I am trying to figure out how to install this theme to style my wordpress admin.
Does anyone know where in the root to install these files?
First of all there are two ways of making a WordPress Admin themee: with a Plugin or by simply changing the CSS.
In this case, it recomended to make a new plugin because Angular Js needs more file js to works fine. Then this file js must be included in the core of wordpress.
Here is an example to init and activate a new plugin in wordpress:
Plugin Name: My Admin Theme
Plugin URI: http://example.com/my-crazy-admin-theme
Description: My WordPress Admin Theme - Upload and Activate.
Author: Ms. WordPress
Version: 1.0
Author URI: http://example.com
function my_admin_theme_style() {
wp_enqueue_style('my-admin-theme', plugins_url('wp-admin.css', __FILE__));
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'my_admin_theme_style');
add_action('login_enqueue_scripts', 'my_admin_theme_style');
I hope this help,
best regards
Please consider to give a look at WordPress Codex. Note the answer by #Stefano Tux points you to the right direction.
Hope this helps
Does anyone know how to fix this issue when building custom wordpress plugins?
The file directory is plugins/twitter/autoload.php with the autoload.php containing the following items:
* Plugin Name: Twitter
* Description: Showcase Twitter feed using Gutenberg Blocks.
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author: Test
Does anyone know why my custom plugin with nothing inside of it yet is showing that it needs an update? When I update the plugin, it grabs files from some other twitter plugin and overwrites all of my files.
Is there a naming issue? Can two plugins not have the same name? This was't an issue when I was building an Instagram plugin.
WordPress updates pull from the WordPress plugin repo and this means it matches and existing one. You need to rename the folder to avoid this.
You can also click on the View version details to see what it is matching against.
I want to enable a promo-code input box for the Shopp plugin on wordpress.
The documentation says that to get the promo box to show up I need to add the following PHP to the template file:
<?php shopp('cart','promo-code'); ?>
I am new to the wordpress CMS and do not know which template file this this should be added to / where to look. If anyone has done this I would really appreciate the details of where to add this PHP to enable the feature. All the tutorials focus on creating the promotions in the cpanel but do not cover turning on the promo input box with PHP.
Thank you.
This is a Theme API tag that is usually added to the shopping cart template file. When custom templates are setup in your theme the file is located somewheres around wp-content/themes/yourtheme/shopp/cart.php. Note that yourtheme represents the directory name of your active WordPress theme files.
Shopp has starter templates built in that you can copy to your theme files. Editing the template files in the Shopp plugin is not recommended because you will lose your changes with each upgrade.
You can copy the files from Shopp to your theme yourself, or you can use the built-in system for copying them. More information about these templates and how to install them into your theme for customization can be found in the Shopp User Guide documentation in the Theme Templates article.
I have doubt in using the wordpress theme. I had downloaded a wordpress theme for my website from wordpress.org. I need to know how do i test it. The theme name is "pagelines". When i run it on my server it shows me webpage not found. How will i be able to test it out.
Please help....
First of all you need to unzip the theme file you have downloaded and place in your themes folder then go to admin panel
admin ->appearance -> Themes
there the themes will be displayed
you can view the new theme here and activate the theme
now your theme will be enabled on your wordpress, you can check your home page
Have you read the Wordpress' Using Themes guide? Read this guide first http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes. It will clarify a lot of your questions.
I have a WordPress installation with bbPress plugin installed. I'm wondering where shall I upload additional WordPress themes so they will not be overwritten with bbPress upgrades?
The most straitforward guess would be wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/ dir, however there's an index.php inside that states:
* Do not put custom themes here. They will be deleted on bbPress updates.
* Keep custom bbPress themes in /wp-content/themes/
ok. I uploaded theme there but I can't find a place to switch theme. Went to Admin --> Settings --> Forums but nothing there. I even tried to create a bbp-themes dir inside of wp-content/themes and upload theme there but still no results.
Any help will be appreciated.
Add the theme to wp-content/themes/ as instructed, then choose it within the normal Appearance > Theme section.
You'll need to ensure your theme is bbPress compatible. It'll need the bbPress files and the following in the functions.php file.
add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );
How can I activate plugin using function.php? so when the theme is activated, it will also activate specific plugins. thanks
#me Quite Simple
activate_plugin($plugin_path); // Activate Plugin
You can include() the plugin's main php file, but you may have some problems with some of the plugin's hooks so beware :)