<link> style sheet - restructuredtext

Using Docutils's, is it possible to include a link to a stylesheet in the head: <head>...<link rel=stylesheet href="friendly+dinosaur.css" />...</head>?
So, to clarify, I'm not interested in generating <style>...{{ contents on friendly+dinosaur.css }}...</style> or using #import.
I've noticed there's the --link-stylesheet although it takes no arguments, instead just adding a reference to html4css1.css. --stylesheet-path appears to be unrelated to my question.

You were almost there. The --link-stylesheet flag sets stylesheet linking behavior on (rather than embedding) and then you give the name of the stylesheet you want to link with --stylesheet my_style.css. html4css1.css showed up because it's the default stylesheet.


Enforcing noopener noreferrer with grunt-htmllint

I recently was using create-react-app and noticed that the <a> tag in App.js was using the noopener noreferrer attributes. I also noticed that scattered throughout our code-base, are <a> tags which do not use the above attributes.
I wanted to, using grunt-htmllint, add a rule that would enforce the adding of these attributes but am having trouble with the value that I should add to what I think would be "tag-req-attr".
The documentation for the rule is listed here, but the usage for me is confusing. How can I set the specified <a> tag to include said rules?
I am looking for a way to enforce that the rel attribute contains both noopener and noreferrere.g.:
My Link
According to,, it looks like noreferrer handles both cases: rel="noreferrer" attribute has the same effect, but also prevents the Referer header from being sent to the new page.
In that case, simply using the link-req-noopener rule should be sufficient.

Is there a way to set non-style attributes in a website's css file?

Suppose I want all <textarea>s to have some property, but I don't want to modify all pages individually. The website uses a common .css file for all pages.
If it's a change of fonts, padding, paragraph colouring, etc, it's easy, I modify the site .css file and all pages inherit.
But what about adding attribs like onkeydown="STRING" (sorry, not onclick) or autocomplete="off" - can I do that in any way through the .css file, or do I have no choice but hard-coding in each textarea or adding an onload script to every page that has text area elements?
From my answer here:
CSS is not HTML. You cannot set or change the value of an HTML attribute using CSS.
If you're trying to assign metadata to a class name which then applies to all elements with that class name, that's (again) completely outside of the purview of CSS, and simply not possible in HTML. The only way to assign metadata to an element is to specify it as an attribute on that element. (You can move the attribute declarations to a script if you don't want to specify the attributes on every instance of that class within the markup, but at the end of the day the script still has to populate each element's dataset with those values. Depending on your needs, though, this may be sufficient.)
You don't need to add an onclick handler to every page that contains textareas. You can put the handler in a script and link to that script in every page, just as you would a stylesheet. If you mean you want to do this from the stylesheet alone without modifying the pages or introducing another external file, then the point about CSS not being HTML, or JavaScript for that matter, remains.
If that's still not an option, I'm afraid there are no alternatives. There certainly aren't any for the autocomplete attribute.

How to compile css file

I've seen this on a site:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
which need to be underlined assets-styles.css?v=12355"
How to compile css file as above?
is it possible with less or sass?
And How about this?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
CSS files are not to be compiled.
The reason the URI parameter is there could be it is not really a CSS file that's called, but a PHP engine (with mod_rewrite) that returns a CSS file based on the given parameter.
Another reason to use parameters is to force web browser to fetch the stylesheet again when necessary.
That has nothing todo with Compiling CSS! You use it for Cache Control. Everytime the CSS File gets changed they just need to change the numer and the new version gets requested.
In the 1st Link you posted ist a GET Variable therefore ist more likely to be vor some inernal Processing

How do I apply styling to my custom intro page?

I made my own welcome intro page using org.eclipse.ui.intro and I'm able to show my welcome extended with other contributors.
Now I'd like to decore my welcome with some css, and I have two question:
1) How can I apply predefined eclipse css (i.e Slate) to my page? I've already tried putting org.eclipse.ui.intro/INTRO_THEME = org.eclipse.ui.intro.universal.slate in plugin_customizazion.ini without success
2) there's a way to extend css to contributors without giving them the css file??? I mean there a way for contributors to use my own css if it is only inside my plugin (or eclipse plugin if i will be able to use "slate" style?)
Eclipse SDK Help
The only way to select a theme is via the preference org.eclipse.ui.intro/INTRO_THEME in plugin_customization.ini.
Theme-enabled intro implementation must make all the references to style and presentation resources using the $theme$ substitution variable. Absolute paths for images, pages, styles, etc. will be computed by resolving the substitution variable using the path of the currently active theme.
See Intro Content XML Format as well.
To answer the second question, if you define an intro theme which include your css file, other plugins will be able to use it for sure.
Ok, now I've learned more about themes, but I think I have some problem with path.
I've defined my own theme, css and graphics, so I extend theme by configExtension. But when I load my application the welcome page doesn't load css neither images. I've also defined org.eclipse.ui.intro/INTRO_THEME in plugin_customization.ini.
I have a structure similar to slate template like this
in graphics there are all images definitions whlile in html there are css
then in intro I have my root.xhtml (referenced by intro.xml)
with this css reference
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$themes$/html/root-ie.css" type="text/css" charset="utf-8" />
finally I've defined configExtension with theme
I think maybe the problem is with the path, I've also tried with path="resources/intro"
path="/resources/intro/" and path="resources/intro/" withous success
could someone post a simple but complete working sample please?

css file not getting updated

the font of the content of my facebook app keeps getting italicized even when i've removed the italics from the css file. if i make minor changes in the css file and upload it to the server, the firebug shows the unedited previous css file and hence, the app keeps showing unformatted content. what exactly is going wrong here?
i made a new css file and copied the contents of the previous css exactly as it was, and i linked it in all the files which require css. but when i upload these files to the server, facebook canvas doesn't show any css at all. i replaced the css filename with the previous one, and it works. why is this?
Actually it looks like facebook is currently experiencing some weird problems with styling. It doesn't cache any new styles, only displays what was previously cached (from yesterday). If you provide a new stylesheet url it will not be able to pull it up (like that url doesn't exist).
During normal conditions what others already suggested should work.
Facebook does like to cache things. Persistently. I don't know why the new file wouldn't have worked, by I can recommend 'spoofing' your css filename with a spurious querystring variable, and incrementing it each time you make an update.
Sounds like the browser is caching your CSS file, which is why even Firebug sees the older version.
There are numerous ways you can prevent the browser from caching your CSS file during development (once in production mode, you probably want it to remain in the cache). The most common technique used by web frameworks like Ruby on Rails is to append a random query string to the URL, like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css?96234987" />
...but the trick is that it should be different every time, so the browser thinks it's a different file.
Here are links to a simple trick for PHP, a JSP example, and other possible methods.
According to Include files on facebook developer wiki:
Stylesheet includes are cached automatically by Facebook. Just include a tag like:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"
href="" />
Increment the version number upon each change to your style sheet, as specified above.
