os.walk - counting the directories traversed - directory

I have written a code to traverse directories using the os.walk to search for a specific type of file.
for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(directory):
for name in files:
if name.lower().endswith(".txt"):
print ()
cl += 1
This works perfectly fine for the search but I would like to know if there is a way where I can track the number of directories (dirname) being traversed ? Ex: there are 10 folders containing a .txt file and tracking the no of times dirnames changes I need to get 10 in a counter.
Sorry, I could not find if there was a post about this earlier. If some one can help me track the old post or help with answer for this - that would be fantastic.


Enable tab completion to find file in Julia outside working directory

How can I enable tab completion in Julia with a function I wrote that loads a file outside of the working directory? Tab completion is super nice, but it only seems to work for files in my working directory. e.g. I store all of my files in a directory foo and I wrote a function to conveniently read these files.
const WHEREMUHFILES = "foo/"
function read_foo_file(filename::String)
readlines(WHEREMUHFILES * filename)
However, when I try read_foo_file("ba and hit Tab, tab completion doesn't work, in that it doesn't search the directory WHEREMUHFILES for bar.txt. Is there a way to enable this?
In reality, I have many different types of files organized in different directories, and the read_foo_file populates complex data structures after reading in the files, so a simple work around such as "put your files in your working directory!" is not what I'm looking for.

Upload file with CMIS Service on st:site

I have been uploading files to Company Home pretty easily with this url:
Now I am trying to upload to a folder within a site
And keep getting this
Cannot find object for NodePathReference[storeRef=workspace://SpacesStore,path=app:company_home/st:sites/cm:mysite]
Am I missing a special way to declare the path of a site?
i'm not sure how you are uploading to that path but i suppose you need to go into 'documentLibrary' of the site
I found out that there are 6 webscripts related to file manipulation, and it seams each one takes the path in a different way.
I ended up using
This particular service it takes Display Names as path segments, and the p itself represents the Company Home segment
I also obtained the same results with this one
Which as you can see takes nodeRef Ids as parameter.

Check how many pages are included in a multi-page image file with GraphicsMagick

Is there a way to determine in advance how many pages are included in a multi page tif image with GraphicsMagick ?
I know I can select the first page in this way : image.tif[0], and probably iterating the array until the command fail will return the last image, but I don't think this is the best approach.
You can get a numbered list of the pages with
gm identify image.tif
and look at the last line, or count the lines. The images are numbered 0 thru N -1.
It is not too late to answer.
I think it is not possible to get the page count beforehand, not even with libtiff.
However, you can avoid the trial and error by using Magick::readImages:
// Magick++
std::vector<Magic::Image> images;
Magick::readImages(&images, "multipage.tif");

Clearcase - Find out when view was created

We have many old snapshot views lying around and I need to find out when these snapshot views were created.
There is a twist - we are no longer running ClearCase and the hardware we used to run it is no longer around. However, we still have all the files used internally by ClearCase still lying around, so I can go to a directory /usr7/viewstore/some_snapshot_sv and poke around.
I've got a timestamp on these directories, but this is not necessarily when the view was created.
I was wondering if somewhere in this directory structure there was a certain file in which I can search for a creation date.
I'm in a Unix/Linux environment. ClearCase did run on IRIX.
Any metadata associated with the view is on the view server side, where the view storage are kept.
The one file which could be the closest from the creation date would be the .hostname file within a view storage.
It is only created and updated on the view creation, and never change unless the view is unregistered, and then re-registered (very rare).
view.dat is also a good candidate (but can also be regenerated, and is for snapshot view only)
This IBM article lists all relevant files:
Files that are regenerated automatically when the view is restarted:
# .access_info
# .pid
Files that can be regenerated with ClearCase commands:
# .compiled_spec -- regenerate by running cleartool setcs -current
# .hostname -- regenerate by unregistering and re-registering the view
# view.dat -- Snapshot views only:
can be regenerated by running the "regen_view_dot_dat.pl" script
found in <cc-home-dir>\etc\utils
See technote1204161 for more details on the regenerating the view.dat file.
Files that can be manually replaced by making a new view on the same machine as the same user, and copying the affected file(s) to the view storage:
# config_spec
# groups.sd
# identity.sd
# view_db.state (as long as the view is not in the process
of being reformatted); see technote 1134858 for more information
# db/view_db.dbd (for schema 9 views only; 2002.05.00 and earlier)
# db/view_db_schema_version
# .view - The copy obtained from the new view must be edited to contain the correct information for the old view as described below. The correct information can be obtained from the output of "cleartool lsview -long <old_viewtag>".
Line 1: the location of the view storage directory, in hostname:pathname format
Line 2: the view's UUID (unique identifier), which must not be changed
Line 3: the hostname specified in line 1
Files that cannot be replaced:
# All other files in the db directory except the ones mentioned above
( view_db_schema_version and view_db.dbd)
If you use cleartool, I think you may try it this way:
cleartool lsview -properties [view-name]
* [view-name] /net/...[path]
Created 2014-01-07T18:05:15+02:00 by ...
Last modified 2014-01-07T21:13:07+02:00 by .....
Last accessed 2014-01-07T21:13:07+02:00 by .....
Owner: [owner-name] : rwx (all)
Group: [group-name] : r-x (read)
Other: : r-x (read)

How to work with hook_nodeapi after image thumbnail creation with ImageCache

A bit of a followup from a previous question.
As I mentioned in that question, my overall goal is to call a Ruby script after ImageCache does its magic with generating thumbnails and whatnot.
Sebi's suggestion from this question involved using hook_nodeapi.
Sadly, my Drupal knowledge of creating modules and/or hacking into existing modules is pretty limited.
So, for this question:
Should I create my own module or attempt to modify the ImageCache module?
How do I go about getting the generated thumbnail path (from ImageCache) to pass into my Ruby script?
I found this question searching through SO...
Is it possible to do something similar in the _imagecache_cache function that would do what I want?
function _imagecache_cache($presetname, $path) {
// check if deriv exists... (file was created between apaches request handler and reaching this code)
// otherwise try to create the derivative.
if (file_exists($dst) || imagecache_build_derivative($preset['actions'], $src, $dst)) {
// call ruby script here
Don't hack into imagecache, remember every time you hack core/contrib modules god kills a kitten ;)
You should create a module that invokes hook_nodeapi, look at the api documentation to find the correct entry point for your script, nodeapi works on various different levels of the node process so you have to pick the correct one for you (it should become clear when you check the link out) http://api.drupal.org/api/function/hook_nodeapi
You won't be able to call the function you've shown because it is private so you'll have to find another route.
You could try and build the path up manually, you should be able to pull out the filename of the uploaded file and then append it to the directory structure, ugly but it should work. e.g.
If the uploaded file is called test123.jpg then it should be in /files/imagecache/thumbnails/test123/jpg (or something similar).
Hope it helps.
