How to add to Xamarin Forms, on the native projects or on the PCL? -

I'm developing an App with Xamarin Forms, I need to add to the project from Nugat (I think) do I need to do it on every native project or can I do it on the PCL project
Thanks Shimon

You should just need to add it to your core PCL project.


Integrating Mapbox with .NET MAUI

I am currently developping an native Android app using Mapbox with Visual Studio (using some Mapbox nugets). I have to do the whole dev to address iOS customers but Xamarin.Forms nuget version of Mapbox is out of date, both Android & iOS SDKs have been updated since.
As Microsoft has just released the first .NET MAUI Release Candidate RC1, i.e. the successor of Xamarin.Forms, I would like to start over a new project so I can manage one development pipeline to deploy on either Android or iOS afterwards.
So I open this thread in order to share help to embbed Mapbox in a fresh new .NET MAUI project.
How should we proceed to simply display a Mapbox map view with a .NET MAUI project?
Thank you!
The best way for now is implementing a Maui Blazor app and using a BlazorWebView to put a MapBox in your page.
See Build a .NET MAUI Blazor app documentation

How do i add UWP to xamarin forms in VS2019?

I try to create a new project(xamarin form) in vs2019, and discovered that the UWP template is missing.
I created the project in vs2017 yet it did not work. now I have added a UWP project to the xamarin form app created using vs2019, how do I link them, how do I connect(refrence) the UWP to the portable library?
I want to make use of the portable library in xamarin forms that ha UWP in it, like vs2017 versions
In VS 2019 version 16.0.0 UWP head project have been removed from the Xamarin.Forms app template. However, if you install latest version of VS 2019 (16.0.1) that option should be available to you. According to the release notes:
Add option for Windows (UWP) platform when creating new Xamarin.Forms project from 'Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms)' project template.
Other then that you could just simply add UWP as a separate project and set it up for Xamarin.Forms.

I need to sync google drive with my xamarin forms application

I need to connect google drive with my xamarin forms application.
I have tried this code==>
I take a reference project from github through this link
In the above link the code is related to "Shared Project" and I'm work with xamarin forms ".Net standard".
So please guide me, how could I apply google drive API in my xamarin forms project?
Ask me if anybody need further clarification.
You must know that Xamarin Components are no longer supported in Visual Studio, and should be replaced by NuGet packages.
You can follow the instructions to manually remove component references from your projects from this documentation.
For more info using Xamarin forms:
Xamarin Documentation
Xamarin.Google.Drive.Api.Android 1.2.12

Xamarin Forms portable class library project

why can't I choose PCL project in options when I create a Cross-Platform App (Xamarin.Forms) ? there is just a Shared Project and .NET Standard, when I previously create a project there was a PCL option.
When I try to create a PCL in VS 2017 it says "Class Library (Legacy Portable)
and "This project type has been deprecated. You should use Class library (.NET Standard) instead."
But if you still want it, xamarin has a guide, you can read about creating a PCL project here.

Cross-Platform > Class Library (Xamarin.Forms) using VS2017 will not create Droid and iOS projects

I have .Net 4.5.1 (I am not trying to target .NetStandard) and Xamarin.Forms and latest VS2017 15.2 (26430.15). I create a new project using Cross-Platform > Class Library (Xamarin.Forms) and do not get the 2 projects for (.Droid and .iOS). Been all over Google but come up empty handed.
I am trying to follow one of the many 'getting started with Xamarin' videos/course and cannot get to first base. OK so they are using VS2015 but I have not read anywhere that VS2017 is a problem.
What do I need to look for?
When you create a new Class Library project, you will only get a PCL project. If you want to create a solution with PCL, iOS UI and Android UI project, create using Cross-Platform > Cross Platform App (Xamarin) template. Then from there you can see dialog to select Native or Xamarin.Forms template.
