Could someone look at the following packet capture and tell me what may be happening? Packet 57 shows the TCP reset from the server side. This is not expected. After the TCP reset, retrans packets are still arriving. Could the reason for the TCP reset be explained by this data?
49 2022-04-26 10:35:20.613859 TLSv1.2 476 Application Data
50 2022-04-26 10:35:20.613891 TCP 66 15189 → 2017 [ACK] Seq=45 Ack=7929 Win=19203 Len=0 TSval=1662586616 TSecr=1410411633
51 2022-04-26 10:35:20.803241 TLSv1.2 384 Application Data
52 2022-04-26 10:35:20.803289 TCP 66 15189 → 2017 [ACK] Seq=45 Ack=8247 Win=19203 Len=0 TSval=1662586806 TSecr=1410411823
53 2022-04-26 10:35:20.992987 TLSv1.2 97 Application Data
54 2022-04-26 10:35:20.993041 TCP 66 15189 → 2017 [ACK] Seq=45 Ack=8278 Win=19203 Len=0 TSval=1662586995 TSecr=1410412013
55 2022-04-26 10:35:23.898574 TLSv1.2 97 Application Data
56 2022-04-26 10:35:23.898613 TCP 66 15189 → 2017 [ACK] Seq=45 Ack=8309 Win=19203 Len=0 TSval=1662589901 TSecr=1410414918
57 2022-04-26 10:35:23.900616 TCP 54 2017 → 15189 [RST, ACK] Seq=8309 Ack=45 Win=19203 Len=0
58 2022-04-26 10:35:24.106220 TCP 97 [TCP Spurious Retransmission] 2017 → 15189 [PSH, ACK] Seq=8278 Ack=45 Win=277 Len=31 TSval=1410415126 TSecr=1662586995
59 2022-04-26 10:35:24.106255 TCP 54 15189 → 2017 [RST] Seq=45 Win=0 Len=0
60 2022-04-26 10:35:24.244805 TLSv1.2 475 Application Data
61 2022-04-26 10:35:24.244835 TCP 54 15189 → 2017 [RST] Seq=45 Win=0 Len=0
62 2022-04-26 10:35:24.314219 TCP 506 [TCP Retransmission] 2017 → 15189 [PSH, ACK] Seq=8278 Ack=45 Win=277 Len=440 TSval=1410415334 TSecr=1662586995
63 2022-04-26 10:35:24.314260 TCP 54 15189 → 2017 [RST] Seq=45 Win=0 Len=0
64 2022-04-26 10:35:24.746226 TCP 506 [TCP Retransmission] 2017 → 15189 [PSH, ACK] Seq=8278 Ack=45 Win=277 Len=440 TSval=1410415766 TSecr=1662586995
65 2022-04-26 10:35:24.746279 TCP 54 15189 → 2017 [RST] Seq=45 Win=0 Len=0
66 2022-04-26 10:35:25.578251 TCP 506 [TCP Retransmission] 2017 → 15189 [PSH, ACK] Seq=8278 Ack=45 Win=277 Len=440 TSval=1410416598 TSecr=1662586995
67 2022-04-26 10:35:25.578306 TCP 54 15189 → 2017 [RST] Seq=45 Win=0 Len=0
68 2022-04-26 10:35:27.246246 TCP 506 [TCP Retransmission] 2017 → 15189 [PSH, ACK] Seq=8278 Ack=45 Win=277 Len=440 TSval=1410418266 TSecr=1662586995
69 2022-04-26 10:35:27.246286 TCP 54 15189 → 2017 [RST] Seq=45 Win=0 Len=0
70 2022-04-26 10:35:30.698227 TCP 506 [TCP Retransmission] 2017 → 15189 [PSH, ACK] Seq=8278 Ack=45 Win=277 Len=440 TSval=1410421718 TSecr=1662586995
71 2022-04-26 10:35:30.698289 TCP 54 15189 → 2017 [RST] Seq=45 Win=0 Len=0
Any direction is appreciated.
I am trying to trigger HTTP Get request using the code below:
httpBuilder = new HTTPBuilder(url)
httpBuilder.setHeaders(['Authorization':'Basic MyKey'])
httpBuilder.request( GET, JSON ) {
response.success = { resp, reader ->
I know the key is correct but I keep getting "peer not authenticated" from Assembly payment for the url:
I check the exception class and its SSLPeerUnverifiedException. Seems like something to do with the TLS protocol.
I ran the following 2 commands:
echo -n | openssl s_client -connect | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /tmp/
Certificate was download and stored in /tmp/
sudo keytool -importcert -alias "assembly" -file /tmp/ -keystore /opt/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
Certificate was successfully imported into keystore but its still throwing error SSLPeerUnverifiedException exception.
Update 2:
trustStore is: /opt/jdk1.7.0_80/jre/lib/security/cacerts
trustStore type is : jks
trustStore provider is :
init truststore
adding as trusted cert:
Subject: CN=SwissSign Platinum CA - G2, O=SwissSign AG, C=CH
Issuer: CN=SwissSign Platinum CA - G2, O=SwissSign AG, C=CH
Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x4eb200670c035d4f
Valid from Wed Oct 25 14:06:00 IST 2006 until Sat Oct 25 14:06:00 IST 2036
adding as trusted cert:
Subject:, CN=, OU=ValiCert Class 1 Policy Validation Authority, O="ValiCert, Inc.", L=ValiCert Validation Network
Issuer:, CN=, OU=ValiCert Class 1 Policy Validation Authority, O="ValiCert, Inc.", L=ValiCert Validation Network
Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x1
Valid from Sat Jun 26 03:53:48 IST 1999 until Wed Jun 26 03:53:48 IST 2019
adding as trusted cert:
Subject: CN=thawte Primary Root CA, OU="(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=Certification Services Division, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US
Issuer: CN=thawte Primary Root CA, OU="(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=Certification Services Division, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US
Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x344ed55720d5edec49f42fce37db2b6d
Valid from Fri Nov 17 05:30:00 IST 2006 until Thu Jul 17 05:29:59 IST 2036
adding as trusted cert:
Subject: CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority, OU="(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc.", is incorporated by reference, O="Entrust, Inc.", C=US
Issuer: CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority, OU="(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc.", is incorporated by reference, O="Entrust, Inc.", C=US
Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x456b5054
Valid from Tue Nov 28 01:53:42 IST 2006 until Sat Nov 28 02:23:42 IST 2026
adding as trusted cert:
Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x1121bc276c5547af584eefd4ced629b2a285
Valid from Tue May 26 05:30:00 IST 2009 until Tue May 26 05:30:00 IST 2020
adding as trusted cert:
Subject: CN=Global Chambersign Root - 2008, O=AC Camerfirma S.A., SERIALNUMBER=A82743287, L=Madrid (see current address at, C=EU
Issuer: CN=Global Chambersign Root - 2008, O=AC Camerfirma S.A., SERIALNUMBER=A82743287, L=Madrid (see current address at, C=EU
Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0xc9cdd3e9d57d23ce
Valid from Fri Aug 01 18:01:40 IST 2008 until Sat Jul 31 18:01:40 IST 2038
/// Lots of adding as trusted cert messages...........
trigger seeding of SecureRandom
done seeding SecureRandom
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
http-bio-8080-exec-2, setSoTimeout(0) called
Allow unsafe renegotiation: false
Allow legacy hello messages: true
Is initial handshake: true
Is secure renegotiation: false
%% No cached client session
*** ClientHello, TLSv1
GMT: 1513260023
bytes = {
80 }
Session ID:
Compression Methods: {
0 }
Extension elliptic_curves, curve names: {secp256r1, sect163k1, sect163r2, secp192r1, secp224r1, sect233k1, sect233r1, sect283k1, sect283r1, secp384r1, sect409k1, sect409r1, secp521r1, sect571k1, sect571r1, secp160k1, secp160r1, secp160r2, sect163r1, secp192k1, sect193r1, sect193r2, secp224k1, sect239k1, secp256k1}
Extension ec_point_formats, formats: [uncompressed]
[write] MD5 and SHA1 hashes: len = 149
0000: 01 00 00 91 03 01 5A 33 84 F7 3B 16 34 E1 7B 31 ......Z3..;.4..1
0010: 03 28 58 40 B6 61 96 44 62 34 4A 52 AF B8 B5 EF .(X#.a.Db4JR....
0020: 22 3C D6 71 2B 50 00 00 2A C0 09 C0 13 00 2F C0 "<.q+P..*...../.
0030: 04 C0 0E 00 33 00 32 C0 08 C0 12 00 0A C0 03 C0 ....3.2.........
0040: 0D 00 16 00 13 C0 07 C0 11 00 05 C0 02 C0 0C 00 ................
0050: 04 00 FF 01 00 00 3E 00 0A 00 34 00 32 00 17 00 ......>...4.2...
0060: 01 00 03 00 13 00 15 00 06 00 07 00 09 00 0A 00 ................
0070: 18 00 0B 00 0C 00 19 00 0D 00 0E 00 0F 00 10 00 ................
0080: 11 00 02 00 12 00 04 00 05 00 14 00 08 00 16 00 ................
0090: 0B 00 02 01 00 .....
http-bio-8080-exec-2, WRITE: TLSv1 Handshake, length = 149
[Raw write]: length = 154
0000: 16 03 01 00 95 01 00 00 91 03 01 5A 33 84 F7 3B ...........Z3..;
0010: 16 34 E1 7B 31 03 28 58 40 B6 61 96 44 62 34 4A .4..1.(X#.a.Db4J
0020: 52 AF B8 B5 EF 22 3C D6 71 2B 50 00 00 2A C0 09 R...."<.q+P..*..
0030: C0 13 00 2F C0 04 C0 0E 00 33 00 32 C0 08 C0 12 .../.....3.2....
0040: 00 0A C0 03 C0 0D 00 16 00 13 C0 07 C0 11 00 05 ................
0050: C0 02 C0 0C 00 04 00 FF 01 00 00 3E 00 0A 00 34 ...........>...4
0060: 00 32 00 17 00 01 00 03 00 13 00 15 00 06 00 07 .2..............
0070: 00 09 00 0A 00 18 00 0B 00 0C 00 19 00 0D 00 0E ................
0080: 00 0F 00 10 00 11 00 02 00 12 00 04 00 05 00 14 ................
0090: 00 08 00 16 00 0B 00 02 01 00 ..........
http-bio-8080-exec-2, received EOFException: error
http-bio-8080-exec-2, handling exception: Remote host closed connection during handshake
description = handshake_failure
http-bio-8080-exec-2, WRITE: TLSv1 Alert, length = 2
[Raw write]: length = 7
0000: 15 03 01 00 02 02 28 ......(
http-bio-8080-exec-2, called closeSocket()
http-bio-8080-exec-2, IOException in getSession(): Remote host closed connection during handshake
http-bio-8080-exec-2, called close()
http-bio-8080-exec-2, called closeInternal(true)
http-bio-8080-exec-2, called close()
http-bio-8080-exec-2, called closeInternal(true)
Exception peer not authenticated
Finalizer, called close()
Finalizer, called closeInternal(true)
The root certificate of your certificate chain was added to the default trust store with Java 8u51.
You have to do one of the following tasks:
use a new Java version, at least 8u51
allow untrusted certificates in your client
add that specific certificate as trusted certificate
add that root certificate as trusted root certificate
I have a device who connect the home thermostat to internet with wifi.
This device send information about home temperature to producer and using their app I can see this information on the smartphone.
I want to have this information directly without by interrogation on device.
I find with nmap it use 4097 udp port. Now I want to sniff the packet it send or receive to understand what type of command can I use.
What is the best way to do it?
I'm thinking to use my ubuntu has wifi router, conncet the device to it and sniff traffic. It is possibile??
I do it with arpspoffing, and now I'm able to capture udp packes send from the thermostat with wireshark. But this packet data are not human readable... How can I understand this data?
This is the data I sniff:
0000 70 71 bc 6e 64 2e fc e8 92 2d cf 3c 08 00 45 00
0010 00 47 01 f5 00 00 ff 11 93 2f c0 a8 01 02 b0 38
0020 b4 9e 10 01 07 dc 00 33 c7 71 02 01 c2 01 fe e8
0030 92 2d cf 3c ac b4 05 00 00 00 14 00 8a 01 fc e8
0040 92 00 11 6d 58 41 06 00 2d 01 00 03 b7 06 00 01
0050 08 07 11 00 8a
Thank you
Create a new monitoring interface with
iw phy phy0 interface add wlan0mon type monitor
Activate the interface
ifconfig wlan0mon up
Monitor the interface with a packet capture utility
tshark -i wlan0mon
Filter the capture to your thermostat device only
tshark -i wlan0mon -Y eth.addr==<FOUND SOURCE>
Full packet details is obtained by adding -V flag.
Other tools proposal
airmon-ng start wlan0 to start the monitor mode
netsniff-ng, tcpdump, wireshark, ngrep for capture
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am using ggplot to create a scatterplot
mydata <- read.table('CF1_deNovoAssembly.csv', sep=",",hader=TRUE)
ggplot(mydata, aes(log(Consensus.length), log(Average.coverage))) + geom_point()
Data in CF1_deNovoAssembly.csv:
Name Consensus length Total read count Single reads Reads in pairs Average coverage
CF1_seqReads contig 1 mapping 81148 77393 45653 31740 68.39
CF1_seqReads contig 2 mapping 5175 4154 2526 1628 57.33
CF1_seqReads contig 3 mapping 43676 43232 25550 17682 70.951
CF1_seqReads contig 4 mapping 33156 28321 16619 11702 61.458
CF1_seqReads contig 5 mapping 194560 158576 93416 65160 58.476
CF1_seqReads contig 6 mapping 26990 27221 16183 11038 72.267
CF1_seqReads contig 7 mapping 35155 34449 20227 14222 70.2
CF1_seqReads contig 8 mapping 110217 111889 65611 46278 73.075
CF1_seqReads contig 9 mapping 96757 87785 51431 36354 65.275
CF1_seqReads contig 10 mapping 169489 155776 91690 64086 65.993
CF1_seqReads contig 11 mapping 280769 215666 126964 88702 55.204
CF1_seqReads contig 12 mapping 29819 30563 17993 12570 73.624
CF1_seqReads contig 13 mapping 120801 116090 68428 47662 69.046
CF1_seqReads contig 14 mapping 172189 154880 91940 62940 64.499
CF1_seqReads contig 15 mapping 105798 88828 52338 36490 60.352
CF1_seqReads contig 16 mapping 212719 200557 117997 82560 67.748
CF1_seqReads contig 17 mapping 36352 29426 17354 12072 57.996
CF1_seqReads contig 18 mapping 1468 2594 1622 972 126.813
CF1_seqReads contig 19 mapping 123801 121038 71234 49804 70.139
CF1_seqReads contig 20 mapping 231369 226726 133732 92994 70.348
CF1_seqReads contig 21 mapping 125419 110004 64774 45230 62.915
CF1_seqReads contig 22 mapping 125818 113356 67034 46322 64.733
CF1_seqReads contig 23 mapping 53872 50388 29824 20564 67.235
CF1_seqReads contig 24 mapping 118273 99252 58798 40454 60.263
CF1_seqReads contig 25 mapping 5569 19834 11758 8076 257.753
CF1_seqReads contig 26 mapping 48830 47879 28265 19614 70.306
CF1_seqReads contig 27 mapping 33566 32370 19280 13090 69.097
CF1_seqReads contig 28 mapping 8357 6684 4046 2638 56.178
CF1_seqReads contig 29 mapping 82328 71998 42670 29328 62.916
CF1_seqReads contig 30 mapping 55288 52415 31023 21392 68.03
CF1_seqReads contig 31 mapping 49849 44216 26142 18074 63.699
CF1_seqReads contig 32 mapping 66991 69598 41202 28396 74.615
CF1_seqReads contig 33 mapping 210958 187922 110992 76930 63.938
CF1_seqReads contig 34 mapping 95028 86002 51080 34922 64.925
CF1_seqReads contig 35 mapping 25219 22685 13567 9118 65.146
CF1_seqReads contig 36 mapping 52506 44863 26493 18370 61.281
CF1_seqReads contig 37 mapping 44807 37939 22745 15194 60.863
CF1_seqReads contig 38 mapping 30091 25919 15355 10564 62.312
CF1_seqReads contig 39 mapping 49730 42295 25445 16850 60.872
CF1_seqReads contig 40 mapping 35166 27239 16101 11138 55.456
CF1_seqReads contig 41 mapping 58239 54831 32311 22520 67.764
CF1_seqReads contig 42 mapping 78398 69994 41578 28416 64.135
CF1_seqReads contig 43 mapping 79163 61667 36637 25030 55.958
CF1_seqReads contig 44 mapping 46179 37621 22479 15142 58.463
CF1_seqReads contig 45 mapping 1501 1209 715 494 55.69
CF1_seqReads contig 46 mapping 35505 36158 21296 14862 73.271
CF1_seqReads contig 47 mapping 108945 100876 59394 41482 66.479
CF1_seqReads contig 48 mapping 36042 30283 17961 12322 60.289
CF1_seqReads contig 49 mapping 125139 102821 60441 42380 59.021
CF1_seqReads contig 50 mapping 33093 31998 18976 13022 69.715
CF1_seqReads contig 51 mapping 19399 14764 8826 5938 54.607
CF1_seqReads contig 52 mapping 39627 30320 17856 12464 54.848
CF1_seqReads contig 53 mapping 12163 9861 5887 3974 58.008
CF1_seqReads contig 54 mapping 4378 3872 2442 1430 62.841
CF1_seqReads contig 55 mapping 107763 96191 56993 39198 64.165
CF1_seqReads contig 56 mapping 167629 143032 84032 59000 61.441
CF1_seqReads contig 57 mapping 97622 80176 47622 32554 58.829
CF1_seqReads contig 58 mapping 56912 56028 32850 23178 70.506
CF1_seqReads contig 59 mapping 15390 16360 9792 6568 76.745
CF1_seqReads contig 60 mapping 80202 71909 42337 29572 64.292
CF1_seqReads contig 61 mapping 45435 39732 23290 16442 62.592
CF1_seqReads contig 62 mapping 17972 15752 9208 6544 63.102
CF1_seqReads contig 63 mapping 41256 40603 23859 16744 70.545
CF1_seqReads contig 64 mapping 110461 93608 54796 38812 60.845
CF1_seqReads contig 65 mapping 62066 53798 31662 22136 62.125
CF1_seqReads contig 66 mapping 1981 1788 1112 676 63.459
CF1_seqReads contig 67 mapping 32249 28939 17121 11818 64.486
CF1_seqReads contig 68 mapping 30129 30299 17873 12426 72.002
CF1_seqReads contig 69 mapping 73494 70081 41307 28774 68.502
CF1_seqReads contig 70 mapping 42147 32350 19106 13244 54.965
CF1_seqReads contig 71 mapping 15109 14803 8827 5976 70.037
CF1_seqReads contig 72 mapping 19446 17197 10277 6920 63.506
CF1_seqReads contig 73 mapping 1203 2160 1410 750 127.011
CF1_seqReads contig 74 mapping 35575 31557 18907 12650 63.833
CF1_seqReads contig 75 mapping 61658 52593 31031 21562 61.218
CF1_seqReads contig 76 mapping 2104 2063 1335 728 69.914
CF1_seqReads contig 77 mapping 58182 49734 29348 20386 61.311
CF1_seqReads contig 78 mapping 55182 54095 32319 21776 70.398
CF1_seqReads contig 79 mapping 35523 34002 19964 14038 68.577
CF1_seqReads contig 80 mapping 5174 8766 5222 3544 119.842
CF1_seqReads contig 81 mapping 69777 59263 35069 24194 60.855
CF1_seqReads contig 82 mapping 23575 21660 12872 8788 65.608
CF1_seqReads contig 83 mapping 3065 2609 1597 1012 61.1
CF1_seqReads contig 84 mapping 332 803 619 184 171.226
CF1_seqReads contig 85 mapping 5538 5060 3028 2032 63.651
CF1_seqReads contig 86 mapping 18727 16636 9814 6822 63.747
CF1_seqReads contig 87 mapping 27818 21227 12585 8642 54.79
CF1_seqReads contig 88 mapping 20439 17310 10266 7044 60.577
CF1_seqReads contig 89 mapping 14937 13026 7656 5370 62.693
CF1_seqReads contig 90 mapping 17570 16529 9787 6742 67.656
CF1_seqReads contig 91 mapping 7927 7372 4374 2998 66.942
CF1_seqReads contig 92 mapping 2695 5155 3143 2012 136
CF1_seqReads contig 93 mapping 28431 22662 13382 9280 57.128
CF1_seqReads contig 94 mapping 10910 8378 5032 3346 54.889
CF1_seqReads contig 95 mapping 11426 11337 6863 4474 70.898
CF1_seqReads contig 96 mapping 39433 36586 21812 14774 66.563
CF1_seqReads contig 97 mapping 65815 66239 39289 26950 72.083
CF1_seqReads contig 98 mapping 11296 11627 6991 4636 73.84
CF1_seqReads contig 99 mapping 27785 22040 13130 8910 56.893
CF1_seqReads contig 100 mapping 26131 20073 11793 8280 55.234
CF1_seqReads contig 101 mapping 825 766 560 206 61.246
CF1_seqReads contig 102 mapping 25869 25524 15286 10238 70.695
CF1_seqReads contig 103 mapping 7747 7244 4356 2888 66.154
CF1_seqReads contig 104 mapping 34292 28755 16913 11842 60.05
CF1_seqReads contig 105 mapping 17219 16000 9346 6654 66.858
CF1_seqReads contig 106 mapping 39990 34798 20590 14208 62.384
CF1_seqReads contig 107 mapping 38227 33283 19721 13562 62.381
CF1_seqReads contig 108 mapping 1825 1439 919 520 54.89
CF1_seqReads contig 109 mapping 5333 4212 2494 1718 57.046
CF1_seqReads contig 110 mapping 13827 11248 6582 4666 58.276
CF1_seqReads contig 111 mapping 25486 22477 13277 9200 63.393
CF1_seqReads contig 112 mapping 15592 13751 8295 5456 63.048
CF1_seqReads contig 113 mapping 6230 4864 2986 1878 55.995
CF1_seqReads contig 114 mapping 28229 22164 13150 9014 56.051
CF1_seqReads contig 115 mapping 92951 92630 54674 37956 71.557
CF1_seqReads contig 116 mapping 24347 24204 14532 9672 71.386
CF1_seqReads contig 117 mapping 11556 11295 6657 4638 70.199
CF1_seqReads contig 118 mapping 2750 2553 1683 870 64.722
CF1_seqReads contig 119 mapping 19046 14586 8706 5880 54.681
CF1_seqReads contig 120 mapping 19966 17390 10290 7100 62.622
CF1_seqReads contig 121 mapping 1912 1657 1011 646 62.048
CF1_seqReads contig 122 mapping 1236 5497 3435 2062 318.75
CF1_seqReads contig 123 mapping 1136 852 584 268 53.619
CF1_seqReads contig 124 mapping 414 391 273 118 62.2
CF1_seqReads contig 125 mapping 912 931 619 312 72.031
CF1_seqReads contig 126 mapping 915 588 408 180 43.635
CF1_seqReads contig 127 mapping 2039 1853 1165 688 64.089
CF1_seqReads contig 128 mapping 1471 1253 837 416 58.997
CF1_seqReads contig 129 mapping 1148 2382 1560 822 147.665
CF1_seqReads contig 130 mapping 23233 23367 14443 8924 71.842
CF1_seqReads contig 131 mapping 702 472 324 148 47.107
CF1_seqReads contig 132 mapping 855 1461 967 494 120.706
CF1_seqReads contig 133 mapping 461 1027 725 302 157.434
CF1_seqReads contig 134 mapping 1136 834 580 254 52.482
CF1_seqReads contig 135 mapping 1222 1681 1131 550 98.43
CF1_seqReads contig 136 mapping 1316 997 689 308 53.191
CF1_seqReads contig 137 mapping 1923 1880 1204 676 68.222
CF1_seqReads contig 138 mapping 903 601 401 200 47.503
CF1_seqReads contig 139 mapping 604 495 367 128 56.925
CF1_seqReads contig 140 mapping 1854 1651 1081 570 62.929
CF1_seqReads contig 141 mapping 857 1666 1114 552 137.351
CF1_seqReads contig 142 mapping 273 264 214 50 65.048
CF1_seqReads contig 143 mapping 1848 1254 826 428 47.48
CF1_seqReads contig 144 mapping 9112 8829 5223 3606 69.287
CF1_seqReads contig 145 mapping 4959 8350 5042 3308 120.352
CF1_seqReads contig 146 mapping 1160 2386 1570 816 147.567
CF1_seqReads contig 147 mapping 3398 2919 1807 1112 59.74
CF1_seqReads contig 148 mapping 513 491 381 110 65.774
CF1_seqReads contig 149 mapping 2634 2644 1594 1050 71.279
CF1_seqReads contig 150 mapping 2333 1832 1086 746 54.456
CF1_seqReads contig 151 mapping 9929 8130 4910 3220 58.649
CF1_seqReads contig 152 mapping 4867 4591 2765 1826 66.831
CF1_seqReads contig 153 mapping 2244 1984 1278 706 61.906
CF1_seqReads contig 154 mapping 3008 2557 1581 976 61.333
CF1_seqReads contig 155 mapping 553 1015 733 282 130.448
CF1_seqReads contig 156 mapping 735 974 662 312 91.188
CF1_seqReads contig 157 mapping 1375 2157 1507 650 110.765
CF1_seqReads contig 158 mapping 211 168 160 8 54.796
CF1_seqReads contig 159 mapping 211 174 160 14 56.749
CF1_seqReads contig 160 mapping 3076 3113 1855 1258 73.188
CF1_seqReads contig 161 mapping 1965 1474 998 476 51.869
CF1_seqReads contig 162 mapping 2495 2055 1301 754 57.74
CF1_seqReads contig 163 mapping 230 201 183 18 59.178
CF1_seqReads contig 164 mapping 899 1786 1176 610 140.673
CF1_seqReads contig 165 mapping 3860 2683 1643 1040 49.358
CF1_seqReads contig 166 mapping 1207 1064 642 422 62.839
CF1_seqReads contig 167 mapping 6068 5769 3555 2214 67.996
CF1_seqReads contig 168 mapping 1345 980 628 352 51.059
CF1_seqReads contig 169 mapping 2407 2119 1233 886 62.073
CF1_seqReads contig 170 mapping 236 409 359 50 119.915
CF1_seqReads contig 171 mapping 2288 1959 1229 730 61.018
CF1_seqReads contig 172 mapping 1214 715 497 218 40.74
CF1_seqReads contig 173 mapping 323 531 431 100 113.607
CF1_seqReads contig 174 mapping 1222 789 529 260 44.583
CF1_seqReads contig 175 mapping 207 188 182 6 61.063
CF1_seqReads contig 176 mapping 2236 2204 1392 812 70.699
CF1_seqReads contig 177 mapping 1173 1189 901 288 70.116
CF1_seqReads contig 178 mapping 757 692 476 216 62.54
CF1_seqReads contig 179 mapping 238 485 413 72 137.378
CF1_seqReads contig 180 mapping 1122 984 670 314 62.156
CF1_seqReads contig 181 mapping 1717 1305 819 486 53.286
CF1_seqReads contig 182 mapping 739 1061 825 236 101.298
CF1_seqReads contig 183 mapping 377 293 231 62 54.255
CF1_seqReads contig 184 mapping 878 837 589 248 67.145
CF1_seqReads contig 185 mapping 905 786 540 246 60.841
CF1_seqReads contig 186 mapping 321 223 189 34 44.969
CF1_seqReads contig 187 mapping 215 251 221 30 77.498
CF1_seqReads contig 188 mapping 1153 1074 718 356 64.892
CF1_seqReads contig 189 mapping 568 441 303 138 53.771
CF1_seqReads contig 190 mapping 582 450 282 168 54.89
CF1_seqReads contig 191 mapping 452 767 585 182 119.653
CF1_seqReads contig 192 mapping 263 218 186 32 58.73
CF1_seqReads contig 193 mapping 313 247 193 54 54.22
CF1_seqReads contig 194 mapping 295 214 174 40 48.346
CF1_seqReads contig 195 mapping 297 197 145 52 47.007
CF1_seqReads contig 196 mapping 346 230 180 50 42.566
CF1_seqReads contig 197 mapping 392 226 180 46 37.457
CF1_seqReads contig 198 mapping 208 168 150 18 53.255
CF1_seqReads contig 199 mapping 660 586 398 188 62.903
CF1_seqReads contig 200 mapping 276 300 250 50 72.681
CF1_seqReads contig 201 mapping 388 269 231 38 45.611
CF1_seqReads contig 202 mapping 353 343 245 98 67.042
CF1_seqReads contig 203 mapping 284 175 139 36 42.144
and looking at the y axis I can notice that there are 3 groups of points.
Is there an algorithm to identify each group without using max and/or min y values?
If you want to use some preset values for grouping the y then you could use cut
A reproducible example
DF <- data.frame(y= runif(100), x = rnorm(100))
# grouping at 0.33 / 0.66
mygroups <- seq(0,1,l=4)
ggplot(DF, aes(x=x,y=y)) + geom_point(aes(colour= cut(y,breaks = mygroups))) +
scale_colour_brewer('My groups', palette = 'Set2')
Or you could do some simple clustering (a combination of scale and kmeans on x and y perhaps)
ggplot(DF, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_point(aes(colour= factor(kmeans(scale(cbind(x,y)), centers=3)$cluster))) +
scale_colour_brewer('My groups', palette = 'Set2')
Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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Intro: I'm coming to this problem without full familiarity with the Bluetooth stack and protocols, so this may require several rounds of editing as errors in my assumptions are revealed.
I'm attempting to connect to a Bluetooth device, a Scosche myTREK Pulse Monitor. I was able to connect to the device using the 'official' app for Android, and I captured the Bluetooth packet output using hcidump. I can read and understand the connection process up through the link key exchange; however, the device then sends an HCI Encrypt Change event, after which most (but not all) packets are labeled as ACL packets, and are difficult to interpret.
The basic question is: Does Bluetooth encrypt data, and is there a way to decrypt it securely? Is this related to the shift to ACL packets?
Here is a sample of the packet output provided by hcidump for a given connection, starting at the passing of the Link Key. ( > refers to the monitor sending data )
> HCI Event: Link Key Request (0x17) plen 6
0000: ** ** ** ** ** ** ??????
< HCI Command: Link Key Request Reply (0x01|0x000b) plen 22
0000: ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ???????????????
0010: ** ** ** ** ** ** ??????
> HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 10
0000: 01 0b 04 00 ** ** ** ** ** ** ....??????
> HCI Event: Encrypt Change (0x08) plen 4
0000: 00 0c 00 01 ....
> ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x02 dlen 12
L2CAP(s): Connect req: psm 1 scid 0x0040
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 16
0000: 0c 00 01 00 03 02 08 00 40 00 40 00 01 00 00 00 ........#.#.....
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 10
0000: 06 00 01 00 0a 01 02 00 02 00 ..........
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5
0000: 01 0c 00 02 00 .....
> ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x02 dlen 16
L2CAP(s): Info rsp: type 2 result 0
Extended feature mask 0x0000
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 16
0000: 0c 00 01 00 03 02 08 00 40 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 ........#.#.....
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 12
0000: 08 00 01 00 04 02 04 00 40 00 00 00 ........#...
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5
0000: 01 0c 00 02 00 .....
> ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x02 dlen 16
L2CAP(s): Config req: dcid 0x0040 flags 0x00 clen 4
MTU 48
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 18
0000: 0e 00 01 00 05 03 0a 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 ........#.......
0010: 30 00 0.
> ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x02 dlen 14
L2CAP(s): Config rsp: scid 0x0040 flags 0x00 result 0 clen 0
> ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x02 dlen 36
L2CAP(d): cid 0x0040 len 32 [psm 0]
0000: 06 00 01 00 1b 35 11 1c 00 00 00 00 de ca fa de .....5......??·?
0010: de ca de af de ca ca fe 00 26 35 03 09 00 04 00 ???»????.&5.....
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 33
0000: 1d 00 40 00 07 00 01 00 18 00 15 35 13 35 11 09 ..#........5.5..
0010: 00 04 35 0c 35 03 19 01 00 35 05 19 00 03 08 12 ..5.5....5......
0020: 00 .
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5
0000: 01 0c 00 02 00 .....
> ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x02 dlen 12
L2CAP(s): Disconn req: dcid 0x0040 scid 0x0040
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 12
0000: 08 00 01 00 07 04 04 00 40 00 40 00 ........#.#.
> ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x02 dlen 12
L2CAP(s): Connect req: psm 3 scid 0x0041
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 16
0000: 0c 00 01 00 03 05 08 00 40 00 41 00 00 00 00 00 ........#.A.....
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5
0000: 01 0c 00 02 00 .....
> ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x02 dlen 16
L2CAP(s): Config req: dcid 0x0040 flags 0x00 clen 4
MTU 895
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 18
0000: 0e 00 01 00 05 06 0a 00 41 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 ........A.......
0010: 7f 03 ..
< ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x00 dlen 16
0000: 0c 00 01 00 04 03 08 00 41 00 00 00 01 02 f5 03 ........A.....?.
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5
0000: 01 0c 00 02 00 .....
> ACL data: handle 12 flags 0x02 dlen 18
L2CAP(s): Config rsp: scid 0x0040 flags 0x00 result 0 clen 4
MTU 1013
At this point, the payloads delivered by the device vary drastically between runs, much less within a single run. I've placed the remainder of the log in a pastebin for brevity: Link
Yes, bluetooth encrypts data over the air. And yes, this applies to ACL data. But the data you are seeing over the HCI interface is already decrypted. Your problem is that you don't know how to interpret the ACL data stream. There are a couple levels of protocol on top of ACL data. Unless your device documents their protocol, you may be out of luck. It's most likely that they are running SPP (serial port profile) or RFCOMM to talk to the android app. So you have the following nested protocol layers to decode SPP -> RFCOMM -> L2CAP -> ACL data.
It is also possible that your device/app do additional application level encryption on top of SPP. In that case, you're out of luck.