Unity injection of an instance inside WebAPI action - unity-container

I am stuck with this and I wonder what is the best way to approach this problem. I have a WebApi controller where I want to inject ICommand instance but I can know what is the instance I need once I inspect the Post request data. I'll give an example to be more clear but my question also applies to Winform events where you receive an event argument and depending of this event arg you want to have different implementation injected.
public class TestController : ApiController
public object Post(int id)
ICommand command = null;
if(id = 1)
command = new Id1Command();
command = new Id2Command();
return new object();
The only thing I can think of is creating a factory that accepts unity container as argument and inside that factory to call container.Resolve with named instance.
My problem with that is that I am taught that you shouldn't register or resolve outside your composition root and that is violation of the good practices (according Mark Seemann). I am looking for the best design for this problem in general.

I would use a CommandFactory and pass it to the TestController:
public class TestController : ApiController
private readonly ICommandFactory mCommandFactory;
public TestController(ICommandFactory CommandFactory)
mCommandFactory = CommandFactory;
public object Post(int id)
ICommand command = null;
if(id = 1)
command = CommandFactory.CreateId1Command();
command = CommandFactory.CreateId2Command();
return new object();
Now you have to make sure that Unity is creating the TestController. To do so, you have to implement, configure and set an IDependencyResolver. Check Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web API 2.
Edit to your comment:
For this scenario you can use an autofactory using a functor that takes an int:
public class TestController : ApiController
private readonly Func<int, ICommand> mCommandFactory
public TestController(Func<int, ICommand> CommandFactory)
mCommandFactory = CommandFactory;
public object Post(int id)
var command mCommandFactory(id);
return new object();
The registration should look like this:
container.RegisterType<Func<int, ICommand>>(new InjectionFactory(
c => new Func<int, ICommand>(
id =>
if (id == 1)
return new Command();
return new Command2();
Note: You still have to set the DependencyResolver!


Error in CreateInstance() while dynamically creating object of concrete type in Factory Pattern

I am actually new to design patterns and trying to implement factory pattern with .NET Core.
I tried to see couple of posts related to factory pattern and trying to implement it, I have added the concrete types in the config and reading it as dictionary in my code -
My Factory Interface -
public interface IEmpFactory
public BaseEmployee CreateEmployeeType<EmpType>()
where EmpType : BaseEmployee, new();
Implementation -
public class EmpFactoryImpl : IEmpFactory
public BaseEmployee CreateEmployeeType<EmpType>()
where EmpType: BaseEmployee, new()
return new EmpType();
Below are my services which are using the Factory as dependency -
public interface IEmpService
public string GetEmployeeBonus();
public class ContractEmpService : IEmpService
IEmpFactory _empFactory;
public ContractEmpService(IEmpFactory empFactory) =>
_empFactory = empFactory;
private BaseEmployee CreateMyEmployee() =>
public string GetEmployeeBonus() =>
return CreateMyEmployee().GetBonus();
public class PermEmpService : IEmpService
private readonly IEmpFactory _empFactory;
public PermEmpService(IEmpFactory empFactory) =>
_empFactory = empFactory;
private BaseEmployee CreateMyEmployee() =>
public string GetEmployeeBonus() =>
Added these concrete types in the config -
"ConfigurationProps": {
"EmpServices": {
"PermEmp": "SimpleFactoryWithoutSwitchCase.Service.PermEmpService",
"ContractEmp": "SimpleFactoryWithoutSwitchCase.Service.ContractEmpService"
Created the class to create a instance of the concrete type based on the type i.e, PermEmp or ContractEmp dynamically -
public class EmployeeTypeRouter : IEmployeeTypeRouter
private readonly ConfigurationProps _props;
public EmployeeTypeRouter(ConfigurationProps props)
_props = props;
public IEmpService GetInstance(string key)
string className = _props.EmpServices
.Where(k => k.Key.Equals(key)).FirstOrDefault().Value;
Type t = Type.GetType(className);
return (IEmpService)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
This is my calling method -
[HttpGet(Name = "GetEmployeeBonus")]
public string Get()
string type = "PermEmp";
IEmpService empService = _empRouter.GetInstance(type);
return empService.GetEmployeeBonus();
based on the type passed here i want to fetch the concrete type and call the method.
I am getting the error like this on CreateInstance method -
System.MissingMethodException: `Cannot dynamically create an instance of type 'SimpleFactoryWithoutSwitchCase.Service.PermEmpService'. Reason: No parameterless constructor defined.'
Which is very clear, but I don't want to create a parameterless constructor.
Since I am registering the dependencies in .NET Core, do I need to pass it again here? (which does not make sense for me)
Any help is really appreciated or if you feel I am doing something wrong please let me know.
Your EmployeeTypeRouter class tries to replicate the creation process that your DI Container can do more eloquently. So instead of calling Activator.CreateInstance, forward the resolution to the DI Container.
This means the following things:
Register all known IEmpService at startup.
Resolve the expected type from the IServiceProvider from inside the EmployeeTypeRouter.
In other words, change the startup code to the following:
var dictionary = props.EmpServices
.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => Type.GetType(p.Value));
foreach (string pair in dictionary)
services.AddTransient<IEmployeeTypeRouter, EmployeeTypeRouter>();
services.AddTransient<Func<string, IEmpService>>(sp =>
key => (IEmpService)sp.GetRequiredService(dictionary[key]));
And change EmployeeTypeRouter to the following:
public class EmployeeTypeRouter : IEmployeeTypeRouter
private readonly Func<string, IEmpService> _factory;
public EmployeeTypeRouter(Func<string, IEmpService> factory)
_factory = factory;
public IEmpService GetInstance(string key) =>
In the previous code snippet, EmployeeTypeRouter makes use of the Func<string, IEmpService> delegate, which functions as factory. Under the covers the delegate calls back into the IServiceProvider.
There are of course several ways to skin a cat. You could also move some of the startup logic into EmployeeTypeRouter, or even remove the IEmployeeTypeRouter altogether and let application code depend directly on Func<string, IEmpService> delegate.

An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'XXXXController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor

I have created a asp.net web api project and implemented the below HTTP GET method in AccountController and the related service method & repository method in AccountService & AccountRepository respectively.
public class AccountController : ApiController
private readonly IAccountService _accountService;
public AccountController(IAccountService accountService)
_accountService = accountService;
[HttpGet, ActionName("UserProfile")]
public JsonResult<decimal> GetUserSalary(int userID)
var account = _accountService.GetUserSalary(userID);
if (account != null)
return Json(account.Salary);
return Json(0);
Service / Business Layer
public interface IAccountService
decimal GetUserSalary(int userId);
public class AccountService : IAccountService
readonly IAccountRepository _accountRepository = new AccountRepository();
public decimal GetUserSalary(int userId)
return _accountRepository.GetUserSalary(userId);
Repository / Data Access Layer
public interface IAccountRepository
decimal GetUserSalary(int userId);
public class AccountRepository : IAccountRepository
public decimal GetUserSalary(int userId)
using (var db = new AccountEntities())
var account = (from b in db.UserAccounts where b.UserID == userId select b).FirstOrDefault();
if (account != null)
return account.Salary;
return 0;
public static class UnityConfig
public static void RegisterComponents()
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IAccountService, AccountService>();
container.RegisterType<IAccountRepository, AccountRepository>();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container);
But when I invoke the API method GetUserSalary() I get an error saying
An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'AccountController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor.
Check that you did not forget to register Unity IoC container itself:
if you use ASP.NET Framework it could be - Global.asax or Startap.cs (Owin) via UnityConfig.RegisterComponents() method.
if you use ASP.NET Core then in the Startup.cs file (I was unable to find official guides for its configuting)
Your current constructor has parameters (or args if you prefer).
public AccountController(IAccountService accountService)
_accountService = accountService;
All you need to do is add a "Parameter-less Constructor" into the controller as well.
public AccountController()
Parameter-less constructors are usually above the ones that have params, though as far as I am aware this is only due to standards not any actual effect(s) it may cause.
There is also an already existing issue/question similar to this I will link below that may provide further details.
Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor error

IConfigureOptions<T> is not creating scoped options

Typically Options are singleton. However i am building options from the database, and one of the Options property is password which keep changing every month. So i wanted to create Scoped instance of Options. I am using IConfigureOptions<T> like below to build Options from the database
public class MyOptions
public string UserID {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;
public class ConfigureMyOptions : IConfigureOptions<MyOptions>
private readonly IServiceScopeFactory _serviceScopeFactory;
public ConfigureMyOptions(IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory)
_serviceScopeFactory = serviceScopeFactory;
public void Configure(MyOptions options)
using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
var provider = scope.ServiceProvider;
using (var dbContext = provider.GetRequiredService<MyDBContext>())
options.Configuration = dbContext.MyOptions
.Select(x => new MyOptions()
UserID = x.UserID,
Password = x.Password
Use it in controller
public class HomeController : BaseController
private readonly MyOptions _options;
public HomeController(IOptions<MyOptions> option)
_options = option.Value;
public string GetValue()
// do something with _options here
return "Success";
I want to create an instance of MyOptions for every new request so register it as Scoped in startup.cs
services.AddScoped<IConfigureOptions<MyOptions>, ConfigureMyOptions>();
However, when i put debugger inside ConfigureMyOptions's Configure method it only gets hit once for the first request. For next request onward the container returns the same instance (like singleton).
How do i set the scope here so MyOptions will get created for each request?
Use IOptionsSnapshot instead of IOptions in your controller and it will recreate options per request.
Why doesn't work with IOptions:
.AddOptions extension method of Configuration API registers the OptionsManager instance as a singlethon for IOptions<>
services.TryAdd(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton(typeof(IOptions<>), typeof(OptionsManager<>)));
services.TryAdd(ServiceDescriptor.Scoped(typeof(IOptionsSnapshot<>), typeof(OptionsManager<>)));
and OptionsManager class uses caching internally:
public virtual TOptions Get(string name)
name = name ?? Options.DefaultName;
// Store the options in our instance cache
return _cache.GetOrAdd(name, () => _factory.Create(name));
The following issue on github helped to find above: OptionsSnapshot should always be recreated per request

Asynchronous call to webservice in MVC 4 web application

I am building my first real MVC4 application and I have run into following issue.
I have a model for "User" class. Data for it are obtained through asynchronous call to webservice:
public sealed class AdminDMSEntities
public List<User> UserList { get; private set; }
public AdminDMSEntities()
this.UserList = new List<User>(0);
ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient();
client.GetUsersCompleted += (s, e) =>
if (e.Result == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("No users were retrieved");
UserList = new List<User>(0);
e.Result.ForEach(w => this.UserList.Add(new User(w.Guid, w.TrusteeType, w.Username, w.Email, w.LastLogin, w.PasswordChanged, w.IsUsingTempPassword)));
I intend to use this class as I would use class derived from DbContext (if I could use Entity Framework which I cant). So far I have only users in the class.
I am using tis class in UsersController like this:
public class UsersController : Controller
private AdminDMSEntities adminEntities = new AdminDMSEntities();
// GET: /User/
public ActionResult Index()
return View(adminEntities.UserList);
The problem is that I will end up with InvalidOperationException, because controller is not waiting for async call completion and passes UserList to the view before it is properly filled with users.
I can have the call synchronous for the time being, but it is very likely I will be forced to use asynchronous calls later, so I would like to know how to ensure, that controller will wait for async call to be completed before UserList is passed to view...
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I have tried the approach with AsyncController as listed below, currently I have added this to AdminDMS entities class:
public static async Task<AdminDMSEntities> AdminDMSEntitiesAsync()
AdminDMSEntities result = null;
Task<AdminDMSEntities> getUsersAsyncTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new AdminDMSEntities());
await getUsersAsyncTask;
return result;
and this is the change to the controller:
public class UsersController : AsyncController
private AdminDMSEntities adminEntities = null;
// GET: /User/
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
if (adminEntities == null)
adminEntities = await AdminDMSEntities.AdminDMSEntitiesAsync();
return View(adminEntities.UserList);
The result is that adminEntities are containing an instance of the class, but there are no users in the list (there should be 11).
EDIT2: Since i was told that creating new task is not the right thing to do, I went with the first suggested approach removin AdminDMSEntities class from the code. My thanks to Darin for helping me out :)
You could use an asynchronous controller. The idea is to have your controller derive from the AsyncController class instead of the Controller class. This class provides methods that allow you to perform asynchronous operations.
For example:
public class MyController: AsyncController
public void IndexAsync()
var client = new SomeClient();
client.GetUsersCompleted += (s, e) =>
UserList = new List<User>();
AsyncManager.Parameters["users"] = e.Result.Select(
w => new User(
public ActionResult IndexCompleted(IEnumerable<User> users)
return View(users);
and if you are using .NET 4.5 you could even take advantage of the new async keyword simplifying the asynchronous code even further. This is possible if you refactor your data access layer to the new pattern (i.e. return Tasks):
public class MyController: AsyncController
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
var client = new SomeClient();
var users = await client.GetUsersAsync().Select(
w => new User(
return View(users);

Entity framework, consuming context in webform app

Rather simple question regarding entity framework and how to consume the objectcontext.
In a asp.net webform application I am implementing most of data getters in a data class and trying to determine if its better (in a generic sense of better) to have a private context for the entire class or declare a context in each of the methods.
Example 1:
public class Data
private MyEntity context = new MyEntity();
public Customer GetCustomer()
return context.Customer.Single();
public Order GetOrder()
return context.Order.Single();
Or Example 2:
public class Data
public Customer GetCustomer()
using (MyEntity ctx = new MyEntity())
return context.Customer.Single();
public Order GetOrder()
using (MyEntity ctx = new MyEntity())
return context.Order.Single();
Personally im a big fan of using a shared context across your whole post back, however neither of these scenarios really achieve this. My personal preference is to use a dependency injection container such as ninject to manage the lifecycle of your EF context. This means that you can make your whole postback transactional.
in terms of implementation I would go for soemthing like the following:
public class Data
private MyContext _context;
public Data(MyContext context)
_context = context;
public Customer GetCustomer()
return _context.Customer.Single();
public Order GetOrder()
return _context.Order.Single();
with a binding similar to:
