django cms - put existing plugin instance into placeholder - django-cms

The custom CMSPlugin my_plugin has been saved already.
Now, I would like to put it into the placeholder my_placeholder.
my_plugin.placeholder = my_placeholder
leads to an empty plugin in my_placeholder although my_plugin has content.
What steps do I miss?

This works:
my_plugin.placeholder = my_placeholder
my_plugin.plugin_type = CMSPluginBase_ChildClass
my_plugin.language = 'en'
my_plugin.position = 0
It is necessary to explicitly set the plugin type, because one CMSPlugin, i.e. one class inheriting from CMSPlugin, might serve for the configuration of several classes inheriting from CMSPluginBase.
I havn't tested if defining language and position is really necessary, but it's probably a good idea.


Override DS default layout

Using Drupal 8
I need to override the default DS "One Column Layout".To do that I use the suggested template name: ds-1col--tools-tools.html.twig . I have placed that file in various locations and then cleared cache but Drupal never picks up on it:
None of this places work, what could I possibly be doing wrong?
Through a comment from #Matoeil , I looked through Twig Debug's suggestions and they suggested a different kind of name for the file. When using Twig debugs suggestion, it recognized it right away.
So I suppose the suggestions made by Display Suite don't seem to work very well.

Meteor how to save templates in mongo

I want to give my users the possibility to create document templates (contracts, emails, etc.)
The best option I figured out would be to store these document templates in mongo (maybe I'm wrong...)
I've been searching for a couple of hours now but I can't figure out how to render these document template with their data context.
Template stored in Mongo: "Dear {{firstname}}"
data context: {firstname: "Tom"}
On Tom's website, He should read: "Dear Tom"
How can I do this?
After some researches, I discovered a package called spacebars-compiler that brings the option to compile to the client:
meteor add spacebars-compiler
I then tried something like this:
Template.doctypesList.rendered = ->
content = "<div>" + + "</div>"
template = Spacebars.compile content
rendered = UI.dynamic(template,{name:"nicolas"})
UI.insert(rendered, $(this).closest(".widget-body"))
but it doesn't work.
the template gets compiled but then, I don't know how to interpret it with its data context and to send it back to the web page.
I'm getting closer thanks to Tom.
This is what I did:
Template.doctypesList.rendered = ->
content =
console.log content
templateName = "template_#{}"
Template.__define__(templateName, () -> content)
rendered = UI.renderWithData(eval("Template.#{templateName}"),{name:"nicolas"})
UI.insert(rendered, $("#content_" +
This works excepted the fact that the name is not injected into the template. UI.renderWithData renders the template but without the data context...
The thing your are missing is the call to (undocumented!) Template.__define__ which requires the template name (pick something unique and clever) as the first argument and the render function which you get from your space bars compiler. When it is done you can use {{> UI.dynamic}} as #Slava suggested.
There is also another way to do it, by using UI.Component API, but I guess it's pretty unstable at the moment, so maybe I will skip this, at least for now.
Use UI.dynamic:
It is fairly new and didn't make its way to docs for some reason.
There are few ways to achieve what you want, but I would do it like this:
You're probably already using underscore.js, if not Meteor has core package for it.
You could use underscore templates ( like this:
var templateString = 'Dear <%= firstname %>'
and later compile it using
_.template(templateString, {firstname: "Tom"})
to get Dear Tom.
Of course you can store templateString in MongoDB in the meantime.
You can set delimiters to whatever you want, <%= %> is just the default.
Compiled template is essentially htmljs notation Meteor uses (or so I suppose) and it uses Template.template_name.lookup to render correct data. Check in console if Template.template_name.lookup("data_helper")() returns the correct data.
I recently had to solve this exact (or similar) problem of compiling templates client side. You need to make sure the order of things is like this:
Compiled template is present on client
Template data is present (verify with Template.template_name.lookup("data_name")() )
Render the template on page now
To compile the template, as #apendua have suggested, use (this is how I use it and it works for me)
Template.__define__(name, eval(Spacebars.compile(
newHtml, {
isTemplate: true,
sourceName: 'Template "' + name + '"'
After this you need to make sure the data you want to render in template is available before you actually render the template on page. This is what I use for rendering template on page:
UI.DomRange.insert(UI.render(Template.template_name).dom, document.body);
Although my use case for rendering templates client side is somewhat different (my task was to live update the changed template overriding meteor's hot code push), but this worked best among different methods of rendering the template.
You can check my very early stage package which does this here:
I am fairly new to real-world programming so my code might be ugly, but may be it'll give you some pointers to solve your problem. (If you find me doing something stupid in there, or see something which is better done some other way, please feel free to drop a comment. That's the only way I get feedback for improvement as I am new and essentially code alone sitting in my dark corner).

Migrating from (now obsolete) custom ATImage content type

We had a whole collection of Plone 3 sites with a custom Image type
subclassed from ATImage. This allowed us to add an extra image scaling to the
standard list ("'logo':(454, 58)", used by our theme package).
While this still works in Plone 4, it isn't really the correct approach now that is part of the standard toolkit. That can define custom scales on
the fly.
It looks like I can enable on any type subclassed
from ATImage by simply setting "sizes = None" for the collection of custom
scales on the type. I am however then left with a redundant subclass of ATImage.
Looking long term, it would be useful to replace all of our existing "FalconImage"
content items (hundreds in total) with standard "Image" content items.
A brief experiment on a test site reveals that if I just walk through the document
tree updating the portal_type attribute from "FalconImage" to "Image" then
the content behaves as an "Image": each object suddenly acquires a
Transform tab and all of the scales defined by ##imaging-controlpanel.
I am sure that there would be fallout from such a brute force approach.
Is there a recommended approach for transforming one type into another?
(I'm happy to add source for our custom ATImage type if anyone thinks that
it is relevant. It is really just a very minimal tweak of ATImage, with a
different collection of sizes on the ImageField)
Yes, there is a recommended approach:
The only thing that you have to do is to write a custom migration from FalconImage to Image.
You need to use Products.contentmigration but the docs there are no place to start. Use the docs at for a step-by-step on migrating content.
Thanks to Giacomo and Ross for the pointers.
Just in case it is useful to others, my migration code ended up looking like the following:
from Products.contentmigration.walker import CustomQueryWalker
from Products.contentmigration.archetypes import InplaceATItemMigrator
class FalconImageMigrator(InplaceATItemMigrator):
walker = CustomQueryWalker
src_meta_type = "FalconImage"
src_portal_type = "FalconImage"
dst_meta_type = "ATBlob"
dst_portal_type = "Image"
# Following stolen from, ATImageToBlobImageMigrator
# migrate all fields except 'image', which needs special handling...
fields_map = {
'image': None,
def migrate_data(self):'image').getMutator(
# ATFileToBlobMigrator reindexes certain fields. Otherwise we
# need to clear and rebuild the entire catalog.
def last_migrate_reindex(self):['object_provides', 'portal_type',
'Type', 'UID'])
migrator = FalconImageMigrator
walker = migrator.walker(portal, FalconImageMigrator)
print walker.getOutput()
Image is a little odd as a destination type, as data gets migrated into the blob store.
We need to update the catalog so that "resolveuid/UID" links generated by TinyMCE
continue to work. last_migrate_reindex() method on Migrator class should be faster than clearing and rebuilding the entire catalog from scratch.

Drupal Panel Pages Pathauto

I have a Panel Page set up with the path node/%node/foo and all works fine when I visit a link such as node/6/foo. However, when I visit nodealias/foo it doesn't work at all. Is it possible to get panels to work with pathauto in this way?
I am thinking I may have to implement the hook hook_url_inbound_alter and change the url myself.
I also posted a support request in the panels module here:
As Alexey answers panels doesn't care about aliases, it only sees node/%nid
Here's a good explanation that is valid still for D7:
To summarize and bring it up to date for D7:
Export your variant for the panel you've created and import it into the panel that overrides the default node display in Drupal.
Add Criterias to the variant so the Panel/variant is only used for the type(s) of content you want to display with this variant.
Voila :) (read the discussion at the link, else the summary will be difficult to understand)
Hope this helps - I myself have spend some time googling and trying to understand this, and I was also confused by the fact that Views DOES care about aliases...
I fixed this using the following code, you would need to alter the pattern to match the pattern of your url aliases and alter the function name to match your module's name.
function brooklands_url_inbound_alter(&$path, $original_path, $path_language) {
$pattern = '#^works\/[A-Za-z0-9]+(-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\/images(\/\d+)?$#';
if(preg_match($pattern, $original_path)) {
$snip = substr($original_path, 0, strrpos($original_path, '/images'));
$system_path = drupal_lookup_path('source', $snip);
if($system_path) {
$tail = substr($original_path, strrpos($original_path, '/images'));
$path = $system_path . $tail;
You can use this module Subpathauto
it automatically makes the alias to work with subpaths, such as: nodealias/foo
The nodealias is the full alias of your node with nid=6. The third argument (foo) is added through hook_menu() by panels module to the exact alias (node/%nid/%anythingelse) and it is NOT applied to your aliased URL, so you can not use nodealias/foo url to access your panel just because it is not 'hooked' by panels module.
Changing url manually is a good idea, I think.

How do I dynamically change ubercart's default messages from my module

There are some products for which I would like to have a special checkout complete message that would differ from the default.
I know that I could probably do this by changing the default redirect page to something else. [And I'm not sure if that would introduce another problem]
However, I would like to know if there is a standard/better way of approaching this problem.
Consider the String Overrides module. Here is a quote about it (from the module's project page):
Provides a quick and easy way to replace any text on the site.
Easily replace anything that's passed through t()
Locale support, allowing you to override strings in any language
Ability to import/export *.po files, for easy migration from the Locale module
Note that this is not a replacement to Locale as having thousands of overrides can cause more pain then benefit. Use this only if you need a few easy text changes.
I guess the only other possible way of doing what I am thinking of is to override the theme function that ubercart uses to display the message. And this probably seems like it would make the most sense.
In this case I would override theme_uc_cart_complete_sale
I could set a
$_SESSION['is_special_product'] == TRUE;
and then set $message to my $special_message if it's been set.
if ($_SESSION['special_product']) {
$special_message = t('This is my special message');
$message = variable_get('special_product_message', $special_message;
Finally, to override from my module I will need to hook into the pre-process hook:
function $modulename_prepocess_$hook(&$message) {
if ($_SESSION['special_product']) {
$special_message = t('This is my special message');
$message = variable_get('special_product_message', $special_message;
It is important to note that it is not enough to have this function in your module. The preprocess functions are only invoked when the template file that overrides the theme function is called.
More details can be found at
