Send future clients to right monitor in awesome? - awesome-wm

I'm trying to implement a very customized implementation of awesome.
I have two monitors. I'd like to have my first client always open on the left monitor (a Chrome window in kiosk mode), then all clients after open up on the right monitor.
Are there any custom layouts that accomodate this?
I'd be willing to program it myself, but I'm not sure how to bind a script to some kind of "new client" event.

The new client event is the manage event. It is emitted whenever, well, a new client gets managed by awesome.
To send the first client that ever appears to screen 1 and all following ones to screen 2, you could do something like this:
local first = true
client.connect_signal("manage", function(c)
if first then
c.screen = 1
c.screen = 2
first = false


How do I hold a specific position using Zaber Console Script?

I am trying to write a simple script using Zaber Console.
I basically have to move my robot arm to a certain position (i.e. 43.9mm) hold the position for 10 minutes and go back to the home position.
I found all the command for moving (fast/slow and with a certain acceleration) but I can't undestand how to tell the machine to stay at 43.9mm poistion for 10 minutes.
Any suggestions ?
I am coding in "this language":
Conversation.Request("move abs", 881890);
Conversation.Request(Command.MoveAbsolute, 881890);
Thanks a lot.
For your reference, if you are coding through the script editor in Zaber Console, we offer a scripting page which covers C#, Javascript, VP, as well as Python. You can find the scripting page here:
The language in your script is using C#, and a quick program to execute what you'd like to do can be written like this:
var device1 = PortFacade.GetConversation(1); // This is assuming your device
// is device 1 in the chain.
// The device list in Zaber Console will let you know the device number.
// Alternatively, you can use the renumber command to change the device number.
device1.Request("move abs 100000"); //the data value for 43.9 mm will vary
// from device to device. The formula would be 43.9[mm]/ Microstep size[mm] = Data value
// The microstep size can be found on the product page at, or
// email
Sleep(5000); //Sleep is in milliseconds
device1.Request("move abs 0");
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email

Client doesn't have a name/class at startup

I'm trying to start an application (Spotify) on a particular tag. Rules aren't applied and now I'm inspecting the client class by printing the class in a notification in the "manage" signal. This results in an empty notification.
client.connect_signal("manage", function (c, startup)
When I restart awesome, it does print the client class, so why isn't it working when the client is initially started?
Using xprop, it also prints the class:
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "spotify", "Spotify"
Sounds like a bug in Spotify (and I think I heard about this one before). I would guess that Spotify does not follow ICCCM and only sets its WM_CLASS property after it made its window visible and not before.
I fear that you cannot do much about this except for complaining to Spotify devs to fix their stuff.
You could work around this by starting a timer in the manage signal that checks if a window turns out to be spotify a short time later. Alternatively, you could do something like client.connect_signal("property::class", function(c) if c.class == "Spotify" then print("This is now a spotify window") end end) to react to change to a window's class (of course you'd want to do something more useful to Spotify's windows than printing them).
(Per the ICCCM, a window is not allowed to change its class while it is visible, but who cares about standards...)
I had a similar issue with the claws-mail client. Inspecting it via xprop, it shows
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "claws-mail", "Claws-mail"
but awesome just did’t apply the rules for it. The trick was giving awesome-wm both of these class names in the rules section by providing a set of characters to chose from:
rule = {class = "[Cc]laws%-mail"}
I hope this works for your spotify application, too.
For further reading about patterns in lua I suggest this:

PostMessage interferes with user input

I'm trying to send key stroke to an external application in java using jna.
It sends VK_DOWN key, also that application has a shortcut for ctrl+down which makes something very different. My application sends around ~15 down key with 1 sec in between, and if user happens to click CTRL during it while working on a different window, it breaks the application(treats it as ctrl+down).
I checked the keyboard messages via Spy++, compared mine with AutoIt, they are exactly same messages.
ControlSend("window_title", "", "", "{DOWN}")
This AutoIt code works perfect, even if I click ctrl when window is active or inactive, it does not interfere with down key.
My code on the other hand:
User32.INSTANCE.PostMessage(handle, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam, lparamDown);
User32.INSTANCE.PostMessage(handle, WM_KEYUP, wparam, lparamUp);
has exactly same messages, but it doesn't work.
I tried sending control up before sending down key but to no avail.
Spy++ output:
<14335> 00011456 P WM_KEYDOWN nVirtKey:VK_DOWN cRepeat:1 ScanCode:50 fExtended:1 fAltDown:0 fRepeat:0 fUp:0
<14336> 00011456 P WM_KEYUP nVirtKey:VK_DOWN cRepeat:1 ScanCode:50 fExtended:1 fAltDown:0 fRepeat:1 fUp:1
My ctrl clicks are not even on target application so why does it treat it as such? Should I use a hook?

VLC-Player in adobe Air App does not stop/quit

Well i have an adobe air , downloaded from below link.. it is wonderful app..
and this works fine. It captures my screen , record audio but it just does not stop or quit as vlc-player.exe continues to run in the task manager.
i tried lots of vlc- commands but it just does not stop once it starts capturing screen video.
I need help on it..
I know this is a old thread, but just in case someone wants to know...
You can't use rc-fake-tty because Windows doesn't support terminal. For Windows, tell VLC to run with only one instance, then send it the quit command as a separate NativeProcess call.
So, in the linked article, change the stopRecording() method to this:
public function stopRecording():void{
var startupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
startupInfo.executable = vlcFile;
var processArgs:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
processArgs.push("rc"); //Remote control
startupInfo.arguments = processArgs;
var killSwitch:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
And make sure to add this:
To your initial screen record startupInfo in startRecording() method.
I quit using vlc for the same reason and started to write my recording application using .Net 4, but i am having less performance using c# now.
VLC for windows does not support fake rc control so setting rc-fake-tty is useless. As the very last try, i wanna control is via socket. If you got it working this way, please make me informed.

When listening for keypress in Flash Lite should I be listening for Key.Down or the numeric code for this key?

The adobe documentation says that when listening for a keypress event from a phone you should listen for Key.Down, however when I trace the Key.getCode() of keypresses I see a number not the string "Key.Down". I am tesing this locally in device central and do not have a phone to test this with at present. Here is my code -
keyListener = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
switch (Key.getCode()) {
trace(Key.getCode()) // outputs 40
case (Key.DOWN) : // according to the docs
My question is - is this simply because Im testing in device central and when I run it on the phone I will need to be listening for Key.Down? or is the documentation wrong? Also is the numeric code (40) consistent across all devices? What gives adobe?
thanks all
Key.Down is equal to 40 so it will recognize it as the same. So you can use whichever one you prefer, however, I would recommend using Key.Down because it will be easily recognizeable for those who dont have Key Codes memorized (most of us).
These are the Key Code Values for Javascript. However, I think they are pretty much universal
