How to do foreach in Meteor with Mongo? - meteor

Have collection
Peoples = new Mongo.Collection('peoples');
name: ["Mark", "John", "Kate"]
I want to show all names in name
<template name="pTable">
<tr class="trJob">
{{#each names}}
{{> peopleName}}
<template name="peopleName">
What in my Temlate helpers
names: function(){
return Posts.tags;
name: function(){
return Posts.tags.find();
I know that i have sh*** code in my Template helpers, any idea how to make it good ?
It must look like (in DOM)

simple array example
names: function(){
return [1,2,3];
<template name="home">
{{#each names}}
will print:
1 2 3
each item becomes "this" inside the each loop. if you call another template within the loop, then its "this" will be populated by the item

Since you have different names for your collection, I will stick with the first one Peoples
Here is how I would proceed with your helpers:
names: function(){
return People.find({_id:yourId},{fields:{name:1}}).fetch();
And your peopleName template would be like this:
<template name="peopleName">
If you need to get all the names of all your documents, I need to nest your {{#each names}} into another {{#each doc}} where doc helper is like this (updated names as well) :
doc: function(){
return People.find().fetch();
names: function(){
return People.find({},{fields:{name:1}}).fetch();


Meteor Blaze display array

I have collections like this:
I want to iterate over object.questions.teema for example.
I have helper:{
theGame: function() {
var theGame = Game.findOne({_id:"LhQmaZKW8eJNenyX9"})
return theGame
and template:
<template name="game">
{{#with theGame}}
{{#each theGame.questions}}
But it doesnt work, what is wrong with the template?
'#each theGame.questions' Will not work inside the #with, because you can access the 'theGame' object directly.
The point is when you try to get theGame object inside the #with it will return you undefined, because 'theGame' object does not have theGame property, Which you want to access inside #with block.
<template name="game">
{{#with theGame}}
{{#each questions}}
//Thie #each because you have nested array. As I can see in your console log.
{{#each this}}
What is {{teema}} supposed to be?
Regardless, as you can see from your console.log statement, {{theGame.questions}} returns another array. But that array returns objects. This is really hard to query for with Blaze.
The better solution would be to flatten it out so that your data is shaped like this:
questions: [
a: 'asdfkjah',
level: 'askdjfhal',
q: 'asdkfh',
teema: 'asdkfjh'
vaartus: 100
This way you don't have an array nested in an array. That will allow you to:
{{#with theGame}}
{{#each theGame.questions}}
theGame.questions is an array (that you iterate over) of array of objects which have the teema key. So you still need to iterate over the 2nd level array, or define a specific item in that array before you can eventually reach the object with teema property.
Maybe something like:
{{#with theGame}}
{{#each questions}}
{{#each this}}
But it depends on why you have these 2-level arrays in the first place.

Meteor: Spacebars each parameter

I'm new to Meteor.js and have run into a problem.
I am passing in a user object to a profile template e.g.:
_id: "D8JpXRQskm3grykjg",
username: "foo",
profile: {communities: ["AkGCakz6mSgMb8qyS", "j8aB3i5iscrC4ehkA"]},
<template name="profile">
<h1> {{username}}: {{_id}} </h1>
{{#each profile.communities}}
{{> communityItem}}
The problem is I've already written a communityItem template that I am using elsewhere which accepts the communityName. Is there a way that I can write a helper function, passing in the communityIds list that would return a list of community names? I would like:
{{#each getCommunityNames(profile.communities)}}
{{> communityItem}}
I could very well be approaching the problem the wrong way or not writing in a "Spacebars" fashion. Thanks!
sure you can:
getCommunityNames: function(commIds) {
var communities = Communities.find({_id: {$in: commIds}}).fetch();
return _.pluck(communities, 'name'); // returns ['Name 1', 'Name 2'];
Note, the syntax method param not method(param)
{{#each getCommunityNames profile.communities}}

Meteorjs loop on id and get object

I have a collection A which have an embedded array of different IDs.
These IDs are id of collection B.
How can I loop inside a template to all of these B's id and get the associated ?
A template :
<template name="Atemplate">
<h1>Name of A : {{name}}</h1>
{{#each Bs}}
{{> Btemplate}}
B template :
<template name="Btemplate">
<h1>Name of B : {{name}}</h1>
what about B template.js ?
If I understand the question right, the context for Btemplate is an id. So in the name helper you could find the document by that id like so:
name: function() {
var doc = B.findOne(String(this));
return doc &&;
Alternatively (and someone preferably) is to set the Btemplate context to an instance of a B:
allBs: function() {
return B.find({_id: {$in: this.Bs}});
You'd need to modify you A template code as follows:
{{#each allBs}}
{{> Btemplate}}
And now you don't need to modify the original implementation of Btemplate. I'd also recommend reading the templates articles from here.

Collections not showing on page

I have published a countries collection which I want to show in a table in the countriesList template. So I have added this to the router:
Router.route('/countries_list', {
name: 'countriesList',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('countries');
data: function() {
return Countries.find();
And this is how the template looks like:
{{#each countries}}
But the page stays empty. However, the collection is filled on the client, if I check the browser console and do Countries.findOne();, I get this result:
Object {_id: "WWJhMBne4CiEdbbdg", name: "England"}
So what am I doing wrong here?
You template is making the assumption that the cursor is being stored in coutries. It isn't. It would be if your data hook looked like:
return {countries: Countries.find()};
As your code is written, the cursor is the context for your template so this should work:
{{#each this}}

Dynamically insert template into table row

I have a table with data coming from a collection. When user clicks on a row I want to replace the content of the row with a form to edit the content. What would be the meteor way to do it without jQuery, if possible?
<template name="table">
{{#each items}}
{{> showrow}}
<template name="showrow">
<template name="editrow">
… form html …
Essentially, it's about replacing the showrowtemplate witn the editrow for onw row, I think. Is that a reasonable approach? Any pointers?
You could use a logical helper
<template name="table">
{{#each items}}
{{#if editmode}}
{{> showrow}}
Then in your template helper
Template.table.editrow = function() {
return (this.editmode)
this lets you access the data context that would be in the collection for that particular item in the loop. So if you had a editmode:true for that item it would use the edit row instead.
Ok, that was easier than expected. 1:0 for Meteor:
I used the MongoDB _id as identifier of each row, in a data attribute: data-id="{{_id}}".
Then I set up a click event handler on <tr>-elements:{
'click tr': function(event, template) {
Session.set(editBookingId, event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-id'));
A template helper listens to incoming ids and returns true if the ids match:{
'isEdited': function(id) {
return Session.get(editBookingId) == id;
In the template, I decide with {{#if}} whether to display the normal row or an edit dialog:
{{#if isEdited _id}}EDIT{{/if}}
Very little code. Very nice. Thanks for the pointers.
