r - taking difference of two xyplots? - r

I have several xyplot objects that I have saved as .RDATA files. I am now interested in being able to look at their differences. I have tried things like
but this does not work (I get the "non-numeric argument to binary operator error).
I would also be able to do this if I knew how to extract the timeseries data stored within the lattice xyplot object, but I have looked everywhere and can't figure out how to do this either.
Any suggestions?
just to make it perfectly clear what I mean for MrFlick, by "taking the difference of two plots" I mean plotting the elementwise difference of the timeseries from each plot, assuming it exists (i.e. assuming that the plots have the same domain). Graphically,
I might want to take the following two plots, stored as xyplot objects:
and end up with something that looks like this:

Here is a little function I wrote to plot the difference of two xyplots:
getDifferencePlot = function(plot1,plot2){
data1 = plot1$panel.args
data2 = plot2$panel.args
len1 = length(data1)
len2 = length(data2)
if (len1!=len2)
stop("plots do not have the same number of panels -- cannot take difference")
if (len1>1){
plotData = data.table(matrix(0,0,4))
for (i in 1:len1){
thing1 = data.table(cbind(data1[[i]]$x,data1[[i]]$y))
thing2 = data.table(cbind(data2[[i]]$x,data2[[i]]$y))
finalThing = merge(thing1, thing2,by = "V1")
segment = rep(i,nrow(finalThing))
finalThing = cbind(finalThing,segment)
plotData = rbind(plotData,finalThing)
if (len1==1){
plotData = data.table(matrix(0,0,3))
thing1 = data.table(cbind(data1[[i]]$x,data1[[i]]$y))
thing2 = data.table(cbind(data2[[i]]$x,data2[[i]]$y))
plotData = merge(thing1, thing2,by = "V1")
plotData$difference = plotData$y1-plotData$y2
if (len1==1)
diffPlot = xyplot(difference~x,plotData,type = "l",auto.key = T)
if (len1>1)
diffPlot = xyplot(difference~x|segment,plotData,type = "l",auto.key = T)


labels for boxplot and barplot loop in r [duplicate]

I am trying to plot 16 boxplots, using a for loop. My problem is, that the 2nd title is plotted on the first plot, the 3rd title on the second plot and so forth.
Does anyone have a guess on, what I am doing wrong?
My code is the following:
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Sweden"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Sweden"],title(main = "Sweden"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Norway"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Norway"],title(main = "Norway"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Denmark"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Denmark"],title(main = "Denmark"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Finland"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Finland"],title(main = "Finland"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Iceland"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Iceland"],title(main = "Iceland"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Belgium"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Belgium"],title(main = "Belgium"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Netherlands"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Netherlands"],title(main = "Netherlands"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Luxembourg"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Luxembourg"],title(main = "Luxembourg"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="France"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="France"],title(main = "France"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Italy"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Italy"],title(main = "Italy"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Spain"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Spain"],title(main = "Spain"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Portugal"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Portugal"],title(main = "Portugal"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Germany"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Germany"],title(main = "Germany"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Austria"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Austria"],title(main = "Austria"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Ireland"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Ireland"],title(main = "Ireland"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="UK"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="UK"],title(main = "UK"))
I think this could replace all your lines and fix your problem:
for (i in data$countryname)
boxplot(distance~alliance, subset(data, countryname==i), main=i)
But that's hard to verify without a reproducible example or some of your data.frame.
Based on the documentation, you should be assigning a title to your boxplots by making explicit calls to the function title(), rather than as a parameter in the call to boxplot(). The first two calls to generate your boxplots should look something like the following:
title(main = "Sweden")
title(main = "Norway")

Loop in R through variable names with values as endings and create new variables from the result

I have 24 variables called empl_1 -empl_24 (e.g. empl_2; empl_3..)
I would like to write a loop in R that takes this values 1-24 and puts them in the respective places so the corresponding variables are either called or created with i = 1-24. The sample below shows what I would like to have within the loop (e.g. ye1- ye24; ipw_atet_1 - ipw_atet_14 and so on.
ye1_ipw <- empl$empl_1[insample==1]
ipw_atet_1 <- treatweight(y=ye1_ipw, d=treat_ipw, x=x1_ipw, ATET =TRUE, trim=0.05, boot = 2)
ye2_ipw <- empl$empl_2[insample==1]
ipw_atet_2 <- treatweight(y=ye2_ipw, d=treat_ipw, x=x1_ipw, ATET =TRUE, trim=0.05, boot = 2)
ye3_ipw <- empl$empl_3[insample==1]
ipw_atet_3 <- treatweight(y=ye3_ipw, d=treat_ipw, x=x1_ipw, ATET =TRUE, trim=0.05, boot = 2)
coming from a Stata environment I tried
for (i in seq_anlong(empl_list)){
ye[i]_ipw <- empl$empl_[i][insample==1]
ipw_atet_[i]<-treatweight(y=ye[i]_ipw, d=treat_ipw, x=x1_ipw, ATET=TRUE, trim=0.05, boot =2
However this does not work at all. Do you have any idea how to approach this problem by writing a nice loop? Thank you so much for your help =)
You can try with lapply :
result <- lapply(empl[paste0('empl_', 1:24)], function(x)
treatweight(y = x[insample==1], d = treat_ipw,
x = x1_ipw, ATET = TRUE, trim = 0.05, boot = 2))
result would be a list output storing the data of all the 24 variables in same object which is easier to manage and process instead of having different vectors.

How to structure output to write to csv within a for statement in R?

I'm running a conditional logistic regression analysis on different individuals using a for statement in R. The code for this is pretty straightforward:
for(ID in unique(Hour168Fin$BAND)){
modelone = clogit(Hour168Fin$OBSERVED ~ Hour168Fin$LNSTEPLENG + Hour168Fin$PowCross + Shrub +
strata(Hour168Fin$STEPID), data=Hour168Fin, subset = which(ID==Hour168Fin$BAND))
I'm interested in very specific parts of the output, so I've structured the output to give me exactly the coefficients I need using this:
x1beta = as.numeric(summary(modelone)$coef[1,1])
x2beta = as.numeric(summary(modelone)$coef[2,1])
x3beta = as.numeric(summary(modelone)$coef[3,1])
x1SE = as.numeric(summary(modelone)$coef[1,3])
x2SE = as.numeric(summary(modelone)$coef[2,3])
x3SE = as.numeric(summary(modelone)$coef[3,3])
x1pvalue = as.numeric(summary(modelone)$coef[1,5])
x2pvalue = as.numeric(summary(modelone)$coef[2,5])
x3pvalue = as.numeric(summary(modelone)$coef[3,5])
modelAIC = AIC(modelone)
results = table(x1beta, x1SE, x1pvalue, x2beta, x2SE, x2pvalue, x2beta, x2SE, x2pvalue, modelAIC, rownames = ID)}
In R, I can see all the results in the format I'm looking for, but when I use this to get these results into a csv:
write.csv = (results, file = "TrialOut.csv")
I'm only getting the results of 1 unique ID. I've tried embedding the write.csv statement in the for statement, and using it outside of it with the same results. Any suggestions? I'm really baffled because I can see the results in R but can't seem to get that to translate to a csv.
Thanks for your time!
Try including the write.csv call inside the loop, and use append = TRUE:
for (...) {
# ...
# ...
write.csv(results, file = "someFile.csv", append = TRUE)

Title is missing in 1st boxplot when using a for loop

I am trying to plot 16 boxplots, using a for loop. My problem is, that the 2nd title is plotted on the first plot, the 3rd title on the second plot and so forth.
Does anyone have a guess on, what I am doing wrong?
My code is the following:
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Sweden"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Sweden"],title(main = "Sweden"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Norway"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Norway"],title(main = "Norway"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Denmark"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Denmark"],title(main = "Denmark"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Finland"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Finland"],title(main = "Finland"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Iceland"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Iceland"],title(main = "Iceland"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Belgium"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Belgium"],title(main = "Belgium"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Netherlands"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Netherlands"],title(main = "Netherlands"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Luxembourg"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Luxembourg"],title(main = "Luxembourg"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="France"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="France"],title(main = "France"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Italy"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Italy"],title(main = "Italy"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Spain"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Spain"],title(main = "Spain"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Portugal"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Portugal"],title(main = "Portugal"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Germany"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Germany"],title(main = "Germany"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Austria"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Austria"],title(main = "Austria"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="Ireland"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="Ireland"],title(main = "Ireland"))
boxplot(data$distance[data$countryname=="UK"]~data$alliance[data$countryname=="UK"],title(main = "UK"))
I think this could replace all your lines and fix your problem:
for (i in data$countryname)
boxplot(distance~alliance, subset(data, countryname==i), main=i)
But that's hard to verify without a reproducible example or some of your data.frame.
Based on the documentation, you should be assigning a title to your boxplots by making explicit calls to the function title(), rather than as a parameter in the call to boxplot(). The first two calls to generate your boxplots should look something like the following:
title(main = "Sweden")
title(main = "Norway")

Issues with formatting header in R prior to using plot() function

I have a data set that I've successfully read into R. It's a simple data.frame with ONE ROW of data (I'm not sure how many columns, but its in the hundreds). It was read with column headers, but no row labels. So the data set looks something like this:
df=structure(list(X500000 = 0.0958904109589041, X1500000 = 0.10958904109589, X2500000 = 0.10958904109589, X3500000 = 0.164383561643836, X4500000 = 0.136986301369863, X5500000 = 0.205479452054795, X6500000 = 0.136986301369863, X7500000 = 0.0273972602739726, X8500000 = 0.0821917808219178, X9500000 = 0.178082191780822), .Names = c("X500000", "X1500000", "X2500000", "X3500000", "X4500000", "X5500000", "X6500000", "X7500000", "X8500000", "X9500000"), class = "data.frame", row.names = 79L)
Except that it is MUCH LARGER (I don't know if it matters, but it has around 300 columns going across). I'm trying to plot it so that the X##### labels are on the x axis, and the value of each data point is plotted on the y axis (say like a scatter plot on excel or even a line graph). Doing just plot(df) gives me an extremely bizarre graph that makes no sense to me (a bunch of boxes each with a dot right in the centre and no labels?).
I have a feeling it might work if I were to transform the data frame into a vector by removing the headings and then adding x-axis labels individually afterwards and doing a plot() on the vector, but if there is a way of avoiding that it would be great....
As explained in '?plot', 'x' and 'y' must be two vectors of numerics, of same size:
df=structure(list(X500000 = 0.0958904109589041, X1500000 = 0.10958904109589, X2500000 = 0.10958904109589, X3500000 = 0.164383561643836, X4500000 = 0.136986301369863, X5500000 = 0.205479452054795, X6500000 = 0.136986301369863, X7500000 = 0.0273972602739726, X8500000 = 0.0821917808219178, X9500000 = 0.178082191780822), .Names = c("X500000", "X1500000", "X2500000", "X3500000", "X4500000", "X5500000", "X6500000", "X7500000", "X8500000", "X9500000"), class = "data.frame", row.names = 79L)
plot(x=as.numeric(substr(names(df),2,nchar(names(df)))), as.numeric(df), xlab="This is xlab", ylab="This is y")

