Google Analytics: dashboard with custom calculations between metrics - google-analytics

Is it possible in the dashboard to report a value which is a custom calculation between fields?
I have an event called "banner_impression" and another one called "banner_click"
I would like to calculate which is the percentage of "banner_click" events over "banner_impression" events.
Any way to report such calculated value in a dashboard?

Nope. Sadly calculated metrics are not a feature in any version of Google Analytics. I hear Adobe Analytics has it, but that's an enterprise-level paid solution.
You'll have to export the data out of Google Analytics, open it in Excel, and then divide your clicks by your impressions to include it in any sort of dashboard. Excel plugins are available that can help with this, and they include Analytics Edge, Next Analytics, and the Napkyn Reporting Manger.
There are also dashboarding applications like Klipfolio and Mixpanel that can allow you to suck in data from various sources (incl. Google Analytics) and present your data in a much more appealing way.


How to get Paid User And Free User from google analytics

I'm New when it comes to google analytics and I have an Apps that use google analytics, but I got some question, Can we use google analytics to track paid and free user separately? If it can where I can find it in google analytics? I'm quite confused with a lot of information in there to use it in data studio
some metrics that I used right now from Google Analytics:
users -> to get all unique user that come to my apps
You can distinguish whether sessions that came or not from paid campaigns, but a user can have more than one session and each session could have been started by different channels, for example from a pay channel and another from an organic channel, but the user is always the same. So, with basic tracking, I'd talk about sessions and not users.
Yes, you can track such details, but you need to let Google Analytics know, who do you consider to be a free or a paid customer, as this is not a standard dimension. This can be achieved with Custom Dimensions.
Key steps involve:
Creating the custom dimension in Google Analytics administration. This is a property level setting. Based on your description, this will likely be a user level dimension.
You need to adjust your tracking code (or Google Tag Manager settings) to include the customers' level among the data, which is sent to Google Analytics. You need to refer the proper dimension ID, which you get during the creation of it.
You need to apply the given custom dimension to your reports. This can be done by using a secondary dimension within the standard reports, or by creating a Custom report. It is also possible by creating a segment of different users, and to apply this segment to various reports.
Further reading is available in this support article.

Export Google Analytics UTM measures to spreadsheet

My team is creating several UTM links and we would like to achieve better understanding of our campaigns through a google spreadsheet.
Our spreadsheet lets us prepare easily new UTM links, but we would also like to gather data related to the activity of those UTM links, that we would otherwise have to get through google analytics and selecting the right parameters
Is it possible to add an extra column(s) that would automatically retrieve such information from Google Analytics ? Maybe a script that we can run once in a while, and that would pull the number of clicks GA has registered for every UTM link ?
Online I have found some scripts to assist UTM link generation, but nothing about actually retrieving/exporting the results automatically to a spreadsheet.
The most straightforward way would be to use the Google Analytics Spreadsheets Add-On and filter (or segment) by your campaign (utm) information. You can configure multiple independent reports for different campaigns and set a trigger to have it updated automatically in regular intervals.

filter sheets google analytics plugin

I have implemented the Google Analytics Add-on to my Google Sheets Account.. I'm building a Dashboard for the company I work for, working in E-commerce... The issue I'm having has to do with filters (I believe)... One of the metrics we look at on a weekly basis is performance by channel (i.e. Organic, Email, Display, Direct etc..) I don't know how to create reports that spit out the data for each specific medium.. The idea is so I build this dashboard so it updates dynamically(obviously) but unless I figure out how to filter metrics like revenue and traffic by medium I'm unable to do that...
How about this query:
metric ga:transactionRevenue
dimension ga:sourceMedium
sort -ga:transactionRevenue
Screen Shot of full query Source / Medium Revenue

Google Analytics monthly report to be sent weekly?

It is possible to choose an interval for a certain Google Analytics report?
I would like to be able to send a monthly report (for the last 30 days) on weekly basis.
I don't believe this is currently possible through the Google Analytics website, but you could use the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on to achieve a very similar result.
You can Share almost any report in GA
Use Email option and set frequency Weekly.
I am new here so cant post image, would have posted screenshot otherwise.

Combine custom variables and events in Google Analytics to track marketing campaign effectiveness

I'm trying to track the success of marketing campaigns through conversion on a portal. The portal is largely JS based and for right now we can't use URL goal tracking. Instead, I'm planning on using event-based goal conversion that can report all the variables I need. The problem is how do I connect marketing campaigns to the eventual conversion? These campaigns span SEM, email, landing pages, partnerships, etc.
My initial idea was to use a URL param to set a session-level custom variable identifying the marketing campaign that funneled the visitor, and then to compare this to goal conversion. However, I'm not sure custom variables can even be compared to goal conversions in Google Analytics -- and I'm worried that I might be over-thinking this.
I'm worried I'm way over-thinking this. If I create a custom campaign using the URL Builder, will that give me everything I want, allowing me to track campaign conversions?
Yes, I think you are over-thinking things. :-)
As long as you properly tag the campaigns using the utm variables in your destination URLs as they show you how to do in URL builder, they should allow you to see your specific goal conversions by source, medium, campaign, etc. in your GA profile. Using the new Multi-Channel funnels features you'll also be able to see how the sources of previous visits influence future conversion behavior as well.
Generate help with campaign conversion tracking here:
Info on Multi-Channel funnels here:
