4 5)))
(LIST (- 5 4) (- 4 3))
but for two problems:
The list comes out backwards
The code is a bit horrible when we actually construct the recursive expansion
Let's fix the second part first by using the backtick operator:
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
;; A list of at least two elements
((and (consp lst) (consp (cdr lst)))
`(diffs ,(cdr lst)
,(cons `(- ,(cadr lst) ,(car lst)) accumulator)))
;; A list with at most one element
((listp lst)
(cons 'list accumulator))
(error "Aargh. Unhandled"))))
Hmm, it's not actually much shorter, but I think it's clearer.
For the second part, we could proceed by adding each item to the end of the accumulator rather than the front, but that's not particularly quick in Lisp because lists are singly linked. Better is to construct the accumulator backwards and then reverse it at the end:
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
;; A list of at least two elements
((and (consp lst) (consp (cdr lst)))
`(diffs ,(cdr lst)
,(cons `(- ,(cadr lst) ,(car lst)) accumulator)))
;; A list with at most one element
((listp lst)
(cons 'list (reverse accumulator)))
(error "Aargh. Unhandled"))))
Now we get:
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(diffs (3 4 5)))
(LIST (- 4 3) (- 5 4))
Much better!
Two last things. Firstly, I still have an error clause in my macro. Can you see how to trigger it? Can you think of a better behaviour than just outputting an error? (Your macro is going to have to deal with the same problem)
Secondly, for debugging recursive macros like this, I recommend using macroexpand-1 which just unfolds one level at once. For example:
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(diffs (3 4 5)))
(DIFFS (4 5) ((- 4 3)))
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 *)
(DIFFS (5) ((- 5 4) (- 4 3)))
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 *)
(LIST (- 4 3) (- 5 4))
There are two problems with your logic. First you are calling reverse on each iteration instead of at the end of the iteration. Then you are accumulating the new values, through cons, in the cdr of the cons cell as opposed to the car.
Also I don't see why this have to be a macro so using a function.
(defun matrix-add-row (r1 r2 sum-row)
(if (or (endp r1) (endp r2))
(reverse sum-row)
(matrix-add-row (cdr r1)
(cdr r2)
(cons (+ (car r1) (car r2))
(matrix-add-row '(1 2) '(3 4) ())
;; => (4 6)

Iterative map in scheme

I am watching SICP video lectures and i came to a section where tutors are showing procedures to work with lists, so, here is one of them:
(define (map p l)
(if (null? l)
(cons (p (car l))
(map p (cdr l)))))
What i want to ask is: is there a way to define map in iterative way, or that cons requires lazy evaluation to be executed right?
You original code is almost tail recursive.. the only thing that makes it not is the cons part. If Scheme had equal requirement for having TRMC optimization as it has TCO requirement you could leave your code as is and the implementation would have made it tail recursive for you.
Since it isn't a requirement we need to do our own TRMC optimization. Usually when iterating a list in a loop and having it tail recursive by using an accumulator you get the result in the opposite order, thus you can do linear update reverse:
(define (map proc lst)
(let loop ((lst lst) (acc '()))
(cond ((null? lst) (reverse! acc) acc)
(else (loop (cdr lst)
(cons (proc (car lst)) acc))))))
Or you can do it all in one pass:
(define (map proc lst)
(define head (list 1))
(let loop ((tail head) (lst lst))
(cond ((null? lst) (cdr head))
(else (set-cdr! tail (list (proc (car lst))))
(loop (cdr tail) (cdr lst))))))
Now in both cases you mutate only the structure the procedure has itself created, thus for the user it might as well be implemented in the same manner as your example.
When you use higher order procedures like map from your implementation it could happen it has been implemented like this. It's easy to find out by comparing performance on the supplied map with the different implementations with a very long list. The difference between the executions would tell you if it's TRMCO or how the supplied map probably has been implemented.
You need to embrace recursion in order to appreciate SICP and Scheme in general, so try to get used to it, you will appreciate it later, promised.
But yes, you can:
(define (iterative-map f lst)
(define res null)
(do ((i (- (length lst) 1) (- i 1))) ((= i -1))
(set! res (cons (f (list-ref lst i)) res)))
(iterative-map (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) '(1 3 5))
=> '(2 4 6)
but using set! is considered bad style if avoidable.
In Racket you have a different set of loops that are more elegant:
(define (for-map f lst)
(for/list ((i lst))
(f i)))
(for-map add1 '(1 3 5))
=> '(2 4 6)

Maximum of a list using recursion?

My task is to write function in lisp which finds maximum of a list given as argument of the function, by using recursion.I've tried but i have some errors.I'm new in Lisp and i am using cusp plugin for eclipse.This is my code:
(defun maximum (l)
(if (eq((length l) 1)) (car l)
(if (> (car l) (max(cdr l)))
(car l)
(max (cdr l))
If this isn't a homework question, you should prefer something like this:
(defun maximum (list)
(loop for element in list maximizing element))
Or even:
(defun maximum (list)
(reduce #'max list))
(Both behave differently for empty lists, though)
If you really need a recursive solution, you should try to make your function more efficient, and/or tail recursive. Take a look at Diego's and Vatine's answers for a much more idiomatic and efficient recursive implementation.
Now, about your code:
It's pretty wrong on the "Lisp side", even though you seem to have an idea as to how to solve the problem at hand. I doubt that you spent much time trying to learn lisp fundamentals. The parentheses are messed up -- There is a closing parenthesis missing, and in ((length l) 1), you should note that the first element in an evaluated list will be used as an operator. Also, you do not really recurse, because you're trying to call max (not maximize). Finally, don't use #'eq for numeric comparison. Also, your code will be much more readable (not only for others), if you format and indent it in the conventional way.
You really should consider spending some time with a basic Lisp tutorial, since your question clearly shows lack of understanding even the most basic things about Lisp, like the evaluation rules.
I see no answers truly recursive and I've written one just to practice Common-Lisp (currently learning). The previous answer that included a recursive version was inefficient, as it calls twice maximum recursively. You can write something like this:
(defun my-max (lst)
(labels ((rec-max (lst actual-max)
(if (null lst)
(let ((new-max (if (> (car lst) actual-max) (car lst) actual-max)))
(rec-max (cdr lst) new-max)))))
(when lst (rec-max (cdr lst) (car lst)))))
This is (tail) recursive and O(n).
I think your problem lies in the fact that you refer to max instead of maximum, which is the actual function name.
This code behaves correctly:
(defun maximum (l)
(if (= (length l) 1)
(car l)
(if (> (car l) (maximum (cdr l)))
(car l)
(maximum (cdr l)))))
As written, that code implies some interesting inefficiencies (it doesn't have them, because you're calling cl:max instead of recursively calling your own function).
Function calls in Common Lisp are typically not memoized, so if you're calling your maximum on a long list, you'll end up with exponential run-time.
There are a few things you can do, to improve the performance.
The first thing is to carry the maximum with you, down the recursion, relying on having it returned to you.
The second is to never use the idiom (= (length list) 1). That is O(n) in list-length, but equivalent to (null (cdr list)) in the case of true lists and the latter is O(1).
The third is to use local variables. In Common Lisp, they're typically introduced by let. If you'd done something like:
(let ((tail-max (maximum (cdr l))))
(if (> (car l) tail-max)
(car l)
You would've had instantly gone from exponential to, I believe, quadratic. If in combination had done the (null (cdr l)) thing, you would've dropped to O(n). If you also had carried the max-seen-so-far down the list, you would have dropped to O(n) time and O(1) space.
if i need to do the max code in iteration not recursive how the code will be ??
i first did an array
(do do-array (d l)
setf b (make-array (length d))
(do (((i=0)(temp d))
((> i (- l 1)) (return))
(setf (aref b i) (car temp))
(setq i (+ i 1))
(setq temp (cdr temp))))
I made this, hope it helps and it is recursive.
(defun compara ( n lista)
(if(endp lista)
(if(< n (first lista))
(compara n (rest lista)))))
(defun max_lista(lista)
(if (endp lista)
(if(compara (first lista) (rest lista))
(first lista)
(max_lista(rest lista)))))
A proper tail-recursive solution
(defun maximum (lst)
(if (null lst)
(maximum-aux (car lst) (cdr lst))))
(defun maximum-aux (m lst)
((null lst) m)
((>= m (car lst)) (maximum-aux m (cdr lst)))
(t (maximum-aux (car lst) (cdr lst)))))
(defun maxx (l)
(if (null l)
(if(> (car l) (maxx(cdr l)))
(car l)
(maxx (cdr l)))))
